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Map Animations Not Working


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(I'm actually making this thread on mobile, so bear with me, lol.)


In FEH, my Map Animations are set to be on (even though they try their hardest to make the wording confusing). But when I engage on an enemy, it doesn't play the animations. I play as a tapper rather than a dragger. **WHEN I DRAG to test, it DOES work properly.** But tapping seems to act like I'm double tapping within 1 frame, cancelling any animation.


I am talking about the map sprite animations, and not the little cutscenes. Tap-playing always comes with an extra tap that cancels animations. Dragging works fine, but I hate playing by dragging.


I have a cheap Cricket Android. Maybe that's related, or just the entire problem, but that feels like the boring, "nothing anybody can do" answer.

Does anybody else have this issue???

[Edit] To be clear, I cannot SEE any sort of "extra tap". It simply acts as if there is one, and a human eye would not be able to see an extra tap sparkle within 1 frame.

Edited by 4thBro
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