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Action Replay Item Codes on Dolphin

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So I'm on Dolphin 5.0 with an USA Path of Radiance .iso file (I'm 99% sure of this).

I have successfully got varies cheat codes to function correctly, but the one cheat that I haven't been able to correctly execute is item creation. I use the most common method of item creation on Ike with a button combination that triggers the cheat.

The code for the button combination trigger for the item creation works, but the individual item codes that the cheat generates always turns out to be some unusable junk item with an Iron Sword icon.


I just don't know what went wrong, and I'd like any help if possible.


Edited by SaviorSword
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Have you tried this?

Practice Axe - 80933F20
Iron Axe - 80933ED8
Steel Axe - 80933F68
Silver Axe - 80933FB0
Hand Axe - 809341A8
Short Axe - 80934280
Tomahawk - 809341F0
Bolt Axe - 80934238
Poleax - 809340D0
Laguz Axe - 809342C8
Killer Axe - 80934088
Brave Axe - 80934040
Hammer - 80934118
Venin Axe - 80933FF8
Devil Axe - 80934160 (It's here!)
Urvan - 80934310 (S-level Axe)

Slim Lance - 80933B78
Iron Lance - 80933B30
Steel Lance - 80933BC0
Silver Lance - 80933C08
Javelin - 80933D70
Short Spear - 80933E90
Spear - 80933DB8
Heavy Spear - 80936908
Knight Killer - 80933D28
Laguz Lance - 80933E48
Killer Lance - 80933CE0
Brave Lance - 80933C98
Venin Lance - 80933C50
Flame Lance - 80933E00
Wishblade - 80934868

Slim Sword - 80933620
Iron Sword - 80933590
Iron Blade - 809336F8
Steel Sword - 80933668
Steel Blade - 809349D0
Silver Sword - 809336B0
Silver Blade - 80933740
Trainer - 809335D8
Armorslayer - 809338F0
Longsword - 80933980 (Called Horsekiller (i.e. Horseslayer) in memory)
Laguzslayer - 80933938
Killing Edge - 809338A8
Venin Edge - 80933788
Brave Sword - 80933818
Runesword - 80933A10
Sonic Sword - 809366C8
Vague Katti - 80933860
Amiti - 80934820
Ragnell - 80933AA0
Alondite - 80933A58
Gurgurant - 80933AE8
Regal Sword - 809337D0
Light Weapons:
Dagger - 80934628
Knife - 809345E0
Stiletto - 80934670

Iron Bow - 80934358
Steel Bow - 809343A0
Silver Bow - 809343E8
Rolf's Bow - 80934598
Longbow - 80934550
Laguz Bow - 80934508
Killer Bow - 80934478
Venin Bow - 80934430
Brave Bow - 809344C0
Double Bow - 809339C8
Bright Bow - 80936710 (Uses magic to attack)
Note: These four can be equipped by anyone with level E Bow ability.
Ballista - 80934A60
Iron Ballista - 80934AA8
Killer B - 80934AF0 (Killer Ballista)
Onager - 80934B38 (Rock throwing catapult)

Cat Claw - 809347D8
Tiger Claw - 80934748
Lion Claw - 809346B8
Crow Beak - 80934A18
Hawk Beak - 80934988
Kilvas Beak? - 80936A70
Tibarn Beak? - 80936A28
Red Breath - 809348F8
White Breath - 809348B0

Fire Magic:
Fire - 80934B80
Elfire - 80934BC8
Meteor - 80934CA0
Bolganone - 80934C10
Rexflame - 80934C58 (S-level fire magic; Called Forblaze in memory, i.e. from the GBA games)

Wind Magic:
Vortex - 80934D30 (Kilvas' attack magic)
Wind - 80934CE8
Elwind - 80934D78
Blizzard - 80934E50
Tornado - 80934DC0
Rexcalibur - 80934E08 (S-level wind magic; Called Fimbulvetr in memory, i.e. from the GBA games)
Thunder Magic:
Thunder - 80934E98
Elthunder - 80934EE0
Bolting - 80934FB8
Thoron - 80934F28
Rexbolt - 80934F70

Light Magic:
Lightning - 80935000
Shine - 80935048
Purge - 80935120
Nosferatu - 80935090
Rexaura - 809350D8

Heal - 809351B0
Mend - 809351F8
Physic - 80935288
Fortify - 809352D0
Ashera Staff - 80935168
Rescue - 80935480
Sleep - 809353A8
Silence - 80935360
Hammerne - 80935510
Ward - 809355A0
Recover - 80935240
Restore - 80935318
No Name Staves: (I tested Warp, and it works. Presumably, the others will, too.)
IID_BERSERK - 809353F0
IID_WARP - 80935438
IID_UNLOCK - 80935558

Seraph Robe - 809359D8
Speedwing - 80935AF8
Talisman - 80935BD0
Energy Drop - 80935A20
Statue Frag - 80935C60
Dracoshield - 80935B88
Secret Book - 80935AB0
Spirit Dust - 80935A68
Ashera Icon - 80935B40
Boots - 80935C18
Arms Scroll - 80935F30
Master Seal - 80935CA8
Laguz Stone (Orange) - 80934700
Laguz Stone (Blue) - 80934790
Paladin Band - 80935828
Fighter Band - 80935750
Soldier Band - 80935708
Sword Band - 809356C0
Archer Band - 80935798
Thief Band - 80935990
Knight Band - 809357E0
Mage Band - 80935900
Pegasus Band - 80935870
Priest Band - 80935948
Wyvern Band - 809358B8
Full Guard - 80935678
Laguzguard - 809355E8
Beorcguard - 80935630
Knight Ward - 80935D80
Knight Ring - 80934940
Demi Band - 80936950
Laguz Band - 80936998
Blue Gem - 80936008
Coin - 809369E0
Antitoxin - 80935EA0
Door Key - 80935D38
Elixir - 80935E10
Pure Water - 80935E58
Red Gem - 80936050
Torch - 809354C8
Torch? - 80935EE8
Chest Key - 80935CF0
White Gem - 80935FC0
Vulnerary - 80935DC8
Silver Card - 80935F78 (Reduces costs in armory/shop; i.e. from GBA games.)

Adept - 80936758
Blossom (IID_FRAC90) - 809367A0
Canto (IID_CHANT) - 80936638 (can't be assigned)
Celerity (IID_SWIFT) - 809360E0
Corrosion - 809363B0
Counter - 80936440
Daunt (IID_HORROR) - 80936488
Gamble - 80936560
Guard - 80936680
Insight (IID_TELEGNOSIS) - 80936830
Miracle - 809363F8
Nihil - 80936320
Paragon - 80936098
Parity - 809365A8
Provoke - 809364D0
Reinforce - 809367E8
Renewal - 809368C0
Resolve - 80936170
Savior - 80936290
Serenity (IID_CALM) - 80936248
Shade - 80936518
Smite - 809365F0
Tempest (IID_TEMPER) - 80936200
Vantage - 809362D8
Vigilance (IID_BIGEAR) - 80936878
Wrath - 80936368
Occult - 80936128

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Yes, I have!

Those exact codes for each item constantly makes those strange stars and squares junk Iron Sword items.

I will also add that Ike's inventory is empty when I use the code, if that matters or not.

Edited by SaviorSword
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  • 1 year later...

Here are the working AR codes (tested on Dolphin 5.x) for US ISO (all but Paragorn works - personally I think Ike item 80 with XP bonus (Yune randomizer) should be enough).

The list compiled is from various web links on the net and then tested in the cheat manager of Dolphin. Looks like the item list is different on Dolphin 5.x then the AR codes found on the net.


To get 9999 XP (infinite if cheat left on):
04330724 0000270F

Stats always increase (game breaking if not handled correctly):
00000000 840342CC
60000000 0008001E
00000000 840342E4
60000000 0008001E

Ike has 80 of every weapon/item use which is traded to him, exit trade, then re-trade (best to do this at base):

00000000 802B16B4
00000050 00080008


----- Item Codes ---

Sword Band 809357E0
Solider Band 80935828
Fighter Band 80935870
Paladin Band 80935948
Archer Band 809358B8
Pegasus Band 80935990
Knight Band 80935900
Thief Band 80935AB0
Mage Band 80935A20
Wyvern Band 809359D8
Priest Band 80935A68
Silver Card 80936098
Blue Gem 80936128
Red Gem 80936170
White Gem 809360E0
Knight Ward 80935EA0
Pure Water 80935F78
Dracoshield 80935CA8
Ashera Icon 80935C60
Spirit Dust 80935B88
secert Book 80935BD0
Seraph Robe 80935AF8
Speedwing 80935C18
Energy Drop 80935B40
Elixir 80935F30
Beorcguard 80935750
Laguzguard 80935708
Full Guard 80935798

Serenity IID_CALM 80936368    - lowers biorhytm effects
Tempest (IID_TEMPER) 80936320 - doubles biorhytm effects
Chest Key 80935E10
Adept 80936878
** Paragon IID_ELITE 809361B8 (Does not work, different from Paragon scroll which grants skill)
Miracle 80936518
Shade 80936638
Occult 80936248
Wrath 80936488
Vantage 809363F8
Guard 809367A0
Parity 809366C8
Counter 809367A0
Tempest 809366C8
Smite 80936710
Resolve 80936290    - increases Str/Skill/Speed when less than half

Shine 80935168
Wind 80934F70
Thunder 80934FB8
Light 80935120
Elfire 80934CE8
Elwind 80934E98
Elthunder 80935000
Blizzard 80934F70
Tornado 80934EE0
Thoron 80935048
Bolting 809350D8
Heal 809352D0
Silence 80935480
Physic 809353A8
Restore 80935438
Fortify 80935438
Ward 809356C0

steel Sword 80933788
Iron Blade 80933818
Steel Blade 80934AF0
Silver Blade 80933860
Killing Edge 809339C8
Longsword 80933AA0
Brave Axe 80934160
Laguzslayer 80933A58
Steel Bow 809344C0
Double Bow 80933AE8
Laguz Bow 80934628
Brave Bow 809345E0
LongBow 80934670
Amiti 80934940
Venin Edge 809338A8
Iron Axe 80933FF8
Steel Axe 80934088
Tomahawk 80934310
Urvan 80934430   (s type axe)
Slim Lance 80933C98
Iron Lance 80933C50
Steel Lance 80933CE0

--- Ike weapon slots IDs 1-4, then Item slot ID:  Usage <Slot_ID> <xxxxxxxx> - where xxxxxxxx is item number above --


--- To bind key for items to appear, insert <Slot_ID> <xxxxxxxx> where "..weapons/items inputs", check controller keys ---
Z+D-pad left
0A2EF408 00000011
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000

Z+D-pad ?   (meh, forgot which this one was)
0A2EF408 00000012
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000

R+D-pad right
8A2EF408 00000022
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000

R+D-pad up
8A2EF408 00000028
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000

0A2EF408 00000030
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000

L+D-pad left
0A2EF408 00000041
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000

L+D-pad right
8A2EF408 00000042
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000

L+D-pad down
0A2EF408 00000044
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000

L+D-pad up
8A2EF408 00000048
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000



Example, Give  IKE Urvan, Physic, Brave Bow, Occult, Adept, Vantage, Warth and Seraph Robe with key-bind of "R + pad Up":

8A2EF408 00000028
042B16B0 80934430
042B16B8 809353A8
042B16C0 809345E0
042B16C8 80936248
042B16D0 80936878
042B16D8 809363F8
042B16E0 80936488
042B16E8 80935AF8
00000000 40000000

In the above, First and last line refer to key binding of "R + pad UP"; 2nd-fifth line is first-fourth weapon slot; Lines 6-9 are first-fourth item slots.


Edited by shadowjoe
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  • 4 months later...

I know this is a necro, but I got the solution to the OP's issues: what helps for me is turning on the code, which does make the unusable item appear. RESET the game (don't close it, you can set a custom hotkey to reset on Dolphin under the Options tab). Now the correct item should appear. Save/suspend your game and then turn off the code if you only wish to create one instance of the code (if you trade the item it'll keep duplicating itself).
Note that doing this on the map is risky since if Ike gets equipped with something he can't normally use, his sprite will turn black and the game will freeze if you equip something else (game can't decide what sprite to load so it hangs, hence the black sprite).
So this is best done in the base but might also work in the prep screen.
Hope this helps!

Edited by Feaw
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/23/2020 at 10:04 AM, Zerif said:

Hello I want to give Ike an arm scroll but I don't know how to add the AR code can you explain how?

In Dolphin, right-click on your Path of Radiance game and click 'Properties'. Go to the AR Codes tab and select 'Add...'. Name your code (doesnt matter, just anything you would recognize), and paste the code. The code to give Ike an Arms Scroll in his first item slot is:
042B16D0 80935F30 (specified item)
002B16D4 00000001 (item uses)

Click 'ok' and 'close' and run your game. Once you're at the main menu, reset the game (best to assign a hotkey for it so you can do it fast). Now load up your save file and it should work. Save your game if the code worked, exit the game and then disable the code. 

Alternatively you can edit the config itself, allowing importing/toggling more cheats at once more quickly, but whatever you find most useful.
Also note, as far as I know, cheats won't ever work while the game is running and you need to reboot the game for them to work.

Edited by Feaw
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1 hour ago, Feaw said:

In Dolphin, right-click on your Path of Radiance game and click 'Properties'. Go to the AR Codes tab and select 'Add...'. Name your code (doesnt matter, just anything you would recognize), and paste the code. The code to give Ike an Arms Scroll in his first item slot is:
042B16D0 80935F30 (specified item)
002B16D4 00000001 (item uses)

Click 'ok' and 'close' and run your game. Once you're at the main menu, reset the game (best to assign a hotkey for it so you can do it fast). Now load up your save file and it should work. Save your game if the code worked, exit the game and then disable the code. 

Alternatively you can edit the config itself, allowing importing/toggling more cheats at once more quickly, but whatever you find most useful.
Also note, as far as I know, cheats won't ever work while the game is running and you need to reboot the game for them to work.

Thank you

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  • 4 months later...
On 4/10/2020 at 12:50 AM, shadowjoe said:

Here are the working AR codes (tested on Dolphin 5.x) for US ISO (all but Paragorn works - personally I think Ike item 80 with XP bonus (Yune randomizer) should be enough).

The list compiled is from various web links on the net and then tested in the cheat manager of Dolphin. Looks like the item list is different on Dolphin 5.x then the AR codes found on the net.


To get 9999 XP (infinite if cheat left on):
04330724 0000270F

Stats always increase (game breaking if not handled correctly):
00000000 840342CC
60000000 0008001E
00000000 840342E4
60000000 0008001E

Ike has 80 of every weapon/item use which is traded to him, exit trade, then re-trade (best to do this at base):

00000000 802B16B4
00000050 00080008


----- Item Codes ---

Sword Band 809357E0
Solider Band 80935828
Fighter Band 80935870
Paladin Band 80935948
Archer Band 809358B8
Pegasus Band 80935990
Knight Band 80935900
Thief Band 80935AB0
Mage Band 80935A20
Wyvern Band 809359D8
Priest Band 80935A68
Silver Card 80936098
Blue Gem 80936128
Red Gem 80936170
White Gem 809360E0
Knight Ward 80935EA0
Pure Water 80935F78
Dracoshield 80935CA8
Ashera Icon 80935C60
Spirit Dust 80935B88
secert Book 80935BD0
Seraph Robe 80935AF8
Speedwing 80935C18
Energy Drop 80935B40
Elixir 80935F30
Beorcguard 80935750
Laguzguard 80935708
Full Guard 80935798

Serenity IID_CALM 80936368    - lowers biorhytm effects
Tempest (IID_TEMPER) 80936320 - doubles biorhytm effects
Chest Key 80935E10
Adept 80936878
** Paragon IID_ELITE 809361B8 (Does not work, different from Paragon scroll which grants skill)
Miracle 80936518
Shade 80936638
Occult 80936248
Wrath 80936488
Vantage 809363F8
Guard 809367A0
Parity 809366C8
Counter 809367A0
Tempest 809366C8
Smite 80936710
Resolve 80936290    - increases Str/Skill/Speed when less than half

Shine 80935168
Wind 80934F70
Thunder 80934FB8
Light 80935120
Elfire 80934CE8
Elwind 80934E98
Elthunder 80935000
Blizzard 80934F70
Tornado 80934EE0
Thoron 80935048
Bolting 809350D8
Heal 809352D0
Silence 80935480
Physic 809353A8
Restore 80935438
Fortify 80935438
Ward 809356C0

steel Sword 80933788
Iron Blade 80933818
Steel Blade 80934AF0
Silver Blade 80933860
Killing Edge 809339C8
Longsword 80933AA0
Brave Axe 80934160
Laguzslayer 80933A58
Steel Bow 809344C0
Double Bow 80933AE8
Laguz Bow 80934628
Brave Bow 809345E0
LongBow 80934670
Amiti 80934940
Venin Edge 809338A8
Iron Axe 80933FF8
Steel Axe 80934088
Tomahawk 80934310
Urvan 80934430   (s type axe)
Slim Lance 80933C98
Iron Lance 80933C50
Steel Lance 80933CE0

--- Ike weapon slots IDs 1-4, then Item slot ID:  Usage <Slot_ID> <xxxxxxxx> - where xxxxxxxx is item number above --


--- To bind key for items to appear, insert <Slot_ID> <xxxxxxxx> where "..weapons/items inputs", check controller keys ---
Z+D-pad left
0A2EF408 00000011
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000

Z+D-pad ?   (meh, forgot which this one was)
0A2EF408 00000012
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000

R+D-pad right
8A2EF408 00000022
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000

R+D-pad up
8A2EF408 00000028
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000

0A2EF408 00000030
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000

L+D-pad left
0A2EF408 00000041
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000

L+D-pad right
8A2EF408 00000042
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000

L+D-pad down
0A2EF408 00000044
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000

L+D-pad up
8A2EF408 00000048
..weapons/items inputs
00000000 40000000



Example, Give  IKE Urvan, Physic, Brave Bow, Occult, Adept, Vantage, Warth and Seraph Robe with key-bind of "R + pad Up":

8A2EF408 00000028
042B16B0 80934430
042B16B8 809353A8
042B16C0 809345E0
042B16C8 80936248
042B16D0 80936878
042B16D8 809363F8
042B16E0 80936488
042B16E8 80935AF8
00000000 40000000

In the above, First and last line refer to key binding of "R + pad UP"; 2nd-fifth line is first-fourth weapon slot; Lines 6-9 are first-fourth item slots.


thanks a lot the codes were working fine.

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Very strange all the command works but the item id don't match. when i do the:
" 042B16D0 80935F30 (specified item)
  002B16D4 00000001 (item uses) "
it give me a strange item with a iron sword skin and a strange name

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  • 4 months later...

Im looking for the code that lets you control enemies unit. I want to acquire enemy units, raise them, then beat the game with there own units. I usually play on gamecube with the original game, so dolphin and ar codes are new to me lol

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  • 7 months later...

Hello everyone, first time writing on the forum 🙂

I managed to give various items to Ike thanks to the awesome coders.

Now I'm trying to give anyone else (Lethe or Mordecai for exemple), an item, in this case the Lion Claw (basically so that they can damage Ashnard)

Does anyone know how to give the item to someone else than Ike ? Because I already managed to give Ike the Lion Claw, but he obviously can't trade it once he has it.


Thanks in advance, have a good one everyone ! 🙂


PS: I wrote a new post about this too, I will delete one of them once I get an answer 🙂

Edited by Auduhlma
Added PS
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I'm using dolphin version 5.0-15260 for Android and every code works except for item creation. It puts the item in the correct slot in Ike's inventory with the correct number of uses but I can't get any of the items I want. Everything is random useless garbage. I tried scrolling though one value at a time adding and subtracting but that's growing very old. I did find a neat "band" I could equip that was listed as a sword but if I put it in Ike's item slot and equipped it, it gave him +27 max HP, massive boosts to both defense and resistance (can't remember exact numbers and it randomly glitched and disappeared but I think it was over 60 resistance) and like 1 or 2 of all other stats. But I'm really hoping there's an accurate list somewhere or some specific mathematics to get the exact items I'm wanting

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1 hour ago, RougeIke said:

I'm using dolphin version 5.0-15260 for Android and every code works except for item creation. It puts the item in the correct slot in Ike's inventory with the correct number of uses but I can't get any of the items I want. Everything is random useless garbage. I tried scrolling though one value at a time adding and subtracting but that's growing very old. I did find a neat "band" I could equip that was listed as a sword but if I put it in Ike's item slot and equipped it, it gave him +27 max HP, massive boosts to both defense and resistance (can't remember exact numbers and it randomly glitched and disappeared but I think it was over 60 resistance) and like 1 or 2 of all other stats. But I'm really hoping there's an accurate list somewhere or some specific mathematics to get the exact items I'm wanting

Hey Rouge, I had the same problem, there are two list of codes in this page, try the other list, the numbers are different :). I can't tell why, but it is, maybe the results are different depending on the version of the game you have

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  • 1 year later...
On 1/20/2022 at 5:09 AM, Auduhlma said:

Hello everyone, first time writing on the forum 🙂

I managed to give various items to Ike thanks to the awesome coders.

Now I'm trying to give anyone else (Lethe or Mordecai for exemple), an item, in this case the Lion Claw (basically so that they can damage Ashnard)

Does anyone know how to give the item to someone else than Ike ? Because I already managed to give Ike the Lion Claw, but he obviously can't trade it once he has it.


Thanks in advance, have a good one everyone ! 🙂


PS: I wrote a new post about this too, I will delete one of them once I get an answer 🙂

activating a code found at https://tcrf.net/Fire_Emblem:_Path_of_Radiance/Debug_Menu specific to your copy may help

from what i remember...

  • put a weapon on the top slot if there isn't already
  • go to a chapter's map and officially start a chapter if you haven't already
  • do not open the map menu after map prep or mid battle, the small blue box that shows Suspend and other stuff
  • if you do, Suspend the chapter and go back
  • put the cursor on a unit you want the specific weapon on
  • press B then Z, the debug menu should show up
  • press A on Game
  • press A on Unit
  • press A on Items
  • go to the top weapon slot
  • go left or right to find the item you're looking for

other info from the link may help, i'm sure you'll be able to get the claw doing this, i don't know if non-royal laguz can use these weapons tho

if you're unable to use the weapons, maybe try checking the below thread

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  • 1 month later...

Just made these codes for myself and thought I should share here as well. This will add all weapons and items into the convoy by pressing the respective buttons. I also included another code to remove everything from the convoy if that is desired. It helps with getting rid of items and weapons that cant be sold or dropped. 🙂



For - FIRE EMBLEM GC US (Disc 1, Revision 0)


$All Items in Convoy (Z+R)
282EF408 00000030
083200AC 80933590
20BD0008 00000048
083200B0 00000050
00BD0008 00000000
E0000000 80008000
$Delete All Convoy (Z+L)
282EF408 00000050
083200AC 00000000
20BD0008 00000000
083200B0 00000000
00BD0008 00000000
E0000000 80008000


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys ive been trying to get the Debug Menu code i have downloaded for PoR on dolphin but i cant seem to get it to work and has no description or instructions on how to use it ingame. Ive also tried AR version without success. Ive read that you have to press Z+B*(RB+B on xbox controller) to make it appear but no matter what code i use i cant get the debug menu to appear. Can anyone help or provide a current working code or instructions on how how i can make this work! Thanks in advance!

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On 3/29/2023 at 11:07 AM, Shayde13 said:

Hey guys ive been trying to get the Debug Menu code i have downloaded for PoR on dolphin but i cant seem to get it to work and has no description or instructions on how to use it ingame. Ive also tried AR version without success. Ive read that you have to press Z+B*(RB+B on xbox controller) to make it appear but no matter what code i use i cant get the debug menu to appear. Can anyone help or provide a current working code or instructions on how how i can make this work! Thanks in advance!

This one worked for me (it was provided in a link from hegan above) - press and hold B and then Z. Should pull up the menu. You have to do this in a chapter.

[Action Replay]

06E8269A 08000000
2A2EF408 00000200
04072924 386D85DC
3A2EF408 00000200
04072924 386D89E8


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On 12/3/2023 at 3:48 PM, Trenzhart said:

Hey I've been trying to use the master seal code and all I get is a unusable sword with no name 

For - FIRE EMBLEM GC US (Disc 1, Revision 0)


$All Items in Convoy (Z+R)
282EF408 00000030
083200AC 80933590
20BD0008 00000048
083200B0 00000050
00BD0008 00000000
E0000000 80008000
$Delete All Convoy (Z+L)
282EF408 00000050
083200AC 00000000
20BD0008 00000000
083200B0 00000000
00BD0008 00000000
E0000000 80008000

Use my convoy codes here. It'll give you all items.

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