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Most/Least Used Smash Ultimate Characters Online


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So from what you guys have experienced, who are the most/least used Smash Ultimate characters online?

Before you read the below, I should state that I've actually played a bit over 210 online matches. I know for a fact it's over 210 because I've beaten all of the online challenges on the challenge board, and one challenge is to do 200 quick play matches and another is to do 10 arena matches.

I haven't actually kept track of numbers specifically for most used, but I've seen a lot of King K. Rools, Isabelles, and Young Links online most of which resort to cowardly/spammy tactics.

As for least used, I've never seen any of these 7 online from what I can recall: Falco, Meta Knight, Wario, Diddy Kong, Olimar, R.O.B., and Little Mac. Everyone else I've seen at least 2 times, except for Bowser Jr. who I've only seen one person use online.

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