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So... I've gotten started on the Golden Deer route and I am on Chapter 3 (?) right now. First impressions are... less than favorable, at least when it comes to the units. Character-wise, they're fine for now (with some exceptions, more on that soon), but unit-wise, hooo boy. Comparing them to the Blue Lions in terms of strength is an insult to the Blue Lions. Sure, I haven't gotten very far yet, but I haven't had this much trouble with the first three Chapters when I was playing Blue Lions and even Black Eagles.

As for the characters themselves, they are - right now - somewhat in the middle between the Blue Lions and Black Eagles in terms of how much I like them overall. On one hand, we have Lysithea (who is well on her way to being my favorite female character in the game), Marianne, Hilda, Raphael, and Claude, who I really like, on the other hand, we have Lorenz, Ignatz, and Leonie, who won't win any awards with what I've seen of them so far. And due to NG+ being broken, I've unlocked several supports between them already.
Lorenz is especially egregious, because he combines the worst aspects of Ferdinand and Sylvain - two characters I'm already not very fond of - to the point where I am convinced that he's the unholy love child of the two, meaning he'll probably be my least favorite character in this game. His voice actor's comments on him are frighteningly accurate, let's just put it that way.
Leonie's "Captain Jeralt this, Captain Jeralt that, I'm better than you!" is really grinding my gears.
As for Ignatz, he's okay, but he's also incredibly similar to Ashe, except slightly more bland.

On 8/7/2019 at 5:59 PM, Armagon said:

Yeah, i kinda do miss her longer hair too. You know, despite all the good things i have to say about Edelgard, her post-timeskip design is probably my least favorite of the three Lords. It's more of a minor thing and doesn't really matter in the long-run, i'm just putting that out.

I mean, I have nothing against her outfit. Just a shame they ditched her long hair. But that might be just me preferring female characters with longer hair as opposed to very short hair, which is why I'm not that big on post-time skip Mercedes and Ingrid, either.

On 8/7/2019 at 5:59 PM, Armagon said:

Agreed. I haven't really found anyone i truly dislike yet even if Sylvain is just worse Inigo/Laslow (speaking of which, he finally joined me, all i need know is Felix and the Blue Lion House is mine). If there is someone i might truly dislike though, it'll probably be Lorenz from the Golden Deer House. He feels way too much like that kind of noble character that's just way to prideful and arrogant and "commoners should know their place" kind of dude and i've always disliked these kinds of characters. Those are just first impressions and that might change once i get to know him more and hey, i thought i'd dislike Caspar when i saw the previews and look how he turned out.

I'd argue that Sylvain is slightly better than Laslow/Inigo, because at least Sylvain has his moments where he isn't a sleazeball.
Though I do think that Inigo's philanderer stuff does make for some pretty hilarious supports in Awakening (with Nah and female Morgan, specifically), which is probably the only time I found that kind of stuff funny (except Ringabel in Bravely Default, who is a walking comedy act), something that I can't say about Sylvain at all.

On 8/7/2019 at 5:59 PM, Armagon said:

Oh i meant specifically in the Black Eagle House but yes, Annette and Lysethia are also best girls. And Marianne and Hilda, from what i've seen of them. Ingrid and Mercedes are probably the only ones who i'd say aren't in the best girl club but they ain't bad at all. Fun fact about Annette, her voice actress also sang the English version of Lifelight in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

Annette for Smash confirmed.

Really? I had no idea. That's interesting.
Speaking of Smash Ultimate: The moment they announce Neptune/Purple Heart for Smash Ultimate is the moment I'll throw my money at that game. Now that there's a Neptunia game on the Switch, there might be a significantly small chance of that happening.

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playing some 100% Orange Juice with my discord peeps. Has been a while since i last played that.

Forgot how much of a chaos filled friendship ruiner that game was 😄

If anyone wants a Mario Party like experience on PC, this is the game for you.

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9 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Now that there's a Neptunia game on the Switch, there might be a significantly small chance of that happening.

Try 0% as they already picked the DLC fighters before the game released.

Anyway, Super Mario Maker 2 and Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies.

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1 hour ago, NinjaMonkey said:

Try 0% as they already picked the DLC fighters before the game released.

Anyway, Super Mario Maker 2 and Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Dual Destinies.

There isn't anything wrong with having hopes for a character to be added, no need to be so rude/negative, really.

On topic, mentioning smash, I've been playing some PM lately. Gosh it feels much more fluent than Smash Ultimate. I really like the creativity in PM, it makes it feel like the people that made it actually put some thought into the movesets, etc.

Edited by lightcosmo
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Currently crying my way through a Pokemon white Nuzlocke, I swear this game had a way less severe level curve at the start. 

Have already lost Snivy, Panpour, Munna and like 3 Patrat, but I absolutely destroyed Lenora with just audino taking literally no damage (attract + secret power, paralysis on both Herdier and watchog) 


Almost finished Fe4, then I'm onto the OG Archanea trilogy, then Binding Blade, and I'll borrow 3 houses from a buddy and then I'm done. (I'm probably never gonna touch the Tellius games) 

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1 hour ago, lightcosmo said:

There isn't anything wrong with having hopes for a character to be added, no need to be so rude/negative, really

Rude? It's called "being realistic", you should try it some time.

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2 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

Rude? It's called "being realistic", you should try it some time.

At one time, Banjo being in Smash was unrealistic, yet where is he now? Dont tell me it's not realistic, obviously that's not true. It's far from "impossible".

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So i've recruited everyone in the Blue Lions House. This should be fun. I also recruited Lorenz and Ignatz. I want to punch the former in the face. I've also done Felix and Lorenz's paralouges, as well as Ashe's. 

I think once i hit the timeskip, i'll switch the game to normal. Literally the only reason i'm doing a repeat of Crimson Flower is because there's certain interactions i want to see. And i'm still gonna do that but with Astral Chain coming up at the end of this month, i want to get as much of Three Houses done as i can. So i think switching Three Houses to Normal soon will be the best thing to do.


On 8/8/2019 at 11:07 AM, DragonFlames said:

Edelgard is the best lord in the series. She's extremely well written and interesting. Among many multi-layered characters, she's definitely one of the most complex. I've said this before, but I find myself agreeing with a majority of her goals.

Agreed 100%.

On 8/8/2019 at 11:07 AM, DragonFlames said:

Speaking of which, next I will talk about some spoilers, so only read when you have finished that route yourselves!

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Yeah, the whole thing with TWSITD being dealt with in the epilogue is something i touched on before when i said that some things were "handwaved". Definitely did want to see TWSITD (these guys need a much better name) be dealt with but at the same but at the same time, taking down Rhea was Edelgard's main goal so i do think Crimson Flower ending where it did was good choice.


15 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Lorenz is especially egregious, because he combines the worst aspects of Ferdinand and Sylvain - two characters I'm already not very fond of - to the point where I am convinced that he's the unholy love child of the two, meaning he'll probably be my least favorite character in this game. His voice actor's comments on him are frighteningly accurate, let's just put it that way.

Damn, his VA's comments were incredibly accurate. I know he wasn't but Lorenz feels like was designed by someone else. What is his hair? What is his jawline? Why is the nose on his model so unnatrually flat?

But yeah, i did finally recruit Lorenz and his Supports......have not shown me any positives to him. In his C-Support with Dorothea, he basically goes full Neil deGrass Tyson on her on why commoner women aren't "suitable enough" for him.

15 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Speaking of Smash Ultimate: The moment they announce Neptune/Purple Heart for Smash Ultimate is the moment I'll throw my money at that game. Now that there's a Neptunia game on the Switch, there might be a significantly small chance of that happening.

If we ever get to be in the timeline where that happens, i want Neptune to have the dumbest moveset. By that i mean, i want her moveset to be as stupid and hilarious as Hero because Hero is the funnest fighting game character in the history of fighting games. He's so wacky and there's so much shenanigans that comes out of his moves (by which i mean mainly Down-B) and i want another character like this (because as much as i like playing Hero, i have very little interest in Dragon Quest).

3 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

Rude? It's called "being realistic", you should try it some time.

Did you know you can dream and be realistic at the same time? You should try it some time, it's not that hard to do.

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6 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

Rude? It's called "being realistic", you should try it some time.

The only rude comments allowed in this thread are rude comments directed at video games. They're the guys that have it coming.

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11 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

There isn't anything wrong with having hopes for a character to be added, no need to be so rude/negative, really.

On topic, mentioning smash, I've been playing some PM lately. Gosh it feels much more fluent than Smash Ultimate. I really like the creativity in PM, it makes it feel like the people that made it actually put some thought into the movesets, etc.


9 hours ago, NinjaMonkey said:

Rude? It's called "being realistic", you should try it some time.


7 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

At one time, Banjo being in Smash was unrealistic, yet where is he now? Dont tell me it's not realistic, obviously that's not true. It's far from "impossible".

Be nice, guys. I was half-joking when I said that, anyway.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Agreed 100%.

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Yeah, the whole thing with TWSITD being dealt with in the epilogue is something i touched on before when i said that some things were "handwaved". Definitely did want to see TWSITD (these guys need a much better name) be dealt with but at the same but at the same time, taking down Rhea was Edelgard's main goal so i do think Crimson Flower ending where it did was good choice.



6 hours ago, Armagon said:

Damn, his VA's comments were incredibly accurate. I know he wasn't but Lorenz feels like was designed by someone else. What is his hair? What is his jawline? Why is the nose on his model so unnatrually flat?

But yeah, i did finally recruit Lorenz and his Supports......have not shown me any positives to him. In his C-Support with Dorothea, he basically goes full Neil deGrass Tyson on her on why commoner women aren't "suitable enough" for him.

I'm honestly considering just sending him to his death and recruiting someone to replace him. It's not like he has any value as a unit, either. He also proves Edelgard's point about the nobility being a shit-show.
His VA is the best part about the guy, anyway. He's great.

6 hours ago, Armagon said:

If we ever get to be in the timeline where that happens, i want Neptune to have the dumbest moveset. By that i mean, i want her moveset to be as stupid and hilarious as Hero because Hero is the funnest fighting game character in the history of fighting games. He's so wacky and there's so much shenanigans that comes out of his moves (by which i mean mainly Down-B) and i want another character like this (because as much as i like playing Hero, i have very little interest in Dragon Quest).

One of her attacks could be throwing pudding at the opposition, like her older self does in MegaNep VII. And while it's not technically her move, summoning Nepgeardam might be fun, too.
I am unsure what her Ultra Smash would be: either transform into Purple Heart and have stronger attacks (so, kinda like Wario Man or Arsène) or straight up Neptune Break.


Speaking of the Golden Deer, I am glad I didn't pick them first. If I had, I probably would have started over and picked someone else or put the game down immediately, because deer LORD they suck compared to the Blue Lions and Black Eagles. The best among them is Lysithea, but even she isn't much better than any other unit in the game. I now see why everyone calls her the best unit in the game: Because everyone else in the Golden Deer makes her look like a goddess in comparison.
Why Lysithea herself isn't much better than the other two female mages in the game:
I'd argue she's worse than them. Dorothea and Annette could at least survive some hits before dying, especially from enemy mages. Her alleged 50% speed growth is a dirty, dirty lie: she has 13 speed at level 18, while her magic sits at 20. Annette and Dorothea had equal speed and equal magic once I got them to that point. Add to that the fact that she can't make use of the innate Warlock skills due to being restricted to Dark Magic (and she can't become a Dark Mage, either) and you have a very disappointed DragonFlames on your hands.
The lesson here is: never listen to a community telling you who the best anything in a game is.

On the other hand, I got one of the funniest supports in the game: Claude and Ignatz' B-support, where they talk about the goddess being a beauty and wanting to date her. Why this is funny is kind of a spoiler, so I will mark it as such:

Knowing the twist about who the goddess is makes this so funny, because they're basically talking about Sothis being hot and wanting to date her. Claude also basically calls the entirety of Fodlan lolicons when he says that they were probably mesmerized by the goddess' beauty when she was still walking amongst the people.

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22 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Speaking of Smash Ultimate: The moment they announce Neptune/Purple Heart for Smash Ultimate is the moment I'll throw my money at that game. Now that there's a Neptunia game on the Switch, there might be a significantly small chance of that happening.


7 hours ago, Armagon said:

If we ever get to be in the timeline where that happens, i want Neptune to have the dumbest moveset. By that i mean, i want her moveset to be as stupid and hilarious as Hero because Hero is the funnest fighting game character in the history of fighting games.

if we're gonna get a Neptunia character, why not the Waifusonication of Nintendo itself? xD

She could still have dumb moves, like being pissed off as a Final smash xD

Edited by Shrimperor
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2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

she has 13 speed at level 18.

This is probably just bad luck, just like Ingrid with 12 strength at level 30 for me.


2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

Be nice, guys. I was half-joking when I said that, anyway.

I wasn't really upset or anything, I was just stating my opinion. Even joking, what you think shouldn't be stomped on.

Edited by lightcosmo
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3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

This is probably just bad luck, just like Ingrid with 12 strength at level 30 for me.

Wow, that sucks. Yeah, RNG is a mad, mad mistress.

Speaking of which, two level ups and a class change later and SUDDENLY the Golden Deer are as strong as the other houses, with Lysithea finally becoming the nuclear warhead people were touting her as, one-shotting pretty much everything in her wake. What. The. Actual. Hell? Here I was ranting about how terrible they are, and the game proved me wrong yet again. I feel dumb now. Thanks, Three Houses...

3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

I wasn't really upset or anything, I was just stating my opinion. Even joking, what you think shouldn't be stomped on.

Thanks for standing up for me, but this kind of stuff really isn't something to get into an argument over, I believe.

4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

if we're gonna get a Neptunia character, why not the Waifusonication of Nintendo itself? xD

She could still have dumb moves, like being pissed off as a Final smash xD

True, Blanc/White Heart would make more sense, considering we are on a Nintendo console. Though following that logic, it should be either Noire or Vert for the irony of it. XD
Then again, every franchise is represented by their main (or at least most recognizable in Cloud's, Shulk's, and Joker's case) character, which in Neptunia's case is Neptune.

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3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

This is probably just bad luck, just like Ingrid with 12 strength at level 30 for me.

Wew. I had Mages with more strength in my FE playing time. Special shotout to Soren with his 27 strength haha

7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Then again, every franchise is represented by their main (or at least most recognizable in Cloud's, Shulk's, and Joker's case) character, which in Neptunia's case is Neptune.

Best thing about Nep in smash: Salt in smash fanbase
>Sword user
atleast it's a swordswoman this time and not a swordsman :lul:

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Wew. I had Mages with more strength in my FE playing time. Special shotout to Soren with his 27 strength haha

Jesus Eduardo Christo, that's a buff mage right there.

3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Best thing about Nep in smash: Salt in smash fanbase
>Sword user
atleast it's a swordswoman this time and not a swordsman :lul:

The Smash fanbase at large produces enough salt to turn at least 65% of the world's oceans into another Dead Sea.
I'm also 100% sure the salt would immediately stop if they used Purple Heart instead. Because... you know.

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12 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Jesus Eduardo Christo, that's a buff mage right there.

sadly, unlike PoR, mages can't use knifes. However, thanks to the 27STR, i could double enemies with Siege Tomes late game lmao. That + Yune's Blessings made me Snipe Dragons from afar with my mages the whole map haha


12 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I'm also 100% sure the salt would immediately stop if they used Purple Heart instead. Because... you know.

She's badass and sexy and all, but so was Bayonetta, and the smash fanbase doesn't really like her (well, mostly because she was too strong in sm4sh)

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

sadly, unlike PoR, mages can't use knifes. However, thanks to the 27STR, i could double enemies with Siege Tomes late game lmao. That + Yune's Blessings made me Snipe Dragons from afar with my mages the whole map haha

LOL. That's amazing! I once had Ilyana do the same.

2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

She's badass and sexy and all, but so was Bayonetta, and the smash fanbase doesn't really like her (well, mostly because she was too strong in sm4sh)

Does the Smash fanbase like anyone? Jeez.
FYI, I wasn't aware Bayonetta was universally hated.

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Fox. And maybe Pikachu

Fox only. No items. Final Destination.
I think that's how the meme went.

I knew there was a reason why I never got into competitive Smash (or competitive gaming in general).

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55 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I knew there was a reason why I never got into competitive Smash (or competitive gaming in general).

I never got into competitive smash myself, but i did play some multiplayer competitive games back then
honestly, the games themselves are fun, but dear god, can the communities be toxic. Especially in team based ones.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I never got into competitive smash myself, but i did play some multiplayer competitive games back then
honestly, the games themselves are fun, but dear god, can the communities be toxic. Especially in team based ones.

Ooh yeah... *looks at Pokémon* *shudders*

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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Hah! Pokemon is toxicity level 1 xD

Try Dota
or Counter Strike

I heard about those communities, but never got into contact with them. Mostly due to the fact that I don't touch MMOs or FPS games with a ten-foot pole.

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9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

I heard about those communities, but never got into contact with them. Mostly due to the fact that I don't touch MMOs or FPS games with a ten-foot pole.

They bring the worst out of people. Especially when some people refuse to communicate


Racism, name calling, 'yo mama' jokes, everything

Worse is when people take it so seriously, it affects real life relationships <.<

Accurate discription of the average Dota match


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1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

They bring the worst out of people. Especially when some people refuse to communicate


Racism, name calling, 'yo mama' jokes, everything

Worse is when people take it so seriously, it affects real life relationships <.<

Accurate discription of the average Dota match


Stuff like this makes me glad I mostly focus on single player games with the occasional local multiplayer session with friends.

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