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Since there's a lot of people who debate on this forum, and on others, what would you (Vincent, though I guess others could add their 2 cents as well, since it'd be a resource) think of sections for each game with average stats of enemies in each chapter?

I know myself and some people would love it, personally I like the idea enough to have made my own site for it, but I figured it might be better to add it to Serenes Forest. Debaters and likely other people too would like it. Saves a lot of time from having to get the stats yourself.

If people like the idea I'd be willing to start doing it right away, (collecting data/formating the pages if needed) and hopefully have some people help me out too.

I think I've seen posts, maybe sites about the stats of one game or another, but a nice resource on an established site could be very useful.

If I've been unclear on a point you can ask me to clarify.

Edited by ZephyrShakuraus
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The only problem is that such compilations are very labour-intensive. That's the main reason why I haven't done anything myself.

Of course, if anybody else would like to collect the data, I don't see why not.

All I really need is Level, number of enemies and equipment (possibly some other data if you think it's worth including, like Affinity?). Depending on the game, I can probably calculate the average stats myself from just the Level.

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I could do FE7 Enemies. If so, let me know, cause I'll do that in a snap.

Sure, that sounds good. Are you going to pick any particular mode, eg. NM?

Anyway, for FE7 you'd have to record the actual enemy stats, eg. HP, STR, SKL (I can only calculate average stats for FE9 to 11).

If you want to reduce the work, you could consider using the RN=0 code to force enemies to have "average" stats. Although you might want to check if there's any side effects of doing that.

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I've got savestates for like every chapter in FE6 HM (except Bartre route and Sacae route chapters) and the same for FE7 HHM (except FFO Lloyd, PFoD Kenneth and CoD Linus). Just if you need them.

For averages all you need is their level, class and how many HM bonus levels they get, btw.

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Actually, you need the character's inherent stat additions as well. Luckily relatively few enemies have additions, but there's enough of them to mess up calculated average stats

With FE9-11, I can easily identify which enemies have stat additions, so it's not a problem for them.


FE6 HM enemies get variable levels, mostly depending on which chapter they're in. I have a simple list of levels somewhere if you need them.

Edited by VincentASM
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FE9 enemies don't have big differences in their stats. There's usually a difference of at most two points in them. For example, a level 3 Sniper has 16-18 Skill, no more, no less.

FE1 and FE2 enemy stats are very easy to calculate as well, since all enemies have set growths (techincally, they don't, but it's just as easy to assume they do) which are all equal to eachother, and they're exactly the same for FE1 and FE2 (except for HP).

FE4 enemy stats are fixed as well, and I'm not too sure about FE3 and FE5. It's too long since I've played them >_<

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Sure, that sounds good. Are you going to pick any particular mode, eg. NM?

Anyway, for FE7 you'd have to record the actual enemy stats, eg. HP, STR, SKL (I can only calculate average stats for FE9 to 11).

If you want to reduce the work, you could consider using the RN=0 code to force enemies to have "average" stats. Although you might want to check if there's any side effects of doing that.

I will actually list the enemies and their stats and perhaps a little more like their level.

Ok, so I guess I'll get to work on that.

Who should I pm the info to, or where would I post it, Vincent?

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Don't forget that weapons and items are also very useful to list, as well as dropped items etc.

Do you want just the bosses stats or enemies that appear in each level?

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Enemy stats are just the normal enemies and reinforcements. Don't forget about the bolded part.

Serenes Forest already lists all boss stats.

By the way, although it might not be as high on the list of priorities, I already have 4 chapters of FE1 done, since I was working on them already before this idea was brought up ^_^

I also have some FE7 enemy data and FE8 enemy data, also from the first few chapters. I'd pretty much be willing to gather data for all games, although I can't do so for FE10 and FE11, since I don't have them, and I also don't have a ROM of FE11, since I haven't found one yet.

And I also have some FE9 data already, since I already started gathering that before, but my disc broke... I'll get a new copy before the end of this year, though.

Edited by Tino
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Enemy stats are just the normal enemies and reinforcements. Don't forget about the bolded part.

Serenes Forest already lists all boss stats.

By the way, although it might not be as high on the list of priorities, I already have 4 chapters of FE1 done, since I was working on them already before this idea was brought up ^_^

I also have some FE7 enemy data and FE8 enemy data, also from the first few chapters. I'd pretty much be willing to gather data for all games, although I can't do so for FE10 and FE11, since I don't have them, and I also don't have a ROM of FE11, since I haven't found one yet.

And I also have some FE9 data already, since I already started gathering that before, but my disc broke... I'll get a new copy before the end of this year, though.


Extreme Void, you can make a new topic here if you'd like.

And gotcha. ^^

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