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What is everyone's thoughts on CYL?

Fire Emblem Dude

Votes for CYL in general  

82 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe the Lords of each game should be voted for in CYL?

    • Yes, they deserve a chance to get a another alt.
    • No, then it turns into "Which Lord?" instead of "Which character?".
  2. 2. Do you typically vote for the Lords during the CYL voting thing?

    • Yes, I love them
    • Yes, only cause they are the only votes that matter.
    • No, because my favorite isn't a Lord
    • No, because I hate the CYL event

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7 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

The poor old bird. I chose to believe he's merely overlooked instead of disliked. Nealuchi is quite the kindly old grandfather after all. 

If anyone dislikes Nealuchi they can straight up meet me out back so I can throw hands. He may not be my favorite but you do not diss kind old Nealuchi like that. He does not deserve that kind of disrespect!

(Not talking about you, you seem to like him as he deserves)

*Ahem* On topic, I do tend to vote for lords but that's mostly because my two favorites are lords and Micaiah only just got in so now my vote goes to Dimitri.

Edited by Silver-Haired Maiden
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12 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

The poor old bird. I chose to believe he's merely overlooked instead of disliked. Nealuchi is quite the kindly old grandfather after all. 

I am now going to start a petition called Nealuchi's army. We will try to break the 1k barrier for the old bird! JOIN THE RAVEN REVOLUTION!


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I don't like the concept of lords in FE and would not vote for them, BUT I absolutely defend their right to participate in the event. In fact, I would lift all restrictions, namely that of past winners being removed from the poll. Frankly, if they're popular enough to be voted in again, then they deserve another alt.


EDIT: By saying I don't like the concept of lords, I mean I hate the fantasy trope of the chosen one, that only they get to wield the game's super special weapon, and often they're the only one allowed to deal damage to the big bad. That sucks. I'm fine with them being born in nobility, but they should not confer any combat advantage.

Edited by Humanoid
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Just now, Humanoid said:

I don't like the concept of lords in FE and would not vote for them, BUT I absolutely defend their right to participate in the event. In fact, I would lift all restrictions, namely that of past winners being removed from the poll. Frankly, if they're popular enough to be voted in again, then they deserve another alt.

I don't think that's a good idea. A lot of these former winners will get "another alt" anyway after they win. And they have.

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1 minute ago, Humanoid said:

I don't like the concept of lords in FE and would not vote for them, BUT I absolutely defend their right to participate in the event. In fact, I would lift all restrictions, namely that of past winners being removed from the poll. Frankly, if they're popular enough to be voted in again, then they deserve another alt.

Frankly that is a bad idea, if people gets pissed about 7 Camilla alts, you can imagine the salt from CYL voters who doesn't want another Ike alt

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5 minutes ago, AvatarofDiscord said:

And that's the problem, the Lords get the extra push which can make it really unfair for other characters.

It would be just as fair as having a contest about favorite supporting actors, and including a main actor cause he played a supporting actor once.

It would be different if there was a contest for favorite lord and top for favorite characters, but that isn't the case

I don't think it goes that way. Rather than having a main actor in a supporting actors poll, it's having just a "Favorite actor" regardless of whether they're the main character, a minor one or just a background character that may have a throwaway line or none at all. I can see where people feel it is unfair to throw the little guys against the juggernauts but that's just how popularity contests are. 

Having to do separate categories like "Best supporting actor", "Best background character", etc, etc. to cover every concievable niche would make the whole "Popularity" aspect lose it's meaning.

As for how that ties to CYL, those with bigger roles (Lords and those close to them) are going to catch more eyes than the minion boss you fight in a transition map during the campaign. Is it unfair to try to pit said mook against the MC and their friends? I suppose. Is it a good idea to give said mook an alt just because they appeared in the game? No. 

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1 minute ago, AvatarofDiscord said:

Frankly that is a bad idea, if people gets pissed about 7 Camilla alts, you can imagine the salt from CYL voters who doesn't want another Ike alt

It makes it an even bigger achievement for her to win again then. I think CYL is the purest form of popularity contest we have in FEH so I want to see how the numbers stack up right now, not how they did last year or three years ago.

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1 minute ago, Alexmender said:

I don't think it goes that way. Rather than having a main actor in a supporting actors poll, it's having just a "Favorite actor" regardless of whether they're the main character, a minor one or just a background character that may have a throwaway line or none at all. I can see where people feel it is unfair to throw the little guys against the juggernauts but that's just how popularity contests are. 

Having to do separate categories like "Best supporting actor", "Best background character", etc, etc. to cover every concievable niche would make the whole "Popularity" aspect lose it's meaning.

As for how that ties to CYL, those with bigger roles (Lords and those close to them) are going to catch more eyes than the minion boss you fight in a transition map during the campaign. Is it unfair to try to pit said mook against the MC and their friends? I suppose. Is it a good idea to give said mook an alt just because they appeared in the game? No. 

The problem with this is

1: It wouldn't make the whole popularity aspect lost it's meaning, especially when some of the characters would have shown to be more popular than not if the ones with the most spotlight didn't steal the votes away

2: That's only for the mooks though, what about characters like Nephenee, Severa, Camus, Niles, and other playable characters who are also popular
Hell, people have mentioned Nealuchi with only 69 votes yet he is more popular than that, but IS wouldn't see it that way since they only saw the 69 votes

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2 minutes ago, AvatarofDiscord said:

The problem with this is

1: It wouldn't make the whole popularity aspect lost it's meaning, especially when some of the characters would have shown to be more popular than not if the ones with the most spotlight didn't steal the votes away

2: That's only for the mooks though, what about characters like Nephenee, Severa, Camus, Niles, and other playable characters who are also popular
Hell, people have mentioned Nealuchi with only 69 votes yet he is more popular than that, but IS wouldn't see it that way since they only saw the 69 votes

I don't think that's how it works.

If you start reducing the available options then obviously the ones left will have an increase in votes (hence why winners of previous CYL are excluded to not hog more votes when it is already known they are that popular) but that doesn't mean they are more popular than the ones that were excluded for "reasons". 

Nephenee, Severa and others seem to be fine, though? They are top 100 or so in a franchise of 700+ characters so they certainly have a sizable fanbase. They may not be big enough to go toe to toe with the big names but they are well known and liked. 

As for guys like Nealuchi. Yeah, no. He has his fans and they love him but he is in no way, shape or form in the same league as Nephenee, Ilyana, Ranulf, etc. Being well written and having close to 0 controversy does not equal being popular. This is the case of tons of characters like Nix, Kent, Kieran, etc. They are well liked but they don't stand out to the general fanbase, hence they don't get many "Favorite character" votes. 

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2 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

I don't think that's how it works.

If you start reducing the available options then obviously the ones left will have an increase in votes (hence why winners of previous CYL are excluded to not hog more votes when it is already known they are that popular) but that doesn't mean they are more popular than the ones that were excluded for "reasons". 

Nephenee, Severa and others seem to be fine, though? They are top 100 or so in a franchise of 700+ characters so they certainly have a sizable fanbase. They may not be big enough to go toe to toe with the big names but they are well known and liked. 

As for guys like Nealuchi. Yeah, no. He has his fans and they love him but he is in no way, shape or form in the same league as Nephenee, Ilyana, Ranulf, etc. Being well written and having close to 0 controversy does not equal being popular. This is the case of tons of characters like Nix, Kent, Kieran, etc. They are well liked but they don't stand out to the general fanbase, hence they don't get many "Favorite character" votes. 

1: Let's put things like this Neph, Severa, and others do seem to be fine, but ask yourself how many of them would have won a CYL event if the lords were not an option, it took till the 3rd CYL event for a non lord character to win (And even then, it was Camilla)

2: Nealuchi he might not be in the same league as Neph, Ranulf or whoever, but again the CYL poll shows IS who is popular and characters with a low amount of votes are not going to either get in FEH or get an alt (Remember how long it took for the Farfetched Heroes to get in?)

21 minutes ago, Humanoid said:

It makes it an even bigger achievement for her to win again then. I think CYL is the purest form of popularity contest we have in FEH so I want to see how the numbers stack up right now, not how they did last year or three years ago.

Again, people get sick of the 7 Camilla alts, and taking away votes from other characters for the purpose of trying to get Ike another alt would show IS that some characters are les popular than they are.

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People are entitled to be sick of Camilla or Ike or whoever, but their sickness doesn't create any obligation on the part of anyone else to accommodate them. Hell, to an extent I'm also sick of them. I'm also sick of Lewis Hamilton winning the F1 championship, or the same old guys winning every tennis Grand Slam, but I also support the purity of competition without any artificial equalisation measures.

That said, for the benefit of everyone else I don't want this thread to turn into a debate about specific characters and thus get locked like the last one, so I'll leave it at that.

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6 minutes ago, Benice said:

How did Camilla win CYL 3 anyways? Wasn't everyone fed up with all the alts by then?

I think that ended up helping Camilla instead of hindering her. It made voting for her fun to annoy her vocal detractors. So she got both her own fans and the meme fans on her side. Just her own fans were already a sizable group, if you add the memelords to it then its a sure win. 

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Just now, Humanoid said:

People are entitled to be sick of Camilla or Ike or whoever, but their sickness doesn't create any obligation on the part of anyone else to accommodate them. Hell, to an extent I'm also sick of them. I'm also sick of Lewis Hamilton winning the F1 championship, or the same old guys winning every tennis Grand Slam, but I also support the purity of competition without any artificial equalisation measures.

That said, for the benefit of everyone else I don't want this thread to turn into a debate about specific characters and thus get locked like the last one, so I'll leave it at that.

The problem is other competitors can have a chance by exercising and getting a decent coach

Not so much for the popularity contests since all that can change the factors on what the fans want, there has to be some randomness or variety factor in place, since sports doesn't have the same experience every time since there are many different factors in play (Wind, Athletic Ability of both sides, Health, How both sides will play, etc.)

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Just now, Etrurian emperor said:

I think that ended up helping Camilla instead of hindering her. It made voting for her fun to annoy her vocal detractors. So she got both her own fans and the meme fans on her side. Just her own fans were already a sizable group, if you add the memelords to it then its a sure win. 

Oh no... that means that Plumeria's got a chance too!

I just hope that there's two winners who aren't from 3h. There's so many great characters in fE, including the lords, so it's nice to see versatility. The only part I dislike about CYL is that it means the powercreep levels get turned up to an eleven again. Of course, it happens naturally whenever someone new joins, but EXCUSE ME? B! Alm's Dracofalchion basically one shots everything. Yes, he can be killed with mages, but sttill, it's skills like that and bloated stats that make older units redundant.

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16 minutes ago, AvatarofDiscord said:

1: Let's put things like this Neph, Severa, and others do seem to be fine, but ask yourself how many of them would have won a CYL event if the lords were not an option, it took till the 3rd CYL event for a non lord character to win (And even then, it was Camilla)

2: Nealuchi he might not be in the same league as Neph, Ranulf or whoever, but again the CYL poll shows IS who is popular and characters with a low amount of votes are not going to either get in FEH or get an alt (Remember how long it took for the Farfetched Heroes to get in?)

It actually was during CYL2 with Veronica winning 2nd place. She's prominent being the book I villain, but still not a lord. Obviously lords have a bigger advantage due to having more time in the spotlight but that doesn't mean that secondary characters can't give them a run for their money. After all, Anna almost got 2nd place last year (although that was fueled by salty people that were sick of her not having an alt 3 years into the game).

I don't see a problem there? That just means the fans of said characters should be more aggressive and dump all their votes on that character instead of spreading themselves too thin by giving 1 vote to a different character each day. Obviously IS will prioritize characters that will give them profits, and unpopular characters are a bigger risk than big names. It sucks for the fans of obscure characters but there's not a lot that can be done there outside of hoping they get added as low rarity characters somewhere down the line.

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5 minutes ago, Alexmender said:

It actually was during CYL2 with Veronica winning 2nd place. She's prominent being the book I villain, but still not a lord. Obviously lords have a bigger advantage due to having more time in the spotlight but that doesn't mean that secondary characters can't give them a run for their money. After all, Anna almost got 2nd place last year (although that was fueled by salty people that were sick of her not having an alt 3 years into the game).

I don't see a problem there? That just means the fans of said characters should be more aggressive and dump all their votes on that character instead of spreading themselves too thin by giving 1 vote to a different character each day. Obviously IS will prioritize characters that will give them profits, and unpopular characters are a bigger risk than big names. It sucks for the fans of obscure characters but there's not a lot that can be done there outside of hoping they get added as low rarity characters somewhere down the line.

1: She was the main villain though, but i'll begrudgingly concede that point

2: Your Anna point is very weak considering that Anna is the mascot of the franchise character that isn't Marth

3: Chances are the fans are already aggressive, but other potential voters feel like the Lord characters are the only ones that are worth a damn

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6 minutes ago, AvatarofDiscord said:

2: Your Anna point is very weak considering that Anna is the mascot of the franchise character that isn't Marth

3: Chances are the fans are already aggressive, but other potential voters feel like the Lord characters are the only ones that are worth a damn

A stronger example would be Reinhardt, but I feel his rise to fame is a one-of-a-kind case and it would be unfair to try and compare him to other characters. Still, if mid terms are still a thing this year then those in the top 10 (where Severa/Neph and others like them tend to be, although this year I suspect Lysithea is going to be the one to make that fight) have a good chance to rise up to 2nd place as long as their fans manage to convince others to join their cause. That's what happened with Veronica, after all.

That goes back to what I said earlier, if the majority prefer to vote for lords over others then that just means the lords are more popular and that's why they take the highest ranks, and if the secondary characters don't get many votes despite the best efforts of their fans then that just means they aren't popular enough. That's how popularity contests work, and also why many don't enjoy those kinds of things. 

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The options on the poll don't exactly fit with my feelings on the matter. Do I think each Lord DESERVES a CYL alt? Yes. And the ones next-most deserving are the MAJOR characters, like Caeda, Julia, and Tiki. But will I VOTE for the main protagonists? Eh, might throw a couple Marth's and Eirika's way, but most of my votes are going to Brom just to try and get him into the game.

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I always vote for my favorites but I never vote for Lords since they always score high and get tons of alts in Heroes anyways so I feel like my votes would be wasted on them. I'm more interested in raising awareness to IS of which of my favorites should get in the game/get alts than which character gets a specisl outfit.

Edited by NSSKG151
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I usually just vote for characters who aren't in the game yet, though I do sometimes give a vote to a lord that has a chance of winning. This year however, I plan on using all of my votes on Jill and Patty, cuz GODDAMMIT, I am not waiting another fucking year for either of them to show up.

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I think CYL is a fun event, and while I can understand not wanting it to just be Lords and the odd character of equivalent popularity winning every time, I'm not really a fan of just counting the Lords out completely. I think the current setup of "each character is only eligible for one CYL alt and is removed from future polls" is fine, frankly.

I want to say that I'd rather they have ranked voting, but that seems... impractical with the size of Fire Emblem's overall cast as a series. Maybe change how voting works so instead of getting thirteen votes on thirteen days, you pick your top thirteen characters and they each get a certain amount of "points" for that based on how high you ranked them?

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