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SF's "Write Your Butt Off" Competition HD II.5 Remix


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Right, well, I'm just going to declare @SoulWeaver the winner and skip the voting phase entirely. As Acacia says, it will make up for the extra week we had for writing. Kind of weird that the 50% longer round gave us the fewest entries but, you know, can't fault Soul's work ethic here.

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18 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

Soul's work ethic


Welp, um, I guess we're going with my last idea:

Pick a Round you did not participate in. Participate in it, and make sure to state which Round your piece is about. I don't know if we want to allow rounds people did non-participation entries for or not, but if not it means Chloey is locked to literally her own last round plus whatever she can scrounge up from WYBO Ver. 1.

Edited by SoulWeaver
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51 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

I don't know if we want to allow rounds people did non-participation entries for or not, but if not it means Chloey is locked to literally her own last round plus whatever she can scrounge up from WYBO Ver. 1.

I'd certainly be interested to see Chloey revive an old WYBO 1 prompt, if she elects to not preserve her perfect record by writing a story for last round's prompt. There are definitely a few prompts which I regretfully missed which I could draw on here.

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Okay! I got a good idea on which round I'd choose. But there's one thing I'd need to deal with first.

5 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

I'm honestly contemplating tagging literally everyone who's ever been in this competition since Ver 1 Round 1 just to see how many of them even look.

That would actually be helpful. Do it.

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So, this is my debut to this Thread and probably my last xD

Chosen Round: Competition 1 Round 8


They're tough. They try their best. They're the hardest worker, the most hungry for adventure. Except...

They aren't the chosen one.

That's their best friend.

Write about a character whose greatest wish is to save the world, but they aren't the one who should be doing so. Show how they learn about their friend's place in the grand design, their feelings about it, and how they learn to cope with it.

Title: Those left behind

Word count: ~2000 Words

Original, although really influenced by some series i love


''So what's your dream?'' I hear him asking me.

A boy and a girl who have known each other since they could remember, that's who we are.

I look at the sky and raise my hands...

''My dream? You already know it, silly! it's to be a Hero and save the world!'' I answer him, smiling.

''You still want to do that? Is that why you train so hard? Are you still a kid? haha!'' He laughs at my answer, like he usually does.

''Oh shush you! There's nothing wrong with wanting to be a hero and go on an adventure, is there?'' I ask him.

''You are serious, huh?'' he responds, ''No, there isn't. There is nothing wrong at all with wanting to be a hero.''

At that time i didn't notice that his smile didn't reach his eyes.


Next week, i remember his strained smile.

For my best friend...was chosen to be the hero.

I don't know how to feel about this.





But most importantly...


Unlike me who has nothing to lose, he has everything to lose. He has status, a family and friends.

And a life.

I am just an orphaned girl with the wish that no one should end up like me. I had nothing to lose.

That's why i trained so hard. That's why i was so determined.

That's why i wanted to be a hero.

''Nobody should be like me.'' I mutter to myself.

A girl who lost everything due to the concept of ''Hero''.

Before he leaves on the adventure, i ask him to take me with him. That as his best friend i should help him.

He refuses.

''I need someone to come back to, so i would like to wait here for me!'' He tells me with a smile. A smile that, again, doesn't reach his eyes.

A smile that tells me he is worried about me.

A smile that tells me...

We will never see each other in the same way again.


Time passes and tales of his heroics arrive. His hard work and victories in his way to save the world.

Yet, that's only scratching the surface.

Those tales only tell of his achievements.

They don't tell about his choices, his sacrifices.

I can see it in his family, too. They are worried about him.

''A hero will always have to chose.'' Words i remember from my childhood.

I wonder what his choices were.


His mother is begging me.

''Please, please bring back my son!'' She asks of me.

His heroics continue. His tales reach us.

But so do tales of his fallen companions.

He must be hurting. He must be suffering.

''There comes a time where you have to sacrifice.'' More words from my childhood.

''I don't care about him being a hero, i don't care about saving the world! I just want my son back!'' She continues, ''Only you can bring him back!''

I look at her in wonder.

''He loves you!'' The mother confesses. 

''If you ask him, he will surely come back! Please!'' The mother cries.

''I...will do it!'' I tell her as i remember a tale from my childhood.


This is the story of two heroes.

To be more exact, this is a story of the heroes of a little girl.

A little girl whose sacrifice will save the world for eternity and rid the world of all it's evils.

A little girl that neither the hero or the villain wanted to sacrifice.

For that little girl saved them. Saved them from their sins as ''Hero'' and ''Villain''.

Meaningless concepts that define this meaningless world. Concepts two persons, a man and woman, choose to throw away to adopt a little girl.

Yet since these concepts define this world...

The heroes of the little girl had to pay for their sins with their lives.

That's why the little girl swore to one day become a hero.

So that no one else will face the fate her heroes faced.


With the sword my father left me i strike the monster infront of me.

A holy sword. A cursed sword.

Sword befitting a fallen hero.

A sword that has accompanied me ever since i started this journey to bring him back home.

I evade a strike from another monster and strike back.

Skills inherited from those called themselves heroes, those who called themselves villains.

I always asked myself why i wasn't executed with my parents.

Now i know why.

A giant arrives.

A giant whose weaknesses all laid bare to me.

''They wanted to make use of me.'' I mutter to myself as i slay the giant.

But i am fine with it. It was always my purpose to end these concepts called ''Heroes'' and ''Villains''.

If i have to be a puppet to those who killed my parents to achieve that, so be it.

I continue on the battlefield, trying to reach the person who is far away from me.

The person i should reach before he succumbs to his wounds.

A person i should reach before it becomes too late.


On my journey more tales of the hero reach me.

I cry as i read the news.

The hero finally reached his destination, however...

I was too late.

His choices are showing their consequences.

His sins are finally catching up to him.

The worst possible situation.

The hero, succumbing to his burden, turns on his allies...

and becomes the villain.

This night, i cry for the person i failed to save. The person that mattered the most to me.


I continue on my journey, facing countless battles.

Arrows strike me. I block them.

Even i failed to save him from his burdens, i can still bring him home. A place where us and his family can stay hidden until the end of days.

Even if i have to defeat countless warriors, i will reach him.

One such warrior i am facing right now.

An archer who always helps the villain of the era.

The sky continues to rain arrows, yet i evade them all.

But i can't advance.

For his arrows fill the field.

I calculate the distance between me and him.

A distance i can't cross without getting skewered by countless arrows.


That archer always helps the villain, for they are only summoned for that cause.


I prepare my sword. The cursed sword.

The ultimate sword befitting a villain.

The Archer momentarily stops his attacks.

And so i...

plunge the holy sword in his heart. 

Using the lull in his attacks, i was able to make my way through the battlefield even after he started firing back, and slay him.

''Rest, fallen warrior!'' I tell him, ''I will make sure you are never summoned again!''

And i continue to fight my through countless warriors.

All in hopes to reach him


I am finally at my destination.

I see him waiting for me.

At the sight of him, i cry.

The hero may have fallen, but he is still the same.

''Let's go home!'' I tell him, ''Let's forget about all of this and return to your family!''

He shakes his head.

I shouldn't be surprised.

I can already see it in his eyes. Eyes that always, and still looked at me with kindness and warmth.

He already steeled his resolve.

''Rejoice, Hero!'' He starts, ''For a hero must always have a villain to defeat! En guarde!''

And he strikes with his lance. 

I block with my sword.

Like a dance, we continue striking at each other with out respective weapons. Holy weapons. Cursed weapons. Famed weapons. Magical weapons. Legendary weapons.

I wonder if i had reached my hands to him earlier and stopped drowning in my delusions, we could've lived a happy life together.

Yet at the same time, i realise it.

The way to stop the cursed concepts of ''Heroes'' and ''Villains''.

The lance reaches for my neck. 

I evade it and fire back a magical blast from my sword.

To stop new heroes and villains from being born, the old ones must not die.

It must be the same realization my parents were able to reach. 


I prepare my magical reserves.

I must ensure this battle never ends.


I see her preparing something. The girl i love.

The girl whose dream i always wanted to let her achieve.

The girl who wanted to become a hero.

I notice the magic in the air, and spot the magic circle she is drowing

'Time' I think to myself.

Whatever she's doing is something time related.

Yet i see it in her eyes, it's something she doesn't want to do.


I prepare my strongest attack.

If my calculations are correct, i should have five seconds before the magic activates.

She holds her sword and drives it through the magic circle.

She moves forward, sword in hand.

I face her also by moving forward.

My cursed holy lance against her holy cursed sword.

Four seconds.

The outcome of this battle will be decided in the next four seconds.

I spot tears in her ears, and she reaches me.

Left, right. She strikes with blinding speed while the magic circle is forming behind her.

I also block her also with blinding speed.

Three seconds.

I am starting to realise what's the purpose of this magic is.

A time loop.

The girl i love wants to lock us in an eternal time loop.

But i can never allow her to suffer for eternity.


I take my lance...

Two seconds.

let her strike me in the leg with her holy cursed sword, not trying to block.

Instead i continue what i've been preparing earlier, preparing for this lance's strongest attack

One second.

No matter what, i can't allow that girl to suffer for eternity. 

She already suffered enough.

With all my might i throw my lance at the magic circle...

And the  hero's lance villain's sword strikes true.


I look at him.

The foolish boy who was the only one to reach out to me.

The boy who was slain by my sword.

I scream to the heavens.

I never wanted this. I never wanted any of this.

I wanted to be hero so something like this never happens again, but...

''There comes the time where the hero will have to decide between those he loves and the unnamed masses.'' 

I remember those words of my mother.

The boy infront of me chose the girl he loves over all else, ensuring she achieves her dream and be freed from her sins.


All the girl wanted is for this tragedy to not repeat itself agian.

All she wanted was to go on adventure with those she held dear. To free the world from the concepts that schackle it.


''I failed i failed i failed i faile I FAILED I FAILED I FAILED I FAILED I FAILED I FAILED!''

''I killed the boy i love, and for what? For a world that never appreciated him? For a world that was always repeats it's mistakes? Why....''

I continue crying.

I can never call myself a hero. 

No, the real hero is the boy infront of me. Just like my parents, the hero chose the people he loved over the world.

For heroes are those who save their loved ones above all else.


''My job isn't done yet.'' I tell myself.

I might not be a hero, however.

''I still live.''

And so, with all the power in my possession, i will find a way to stop these concepts, but more importantly....

I will fullfill the promise i made to the mother that day.

To bring back her son home.

Maybe then, i can call myself a Hero.


So... I think i went off the Rails a bit, but i still hope it was an enjoyable read and still fits the prompt...

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Screw writers block!


Edit: The first WYBO themes were giving me writer's block, so I caved and did the last round.

Round 40:


Pick a character you wouldn't normally write about (or one you really like to write about).  They've been put on a survival training mission with their mentor/trainee.  What shenanigans ensue during this training session?  Do the mentor/student get along with the other?  Or do they argue?  Your characters have three days of the training session to figure that out among themselves.

Title: An Emperor's Escape

Fandom: 3 Houses/ Crimson Clouds

Words: 1,779

Post Read Notes:


This takes place between the Rescue Flayn mission and the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, obviously.

Byleth is Telepathic.

Sothis is sleeping because she knows the real reason this mission takes place (and if you haven't figured it out, good, it's meant to be difficult to spot)

Enjoy the shortness of me fighting WB.

Edited by TheSilentChloey
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Round 36:

On 9/26/2020 at 12:31 AM, Ottservia said:

Write a fight scene between two characters

Title: Tadashi vs. Czonka


Hitohana Tadashi could control rice.

It wasn't the most glamorous power on paper. Of course, Tadashi was very good at making do, so he had a coliseum built and used it as a bowl for enough uncooked rice to feed several internment camps. This tended to change how his power was looked at, and it certainly made a novel home for him.

Czonka could control fire. That was a bit more eye catching, and eye catching wasn't an innacurate way to sum up Czonka. His whole body was covered in tattoos of flowers, hiding scars that would otherwise be betrayed by his lack of a shirt. He claimed they gave him power and protection- Tadashi did not care for such superstitions. Truthfully, he didn't much care for Czonka's baser desires either, but he was a loyal subordinate, so Tadashi made do.

Tadashi had set aside designated and regular times for his subordinates to visit him and discuss the administration of his empire.

It was technically his and Czonka's empire. Tadashi ruled from Afghanistan to Japan, and Czonka from Portugal to Egypt. East and west, matching their homelands. Czonka, however, was quite content to rule the west as a figurehead and defer to Tadashi wherever possible, so long as his baser instincts were not interrupted. It was why Tadashi had worked so hard to have him installed as Western Consul in the firstplace, and why he tolerated someone they both knew he found so abhorrent.

Acting abhorred was unbecoming, though. Tadashi was a politician, and visceral disgust was for public image alone. He still liked to maintain strong personal relationships with his administration. So, between the regular reports and strategy meetings, they came together for a game.

They sat down, legs crossed, at opposite ends of a short wooden table. They reclined on the endless plain of rice under a massive steel down, which covered the arena in starless black. Floodlights shone from the edges of the coliseum, angled down to leave the walls in shadow while revealing the off white color of the ground. Tadashi placed a red box on the table and removed the lid.

"Catan," read Czonka. "Haven't heard of this."
"It's a quite well known board game," said Tadashi. "European style, they call it."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Somewhat abstracted, more deterministic, and with indirect interaction between players."
"That doesn't explain anything. See, I'm a simple man. I don't play these complicated games or read dictionaries."
"Never mind, what you said works as well. I will walk you through the game, you don't need to worry about the genre."

Tadashi began setting up the board. He placed the six-sided frame down first, then placed a hexagon with a picture of a desert in the center. There were two stacks of hexes in addition to the desert, which he shuffled and placed, face down, to fill out the frame. Then he took out 18 tokens with letters on them-

Czonka threw his hands up. "What is all this?"

"It's how you set up the game, just give me a few minutes."

The western consul sighed, grumbled, and leaned on the table. His eastern counterpart meticulously flipped over the cardboard hexes, revealing them to be of five different collors. Czonka started thinking of all the asses he could be tapping back home, doe-eyed young virgins in little more than ashy rags-

"There we are." Czonka broke out of his trance as Tadashi placed a simple wooden figurine on the desert. "Now we roll to see who goes first."

The game included two dice and they each rolled them. Tadashi got a three and a five, Czonka got snake eyes. "Lame," he said.

"Since I am going first, I will place one settlement and one road."
"Why do I care?"
"I will explain later."
"Do you ever get laid?"
"Consensually, on occasion."
"We could've hired some prostitutes, but instead I'm listening to you talk about roads. Do you have any idea the things they say about Japanese prostitutes?"
"You would so contaminate a brothel that it would pose a health risk to the nation."
"Whatever. Don't you have any normal people games? I don't have time to bother with all these rules and explaining things."

Tadashi sighed. His shoulders remained completely still, his eyes perfectly open, but he sighed none the less. "Fine. Catan works much better with three or four players than two anyway."
"Why not get someone else?"
"Do you wish to continue playing?"
"Hell no!" Czonka growled. "I just want to know why'd you even bug me with the first half of the rules if it was just going to suck anyway?"
"The only other subordinate of mine not currently occupied is Corvus, and he has made very clear to me that he never wishes to play another game with you ever again."
"Pfft, prude. No wonder he's in Iran."

Quietly, Tadashi got on his feet and, with impeccable posture, walked towards a large shelf.
"Where you going?"
"I am going to look for another game."

Czonka nearly lept to his feet, splashing rice as he came to a slumping stand, and followed. It was a plain black bookcase, chosen to contrast with the white rice floor, and it was overflowing with meticulously arranged board games. They were in like new condition, even the ones from decades past.

Tadashi locked his neck in place and twisted his head, scanning the shelves.

Czonka threw around his body weight, twisting himself into all sorts of shapes to do the same. "Hey, this game looks alright."

Tadashi glanced and saw him pointing at Twilight Struggle. "No."
"Why not?"
"The rule book is thirty pages."
"Small font?"
"You must love that one." Czonka kept looking. "They have Japanese checkers or anything?"
"They don't have Hungarian checkers either. How about regular?"
"I would prefer chess."
"Chess is for nerds."
"I suppose I would prefer to work for my win."
"Ouch," smirked Czonka. "That really stings, boss."
Tadashi remained incredibly plain. "Yes, well, perhaps a game of backgammon?"
"Oh, I think I played that at my grandma's once. Yeah, we could do that."

The eastern consul knelt down. Without bending his back in the slightest, he pulled an oaken case out from the bottom shelf and stood back up. "To the table, then."

The pair returned to the game table. Tadashi carefully put away the Catan game and replaced it with backgammon, which was much simpler to set up.

"You will be pleased to know that Muslims were historically prohibited from playing backgammon," said Tadashi, unfolding the case, revealing its interior to be the board. Each half had 12 spikes painted on, divided into two rows of six which pointed at each other. There were 15 white checkers and 15 brown checkers as well.
"Doesn't look very, uh...exciting."
"They were forbidden from eating pork and listening to secular music as well."
"Yeah, but those things are still fun."

Tadashi placed the two colored sets of checkers in a mirrored pattern. Each color was divided into four stacks of differing sizes, each stack was in a certain quadrant of the board. "Do you remember how to play?"
"Heh. Do I? No."
"Hm." Tadashi raised his hands over the board. "The rules are quite simple. First-" He paused. Best to lay the groundwork first, he decided.

"Each of us controls one color of checkers."
"White goes first?"
"No, we each roll a die and the one who rolls highest goes first."

Czonka nodded. Tadashi continued.

"There are 24 spikes on the board, which mark spaces. We each move our checkers along the same path." He traced a U along the board. "My pieces start here," he said, pointing to one tip of the U, "and move towards here," he said, tracing the path again until he was pointing to the other tip. "Yours do the opposite. My destination is where you begin, and I begin at your destination. Our ultimate goal is to remove all our checkers from the board."

This seemed to confuse Czonka, which Tadashi ignored.

"However, before we begin removing them, we must first bring all our pieces to their final quadrant on the board. Each set of six spikes composes a quadrant," he explained. "On a player's turn, he rolls two die. He then moves one of his checkers by a number of spaces equivalent to the result of one of his die rolls. He then does the same for the other die roll. He may move the same checker twice if he wishes."

"There are, of course, restrictions on where you can move your pieces. If a space has two or more enemy checkers on it, you cannot move one of your own checkers to that space, even as an intermediate step in moving the checker twice. However, if a space has only one enemy checker, you may move your own checker to that space. Doing so will send the enemy checker to the center of the board."

Demonstratively, Tadashi placed a checker between two hinges of the wooden case. "A piece in the center of the board starts again at the beginning of your path. If you roll a one, it may reenter on the first space. If you roll a five, it may reenter on the fifth space, and so on. However, it cannot enter a space which is blocked by enemy checkers. You must move checkers from the center of the board before you move any other pieces. If you have checkers left in the center and cannot move any of them back onto the board, you forefeit your turn."

"Ugh, lame."

"Once all your checkers have reached the last quadrant, you may begin to remove them from the game. If a checker is sent back, it must return to the last quadrant before you can resume removing pieces. There is a space to put checkers as you remove them." Tadashi pointed to a little trough on edge of the board. "You may think of it as being one space beyond the final spike on your path. If you have exactly enough movement to reach it with a certain checker, you may remove that checker. Things are more complicated if you have more movement than you need."

"Ah, shit."

"If you can move a checker the full result of your roll, you must do so instead of removing a piece. If you cannot, you may remove your furthest checker from the game."

"There is no passing your turn. If you are able to move, you must do so. If you roll two of the same number, you are given double the number of moves. For example, two threes becomes four threes. Are there any questions?"
"Yeah, can we play already?"
"Of course. For the sake of demonstration, I will go first."

So the game began.

Tadashi was very careful to keep his pieces paired up, even if it meant passing a chance to take one of his opponent's. Czonka jumped at every opportunity to take a piece, which a few lucky rolls for him and a few unlucky rolls for Tadashi ensured he was able to do a couple of times. Tadashi only captured one of Czonka's checkers, when it was in the way.

After a bit, each had concentrated their pieces near the end of the board. Tadashi filled the six spaces in his goal with little rows of white checkers, two and three each, and a row of three was two quadrants further back.

Czonka's pieces where slightly more spread out, and for the first time that game, Tadashi went out of his way to take one of Czonka's pieces. He used both moves on a single piece to move it onto one of Czonka's lone checkers, but it was left surrounded by others. Czonka smiled devilishly at the prospect of taking another piece. He did his best to contain his excitement so Tadashi wouldn't catch on and try to undo his mistake.

Once the die were in his hand, however, he chuckled outwardly. He threw the dice down just outside the wooden walls of the board. A four and a five, not bad. All he had to do was move the recently captured piece back onto the board and-

"Wait." Czonka narrowed his eyes. "I can't move this piece back onto the board."
"Correct. You must skip your turn."

Tadashi took the dice back and rolled them. Snake eyes. He moved a few of his straggling pieces towards the goal, capturing another of Czonka's on the way. "You can roll if you wish," Tadashi said plainly. "Though, you'll still have to forefeit your turn."

"Are you- How am I supposed to start playing again?"
"Well, you wait until one of the spaces in my starting quadrant has one or fewer pieces in it. Then, if you roll the right number to move a piece from the center of the board onto that space, you may do so. You will need to do that twice, as you have two in the center currently."
"You're shitting me."
"Would you like to roll?"
"Give me the dice."

Czonka couldn't do anything, no matter what he rolled, but he rolled every time anyway, and each time angrily, cursing under his breath.

Tadashi moved all his pieces to the last quadrant, began moving them into the goal, making no space for Czonka until he at last had no other choice. He moved one piece from the sixth space so that only one piece was left in it, then handed the dice to his opponent.

Czonka rolled a five and a two. He had to skip his turn. "What the hell is this?" The roses on his skin began to wick with flame.

"Please do not burn my pieces," said Tadashi firmly.

Steam shot out from Czonka's nostrils. "Fine," he grumbled as the fires died down.

The game continued, though there was little Czonka could do. After countless rounds having to skip his turn, he finally rolled the right number to enter a space where Tadashi had only one piece. Czonka moved the piece with firmness, but there was very little joy he felt in setting Tadashi back like that. Czonka's own pieces weren't set up in a wall like Tadashi's had been, so Tadashi quickly broke free.

Even then, Czonka was too far behind. Tadashi had removed ten pieces while he had removed none. There was nothing he could do.

"Gammon," said Tadashi.
"Gammon is when you remove all your pieces before your opponent has removed any."
"Ugh, whatever. Do we have to play any more games or can I go now? I have villages full of people I could be enjoying myself with back home."

"Of course you do," said Tadashi bitterly, narrowing his narrow eyes.
"Don't squint too hard, you'll go blind."
"Well, if you really had such a miserable time, I'll arrange something else for our next meeting."
"Thank fucking Christ."

Tadashi shook his head. "I enjoyed myself, at least."
"You find this fun?"
"I find winning fun in general," said Tadashi. "But yes, backgammon is a perfectly fine game. Though, it's design is a bit too elegant."
"I get ya man. I like the rough edges on things, the sweat and the grime. That real feel."
"Not quite. Backgammon is so simple and refined that there isn't much muck under which to hide exploits. I prefer a game where there is enough to keep track of that your opponent sometimes misses what you do in front of them, so long as you do it subtlely enough. An elegant game does not have many such hiding places. Chess has enough moving parts to sneak things under, which is why I prefer that game."

Tadashi saw Czonka to the door, which lead to a hall that wrapped around the building. "I shall let you see yourself to the exit without my interference. Do not forget about the tax reform we discussed."
"I got the packet in the mail, I'll do it when I get home."
"Very good. Have a good evening."

Tadashi watched as Czonka strutted out of sight, then let out the sigh he'd been holding in. "Disgusting."

He raised a hand, calling a mass of rice from the ground behind him. With a few elegant motions, the grains flew down the hall before returning shortly after in the form of a ball. The sphere collapsed onto the ground, revealing that it had acquired a box of trash bags as a temporary center. It was time to throw out all the rice which Czonka had stepped on.

Hope you all enjoy.

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Posting on behalf of the fallen Ana.



Anyways, guess I should read some things. Would have done it sooner, but I'm currently in the process of hypergrinding Beruka for Skills for...shoot what was her name...uh...someone on here who was looking for people with certain Skills on Niles and Kaze and Beruka, so that's been taking some time.

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25 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

'’Save the Witch, Abandon the Princess, The Hero decided'’

Does that mean the hero decided to save the witch and abandon the princess?

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I have an idea for this, but it's pretty Kringe. With a capital K even though Cringe has a C.


Ah, screw it. It's been a billion years since I've written anything. I will embrace the Kringe!

Edited by Benice
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I...don't have anything for this.  I think I'll focus on my need to be done projects for now.


I also realised I was missing a key two words from an older entry.  Enjoy the updated version


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