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Binding Blade Banner Speculation Thread


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I think this your point about normal, minor characters, is owing to the fact that however gets in, 2/3rds or 3/4ths are going to be 5* locked. If only they included on each NH a 3* and or a 4* who could be someone more less significant. Said 3* or 4* could also trickle in a hot skill from months ago which you need to pony up some Feathers to unlock. 

Also, some games just hadn't run out of notables yet. But I do think we're running empty on those in some cases. SS for instance has included all its royals and Myrrh, the notables as I would consider them. FE7 has also burnt through its, and FE4 Gen 1 has included most of its greats, outside of maybe Brigid. Gen 2 only has Altena and Shannan left I guess. FE7 I think has exhausted them too.


One little thing which does unify everyone but Idunn here is availability. Lugh is Chapter 3, Rutger 4, Sue 6, quite early. And even then, Idunn does make her first little appearance in C3.


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