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[FE8] [100% Completed] The Sacred Trilogy Reskin and Rebalance


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New version is up! 😄

This update focuses on the Lagdou Ruins, which features every major antagonist from FE6 and FE7, all the regalia from those games, some new songs, and tons of nasty enemies. Most of the antagonists have custom animations too. I also made some enemies in floor 2 spawn as reinforcements in order to (hopefully) avoid the debuff glitch.

If you have already cleared the main campaign, you will need to do the following before updating!!!!!!!!

Myrrh now has two dragonstones she can use. The one she receives in chapter 16 is a little bit weak and meant to be used in the main campaign. I included a more powerful version which is obtained in chapter 21, so that she will still be viable in creature campaign. This means that if you have already cleared the main game and update to the latest version, you won't be able to obtain it. To avoid that, please download the following patch (for the version you're currently using) and follow these steps:


1. Start the game and go to Tower of Valni. One of the enemies there will carry and drop the dragonstone.

2. Get the stone, then retreat and save the game.

3. Now it is safe to update to the latest version.

If you are playing an older version and still haven't made it past chapter 21, then you don't need to do this. The stone will be obtainable normally in chapter 21.

Future updates will focus mainly on bug fixes and graphical improvements. I have yet to address the issue with secret shops showing broken items.

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2 hours ago, bløød said:

New version is up! 😄

This update focuses on the Lagdou Ruins, which features every major antagonist from FE6 and FE7, all the regalia from those games, some new songs, and tons of nasty enemies. Most of the antagonists have custom animations too. I also made some enemies in floor 2 spawn as reinforcements in order to (hopefully) avoid the debuff glitch.

If you have already cleared the main campaign, you will need to do the following before updating!!!!!!!!

Myrrh now has two dragonstones she can use. The one she receives in chapter 16 is a little bit weak and meant to be used in the main campaign. I included a more powerful version which is obtained in chapter 21, so that she will still be viable in creature campaign. This means that if you have already cleared the main game and update to the latest version, you won't be able to obtain it. To avoid that, please download the following patch (for the version you're currently using) and follow these steps:


1. Start the game and go to Tower of Valni. One of the enemies there will carry and drop the dragonstone.

2. Get the stone, then retreat and save the game.

3. Now it is safe to update to the latest version.

If you are playing an older version and still haven't made it past chapter 21, then you don't need to do this. The stone will be obtainable normally in chapter 21.

Future updates will focus mainly on bug fixes and graphical improvements. I have yet to address the issue with secret shops showing broken items.

When trying to update using the dragonstone UPS file, I get an error from tsukuyomi saying "Failed! Input File is Invalid"

I am using random growths with minimug.

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Well, it's working fine on my end...



Perhaps I just phrased the instructions poorly. Did you try to patch the ROM you are already playing? If so, that's wrong. I meant that you need to patch a clean ROM with the same settings as the one you're playing. In your case, patch a clean ROM with the dragonstone patch of random growths with minimug. Then get the stone, save and patch once again a clean ROM with the latest version. Sorry about the confusion, that was the only workaround I could think of. The save file will be compatible across all versions.

Edited by bløød
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On 4/3/2020 at 11:39 AM, Bruno said:

hehe ceará nordeste , você é de onde irmão? e o " sangue " é porque é a tradução de seu nome kkkk

Ah cara, nem me toquei. Pensei que fosse gíria kkkk. Sou de Goiânia, capital de Goiás.


On 4/3/2020 at 11:39 AM, Bruno said:

acho que para promoção alternava de Erika valer a pela ela deveria perder usar todos níveis de armas S para poder usar a melhor magia de luz

Para fazer isso eu precisaria dar a habilidade Discipline+ pra ela, mas o slot de habilidade pessoal dela já está ocupado. A programação do jogo naturalmente limita o rank S a apenas um tipo de arma.

On 4/3/2020 at 11:39 AM, Bruno said:

e por acaso estava usando cheates um por um nas armas e magias para ver todos , e caraca vi tanta coisa não usava que é bacana uma espada real op uma arma de Lyon uma magia op de escuridão de dois hits a fodendo espada dos selos , sério eu queria muito usar o pai de Erika e Efraim deixa ela dar 2 hitis tira aquela habilidade por favor kkk sou apaixonado pela animação do rei e cada dia entro nesse site na esperança de ver a nova atualização sou seu fã e fã de seu jogo.

Todas as armas são obtíveis nessa última versão. Eu queria deixar o melhor para o final, e também como incentivo para a galera jogar nas ruínas também. As animações especiais também estão inclusas quando os personagens usam as armas correspondentes.

On 4/3/2020 at 11:49 AM, Bruno said:

e exatamente você conhece o Marlon é do hack dele que me refiro a habilidade de captura estava jogando o hack dele , depois da uma olhada para ver como funciona a captura, vi que na última atualização dele tinha seu crédito na animação de cavaleiro prata do seth.

Conheço sim, ele (eles?) é bem ativo no FEUniverse. Só não curto muito o hack dele porque é meio bagunçado, mas essa é apenas minha opinião. Quanto à animação do Seth eu não fiz quase nada, só os frames e o script da animação crítica a distância.

On 4/3/2020 at 12:56 PM, judge09 said:

Cool, i'm so impatient, I don't know if you see my ideas (Lunatic Mode) and especially for Riev i will make a better sprite if you are interested. 

That is an idea for the future, but right now I'm very tired and I need to take a break from hacking.

On 4/3/2020 at 6:22 PM, l33tmaan said:

Come back after chapter 19 and let us know what you think. I wanna know if I'm just bad or if there really is another spike like in chapter 15.

Yes, I would like more feedback on this. I do think +4 is pretty overpowered, but I mainly play on normal so I didn't experience it firsthand.

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18 hours ago, bløød said:

Yes, I would like more feedback on this. I do think +4 is pretty overpowered, but I mainly play on normal so I didn't experience it firsthand.

I want to stress that it's not just the stats, but a combination of things: The enemy is using weapons a tier higher than what you can get, the +4 stats come online, and their level 5 class skills happen as well. Adjusting any of these would probably help - I actually really wanted to avoid fighting Generals because NOBODY could double them anymore and I had to try and get to Riev. Plus the enemies started hitting me with Sol and Astra... quite nasty stuff. Fun! But nasty, especially on a time limit with constant reinforcements.

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On 4/5/2020 at 2:18 AM, bløød said:

Future updates will focus mainly on bug fixes and graphical improvements. I have yet to address the issue with secret shops showing broken items

you sire are awesome

thank you so much for the update. gonna play it again and hopefully there will be no major issue

enjoy your rest

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On 4/4/2020 at 5:57 PM, bløød said:

Yes, I would like more feedback on this. I do think +4 is pretty overpowered, but I mainly play on normal so I didn't experience it firsthand.

Well the good news is that I just finished Chapter 19 today so I'll be able to comment on Chapter 20 hopefully tonight if I get the chance to play. I have run across a few other things I feel the need to point out. For startes I want to talk about the Hard Mode bonuses, specifically the Mini-Bosses.


As you can see the Officer Is incredibly underwhelming compared to the generic enemy. I assume this is do to with Hard Mode bonuses not applying to the bosses because of being manually set for Normal Mode. As such, Mini Bosses are some of the lest threatening enemies on the map, while also giving the best rewards. This is taken from Chapter 17, but as far as I've seen it applies to all Mini-Bosses. I assume this an unintentional side effect of the game being balanced around Normal.


Next few things are just balance suggestions conveniently all centering around Chapter 17

First off I'm off the opinion that the reward for keeping all the Citizens alive needs to be changed. Because uh, a Rescue Staff isn't going to cut it for the difficulty and amount of effort needed to keep them alive. It's an extremely challenging objective which requires clever unit placement and rescue strats to keep both your units safe and the citizens safe from the enemies coming from all directions. With the bonuses enemies are much bulkier and stronger requiring a good amount of strategy to hold them off. In terms of design for the Chapter, it's brilliant in its difficulty. Every time I died minus the time three Wyverns all hit 20 percent on Vanessa felt like it was my fault for not planning the turn out better. I was able to keep them all alive minus Seth but I wanted to finish anyway to see what the Reward was. Needless to say I was disappointed with a Rescue staff considering that they're now buyable from Jehanna Hall. Considering the reward needs to be balanced around all difficulties it doesn't need to be anything crazy, but giving out a limited Economy item would be nice. A second Pair of Boots or either a Warp or Hammerne Staff would be nice considering the challenge. Hammerne Staff seems the best out of the three, but having more move or another warp could lead to some very fun stratagies.

Next is the Armory, specifically that it straight up needs buyable Silver Weapons for quality of life. I know Silver Weapons are buyable from the Prep Armory from at least Chapter 15 onwards, but are not buyable from the overworld at all. Considering Rausten Court sells Gold Weapons the easiest place to add Silver Weapons would be Chapter 17's armory. 

Final Recommendation is the Shop, specifically the Wrath and Mirage Staffs. Considering the price tag on the items and that it's the late game, I feel that the two staffs need to be buffed. Holy Decree and Sanctuary are extremely useful diving a +10 to Attack and Defense respectively, but the 10 Crit and Avoid that Wrath and Mirage give is not worth it. A plus 10 to a luck stat is nowhere near the guaranteed plus 10 your attack or defense. To be viable I think they need a +30 or +20 to be useful. Thirty might be pushing it but again, its expensive and late game so giving an amazing staff isn't exactly going to break the game's balance. 

On 4/5/2020 at 12:39 PM, l33tmaan said:

I want to stress that it's not just the stats, but a combination of things: The enemy is using weapons a tier higher than what you can get, the +4 stats come online, and their level 5 class skills happen as well. Adjusting any of these would probably help - I actually really wanted to avoid fighting Generals because NOBODY could double them anymore and I had to try and get to Riev. Plus the enemies started hitting me with Sol and Astra... quite nasty stuff. Fun! But nasty, especially on a time limit with constant reinforcements.

 I'm interested in what chapter 20 will be like, but I can see it being a bit of a mess so we'll see. If there's a huge problem with it I'd recommend adjusting the difficulty for just that chapter either through lowering the bonuses to +2 for that chapter, or changing the skills or enemy layout like I33tmaan suggested. The +4 has been fine for the other late game chapters, no need to kill the good with the bad if you want to readjust Chapter 20. Other than those things though the difficulty has remained solidly designed so far. I have to appreciate the genius design in giving Reev the Boots to actually encourage players to play the chapter and not just hole up in treasure room and wait. Granted I did cheese it a little by holing up to get the treasure then warping my god tier Vanessa, but I still played long enough to get all the chests and enemy drops. I'd still call it a huge improvement over the original map though, as other than the treasure there was no reason to actually play the map. I'm excited to check out the new update after I finish my current play through. I'll either play through Ephraim route or test how hard this game is with an Eirika Hard Mode Iron Man. Either way this hack is still such a blast to play! Again thank you for all the Hard Work you've put in!

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1 hour ago, judge09 said:

In the chapter 2, there is a little bug when Breguet kill the swordman guard, the swordman, when he is dead keeps attacking.

Known issues I would like help with

  • Chapter 1, Breguet gets countered by the dead frelian mercenary.

He knew that from the beginning but doesn't know how to fixed.

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I had a ton of fun playing this. Very difficult on Hard mode, but I wouldn't suggest changing the difficulty. I did encounter a bug at the end though. The Draco Zombies summoned during the fight with the Demon King are unable to attack. If you look at their items, there will an icon for Wretched Air, but its name will be blank. The two initial Draco Zombies can attack, just not the summoned ones.


Also, the Demon King did not have Demon Light, only Ravager and Nightmare. Is that intentional?

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Hi there, I finished playing through Sacred Trilogy the other day and loved it! Sacred Stones was my first FE game so has always held a special place in my heart.

If you ever manage to implement 3 promotion options that'd be huge, access to some of the enemy only classes like Gladiator, War Monk & Dread Fighter would be super fun, as well as diversifying everyone's class (and therefore skill) options nad making more classes widely available (and just as a small hope, giving Pirates or Fighters access  to Summoner would be my number great, the class has such a cool axe animation but the two possible summoners have no real reason to ever use it without severe use of stat boosting items)


With that aside, I have some feedback to give on my experience. For clairty, I'll note that I played Normal difficulty, Random Growths, and Ephraim mode:

-With the addition of the skill system, most classes seemed well balanced so you don't have the situation of the base game where there's usually a superior class choice, my General (Gilliam) was actual a very important member of the team thanks to provoke and the high defesnes (at least until I got Duessel who did the same job better thanks to his high res) and the extra point of movement really helps. Though, while Wary Fighter is in theory good, my Gilliam actually ended up pretty fast (as did my Amelia, though she wasn't a general) so wasn't as helpful is it could have been.


-Staves on Rogues and Falcoknights was a very welcome addition, especially with how easy it is to buy physic staves, made the later parts of the game much less frustrating.


-The difficulty curve mas modest but not too wild (Though I did a lot of arena abuse so it probably would've been a lot harder without)


-I was skeptical about using the Lords' alternate promotions, but tried them out and loved them. Ephraim having full weapon triangle control is great, and Eirika's magic damage output is surprisingly high (though could have been better, but hey, that's true of Eirika in general.) In any future runs Its highly likely I'll use their original promotions, both for the extra movement and my aforementioned love of staves (Though this is assuming they get the same class skills as the new promos, curious if they get anything different), but these are still good.


-I often found my Convoy getting full which was really frustrating, and I had a tendency to not use stat boosters until a unit is max level so I don't 'waste' them (Though with how easy they are to  get in postgame I know I should be using them as I play to save space and get stronger) so I wonder if it's possible to make the convoy larger.


-While I conceptually like Discipline+ as a skill for Kings, one of my biggest gripes about GBA FE was not being able to S Rank multiple weapon types so its a shame you still can't in general, was something I would've liked to see but I understand that's not the vision you had. At the very least, might have been a cool idea as a class skill for Unmounted Ephraim as tehcnically a King (perhaps give Eirika's mage lord something similarly good to further set apart the mounted and non-mounted classes)


I also have a number of thoughts having played through Lagdou, but will keep them in a spoiler tag for the sake of keeping the surprise alive for people that haven't played that yet:



I really like what you did with the ruins. It was super fun and challenging, and all the Creature Campaign Chars were really good and formed the core of my team as they generally had super strong skillsets. I also loved the really good stuff you can get in chests. Shoutout to Valter who was shockingly useful dualwielding Garm and Nosferatu, and Riev who through some luck with the chests (I assume luck? I don't knowif they're static or random) ended up wielding Nosferatu, Gleipnir, Gespenst, Apocalypse & Ereshkigal by the end of the run. By the end my team was Ephraim, Valter, Glen, Mansel, Selena, Riev, Orson, Hayden.


-The first 6 floors were pretty standard, but the last four where all quite a bit trickier. I love what you did with FLoor 7 with the Morphs. Once I made it to Nergal there wasn't much trouble, though Limstella gave me a run for my money.

-Floor 8 probably the second hardest Floor of the ruins, the dragons are really nasty with Tower Defense+, only made worse by the difficulty of positioning your units around them to gang up because of the nature of the map.

-Floor 9 was slightly easier but still rough. The war dragons hit hard enough to be scary, but weren't bulky enough to be too hard to kill, so the map didn't feel like a slog or anything. My only real critique here is Jahn felt too frail. It wasn't too hard to bait him turn 1 with Hayden and eliminate him immediately, and could probably do something similar with anyone that has a longbow+ or wind magic.

-Floor 10 was brutal, the smaller map makes divide and conquer a much harder strat, and all enemies are terrifying. I did the only reasonable thing and went south first to deal with everything down there, then aggroed the upper dragons and enemies to pick them off one at a time, before finally dealing with Fomortiis. And by 'dealing with' I mean failing hard because I am pretty sure with my loadout he was impossible.

With his insane defenses, everyone (who had all stats maxed from statboosters) could only do 10 damage at most to him with effective (legendary) weapons, with the exception of Riev who could hit around 40 damage with both Ereshkigal and Gleipnir. Nobody else had any def ignoring weapons (and indeed, unless there's a chance to get the Fell Weapons from chests and I got unlucky, I assume the only option in general is Luna). The issue is that this low damage output, combined with Nihil (to ruin any plans for Valter to ride in with Luna the skill), Vantage+ and the ability that boosts his damage the more damage he has taken. In particular there was a key point where he started doing more than 60 damage to Riev, and that point was quite a bit higher than the 40ish HP of damage Riev can do, and after a little more damage he can oneshot everyone, at which point the only person who could attack him was Hayden who had a chance to dodge his attacks, but it was low and even then he couldn't outdamage the healing.

I really like everything about how the fight is made but I'm pretty sure from my situation it was impossible. I'm wondering if there's a trick to it, or I just need try and get Fell weapons if possible, or change my team output considerably to have a bunch of Bishops with Luce or something?


With all said and done, I hope my feedback is helpful and, regardless of any comments and criticism I had I want to make clear that I absolutely loved playing the hack and appreciate all the effort you put into it!


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I'm playing on fixed growth mode, seems like most of my units have the stats they should, but it lute has lower magic than her growth rate seems to imply.  I'm just checking in to see if this is a bug or if it's intended. At this point I thought her magic would be at least 19. At least according to the fe8 avg stats.


Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (USA, Australia)-0.png

Edited by Libra is best girl
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On 4/5/2020 at 2:39 PM, l33tmaan said:

I want to stress that it's not just the stats, but a combination of things: The enemy is using weapons a tier higher than what you can get, the +4 stats come online, and their level 5 class skills happen as well. Adjusting any of these would probably help - I actually really wanted to avoid fighting Generals because NOBODY could double them anymore and I had to try and get to Riev. Plus the enemies started hitting me with Sol and Astra... quite nasty stuff. Fun! But nasty, especially on a time limit with constant reinforcements.

Other people have been complaining about hard mode, so I guess you're not the only one having trouble with it. I'll see what I can do about making it better.

On 4/6/2020 at 11:59 PM, LettuceAway said:

you sire are awesome

no u

On 4/7/2020 at 1:25 AM, Olimar103 said:

As you can see the Officer Is incredibly underwhelming compared to the generic enemy. I assume this is do to with Hard Mode bonuses not applying to the bosses because of being manually set for Normal Mode. As such, Mini Bosses are some of the lest threatening enemies on the map, while also giving the best rewards. This is taken from Chapter 17, but as far as I've seen it applies to all Mini-Bosses. I assume this an unintentional side effect of the game being balanced around Normal.

The officers should be always stronger than regular enemies. They have higher starting bases, level and the same growths as regular enemies, so I'm not sure what's causing this. I nerfed hard mode in the latest version to give 2 bonus points instead of 4. I'll see whether this issue persists.

On 4/7/2020 at 1:25 AM, Olimar103 said:

First off I'm off the opinion that the reward for keeping all the Citizens alive needs to be changed. Because uh, a Rescue Staff isn't going to cut it for the difficulty and amount of effort needed to keep them alive. It's an extremely challenging objective which requires clever unit placement and rescue strats to keep both your units safe and the citizens safe from the enemies coming from all directions. With the bonuses enemies are much bulkier and stronger requiring a good amount of strategy to hold them off. In terms of design for the Chapter, it's brilliant in its difficulty. Every time I died minus the time three Wyverns all hit 20 percent on Vanessa felt like it was my fault for not planning the turn out better. I was able to keep them all alive minus Seth but I wanted to finish anyway to see what the Reward was. Needless to say I was disappointed with a Rescue staff considering that they're now buyable from Jehanna Hall. Considering the reward needs to be balanced around all difficulties it doesn't need to be anything crazy, but giving out a limited Economy item would be nice. A second Pair of Boots or either a Warp or Hammerne Staff would be nice considering the challenge. Hammerne Staff seems the best out of the three, but having more move or another warp could lead to some very fun stratagies

Honestly, I completely forgot about the rewards 😛
Your hammerne suggestion is indeed very good, so I'll see if I can find the event that points to reward and change it.

On 4/7/2020 at 1:25 AM, Olimar103 said:

Next is the Armory, specifically that it straight up needs buyable Silver Weapons for quality of life. I know Silver Weapons are buyable from the Prep Armory from at least Chapter 15 onwards, but are not buyable from the overworld at all. Considering Rausten Court sells Gold Weapons the easiest place to add Silver Weapons would be Chapter 17's armory. 

Another good suggestion. I think I meant to do exactly that at some some point but eventually forgot about it.

On 4/7/2020 at 1:25 AM, Olimar103 said:

Final Recommendation is the Shop, specifically the Wrath and Mirage Staffs. Considering the price tag on the items and that it's the late game, I feel that the two staffs need to be buffed. Holy Decree and Sanctuary are extremely useful diving a +10 to Attack and Defense respectively, but the 10 Crit and Avoid that Wrath and Mirage give is not worth it. A plus 10 to a luck stat is nowhere near the guaranteed plus 10 your attack or defense. To be viable I think they need a +30 or +20 to be useful. Thirty might be pushing it but again, its expensive and late game so giving an amazing staff isn't exactly going to break the game's balance. 

Those staves are actually just repurposed dancer rings from FE7 lol. Theses values are hardcoded and I can't really change them. I can change their price tag though.

On 4/10/2020 at 8:05 AM, judge09 said:

In the chapter 2, there is a little bug when Breguet kill the swordman guard, the swordman, when he is dead keeps attacking.

That was the very first bug since the very first version and I still can't figure out what causes it. I tried changing the event itself and the character data for those units, but nothing seems to work.

On 4/10/2020 at 9:12 AM, Dedesett said:

He knew that from the beginning but doesn't know how to fixed.

Good to see you again, Dedesett. Was kinda worried since Spain got hit pretty hard by Covid. Hope you're doing well.

On 4/10/2020 at 10:52 AM, judge09 said:

Chapter with Arthur, where he don't kill the eye, but the eye died, maybe it's in the game core. You need to change a bit the game core for correct this problem.

Must be because of hard mode bonuses. I'll see if I can put a weaker character data for that mogall so it will die.

On 4/10/2020 at 12:18 PM, judge09 said:

Another bug, Joshua now kill Natacha.

I experienced this myself (poor Natasha). Joshua's AI is still the same, so something in the skill system is probably modifying his behavior. I'll forward this issue to the skill system authors.

On 4/12/2020 at 6:10 AM, Calich said:

I had a ton of fun playing this. Very difficult on Hard mode, but I wouldn't suggest changing the difficulty. I did encounter a bug at the end though. The Draco Zombies summoned during the fight with the Demon King are unable to attack. If you look at their items, there will an icon for Wretched Air, but its name will be blank. The two initial Draco Zombies can attack, just not the summoned ones.

Thanks for the feedback. You're right, the data for their weapon was broken. Fixed that for the next update.

On 4/12/2020 at 6:10 AM, Calich said:

Also, the Demon King did not have Demon Light, only Ravager and Nightmare. Is that intentional?

He uses Demon Light for his rematch 🙂

On 4/12/2020 at 2:57 PM, RBRNMarcello said:

Hi there, I finished playing through Sacred Trilogy the other day and loved it! Sacred Stones was my first FE game so has always held a special place in my heart.

Same here, even though FE9 is still my favorite. Thanks you for the very detailed feedback, I'll answer each topic separately.

On 4/12/2020 at 2:57 PM, RBRNMarcello said:

If you ever manage to implement 3 promotion options that'd be huge, access to some of the enemy only classes like Gladiator, War Monk & Dread Fighter would be super fun, as well as diversifying everyone's class (and therefore skill) options nad making more classes widely available (and just as a small hope, giving Pirates or Fighters access  to Summoner would be my number great, the class has such a cool axe animation but the two possible summoners have no real reason to ever use it without severe use of stat boosting items)

I wish I could do this, but there are two very good reasons preventing me from doing it:

1) I would need to include the female version of the war monk and the male version of the dread fighter. Extending the list of classes is the most dangerous thing you can do the ROM and tends to cause issues with the item data and the skill data. Even the creator of FEBuilder recommends not doing this at all (which I already did).

2) Even if I did include those options, this would lead to the problem of some characters losing access to some weapons their unpromoted class could use. For example, Arthur as a monk promoting to war monk would need to lose his access to light magic. As far as I know, there's no way to do that, as in the vanilla this only happens to Ewan promoting from his trainee class to shaman and losing anima (and this is hardcoded to Ewan only). I'm not sure whether this could damage character data.

On 4/12/2020 at 2:57 PM, RBRNMarcello said:

-I was skeptical about using the Lords' alternate promotions, but tried them out and loved them. Ephraim having full weapon triangle control is great, and Eirika's magic damage output is surprisingly high (though could have been better, but hey, that's true of Eirika in general.) In any future runs Its highly likely I'll use their original promotions, both for the extra movement and my aforementioned love of staves (Though this is assuming they get the same class skills as the new promos, curious if they get anything different), but these are still good.

The skillsets for both promotions are the same. However, the mounted promotions get Canto+ and one additional MOV, while the unmounted promotions can use 3 weapons.

On 4/12/2020 at 2:57 PM, RBRNMarcello said:

-I often found my Convoy getting full which was really frustrating, and I had a tendency to not use stat boosters until a unit is max level so I don't 'waste' them (Though with how easy they are to  get in postgame I know I should be using them as I play to save space and get stronger) so I wonder if it's possible to make the convoy larger.

There's a patch to double the convoy capacity, but that makes use of extended save data that is already used by the skill system, which means they are unfortunately incompatible.

On 4/12/2020 at 2:57 PM, RBRNMarcello said:

-While I conceptually like Discipline+ as a skill for Kings, one of my biggest gripes about GBA FE was not being able to S Rank multiple weapon types so its a shame you still can't in general, was something I would've liked to see but I understand that's not the vision you had. At the very least, might have been a cool idea as a class skill for Unmounted Ephraim as tehcnically a King (perhaps give Eirika's mage lord something similarly good to further set apart the mounted and non-mounted classes)

Perhaps I could indeed give the unmounted lords that skill. I've already received messages from people wishing Eirika could reach S rank with light magic.


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On 4/12/2020 at 2:57 PM, RBRNMarcello said:

I really like what you did with the ruins. It was super fun and challenging, and all the Creature Campaign Chars were really good and formed the core of my team as they generally had super strong skillsets. I also loved the really good stuff you can get in chests. Shoutout to Valter who was shockingly useful dualwielding Garm and Nosferatu, and Riev who through some luck with the chests (I assume luck? I don't knowif they're static or random) ended up wielding Nosferatu, Gleipnir, Gespenst, Apocalypse & Ereshkigal by the end of the run. By the end my team was Ephraim, Valter, Glen, Mansel, Selena, Riev, Orson, Hayden.

Glad you enjoyed it. The extra characters have powerful skills because
1) I wanted to give players an incentive to recruit them
2) They do not have access to supports
The S rank weapons are static rewards, but other rewards in the ruins are randomized.

I'm still struggling to find balance for the final boss, because I do want him to be a challege to a fully maxed party. Also, I deeply apologize for completely failing to mention that the fell weapons are availble for purchase. I actually included two secret shops in the ruins, and the second one sells them. I'll give hints on their locations (for people who would prefer to find them on their own) and screenshots with their precise location (for impatient people).



On 4/12/2020 at 2:57 PM, RBRNMarcello said:

With all said and done, I hope my feedback is helpful and, regardless of any comments and criticism I had I want to make clear that I absolutely loved playing the hack and appreciate all the effort you put into it!

Yes, it was. Thank you!

On 4/13/2020 at 3:23 PM, Hullahup said:

Is it possible to remove the lag when selecting an enemy to attack? It takes like 0.5 sec to change between enemies which feels quite unresponsive. The original game has no lag there. 

I noticed this as well, but I literally don't know if there's a fix for this. It is probably a side effect of the skill system.

8 hours ago, Libra is best girl said:

I'm playing on fixed growth mode, seems like most of my units have the stats they should, but it lute has lower magic than her growth rate seems to imply.  I'm just checking in to see if this is a bug or if it's intended. At this point I thought her magic would be at least 19. At least according to the fe8 avg stats.

You're the secon person to mention that. Lute's character data has not been edited, by I did change the class's base stats. I just checked it and honestly, I think I made mages underpowered. I'll raise their MAG stat for the next update.

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7 hours ago, bløød said:

Good to see you again, Dedesett. Was kinda worried since Spain got hit pretty hard by Covid. Hope you're doing well.

Yes, Spain got hit pretty hard but me and my family (for now) have been lucky. Hope you are well too.

I don't have any bugs to report ths time because you did an amazing job. I need to complete the Lagdou Ruins yet but what i can say is that you did an amazing job.

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An absolutely amazing hack to play from start to finish! Excellent job on this - the hack plays well except for a few bugs I encountered while playing through the lagdou ruins (hard-mode). 

On floor 4 of the ruins, breaking the lowest wall segment will cause several tiles to become blank tiles with glitched textures which are impassable by any units (unfortunately I didn't screenshot any of these glitches during my playthrough and don't have a stavestate of them anymore.) 

As mentioned by others before, all mini-bosses starting from the late-game through to the ruins are much weaker than the regular enemies on the map, with most regular enemies in the ruins exceeding the 60 hp cap and some dipping into "??" territory while the mini-bosses are stuck with laughably low stats which don't even reach caps like many regular enemies. 

When using a shortbow+ on Glen and trying to attack from 1-range the game hangs (Maybe there isn't yet a 1 range animation for the shortbow+), I haven't tried with other characters so I don't know if this bug is exclusive to Glen. 

When facing bishops which proc the "flare" skill, Selena still takes damage rather than being hit for 0 as her personal skill allows for all other offensive skills. 

On the 9th floor the manaketes all have attack stats of around 42-45 (nothing unusual) however their damage is unaffected by def and res (like the fire dragon from fe7's final map) and they also have the "dragon fang" ability. This leads to roughly a 30% chance of dragon fang proccing in combat, causing the manaketes to deal more than 60 damage in a single hit which isn't reduced by defense stats - this leads to an instant 1 shot for any player unit regardless of defense and resistance. The only way I could even finish this level was by using Selena against the manaketes as her personal ability allows her to take 0 damage from enemy skill activations. Though I'm not completely sure if this is a bug, it seems a little sketchy that the manaketes are designed to be able to 1 shot any player unit through bypassing defenses as this effectively means using selena is the player's single option for completing this level without using an abundance of 3+ ranged weapons. 

Finally, when a manakete procs dragon fang against selena, the game hangs as she takes 0 damage. The music continues to play however the manaketes animation freezes and the battle never concludes which forces a reset by the player. 

Not a bug but a suggestion would be to allow multiple S-ranks in weapons (I think this has been mentioned before) as there are so many cool weapons made available in the post-game which are unfortunately, locked to a specific collection of characters e.g. Valter loses out on S-rank dark, Selena misses S-rank in light and dark etc. 

Overall this is an exceptional and well thought-out hack, it spices up Sacred Stones with higher difficulty and adds completely new elements as well as a genuinely challenging post-game along with some sweet new custom animations for post-game bosses. 

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