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Special Heroes Silhouettes for April 19th!


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That is one big marshmallow. If it is not marshmallow, I guess it could be a large hotdog piece or maybe ham, although people usually stick the skewer through the other way. I cannot think of any other cylindrical food you put on a stick.

I could not really figure out who they are, but after reading the comments, I think the left is Genny too. No clue on the right though; could be anyone with long hair.

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...sorry, I'm not that big a fan of camping. I was when I was younger, but I've kinda grown out of it...

Anyways yeah that's Genny. First thought for the person on the right was Libra, but only because the hair kinda sorta reminded me of him... though on second look, that doesn't really look like Libra...

Man, why couldn't we just have Bridal Dragalia?

...oh well who cares, I got me some Smash 3.0 to worry about. I wonder if it'd be possible to make a FEH themed stage...?

Edited by Xenomata
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Left one is 95% Genny confirmed - who appears to be having marshmallows? Right one is a mysterious one, I saw a lot of prediction to both male AND female characters.

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Oh gods no, why does it have to be Genny, I am saving for Selkie/F!Morgan on the Iceberg banner don't do this to me please. What if one of the others is Alm too, my orbs are crying.

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i asked many people who do they think those characters are, and i'm surprised by how many of them said azura for the character on the right

i wonder if they're blind or something: i mean, azura has a shit ton of hair, which almost touches the ground

there's just no way that one is azura imo

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Genny and Mathilda eh? Makes me wonder if Alm and Clive will be the other two, but that'd make three from Alm's team and one from Celica's. I reckon they'd make the banner a 2-2 split and leave the eventual third character for one team for the TT. 

Casual clothes Silque or Mae would be very cute, so I'm hoping for them. Would be weird if we didn't at last get an Alm alt. 

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Please tell me a sheep is somehow involved in Genny's.

If it is, there's no way I'm bothering with the Gallia banner again.

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Genny....it might be Nino with a Genny wig. Who knows. 

Honestly I don't have any idea who the right character could be. Mathilda would be nice though. Because with her I may push Clive. I was a bit sad that Clive and Mathilda just have the same color and are not that good in sync in battle. With her as a Seasonal and Sword it might be better to make something out of them. In Echoes I played both often together. 

No Zeke or Tatiana in sight, its a seasonal anyway. So Overall I do not know if I spend much orbs on this. But there are still others to come.

Twist: Left one is Nino, right one is Limstella.

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Personally I saw it at first and went "Oh look its Sofia and Soliel getting alts"


Course it could be SoV… but you have to remember a lot of chars have that same hairstyle as Genny... its not unique to her or anything... 


If its SOV I would guess Genny and Tatiana/Faye... as I can see the one on the right is a dancer... 


Course sometimes with these summer ones they do two units who aren't from the same game next to each other... so it could be a mix and match? (Aka 2 Echoes alts, 2 Fates alts) as they like to do a pair of units from two games for seasonals… (except lately it seems to contradict that imo)

Edit- meant Sofia not Sophia... god names can be confusing sometimes... like Sonia and Sonya

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1 hour ago, Ronman5 said:

Personally I saw it at first and went "Oh look its Sophia and Soliel getting alts"

Course it could be SoV… but you have to remember a lot of chars have that same hairstyle as Genny... its not unique to her or anything... 

It’s not just the hairstyle, but also head shape and body size. She has all of Genny’s hair flicks and what looks like the hair ribbon she wears. Assuming the characters are all already in FEH, it really feels it can only be Genny, unless they’re intentionally trying to throw us off. 

If it’s someone not on FEH yet, the only other one that could fit is Tina. 

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25 minutes ago, Jave said:

It’s not just the hairstyle, but also head shape and body size. She has all of Genny’s hair flicks and what looks like the hair ribbon she wears. Assuming the characters are all already in FEH, it really feels it can only be Genny, unless they’re intentionally trying to throw us off. 

If it’s someone not on FEH yet, the only other one that could fit is Tina. 

I actually thought that too... also I meant Sofia not Sophia... 


To me Sofia looks like she can fit too... cause it looks like to me that the person on the right is wearing some sort of armor... At least this isn't nearly as hard a innes last year (who used a dang flag in his prortrait) 


Edit- I don't see Genny's hair ribbon... the closest thing I see to being the one she wears on her left side is fully obscured by the outline of a marshmallow... 

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Leanne: Naesala… Be… Be safe. I want to…stay with you, (now and always. By the way, can you cook?)

Naesala: Hey, no need to worry. I’ve survived so many death traps even I find it unnerving.

The perfect blend of cooking and fighting.

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10 minutes ago, Ghostface233 said:

I do enjoy how these silhouettes bring out the creativity in people.  Wouldn't even be that mad if it was Tharja since at least  it's almost been a year since her last alt.

I don't know if I will be happy or scared with the potential Tharja on the banner. When I am already saving up for her bride counterpart. 

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Man that artist truly is amazing. I hadn't even noticed the necklace on the left person yet, guess it really is Genny then (my orbs, I cry).

Seeing that hood thingy on Tharja makes me think it's Tatiana though, who wears a hood thing like that. Not really sure if the hair fits though, but it's the only SoV person I can think off who would fit that silhouette. That would also make my orbs cry though, man the fear is real.

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Not Tharja, please. Since it looks like the one on the right has a torch or something, that means her 4th form would also be red. If she's a staff unit, though, I'd be all for it. Tharja just needs more diversity than 3 red and a reincarnated green.

Thinking on it though, with the hair splay like that, it could also be Lucina. I wouldn't mind a Staff!Lucina or Mage!Lucina, since two of her potential moms can use magic. (Well, 4 if you reclass Olivia and promote her. Sumia's also only on promotion, so I didn't include her in the initial count)

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I'm 90% sure the girl on the left is Genny.

The person on the right, though...

My first thought was either Seliph or Libra, but I think I saw one person say it could be Mathilda and another person say it kind of looks a bit like Rinea?

Either way, my orbs are screwed if this is SoV themed.

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If this does involve cooking Peri should be on this.  I agree about the left being Genny but the right is harder, my secret dread/hope is Elphin but I am going to guess Sonya.  I am just hoping there are no blue flying dragon on this banner, since that is the unit type I want the most and I am low on orbs.

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The person on the right maybe it's Echidna if that's an axe. It seems someone wearing a bandana. It it's a staff, maybe Elffin? It seems there's a ponytail.

EDIT: Oh, it's seasonal? They don't release currently unused characters as seasonals, right?

Hm, then maybe the person on the right is Cherche? There seems to be some ribbons floating near her hair, and she has those.

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