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Enemy Phase Lysithea Maddening NG

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27 minutes ago, Xenovia said:

It doesn't matter is Lolsithea is a glass cannon if you equip her with the Thrysus(sp) staff.  With S rank she has 5 range for magic, plus the fact that Fiendish Blow+2x tomefaire will destroy every single enemy.  Hit +20 is a better skill then Vantage then, to maximize her player phase.  Why waste your time building up her enemy phase when she's arguably the best player phase unit in the game, and probably the best Maddening unit, sue to the high amount of Assassins and Swordmasters.

Bold: So would anyone else. That's not exclusive to her.

Also, I call bullshit on Lysithea being the best Maddening unit because of the typical mage issues.

Edited by Shadow Mir
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23 hours ago, Xylaugheon Daily said:

Yo, dawg, it actually doesn't require much grinding at all. But I was never trying to convince anyone to use it, just proving to everyone who said it couldn't be done, that they, were in fact, just really bad at the game.

uhhhh but getting S+ reason, B flying, at least B in axes and faith(to get gremory), and at least D in lances seem pretty unreasonable to me considering shes bad at both axes and lances. Idk I just don't see how this isn't a lot of work without expending most if not all my resources(not to mention investing so much on her is going to hurt other units' performances)

So basically you are saying a good portion of the people on this forum are bad at the game....... 

In all serious though, you can literally say anybody can be an enemy phase unit with a build like this. I could make say Anette is an enemy phase monster with this build.

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12 hours ago, leesangstar10 said:

uhhhh but getting S+ reason, B flying, at least B in axes and faith(to get gremory), and at least D in lances seem pretty unreasonable to me considering shes bad at both axes and lances. Idk I just don't see how this isn't a lot of work without expending most if not all my resources(not to mention investing so much on her is going to hurt other units' performances)

So basically you are saying a good portion of the people on this forum are bad at the game....... 

In all serious though, you can literally say anybody can be an enemy phase unit with a build like this. I could make say Anette is an enemy phase monster with this build.

Well, Reason doesn't have to ever reach S+, I only suggest it because wtf else was I going to put in? You could make an argument for Archer's Hit +20, especially while your Reason is lower, but that's adding more to the build. You will hit S+ with her Reason without trying.

And, yes, anyone who lacked the foresight to see this as a possibility I would say isn't particularly good at the game. Maddening isn't exactly the hardest difficulty in a FE game, and if all you do is optimal builds with optimal units, you're gonna have a pretty easy time, depending on the route.

Yeah, anyone able to run this build would work. Im glad you could see that. However, Lysithea is by far the best candidate, as her magic growth is second to none, and more importantly, access to Mastermind is a HUGE advantage in reaching those ranks. I've already stated how vital Mastermind was, how are you overlooking this?

Edited by Xylaugheon Daily
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13 minutes ago, Xylaugheon Daily said:

Well, Reason doesn't have to ever reach S+, I only suggest it because wtf else was I going to put in? You could make an argument for Archer's Hit +20, especially while your Reason is lower, but that's adding more to the build. You will hit S+ with her Reason without trying.

And, yes, anyone who lacked the foresight to see this as a possibility I would say isn't particularly good at the game. Maddening isn't exactly the hardest difficulty in a FE game, and if all you do is optimal builds with optimal units, you're gonna have a pretty easy time, depending on the route.

Yeah, anyone able to run this build would work. Im glad you could see that. However, Lysithea is by far the best candidate, as her magic growth is second to none, and more importantly, access to Mastermind is a HUGE advantage in reaching those ranks. I've already stated how vital Mastermind was, how are you overlooking this?

The best user of a strat like this would actually be Edelgard, since she already goes through axes naturally so the warrior and Wyvern Lord class lines are natural progression for her and she can realistically get all these weapon ranks and S+ Axes. Range issues get negated by Retribution and not doing magic damage wont matter since she has the second highest strength growth in the game and a 13 base. Also mastermind isn’t important for El since she has the stats to take hits on enemy phase, thus taking more rounds of combat and thus gaining more wexp.


if you don’t want to rely on retribution you can go with the killer bow dimitri strat which uses no where near as much investment and just requires battalion wrath and vantage, a bunch of killer bows and the bow knight class, along with an accuracy ring and hit +20 to make the range penalty irrelevent on the units that would attack from range. (High avoid enemies attack from close range.)

in terms of Mages Annette is probably better suited to this build since, while not having mastermind she has a boon in axes, which means she gets the axe ranks faster anyway through tutoring and thus gets the skills even faster. Sure she will master the classes slower but you can just give her a knowledge gem for it and slap her as an adjutant onto a bulky unit that sees lots of combat like Dedue and she will master it.


Speaking of Dedue why did you make a dedue Fortress Knight build with Alert stance? Like i get wuick riposte since it basically fixes all of Fortress Knights flaws bar movement and Res, but i honestly find that as a fortress knight it’s better to have him suffer the -10 avoid from duscar heavy soldiers and get 10 extra defense. I’ve had him reach 72 prt in multiple playthroughs before.

Edited by Geenoble
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13 minutes ago, Geenoble said:

The best user of a strat like this would actually be Edelgard, since she already goes through axes naturally so the warrior and Wyvern Lord class lines are natural progression for her and she can realistically get all these weapon ranks and S+ Axes. Range issues get negated by Retribution and not doing magic damage wont matter since she has the second highest strength growth in the game and a 13 base. Also mastermind isn’t important for El since she has the stats to take hits on enemy phase, thus taking more rounds of combat and thus gaining more wexp.


if you don’t want to rely on retribution you can go with the killer bow dimitri strat which uses no where near as much investment and just requires battalion wrath and vantage, a bunch of killer bows and the bow knight class, along with an accuracy ring and hit +20 to make the range penalty irrelevent on the units that would attack from range. (High avoid enemies attack from close range.)

in terms of Mages Annette is probably better suited to this build since, while not having mastermind she has a boon in axes, which means she gets the axe ranks faster anyway through tutoring and thus gets the skills even faster. Sure she will master the classes slower but you can just give her a knowledge gem for it and slap her as an adjutant onto a bulky unit that sees lots of combat like Dedue and she will master it.


Speaking of Dedue why did you make a dedue Fortress Knight build with Alert stance? Like i get wuick riposte since it basically fixes all of Fortress Knights flaws bar movement and Res, but i honestly find that as a fortress knight it’s better to have him suffer the -10 avoid from duscar heavy soldiers and get 10 extra defense. I’ve had him reach 72 prt in multiple playthroughs before.

Look, man, you got to realize I did this build to prove to the countless people who said it couldn't be done, that They were wrong. The fact that it is actually viable is just a bonus. But don't come in talking about other builds, because that's irrelevant to the topic at hand. Besides, you chose two Lord's, meaning they're locked to a single route.

Annette may do better, I haven't tried. But neither have you, so we probably shouldn't try saying who it better fits without attempting it. That might be something I consider down the road, as that does sound fun.

I can't quite remember which battalion I'm running on Dedue, but Alert Stance is there for any attacks that will target Resistance, as his is basically nonexistent, however little help it may provide. I haven't had the chance to fully play around with the build yet, but I'm excited to.

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