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You know you play too much Fire Emblem when... [possible spoilers]


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Basically you tell stories of things you've done or said that indicate you've been playing too much Fire Emblem... : \

This includes:
- Phrases said regularly by certain characters.
- Actions, behaviours and mannerisms performed by certain characters.
- Having thoughts that you wouldn't have had had you not played Fire Emblem.

Here's mine:

You know you play too much Fire Emblem if you like wielding swords in a similar manner to Swordmasters.


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when you try to type out photosynthesis and you accidentally spell it with a C not an S or whenever I try to spell the word "Several" I always forget the L!

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When you play other games and wonder what class a character from that other game would be, what growth rates they'd have and what properties their personal weapon would have, if they have one.

... or when you do that for the characters in the story you're trying to write.

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12 hours ago, indigoasis said:

When you try twirling things like pencils around your fingers like Claude with his arrows.

Guilty as charged I happen to be.

You know you've played to much Fire Emblem when:

when you move out of other's way or dodge something in a rigid FE4 style, and you cannot go back to organically dodging something.

when you press the trash pedal, throw the trash and then as you let off the pedal you move back and do a dodge animation so the filthy air trash from the lid closing shut doesn't hit you.

"Quick I need a neutral state of mind! Ah yes, the GBA Paladin using a sword on some random fool resets all cache memory. Now, concentrate!"

when you have FE music in your head constantly, and you like it

when you have long wooden piles at your house and occasionally play with them to make hit, crit and dodge animations for some made-up clasz

and finally, you know you've played too much FE when FE7 HHM starts getting easy, you've grown as a FE Player and you no longer struggle much with it.

Edited by This boi uses Nino
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Expect that since whilring your sword in a circle triples damage, whirling your pencil before writing will triple your results.

Edited by Benice
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