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Tempest Trial+: An Alliance of Princesses [DATAMINE]

Diovani Bressan

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is Laegjarn the TT reward? So...which lance cav could benefit from her weapon that isn’t her? 

More combat manuals for me, I guess. The only laguz that could make me spend my orb reserves would be Lethe or Lyre. 


Edited by Lord-Zero
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41 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

What did Lucina proof?

(I like all her alts, even if the spring one looks a bit strange.)

I meant getting the same char in a short timespan multiple times makes him/her less appealing to me. 

She's still the most dislike legendary hero & she was release 11 months later. Timing would have never matter

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I really don't need Gunnthra or Hrid because I have Legendary Ryoma BUT I want them. They look so good.

Although someone said Hrid looks like Ninja which kind of ruined him for me. Not trying to hate on Ninja, but I'd rather not think of him when I'm looking at Hrid.

Red > Green > Gray 

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Guys the new Laegjarn was made for a team with Hrid/Gunnthra.  Their seals will debuff Atk/Spd while she debuffs Def/Res with her B skill and lance.  Atk/Spd bond is also awesome reward.

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2 hours ago, mampfoid said:


I went all-in (orb count: zero) since NY19 didn't seem better than her, even if I would have liked a Gunnthrá or a TT bonus unit in general. 

New year is also around longer giving some more chances.


2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

Did you get her already? I'll try again with TT orbs.

Not yet, I'm summoning on the last days usually unless I really want something as a bonus unit, to see all the other banners that come out.

But I guess this time it wouldn't matter, as I don't think anything could get me to pull something else right now and with TT and VG likely not having a banner, it's only the tactic skills and BHB banner left before this runs out.

I got every flying dancer at the first opportunity until now and it's Azura on top of that, so I am not leaving this banner without her. (Please don't let IS hear that.)


And I wish you the best of luck with your TT orbs, may you get her, so you can stop being angry at her as well.

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9 hours ago, Zangetsu said:

She's still the most dislike legendary hero & she was release 11 months later. Timing would have never matter

I don't know how to measure dislike,  but I guess people are used to alt heaps of alts now in general. 

8 hours ago, Azuris said:

New year is also around longer giving some more chances.


Not yet, I'm summoning on the last days usually unless I really want something as a bonus unit, to see all the other banners that come out.

But I guess this time it wouldn't matter, as I don't think anything could get me to pull something else right now and with TT and VG likely not having a banner, it's only the tactic skills and BHB banner left before this runs out.

I got every flying dancer at the first opportunity until now and it's Azura on top of that, so I am not leaving this banner without her. (Please don't let IS hear that.)


And I wish you the best of luck with your TT orbs, may you get her, so you can stop being angry at her as well.

NY will overlap with the other banners in January, but the fun of seasonal units is having them for their TTs.

I don't have a ranged flying dancer yet. 

Thanks, also perfect luck to you! May you get her fast. 

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17 hours ago, Diovani Bressan said:
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FLIER HRID! AS A WINTER SEASONAL! HOW DID I GUESS THIS?!! I'm so happy. :D I hope I get him. o.o Twice. For merging.

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8 hours ago, mampfoid said:

NY will overlap with the other banners in January, but the fun of seasonal units is having them for their TTs.

Oh right, you play that manually. Then it really is a lot more fun to have them right away.

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So now I will use a flyer team with Eir, Shigure, L!Ryoma and Myrrh since I will have to wait to do pulls for Hrid until I get TT orbs if I get him he will replace Ryoma. Now watch as I spend all my orbs for Hrid and then they put Naesala on the Laguz banner.  Of course that won't happen since I want Naesala in Heroes too much for them to actually do it.

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22 minutes ago, Azuris said:

Oh right, you play that manually. Then it really is a lot more fun to have them right away.

Yeah, I only auto on rival domains and Grand conquest. TTs are still fun, but in the last events my interest faded faster than usual. Didn't play the Winter TTs on their last 3 days, which never happened before. Couldn't think of an 2 weeks event with the current mechanics. 

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Sigh... of course every single detail about the New Year was datamined down to the TT rewards...

Well Spur Def/Res is a little nice for supports, Threaten Res is... there, and Atk/Spd Bond is probably gonna be the 20k point reward because it's clearly the best seal.

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I have no use for Laegjarn when I have summer Cordelia and the preference of using characters I don't actively despise. Besides [DATAMINE]:


She's just begging to die to the SI grinder when she's coming in with stuff like Def Tactic and Chill Res.

As for my team, I guess this where Eir will really get to stretch her legs with Fjorm close to max merits and my preference of using Sharena as little as possible.

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13 hours ago, Garlyle said:

Looking over bonus units...

Hríd, you are not a princess.

Let him be who he wants. Hahaha. He can be a pretty princess if he wants to be.

If I'm lucky enough to get him, NY!Hrid is naturally gonna be on my team along with Eir and Laegjarn. I love doing TT runs with nothing but Bonus Units.  But might leave the 4th slot open for like Brave Veronica or a dancer depending on what I get from the NY!2 Banner.

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3 minutes ago, silverserpent said:

i hope so...sitting on 45 orbs right now so i hope Hríd comes home without Gunnthra showing up instead...

see. this is why trading needs to be a thing. 
i might go a little red/green for gunnthra but i just know i'll get Hrid instead. we could switch haha

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