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Talk about your fur babies! (Other babies are welcomed too!)


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Yeah, what the title says! A good way to spend Sunday (or to relieve stress for those of us who are in Monday already)! Does not have to be fur babies either. Feather babies, scale babies, insect babies, and human babies are welcomed too. Non-living babies like teddy bears, blankets, cars, succulent plants, and more are fair game too. We do not discriminate!

My fur baby is Boots. She is like around 6 years old now? She was a stray so I do not know her actual birthday, but the vet told me she was probably born around March, around this time of year in 2014, about 6 years ago. My friend's family found her in their backyard towards the end of summer, but since they had like five dogs at the time, they feel like they could not take proper care of it with so many other fur babies around already. I was about to move to New York at the time for college, so I offered to take her with me. She was pretty rambunctious as a kitten, but she mellowed out as she got older. She is still a total wuss though and gets scared easily. She is pretty clingy, but strangely does not really like cuddling; she generally prefers to loaf near me. She does like to crawl under the blanket me with often though, so that is about as close to cuddling as it gets. When she crawls under the blanket, she sometimes makes questionable choices on where she lays her head; I can sometimes feel her facing my buttcheeks and I have to fart. Sometimes she gets out the blanket after smelling it, but often times she just lays there too and takes the full blast. If laying there and smelling my fart is not a sign that she loves me, I do not what else is. She does not seem to be affected by catnip, which is unfortunate. She tolerates me rubbing her belly though, so that is good. Rubbing and touching my fur baby calms me and helps me sleep.

Before my fur baby, I have pillowcases that I like, and scratching them calms me and helps me sleep. However, when I scratch them now, it does not feel as good as it used to be, and I now prefer scratching/petting/touching my cat over scratching my pillowcases to help me sleep.

I also got three small plants about a few weeks ago. I am not sure I would call them babies, but they look sort of cute. One is mint, and the other two are two different types of oregano.

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Growing up I had a black Labrador fur baby. She was your typical well mannered, happy dog until she got old and a little bit cranky. 

I also have a fur baby who's a cat. She's an icicle. Affectionate when she wants to be and ONLY when she wants to be. She's also a baddas who goes out in the rain and kills other animals for fun. The dogs have an owner, she has a butler. 

The newest fur baby is a small dog. Very affectionate but I think the term nervous wreck applies to her. 

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I have had many many dogs since I live in an area where people used to dump their unwanted dogs.  Right now I have four dogs three of which are over 12 years old so they all sleep a lot, but are doing very well for their age they all three are boys.  I have one girl dog who is probably around 4 and she is a pit bull, but she is one of the most well behaved dogs I have ever had, her only hang up is she is very scared of men so she barks at my dad when he goes out in the yard without my mom or me, but she only barks and will run away from him if he gets to close outside but she will go up to my dad and let him pet her if she is in the house.  I figure some guy tried to get her to dog fight outside, but she wouldn't do it.  I also have one little black cat that lives with my mom's horse and she is a good mouser and likes head rubs and tummy rubs, but hates to be held.  The horse is my mom's but I feed her and talk to her, she is 32 so we can't ride her anymore but she is doing really good for a horse her age.

Edited by EricaofRenais
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I got three. Well, technically, two completely belong to my parents. But I still live with them.



This is Rosie, a beagle and boxer mix. Around 5 years old. I think she got all the best features from her respective breeds, she's such a pretty girl. And a sweet girl too, she loves giving puppy kisses! My stepdad is her main human, probably because he was the one who picked her out and took her home from PetSmart. She loves playing fetch, and learned it from Champ, a golden retriever we used to have, but sadly died of cancer in 2016. He was only 9, too young. Rosie thankfully didn't know him for too long.



This is Lucky, our sole cat. He was rescued off the street by my aunt along with his sister, Tinkerbell, who lives with my uncle and used to live with my late grandma who named her. Lucky used to live with my aunt until she gave him to us. My mom is his main human, though he prefers that my stepdad feed him because he gives him more food. I swear I didn't mean to catch him doing...this, but I did. What exactly is he doing? Well...for lack of a better term, kitty sex/pleasuring himself. LOL I know because this is exactly what he used to do to a stuffed dolphin I once had and subsequently let him keep. xP No idea how old he is exactly, but he was found around twelve years ago, so he's kinda getting up there in years now, I think. He's also missing the tip of his tail. We don't know how that happened since he was found with his tail sliced and bloody. That's why he's named Lucky though, he was lucky not to be anymore injured than that!



This is my elderly purebred beagle, Buddy, and the one out of the three I consider mine. His main human was my younger brother until he passed away in 2015. Now I call him mine in my brother's memory. He was found on the street by my mom in 2009 and estimated to be at least a year old then, so he's around 13. This poor boy's been through too much too. He clearly had never been in a house before my mom found him, he suffers seizures without daily medication, and he's also had other medical issues. He was found with an injured leg and later had heartworms and nasty allergic reactions to certain dog food too. Then add in my brother dying and then Champ whom Buddy had lived with for quite a while having been put down seven months after that...yeah. It's incredible how strong he's been through all this. And look at that adorable face! Beagles are my favorite because they stay small and cute, even when old. They always look like adorable puppies! Though tbh, he's not as sweet as Rosie. He's a grumpy old man half the time. But he's adorable then too. XD And he doesn't bite no matter how much he growls! He just growls a little at you if he's feeling bothered and if he feels too bothered, he kinda snaps and barks a bit, but still doesn't bite. I suppose he just doesn't like the idea of hurting someone! When he isn't grumpy though, he'll let you cuddle and snuggle him, and that's why I sometimes call him a CuddleBuddy or SnuggleBuddy. Oh, but despite that he got along okay with Champ, Buddy doesn't like other bigger dogs. I think he's intimidated by them being bigger than he is.



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I believe pics of Cheeto have been shared before, but here's one of him cat loafing. He is cheesy bread. When I moved out, I had to get a cat to keep me company. This boy walked right up to me in the shelter and let me pick him up, like he picked me instead of me picking him. He was already named, and I wasn't changing it because it's perfect. He's not overly cuddly, sometimes he will come and sit on laps though. Overall he's a good fuzzy roommate.

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Here is Tyson, who lives at my parents' house. He's a big doofy lab/newfoundland mix.


And here's Kay. She's old now, and very shy and skittish. Also lives at my parents'.


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This is Woody, he is about 10 years old now. We got him around when he was born, January 2010. He's a chi pom, cute little guy he is. He can be a little grumpy and he doesn't like strangers. Little guy thinks he's big and mighty, but that's typical with most chihuahuas. He cuddles a lot, especially with my oldest brother, which is his favorite human. We got him at a big flea market, he was the only calm one there out of 13 or so puppies. He's really healthy for a 9 year old, he's got a couple of grey hairs around his mouth, but other than that he looks cute as a button. We do have a cat and a puppy, Cookie and Luna, they're cute. Cookie is our stepmother's cat, don't know how old he is. Luna is only about 4 months old, she's a mix of breeds, but mainly a German Shepherd and Rottweiler, she's awfully big for her age.

Edited by Archanea
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