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Grand Hero Battle: Conrad


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Hard & Lunatic







Infernal Enemy Stats



HP: 64
Atk: 48
Spd: 24
Def: 37
Res: 38

Weapon: Barrier Lance+
Special: Glacies (charged)

A: Bracing Stance 2
B: Chill Atk 3
C : Pulse Smoke 3

Green Mage


HP: 52
Atk: 52
Spd: 40
Def: 17
Res: 26

Weapon: Rexcalibur+
Special: Draconic Aura

A: Life and Death 3
B: Guard 3
C : Atk Tactic 3

Sword Pegasus


HP: 52
Atk: 46
Spd: 38
Def: 23
Res: 39

Weapon: Firesweep Sword+
Special: Glacies

A: Iote's Shield
B: Aerobatics 3
C : Res Opening 3

Blue Mage Knight


HP: 45
Atk: 49
Spd: 28
Def: 18
Res: 37

Weapon: Blarraven+
Special: Iceberg

A: Atk/Spd Bond 3
B: Dull Ranged 3
C : Ward Cavalry

Red Archer


HP: 59
Atk: 47
Spd: 32
Def: 32
Res: 17

Weapon: Slaying Bow+
Special: Moonbow

A: Swift Sparrow 2
B: Lull Atk/Def 3
C : Drive Atk 2

Green Fafnir


HP: 54
Atk: 45
Spd: 39
Def: 35
Res: 30

Weapon: Dark Breath+
Special: Escutcheon

A: Armored Blow 3
B: Sabotage Res 3
C : Atk/Res Oath 3


Edited by SatsumaFSoysoy
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Conrad's Infernal vs. 

The Crew: 
Caeda, Myrrh, HMia and Lazura. 
Catria providing Fortify, Myrrh providing some Panics, Lazura providing Lazuraness/ward fliers and Mia providing the Hone/Guard Eff. 

The Key - having Witchy Wand vs.Pulse Smoke. 
Seals: Iotes (for Myrrh), Torrent Dance (Lazura), Flier Formation (for Medic Mia) Brazen Atk/Spd (For Caeda, left over from AR)

There wasn't a lot of "Myrrh Magic." (ie - she just eats the entire map, while everyone watches in amazement. Myrrh was the shield, and Mia did have to apply some work Flier Formation was needed to get Mia out of Trouble and WOM on both Mia and Lazura made for some really interesting dance moves. (My last mia book is probably going to go to Brave Camilla just so i can preserve the Hone Fliers - when is this gonna be in the 3-4 pool, game? yah). 


Anyway. Myrrh is Honed by Mia, danced by Lazura draws the fire of the bow and two mages. Everyone comes in. 
next phase, Conrad is zapped by Mia, who gets pulled out of the way  and myrrh takes the brunt of the abuse (again)
next Phase, Lazura and Mia come to Myrrh (No healing or dancing), Caeda takes care of the dragon as Myrrh Kills Conrad 
Last Phase, Lazura critically wounds the Firesweep while Caeda cleans up. easy peasy!



Celica's Dance Party
(because you know, Conrad)

There was no way (with what i have, only a +2 Celica even at +atk, with Bracing Stance and that Barrier Lance and Pulse Smoke) Celica was actually going to make a dent into Conrad. The Skills here weren't really needed (I used all flier buffs so Airzura etc can get into position if needed) it really was just WoM. (in a way i wish i could get Ophelia's damage down faster. we need a Fury Seal). 

Celica is in the left top corner, Celica hits the wall, Lazura dances, and it's bye bye bow, (and now Celica is much dangerous). Danced by Livvy, Death to the Firesweep bow, and danced by Airzura, and RIP Blue Mage. Everyone is safe. 

Conrad and the Green Mage Move. 

Celica kills the Green mage, everyone moves into position. 

Third move. Airzura kills Conrad (barely). 

(this wasn't what i did the first time. the first time. I had Celica zap him like 3 times, before Airzura took the hit and killed him on EP. but i couldn't for the life of me remember how i did it so this was a second version). Interesting map. 

Edited by daisy jane
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Cleared lunatic without much trouble using Team OTP (RD Ike, Yukata Elincia, Summer Frederick, Summer Robin). Will probably take me longer to clear infernal with them though. Maybe I should switch to my horses to be safe. They're technically my best.

EDIT: Neither of my best teams can clear it. Don't know why anyone finds this easy. Lunatic was easy, but infernal just increases the difficulty far too much. Should've been a bit easier than this.

Edited by Anacybele
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Well this is insulting...

...why does the enemy get a Red Bow but not us?!

...oh B!Ike and B!Lucy cheesed this. Very, very easily I might add.

...so what's up with Conrad's art? He has a mask in his icon, but not in his full body portrait, despite the two being the same art otherwise...

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4 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

...oh B!Ike and B!Lucy cheesed this. Very, very easily I might add

Yeah, it was boring even. Just let Ike in range of everyone with Lucina 2 spaces behind and watch everyone suicide into him. Turn 2 was just clearing duty

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This was quick.

Hard cleared with low HM units, Lunatic and Infernal cleared with 4* Olivia, Kliff, Dorcas and Betrayal.

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16 minutes ago, Xenomata said:

...why does the enemy get a Red Bow but not us?!

I agree with this, why the hell can't we have a playable red bow unit when we're getting multiple blue and green bows?

I also have the same question about Conrad's art. Besides, is it just me, or does he look kinda babyfaced without the mask?

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Thirding the need for a Red Bow player unit.

Also, Conrad not having the mask outside of battle seems like a neat little quirk that Heroes is working with, though it's once again spoilery as all hell.

@Anacybele 1: Shouldn't it be TTP?

2: How are you handling the start? I know I made it easier by having a blue unit tank the mage cav and archer (to be fair Kliff's pretty good at that) while essentially letting the next bunch of enemies come at me and dealt with them on player phases as needed.

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3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Thirding the need for a Red Bow player unit.

Also, Conrad not having the mask outside of battle seems like a neat little quirk that Heroes is working with, though it's once again spoilery as all hell.

@Anacybele 1: Shouldn't it be TTP?

2: How are you handling the start? I know I made it easier by having a blue unit tank the mage cav and archer (to be fair Kliff's pretty good at that) while essentially letting the next bunch of enemies come at me and dealt with them on player phases as needed.

I agree it's spoilery. Though I was kinda spoiled of that part already due to it being hard to avoid spoilers in general when the Japanese version of the game comes out before the English one does. -_-

1. What do you mean TTP?

2. Basically trying to do as you say here. Having someone tank the archer and mage cav and working from there. It worked in lunatic, but not in infernal. This is the first time I've struggled on a GHB in awhile though. I think, anyway.

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2 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

1. What do you mean TTP?

 2. Basically trying to do as you say here. Having someone tank the archer and mage cav and working from there. It worked in lunatic, but not in infernal. This is the first time I've struggled on a GHB in awhile though. I think, anyway.

Two True Pairings. 😛

Looking at your first team, RD!Ike is the closest to being able to tank on the left (Unless your Summer Frederick can actually tank the mage decently, I know mine wouldn't) and thanks to Elincia could get onto the bridge on the left in the first turn to get hit by both, though whether he survives depends on his defences and if he can hit both.

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4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Two True Pairings. 😛

Looking at your first team, RD!Ike is the closest to being able to tank on the left (Unless your Summer Frederick can actually tank the mage decently, I know mine wouldn't) and thanks to Elincia could get onto the bridge on the left in the first turn to get hit by both, though whether he survives depends on his defences and if he can hit both.

Oh! That would make sense then, yeah. I never thought of it. But I've had the name Team OTP for awhile now, it'd feel weird to change it now.

RD Ike got oneshot even with Elincia's Drive Res there, so he can't. I doubt Frederick can, he only has one more point of Res. I suppose the main problem with my best teams is that nobody has a decent Res stat. A lesser team with someone who can tank magic better might help, but right now I've run out of time to attempt, I have class a little later and need to get ready.

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3 hours ago, Anacybele said:

EDIT: Neither of my best teams can clear it. Don't know why anyone finds this easy. Lunatic was easy, but infernal just increases the difficulty far too much. Should've been a bit easier than this.

Nuke with 3 Dancers/Singers makes most GHB maps pretty easy; it might not solve every Abyssal, but it should easily solve any Infernal. For this map, you will need two flying Dancers/Singers to be able to easily Dance/Sing-Reposition; the third Dancer/Singer can be anything. I used Celica to kill the archer on the first turn and then Reposition everyone out, but any nuke should work. On the second turn, I kill everyone except for the last one, and you probably need to leave a Dancer/Singer in enemy range to tank the last enemy. On the third turn, you kill the last enemy.

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1 minute ago, XRay said:

Nuke with 3 Dancers/Singers makes most GHB maps pretty easy; it might not solve every Abyssal, but it should easily solve any Infernal. For this map, you will need two flying Dancers/Singers to be able to easily Dance/Sing-Reposition. I used Celica to kill the archer on the first turn and then Reposition everyone out, but any nuke should work. On the second turn, I kill everyone except for the last one, and you probably need to leave a Dancer/Singer in enemy range to tank the last enemy. On the third turn, you kill the last enemy.


that's what I did. Airzura needed to take out Conrad 2x
(once i build Nino i'm thinking the times Celica can't do it, Nino can - ie: my celica can't even touch Julia's Abyssal, despite being able to sweep the entire map. othing can touch that monster). 

I live for the day for a Flying Blue Lance Dancer. 

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1 hour ago, daisy jane said:

I live for the day for a Flying Blue Lance Dancer.

Hot springs Ryoma as a flying lance dancer would have been glorious. Become energized by an almost naked lobster's man's dance! 😛

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1 hour ago, XRay said:

Nuke with 3 Dancers/Singers makes most GHB maps pretty easy; it might not solve every Abyssal, but it should easily solve any Infernal. For this map, you will need two flying Dancers/Singers to be able to easily Dance/Sing-Reposition; the third Dancer/Singer can be anything. I used Celica to kill the archer on the first turn and then Reposition everyone out, but any nuke should work. On the second turn, I kill everyone except for the last one, and you probably need to leave a Dancer/Singer in enemy range to tank the last enemy. On the third turn, you kill the last enemy.

Yeah, I've been considering trying that. I recently +10'd Klein, so I can try him. I remember he's kinda popular as a unit to use with three refreshers.

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23 minutes ago, Kaden said:

Hot springs Ryoma as a flying lance dancer would have been glorious. Become energized by an almost naked lobster's man's dance! 😛


that would have been interesting. 
(and thus. i would have legit gone for him). 
If we don't get one soon i'm gonna expect that's on the 2020 dancer banner. 

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A nuke and three refreshers doesn't work here. The map is too restrictive and Conrad can easily reach your units and kill them in one hit with his automatic Glacies. I'm not sure what works here at all and am still confused at why others found this so easy.

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Finally making our debut on the forum, Elise Emblem!


You all probably know by now how long I’ve been waiting to unite the three Elises so I’m happy to show them all off~ Pretty easy map~ S!Elise needed Drive Res and DD3 to support herself and HS!Elise. HS!Elise needed WOM for a save. OG!Elise needs that Spd Bond for a kill and the rest is support. Nowi is just here to cheerlead with some Tactics.

@Ginko - Kagero went on a rampage there, now didn’t she~ And Shiro barely broke a sweat cleaning up those last two Red enemies~ Did you pick up any merges for Kagero on the rerun?

The map goes down fairly easily to Team Dagger, as well. Kagero really devoured this map~


@Diovani Bressan- LOL I was side-eyeing that Fafnir, too~

I didn’t expect Conrad to go down so easily to Laev~ WILDT

YEESSS PANIC SMOKE SAIZO THE 5TH! He is way too unfair with that LOL.

@NSSKG151 - *Eying that Delthea for not being +10.* Get that final merge on! She is such a beast, nuking those Greens just as easily as the rest~

@DLNarshen - So that’s what you meant not dealing with the Glacies LOL. Julius is crazy with whatever weapon you give him, LOL~

@LordFrigid - No better choice to tank a hit like that than Edelgard. The Fliers came and cleaned up easily after those Lunge Shenanegans.

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