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New Event Calendar (Dec-Jan)


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A new calendar has just been posted! 


I've created a spreadsheet that tracks the orbs we get daily.  Here is the link.  I realize that this is similar to the one on FE Heroes Wiki's website, but it doesn't include future orbs, so I hope this will prove to be useful.  I did this because I like to manage my orbs so that I pick which banner(s) to focus on, and I hope to help you decide which banner(s) to focus on.

The current day in my spreadsheet is highlighted in purple.  If my spreadsheet and the calendar are accurate, we're talking about 340 orbs this month, the most since at least September.  If you find an error or want to leave feedback, please PM me or add a comment on the sheet. 

Edited by DarkAlf
Included calendar from website (1st edit); link to spreadsheet that tracks daily orbs (2nd edit)
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The banners:
12/13: New Power
-- Est, Catria, Palla banner
-- Ogma, MRobin banner
12/18: Special Heroes banner (Christmas 2018)
12/23: Fortress skills banner (Kliff, Innes; very doubtful that Lukas and/or Seth would appear unless IS wants to be a troll)
12/28: LH banner (Marth, Fjorm, Hector, Eir)
12/31: possible 1-2 Voting Gauntlet banners
1/1: Special Heroes banner (New Years 2019)
1/4: BHB banner (Clarine, Klein, likely Cecilia as 3rd unit)
1/6: Tactic skills banner (candidates include Ylgr, Siegbert, Shiro, L'Arachel, Legault)
1/11: FE10 banner (Tibarn, Nailah, ???)

Not listed:
Christmas 2017 rerun (Chrom, Lissa, Robin, Tharja)
New Years 2018 rerun (Camilla, Azura, Takumi)


Interesting to note are the titles of the 2 back-to-back TT events - it seems that there will be no Christmas-themed TT this year as there are going to be TTs that are about book 3.

Edited by Roflolxp54
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2 minutes ago, DraceEmpressa said:

im surprised that there is no new year banner since seasonals sells

There's a Special Heroes banner starting on 12/31 (really 1/1 for most of the world). It will most likely be the New Years 2019 banner. Can't blame you for not seeing it though - the event calendar is often a clusterfuck.

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20 minutes ago, Roflolxp54 said:

There's a Special Heroes banner starting on 12/31 (really 1/1 for most of the world). It will most likely be the New Years 2019 banner. Can't blame you for not seeing it though - the event calendar is often a clusterfuck.

oh, yes, my time is 2 hours later than japan, its already 1/1  by the time the schedule come . 

double tt tho

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My take on the banners.

New Power: easy skip - all units are 3-4* available.
Christmas 2018 banner: N/A
Christmas 2017 rerun: unsure about this one though I wouldn't mind Bold Fighter and Vengeful Fighter.
Fortress skills banner: I wouldn't mind getting Kliff but this is looking to be a skip since I already have Innes and Lukas and Seth are 3-4* available. And with the units I have, I'd be having trouble finding units who would want to use Fortress Def/Res 3 aside from maybe Sheena, who already has DC.
LH banner: This one will likely see me spending orbs on - there's a good possibility that Summer Camilla and Brave Celica are going to show up on the banner. Brave Celica and Summer Camilla have fodder I want, especially for Valentines Lyn.
Voting Gauntlet banners (if any): likely to be skips
New Years 2019 banner: N/A
New Years 2018 rerun: I kinda want Camilla so that Olivia can get Kadomatsu.
BHB banner: easy skip - assuming Cecilia shows up as the 3rd unit, all units are 3-4* available.
Tactic skills banner: easy skip - I'm not the biggest user of Tactic teams and I'd be having trouble finding units who'd use them nowadays.
FE10 banner: likely a skip for me

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1 minute ago, Roflolxp54 said:

My take on the banners.

New Power: easy skip - all units are 3-4* available.
Christmas 2018 banner: N/A
Christmas 2017 rerun: unsure about this one though I wouldn't mind Bold Fighter and Vengeful Fighter.
Fortress skills banner: I wouldn't mind getting Kliff but this is looking to be a skip since I already have Innes and Lukas and Seth are 3-4* available. And with the units I have, I'd be having trouble finding units who would want to use Fortress Def/Res 3 aside from maybe Sheena, who already has DC.
LH banner: This one will likely see me spending orbs on - there's a good possibility that Summer Camilla and Brave Celica are going to show up on the banner. Brave Celica and Summer Camilla have fodder I want, especially for Valentines Lyn.
Voting Gauntlet banners (if any): likely to be skips
New Years 2019 banner: N/A
New Years 2018 rerun: I kinda want Camilla so that Olivia can get Kadomatsu.
BHB banner: easy skip - assuming Cecilia shows up as the 3rd unit, all units are 3-4* available.
Tactic skills banner: easy skip - I'm not the biggest user of Tactic teams and I'd be having trouble finding units who'd use them nowadays.
FE10 banner: likely a skip for me

I gotta agree with most. Except that my Sheena would love FDR3, so I am going for it if there's no Lukas in my way.

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Well 2 TTs back to back make me happy since TT is my favorite event and I have several units that need SP.  I really hope that the TT units are just as good as the last one.  Well at least I know I will have plenty of orbs for the Laguz banner, as long as the seasonals aren't too tempting.  Here is hoping I can snag NY!Azura on the rerun since I have yet to pull a single flying dancer.  

Edit; looking at the names of the TTs, I wonder if there is a chance we will get Bruno and regular Veronica as the TT units?

Edited by EricaofRenais
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Aside from the current hero fest banner, it looks like all my orbs can be focused on Christmas and possibly New Year's. I don't think I'll care to pull on the legendary, beast or side banners coming up. They'd have to really get me with the new legendary hero or sneak Velouria into the beast banner to steer me otherwise.

Glad we get 2 TTs to stack up orbs for the back-to-back seasonals.

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2 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

Aside from the current hero fest banner, it looks like all my orbs can be focused on Christmas and possibly New Year's. I don't think I'll care to pull on the legendary, beast or side banners coming up. They'd have to really get me with the new legendary hero or sneak Velouria into the beast banner to steer me otherwise.

Glad we get 2 TTs to stack up orbs for the back-to-back seasonals.

Umm, don't think there's a new Legendary in December. It says in the Hero Fest that Eir is going to be in the LHB and that Legendaries heroes will alternate with Mythic Heroes. As well as the wording for heroes being gods, but I doubt they'll do this. Alot of Lords won't have alts if they do that.

Edited by ArgentSable
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12 minutes ago, ArgentSable said:

Umm, don't think there's a new Legendary in December. It says in the Hero Fest that Eir is going to be in the LHB and that Legendaries heroes will alternate with Mythic Heroes. As well as the wording for heroes being gods, but I doubt they'll do this. Alot of Lords won't have alts if they do that.

I got the impression she'd be on the banner but we'd still possibly get a new legendary hero too. Then a new mythic in January as they alternate. It would be a little odd of them to keep her as the centerpiece of the next legendary banner when she's already been run just before it on a banner with better rates.

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2 minutes ago, Alkaid said:

I got the impression she'd be on the banner but we'd still possibly get a new legendary hero too. Then a new mythic in January as they alternate. It would be a little odd of them to keep her as the centerpiece of the next legendary banner when she's already been run just before it on a banner with better rates.

Was Fjorm the centerpiece of her month's banner or was Gunthra added? That might be the answer to our questions.

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10 minutes ago, ArgentSable said:

Was Fjorm the centerpiece of her month's banner or was Gunthra added? That might be the answer to our questions.

Fjorm was the first legendary hero.  Of course, the first legendary banner started with book 2, so if there will be a new legendary remains to be seen.

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10 minutes ago, EricaofRenais said:

Fjorm was the first legendary hero.  Of course, the first legendary banner started with book 2, so if there will be a new legendary remains to be seen.

I guess I wasn't specific. But you kinda answered my question.


No matter, we'll see. My bets on no new LH, but that's me.

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That's a lot of orbs.. Unfortunately they all have to be saved for the Radiant Dawn banner. Hope I can resist the lure of shinies... Unless one of my top 5 favourites (Takumi, Sakura, Reyson, Maribelle, Tibarn. Two of which can't be appearing there) is on those banners, I am not going to pull. I hope. 

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After whipping that spreadsheet together, I've had a chance to finally digest all this.  By the time the new heroes banner rolls around in mid-January, I'll have a total of over 900 orbs (currently at 592).  There are three banners I'm eyeing:

  • Hero Fest (now): 100 orbs for more Eirs; will spend once all 7 Free Summon Tickets arrive
  • December legendary heroes: 500 orbs for Fjorm and L!Hector merges (maybe more if I get lucky with NY!Azura); this is the big banner for me
  • Rerun of New Year's 2018: 200 orbs for a single copy of NY!Azura

I won't spend orbs on the new Special Heroes banners unless there's an armored/cavalry dancer/singer OR the special heroes are bonus units for Tempest Trials so that I hopefully get someone for HM grinding.

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1 hour ago, ArgentSable said:

Was Fjorm the centerpiece of her month's banner or was Gunthra added? That might be the answer to our questions.

Fjorm was basically November's Legendary Hero. Gunnthra was December's Hero.

So we're likely getting a new hero this month as usual.

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1 minute ago, Sentinel07 said:

Fjorm was basically November's Legendary Hero. Gunnthra was December's Hero.

So we're likely getting a new hero this month as usual.

Hmm true. We already got a new LHB in November (Hrid) but I guess I could see us getting a new one.

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As for the calendar, looks pretty good overall.

There's only one thing that slightly worries me. That new hero banner in January (RD banner) goes on really long, all the way to the end of the month. I hope that doesn't mean we're only getting 1 new hero banner in January when we got 2 last year.

That would mean only 1 new story chapter before having to deal with Valentine's, and that would suck.

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