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SF's "Write Your Butt Off" Competition HD II.5 Remix


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I decided to revist an old theme and actually complete the story properly.

I'd like to point out I cried.  It's mildly bitter sweet, so warnings there.

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On 2/25/2021 at 9:44 AM, TheSilentChloey said:

I decided to revist an old theme and actually complete the story properly.

I'd like to point out I cried.  It's mildly bitter sweet, so warnings there.

How are you? Haven't seen you awhile . Thank so much for your tips in fire emblem hereos 

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On 3/1/2021 at 10:22 PM, Hasechi said:

How are you? Haven't seen you awhile . Thank so much for your tips in fire emblem hereos 

Doing well I'm not always on SF, but I am on Discord with the same username if you'd like a more consistent chat.

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On 2/24/2021 at 9:44 PM, TheSilentChloey said:

I'd like to point out I cried.  It's mildly bitter sweet, so warnings there.


"Yet he didn't care even as the water soaked through his clothes, making them heavier with each step he took."

  • A small physical complaint (thought it may have some narrative application): If Grima had been in the rain long enough, his clothes would be saturated with water and therefore not grow heavier.

"His despair enough to wish his own death."

  • This line is redundant and I would recommend removing it.

"Laurent conjured a ball of flames and they traveled into the cave despite their uncertainty."

  • I think an adverb would suit your purposes better here than the somewhat awkward phrase at the end.

"Several minutes passed as signs of blood lead the way."

  • While I understand the inclination to attach phrases using "as", it isn't something you need to do all the time. I think this would work better as two sentences. "Minutes passed. Signs of blood lead the way." The short, simple, punctuated form lends a heftier and rougher dramatic feel to things.

>tfw Severa, Kjelle

  • Since they really don't do much other than say a line of dialogue each, I think it might have been better to exclude them and just have Laurent and Lucina do things. Mind you, we already know who all these characters are so it doesn't really make a difference but it's generally worth cutting down your roster as much as possible. Simplicity, less to keep track of for both the author and the reader, all that good stuff.

Personally Grima sounds like kind of a bitch but that's even further down than the conceptual level and I figure it's easier to focus on execution, whether or not that's actually more beneficial than the technical stuff.

I put in some critiques because I figure it's the least I can do for the one person to actually put something in, even if it doesn't satisfy the original work clause.

@SoulWeaver Ya like Mega Man X? We got Mega Man X up in here now. This is somehow only the second Mega Man setting which I've written for this competition despite having made outlines of both Battle Network and Star Force stories in response to previous prompts. This took me about an hour and a half to write so I really took my own advice to heart and pushed something out to claim victory by default

Entry Name: Dream
Word Count: 889



The red reploid shifted in his stasis pod.


His eyes shot open. He couldn't see anyone through the glass cover, only a small crack of light from the door, but that voice, muffled and distant as it was...could it have really been...?



He slammed a button on the inside of his pod. The glass cover folded up, Zero nearly slammed his head against the frame trying to rush out. "Iris!"


It was coming from the hall. Zero pried the half-open door apart and rushed into the corridor. The sudden brightness of sterile white light blinded his optics, but they soon adjusted, mostly. There was still a white haze to his vision, but he could see clearly enough. He could see the figure standing at the end of the hall. Red and blue, beautiful even from afar, her long brown hair-


She was still, and suddenly silent.

Was this a dream? It felt real. The ground under his feet. It couldn't be though. Could it?

It didn't matter.

Zero charged towards her. His ponytail flew behind him. Her hair bobbed gently in the breeze of the air conditioning. It and her beret covered her eyes. That stupid hat- he had never liked it, but in that moment it was as welcome as anything.

He ran into her, threw his arms around her, picked her up and spun around in an ecstasy he had never thought he could feel again. She was there in his arms. She had weight. Tact. "Iris!"
Her arms slowly curled around him. He could feel her. It felt good. He finally placed her down and ran a hand over her forehead, pushing her hair and beret aside so he could see her whole face. He saw those same soft emerald eyes. "Is this...real?"

"Yes, Zero." Iris smiled warmly. "It's real. I'm here."

Zero's face was stuck in a perpetual gaping smile. "I can't believe it. How did you-"
"It doesn't matter." Iris stepped closer to him. She put her hand on his chest. "It only matters that we're here now. Together. We're finally together again."
"I just...it's almost too good to be true."

Then she looked down. Dejectedly. His heart cracked. "Are you...not happy? To see me?" A sniffle, a small tear forming on her crystalline eyes, falling to the ground below. "I thought you'd be...happy about it." Her voice was tense and pained and betrayed and his heart shattered into a million pieces.

"No, don't cry!" He desperately wiped away her tears. He lifted her chin and stared deep into her eyes. "I am happy! Please don't cry!" He caressed her cheek gently. "Please."

Iris sniffled. Her soft smile nearly returned. Hopefully expectant. Waiting. "Do you mean it?"

Zero nearly yanked her into his chest. "Of course I do!" He wrapped her up in his arms, hoisted her up and pressed her into him. It was too good to be true, but this was too real to be a dream. She was there. He was holding her. He ran a hand through her hair, soft and supple, that feeling he had missed for so many years, longed for it. Its absence had been another nightmare that tortured his dreams, and how he finally had her again. "We can finally be together again," he sobbed. "We can live together in a world where only reploids exist, just like you used to talk about!" Tears rolled down his face and into her locks, onto her neck. "Just don't cry. Don't leave me again. Don't ever leave me again. Please."

For a moment they stayed that way. It was a long moment. It was never going to be long enough. Zero would have stayed there forever, the two of them tangled together like they used to be, but he finally did place her down and wipe his eyes.

Iris adjusted her feet and looked back at the ground. "Zero?"
"Yes, Iris?" He smiled at her.
"There's something thing I need to tell you." Her voice turned somber. "It's something important."

"Anything Iris!" Zero held her by her shoulders and gazed into her eyes. "It doesn't matter what. As long as we're together, there's nothing that could separate us." He pulled her into himself once more, burying his face in her shoulders. "Everything is okay. You can tell me anything."
"This is pretty gay, dude."

You could hear the glass breaking as Zero's eyes shot open. "What? Axl!"

Zero pushed Axl's contorted cackling base form out of his arms. "What is wrong with you?"
"You just got pranked, bro!"
"Why would you ever think that would be okay?!"
"Because you're a moody prick who takes yourself way too seriously and I thought it would be funny." The transforming reploid grinned. "I was right too. I mean, come on dude. A world where only reploids exist? What kind of fucked up shit is that? You just gonna kill all the humans for your ghost gee-eff?" He snickered and put a hand on Zero's shoulder. "I tell ya big red, you really know how to pick 'em. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you-" You could hear the glass breaking as Axl's eyes shot open. He looked down to see Zero's saber stuck through his chest. "Okay fuck you."
"The feeling's mutual."

So, it's been no secret that participation has been a bit low since Ana got banned and Shob got a kid. Heck, even Chloey hasn't submitted a participating entry the past three rounds. The previous round had no entries and this one only had mine. On account of that, I'm considering putting the contest on hiatus until further notice. Maybe we could try to continue during the summer or extend the round length, but if participation is going to be this low it might be best to hold off for a bit.

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It’s not like I don’t want to participate. There’s just other stuff I wanna be writing atm. Still, I wonder why participation has been so low as if late. People just don’t wanna write? Personally, I just haven’t had any interesting ideas

Edited by Ottservia
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Admittedly, my problem has always been more the "performing/participation" aspect of this thread. I certainly write and get ideas and stuff, but I always get stage fright to show them. And that account to the single entry I have in here...

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13 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I guess it happens. Still, I'm sure with time there will be the Writing Competition III...

No, no. After this is II.8 Final Chapter Prologue.

4 hours ago, Ottservia said:

It’s not like I don’t want to participate. There’s just other stuff I wanna be writing atm. Still, I wonder why participation has been so low as if late. People just don’t wanna write? Personally, I just haven’t had any interesting ideas

It's perfectly fine if you have other things you want to write. People should write what they want to write, I'm not running a syndicated show here, there's no need to compel anyone to partake of their hobby in a way they don't want to. Whatever the reason people have for not writing though, I still invest the effort to update the thread even if there's no entries.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Admittedly, my problem has always been more the "performing/participation" aspect of this thread. I certainly write and get ideas and stuff, but I always get stage fright to show them. And that account to the single entry I have in here...

Don't worry man, no judgement here. I mean, some judgement but not in a judgemental way. Your one entry was pretty weird but I'm fairly certain it wasn't supposed to be a fetish so it was fine. Besides, look at some of the stuff Otts and Chloey and I submit. I mean, did you read my last entry? I don't think you have any reason to concerned about poor reception.

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Say, it's ok if i post something i posted somewhere else here as part of the competition aslong as it's in the same timeframe and fits the prompt?

Like last week i wrote something, but it wasn't intended for the competition, so i didn't post it here

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19 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

No, no. After this is II.8 Final Chapter Prologue.

We heading there, huh.

19 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:


Your one entry was pretty weird but I'm fairly certain it wasn't supposed to be a fetish so it was fine.

Sure, let's go with that.

But seriously, even if I wrote someone just eating a bowl of oatmeal I'd be thinking twice of uploading it. Still, I like to consider myself as being better now at dealing with that sort of stuff...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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17 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:
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"Yet he didn't care even as the water soaked through his clothes, making them heavier with each step he took."

  • A small physical complaint (thought it may have some narrative application): If Grima had been in the rain long enough, his clothes would be saturated with water and therefore not grow heavier.

"His despair enough to wish his own death."

  • This line is redundant and I would recommend removing it.

"Laurent conjured a ball of flames and they traveled into the cave despite their uncertainty."

  • I think an adverb would suit your purposes better here than the somewhat awkward phrase at the end.

"Several minutes passed as signs of blood lead the way."

  • While I understand the inclination to attach phrases using "as", it isn't something you need to do all the time. I think this would work better as two sentences. "Minutes passed. Signs of blood lead the way." The short, simple, punctuated form lends a heftier and rougher dramatic feel to things.

>tfw Severa, Kjelle

  • Since they really don't do much other than say a line of dialogue each, I think it might have been better to exclude them and just have Laurent and Lucina do things. Mind you, we already know who all these characters are so it doesn't really make a difference but it's generally worth cutting down your roster as much as possible. Simplicity, less to keep track of for both the author and the reader, all that good stuff.

Personally Grima sounds like kind of a bitch but that's even further down than the conceptual level and I figure it's easier to focus on execution, whether or not that's actually more beneficial than the technical stuff.

I put in some critiques because I figure it's the least I can do for the one person to actually put something in, even if it doesn't satisfy the original work clause.

@SoulWeaver Ya like Mega Man X? We got Mega Man X up in here now. This is somehow only the second Mega Man setting which I've written for this competition despite having made outlines of both Battle Network and Star Force stories in response to previous prompts. This took me about an hour and a half to write so I really took my own advice to heart and pushed something out to claim victory by default

Entry Name: Dream
Word Count: 889

  Reveal hidden contents


The red reploid shifted in his stasis pod.


His eyes shot open. He couldn't see anyone through the glass cover, only a small crack of light from the door, but that voice, muffled and distant as it was...could it have really been...?



He slammed a button on the inside of his pod. The glass cover folded up, Zero nearly slammed his head against the frame trying to rush out. "Iris!"


It was coming from the hall. Zero pried the half-open door apart and rushed into the corridor. The sudden brightness of sterile white light blinded his optics, but they soon adjusted, mostly. There was still a white haze to his vision, but he could see clearly enough. He could see the figure standing at the end of the hall. Red and blue, beautiful even from afar, her long brown hair-


She was still, and suddenly silent.

Was this a dream? It felt real. The ground under his feet. It couldn't be though. Could it?

It didn't matter.

Zero charged towards her. His ponytail flew behind him. Her hair bobbed gently in the breeze of the air conditioning. It and her beret covered her eyes. That stupid hat- he had never liked it, but in that moment it was as welcome as anything.

He ran into her, threw his arms around her, picked her up and spun around in an ecstasy he had never thought he could feel again. She was there in his arms. She had weight. Tact. "Iris!"
Her arms slowly curled around him. He could feel her. It felt good. He finally placed her down and ran a hand over her forehead, pushing her hair and beret aside so he could see her whole face. He saw those same soft emerald eyes. "Is this...real?"

"Yes, Zero." Iris smiled warmly. "It's real. I'm here."

Zero's face was stuck in a perpetual gaping smile. "I can't believe it. How did you-"
"It doesn't matter." Iris stepped closer to him. She put her hand on his chest. "It only matters that we're here now. Together. We're finally together again."
"I just...it's almost too good to be true."

Then she looked down. Dejectedly. His heart cracked. "Are you...not happy? To see me?" A sniffle, a small tear forming on her crystalline eyes, falling to the ground below. "I thought you'd be...happy about it." Her voice was tense and pained and betrayed and his heart shattered into a million pieces.

"No, don't cry!" He desperately wiped away her tears. He lifted her chin and stared deep into her eyes. "I am happy! Please don't cry!" He caressed her cheek gently. "Please."

Iris sniffled. Her soft smile nearly returned. Hopefully expectant. Waiting. "Do you mean it?"

Zero nearly yanked her into his chest. "Of course I do!" He wrapped her up in his arms, hoisted her up and pressed her into him. It was too good to be true, but this was too real to be a dream. She was there. He was holding her. He ran a hand through her hair, soft and supple, that feeling he had missed for so many years, longed for it. Its absence had been another nightmare that tortured his dreams, and how he finally had her again. "We can finally be together again," he sobbed. "We can live together in a world where only reploids exist, just like you used to talk about!" Tears rolled down his face and into her locks, onto her neck. "Just don't cry. Don't leave me again. Don't ever leave me again. Please."

For a moment they stayed that way. It was a long moment. It was never going to be long enough. Zero would have stayed there forever, the two of them tangled together like they used to be, but he finally did place her down and wipe his eyes.

Iris adjusted her feet and looked back at the ground. "Zero?"
"Yes, Iris?" He smiled at her.
"There's something thing I need to tell you." Her voice turned somber. "It's something important."

"Anything Iris!" Zero held her by her shoulders and gazed into her eyes. "It doesn't matter what. As long as we're together, there's nothing that could separate us." He pulled her into himself once more, burying his face in her shoulders. "Everything is okay. You can tell me anything."
"This is pretty gay, dude."

You could hear the glass breaking as Zero's eyes shot open. "What? Axl!"

Zero pushed Axl's contorted cackling base form out of his arms. "What is wrong with you?"
"You just got pranked, bro!"
"Why would you ever think that would be okay?!"
"Because you're a moody prick who takes yourself way too seriously and I thought it would be funny." The transforming reploid grinned. "I was right too. I mean, come on dude. A world where only reploids exist? What kind of fucked up shit is that? You just gonna kill all the humans for your ghost gee-eff?" He snickered and put a hand on Zero's shoulder. "I tell ya big red, you really know how to pick 'em. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you-" You could hear the glass breaking as Axl's eyes shot open. He looked down to see Zero's saber stuck through his chest. "Okay fuck you."
"The feeling's mutual."

So, it's been no secret that participation has been a bit low since Ana got banned and Shob got a kid. Heck, even Chloey hasn't submitted a participating entry the past three rounds. The previous round had no entries and this one only had mine. On account of that, I'm considering putting the contest on hiatus until further notice. Maybe we could try to continue during the summer or extend the round length, but if participation is going to be this low it might be best to hold off for a bit.

Shoot I thought I had another day to work with. Also wow man, that was painful. I literally never played X4 and that still just...ouch.

As for hiatus...hm. My end has mainly been that my iPod's charging port gave out a while back and it's hit my writing ability more than I thought it would. I have a backup iPod, but it currently can't download any apps so I haven't been able to do any writing through Docs unless I'm on an actual comp - I have to scribble stuff out in Notes, copy it to an email, email it to myself, find time to get on a comp, copy the stuff over to Docs, and then do any finishing touch-ups before I can share it. It also means I missed the free Forma Soul last month and I've been kind of frustrated about that. In the event that I can get my hands on another iPod to add Docs to, I should be able to get back up and running, but in the meantime it's definitely slowed me down a lot.

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5 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

Say, it's ok if i post something i posted somewhere else here as part of the competition aslong as it's in the same timeframe and fits the prompt?

Like last week i wrote something, but it wasn't intended for the competition, so i didn't post it here

Sure, why not. I wouldn't say to do so for this round, since the submission deadline is already past, but it'd be fine in a future round.

Heck, I ain't adding this to the rules and don't tell anybody, but as long as you haven't posted something anywhere before the writing phase began, feel free to submit it even if you wrote it before the round started.

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

We heading there, huh.

Sure, let's go with that.

But seriously, even if I wrote someone just eating a bowl of oatmeal I'd be thinking twice of uploading it. Still, I like to consider myself as being better now at dealing with that sort of stuff...

Can't give the fans easy payoff. I'm pretty sure Kingdom Hearts 3 had no payoff anyway, but I wouldn't know. I don't play Kingdom Hearts.

At least you aren't a furry.

To be fair, it would be kind of weird to write a story which was just someone eating oatmeal.

1 hour ago, SoulWeaver said:

Shoot I thought I had another day to work with. Also wow man, that was painful. I literally never played X4 and that still just...ouch.

As for hiatus...hm. My end has mainly been that my iPod's charging port gave out a while back and it's hit my writing ability more than I thought it would. I have a backup iPod, but it currently can't download any apps so I haven't been able to do any writing through Docs unless I'm on an actual comp - I have to scribble stuff out in Notes, copy it to an email, email it to myself, find time to get on a comp, copy the stuff over to Docs, and then do any finishing touch-ups before I can share it. It also means I missed the free Forma Soul last month and I've been kind of frustrated about that. In the event that I can get my hands on another iPod to add Docs to, I should be able to get back up and running, but in the meantime it's definitely slowed me down a lot.

So...you liked it then?

Dude if you need I can send you some bread for a new iPod charger or a refurbished Lenovo or something because this broken iPod stuff has gotta stop.

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4 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

Can't give the fans easy payoff. I'm pretty sure Kingdom Hearts 3 had no payoff anyway, but I wouldn't know. I don't play Kingdom Hearts.

At least you aren't a furry.

To be fair, it would be kind of weird to write a story which was just someone eating oatmeal.

I'd say it does... and doesn't. So, expect a long road before we reach KH4...

Perhaps not, but if you still saw what I've written...

Would've at least fit for the cooking prompt, maybe. Though for that one I was thinking on something Spyro related, actually. Mostly thanks to Reignited turning at least one of the dragons into a baker...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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33 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

To be fair, it would be kind of weird to write a story which was just someone eating oatmeal.

You could always play The Average Everyday Adventures of Samantha Browne for free.

I mean, it’s more about making the oatmeal, but I thought I would point out something similar exists. That’s my contribution to this thread.

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1 hour ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

So...you liked it then?

Dude if you need I can send you some bread for a new iPod charger or a refurbished Lenovo or something because this broken iPod stuff has gotta stop.

I hated it, Iris became my favorite MMX character literally off of the Xtreme games, she's still one of my top video game girls, that story is all I really know about X4 so you sucker-punch me like that...take my angry upvote you giant douche

It's more that I don't trust newer models, plus they expensive and I already let myself drop more money than I usually do this past month, so I'm mostly limited to digging through KSL Classifieds trying to find a listing that's close, cheap, and like 6th gen. Give it a little longer and I may get desperate enough to just hang it all and go for a brand-spanking-new one, though. Also it's not the charger, my charger works fine, it's that the iPod no longer registers a charger being plugged into it, so it's the charging port itself that's screwed up, and I can't go into any repair stores right now because our stupid governor dropped another mask mandate, meaning I'm basically locked out of any place not my work until people pull the sticks back out of their butts.

I'll post what I have at some point this week, we ended up watching a couple episodes of The Chosen as a family this evening so I'm afraid I wasn't able to finish mine. I guarantee you'll at least appreciate, if not enjoy, it.

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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'd say it does... and doesn't. So, expect a long road before we reach KH4...

A 14-year long road.

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Perhaps not, but if you still saw what I've written...

Have you ever read the erotic poetry of Bishop Agapetus?

1 hour ago, SoulWeaver said:

I hated it, Iris became my favorite MMX character literally off of the Xtreme games, she's still one of my top video game girls, that story is all I really know about X4 so you sucker-punch me like that...take my angry upvote you giant douche

The best part about being an object of the class you describe is that I get to slide into [banned]

She has 13 lines of dialogue in Xtreme 2 and doesn't appear in Xtreme 1 at all. How does she have such a spot on your list.

I'm glad I could spoil you on the game in the most comically underwhelming yet overwhelming way possible. Surprised you haven't seen the epic memes, though. Have you really not seen the epic Mega Man X4 memes? By the way, Axl says your waifu is a fascist.

1 hour ago, SoulWeaver said:

It's more that I don't trust newer models, plus they expensive and I already let myself drop more money than I usually do this past month, so I'm mostly limited to digging through KSL Classifieds trying to find a listing that's close, cheap, and like 6th gen. Give it a little longer and I may get desperate enough to just hang it all and go for a brand-spanking-new one, though.

That's nice and all, but you gotta get something with a keyboard my friend.

1 hour ago, SoulWeaver said:

I guarantee you'll at least appreciate, if not enjoy, it.

I am very anticipating.

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Just now, AnonymousSpeed said:

No clue, haven't read it. I just think it's funny that it exists.

For context, Agapetus was a 6th century Byzantine bishop.

I tried to look that up, but there were certainly quite a few Agapetus, including a few Popes.

Still, it's more or less normal at this point. Everyone has skeletons in their closets. Maybe some have only a femur or a skull, but closet ain't empty either way.

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24 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I tried to look that up, but there were certainly quite a few Agapetus, including a few Popes.

I read about it as a footnote in a book on Byzantine political philosophy. It appears to be a criminally under-spread piece of historical trivia.

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I had an actual "entry" for this round but I haven't finished it yet lol.


It'll be fashionably late.


Told you so:

Title: Líf's Arrival

Words: 1,085

Fandom: FE Heroes


I only want one future, only need one world, only need one answer, could this be it?


The light faded from harshly bright to sunset, as he stood on the summoning dais and shock filled his being.  Eyes swept the ruins around him as painfully familiar memories he struggled to lock away rose unbidden to the surface.  He'd once been bound to Thórr, but somehow that binding was broken.  He noticed the all too familiar figure with a white hooded coat, "Ah...it's you…" he said as he recognized the woman before him.  The pain Alfonse felt was more than he could bear.  Familiar yet different in ways he couldn't believe if he were inclined to wonder why now of all times his old prayers were answered in such a frivolous manner as this.


He never thought that seeing her could bring him so much pain and regret.  Her wide eyes regarded him and understanding filled her expression.


"Emofonse." She said quietly and he grimaced.  It was fitting and he hated it, Chloey had a way with names like that.  It was worse that he recalled the numerous shameful nicknames she'd used on him, various gods and generally no one was sacred to her, no name was off limits.  Though seeing her expression shift to a soft look of concern was too much.  He couldn't bear seeing that expression.  Anything but that!




He really couldn't tell what she was intending, putting him on a team with Grima and Veronica, the healer.  Morgan stood near him as he used his blade and fought near him at all times, Grima having been told to push Morgan into range of Alfonse at all times.  It was clear Chloey knew full well what his blade was for, obviously she intended it to help Morgan, though how was a mystery.


"Emofonse!" Chloey called directing him to enemies and he simply fought as he'd always fought.  Whatever she was planning it had to be specific to him.


It was only post battle that she came to him, grinning, "Great work Emofonse, I'm glad we have you as well.  It made things a lot easier for us."

He frowned, and sat in silence as she prattled on about various heroes he could work with to put them into vantage or desperation range.  It all went above his head and he simply nodded, it was easier that way.  No point in asking what she meant-

"Alfonse." Chloey's voice was stern, "You don't get it do you?"

He froze, "I am Líf-"

She shook her head, "Al…" pain shot through him, he remembered well what that tone meant and he flinched as a gentle hand reached up and pushed his hair back, "I know you've been through a lot, but...it's okay.  You don't have to be sad any more."

Her hand was warm on his deathly cold skin and he nearly lost it.  He tried to deny it, but the look she gave him from under her hood was telling and he could have wound the clock back, to a time long lost to him.


He didn't like his mind being intruded with those memories.  They were painful enough.


Yet she stood there, hand on his forehead, eyes seemingly looking into his.

"I know you've been through a lot Al, so please, take the time you need, okay?"

Her voice was soft and that was when he realised that she'd said the same thing to Grima a lifetime ago.




With his arrival to Askr, Alfonse found himself at a loss.  The others rightly called him Líf, that was who he was now, but...the Summoner's nickname of Emofonse stuck in irritating fashion.  She always called him Emofonse, but dealt with Hel, his former master and had summoned him into Askr.  She said it was by chance but Alfonse didn't believe that for a second.  She'd deliberately called upon him, and Briedablik had responded to her request.


However as he walked the halls of Askr Castle, he found himself feeling…




He noticed that Chloey was every bit the busy body she’d always been.  Calling heroes to learn skills, refine weapons give them special seals to help them.  Yet here…


Was he really in a place where Hel lost?!


He had not realised Chloey called out to him, but she was surprisingly cheerful for one who spent her time being furious at the antics of some of the heroes.


"Hey Emofonse, I need your help."


"Alfonse, I need you." Chloey had said, gripping his arm as she weakened from trying to fight off Hel, the wounds clearly killing her, eyes hollow and her body barely…


"Al." Her voice was soft as she gently held his hand in her own.  Again the understanding in her eyes shook him,

"Hel… killed you, ending your life." He said gripping the warm hand in his own,

"The other me, right?" She asked calmly and he nodded, "Oh, Al." She said with a sigh, "It'll be alright, I'm here, and no matter what happens, I'll always be here."

He blinked and lowered his head until it was touching her shoulder.  He knew it wasn't the same, that she wasn't the same but in that moment it didn't matter.  He needed his Summoner’s comfort.


Alfonse wasn't one to show his emotions on his sleeve, but he'd long since resigned himself to the fact that she was the shoulder he could cry on.  Albeit very discreetly.  He followed at a distance but she still treated him warmly, a warmth he didn't deserve.


"Al." The fact she called them both was...disconcerting, Alfonse had turned on instinct and she'd grinned, "Both of you." The summoner said calmly, and he realised what she had in hand.  He knew that object far, far too well and he frowned.  She grinned, "I figured you need this, so-"


Alfonse had frowned, "Summoner?" He asked uncertain,

"It's no problem Al, make good use of this skill as you can okay."


"Al." Her hands were on her hips, "Don't be prickly, there is plenty you can learn from after all."  She'd smiled at him and then pat his head, "Okay Kiddo."


"Emofonse." Her voice was soft and he jolted, "I'm not sure if you had this skill already, so-"

Alfonse sighed, "Always the same." He muttered softly and he felt embarrassment strike, "Forget it." He said quickly.  Though he knew by the look in her eyes that was an impossible ask.  She was his summoner after all.


Post Read Notes


This was something I decided to finish up, glad I did though it was late.  I had about a third of this one done, but I was trying to do something different here.


Líf is Emofonse obviously.


Edited by TheSilentChloey
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On 3/7/2021 at 10:32 PM, AnonymousSpeed said:

She has 13 lines of dialogue in Xtreme 2 and doesn't appear in Xtreme 1 at all. How does she have such a spot on your list.

This is possibly the greatest question my childhood self has ever refused to answer current me - I literally only remember seeing one shot of her saying something about them being careful, there definitely shouldn't have been enough time for her to waifu on me. Also that image isn't loading but I can gather what it was based on the URL. For the record I also haven't touched X Dive, sadly, I wish they'd release it internationally, so no, that doesn't factor in.

Gotta go so I'm afraid I can't respond to the other parts just yet.

Edited by SoulWeaver
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On 3/8/2021 at 7:55 PM, TheSilentChloey said:

It'll be fashionably late.

Well, you got something up at least.

On 3/10/2021 at 9:35 PM, SoulWeaver said:

This is possibly the greatest question my childhood self has ever refused to answer current me - I literally only remember seeing one shot of her saying something about them being careful, there definitely shouldn't have been enough time for her to waifu on me.

It is not a lot content to go off. I am of course only further confused by this revelation.

On 3/10/2021 at 9:35 PM, SoulWeaver said:

For the record I also haven't touched X Dive, sadly, I wish they'd release it internationally, so no, that doesn't factor in.

Gotta go so I'm afraid I can't respond to the other parts just yet.

I tried the test fire and I think it nearly melted my phone. Crappy mobile gacha, can't play as Gyro Man, 0/10. I mean, they don't even have Zain and Geemel!

I'll be awaiting the rest along with your story.

Edited by AnonymousSpeed
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