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Mario Kart Wii GP


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Just checking to see if there's enthusiasm for starting a weekly GP. If we get around 10 people signed up, we should be able to have a fun race each week (assuming about half won't be able to come).

I propose the following two types:

- Speed GP (4 races, no items allowed)

- Regular GP (4 races)

I'd especially like the speed GP. The items are great, but the tension of having to rely on just racing skill would be a nice change of events.

So, who's up for it? I say we get a few of us together at a regular time, switch friend codes (yeah, that'll be a one-time hassle) and have a weekly blast. It's probably best to join an irc channel while racing, so we can organize and discuss the races.

I could update statistics in this thread, so we add victories and have an overall leader besides the weekly champion.

Most of these things die, I know. But still, I'd really like a speed GP and none of my friends have a Wii. So if it dóes work out, and a little group is formed, this could turn out awesome. So please leave a message if you're willing to give it a try.



4382-2230-8115 - Enn

1934-1066-5624 - Knife

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I'll join, when it comes out in America. (The 27th) Although you can't turn items off online I believe. I thought you could only turn them off in console vs. battles.

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I'll join, when it comes out in America. (The 27th) Although you can't turn items off online I believe. I thought you could only turn them off in console vs. battles.

True, you can't turn them off. But you can agree not to use whatever you pick up.

I count 4 of us so far.

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Crap, I won't be able to get the game on launch date because someone owes me 40$ and I have 20$ but they can't get the 40$ until after the American launch date.

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well to stay on topic, I'm waiting for MK Wii, but I almost want it to get delayed cuz I need to finish Okami

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*smacks CGV*

no, you have to trust urself. noone's gonna come and hit the controller out of your hand when you wanna play MKWii.

my alter ego might >_>

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Okay, so far I count:



Hikarusa (if someone pays him)


Fourth Fox of Fire


That's 6, a nice crowd so far. We need a few more though. For balance I'd really like some Europeans too, I don't want to be the only one on this side of the pond.

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