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Paladin is indeed the best combat class in the game, without question. Wyvern Lord is the only one that's somewhat arguable.

Think about it. Halberdier is just like paladin except completely inferior. 2 less move, no moving after attacking/trading/etc., and is stuck with lances instead of being able to use two weapons, one of which you can choose. Ike's class is the same way, except the mastery skill is better, in exchange for being unable to use the Knight Ward and having an inferior weapon type (swords < lances).

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Paladin is indeed the best combat class in the game, without question. Wyvern Lord is the only one that's somewhat arguable.

Think about it. Halberdier is just like paladin except completely inferior. 2 less move, no moving after attacking/trading/etc., and is stuck with lances instead of being able to use two weapons, one of which you can choose. Ike's class is the same way, except the mastery skill is better, in exchange for being unable to use the Knight Ward and having an inferior weapon type (swords < lances).

Without question eh? Well I question it.

And you can hardly call Ike's swords inferior when he gets the best usable weapon in the entire game, Ragnell. No lance in PoR can compare to that.

Its not like he even needs the Knight Ward at that point.

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Ragnell is a great weapon, but Ike has it for, what? Two chapters? I don't see how a single weapon that is only available at the very end and locked into one character makes swords as a whole better than lances.

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Ragnell is a great weapon, but Ike has it for, what? Two chapters? I don't see how a single weapon that is only available at the very end and locked into one character makes swords as a whole better than lances.

Well, I didn't mean to say that it alone made swords>lances.

If you are only comparing weapon types, which would be stupid considering the wielders are half the battle. Then lances would be swords easily. But lets factor in wielders into this. Swords have Ike and Zihark. Thats enough to make them on par with lances.

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WHY DOES EVERYONE SAY ROLF SUCKS?! Rolf is awesome! He's really good!

Anyway, Devdan, Lucia, and Bastian all suck.

Quoted for truth.

Rolf is a really great unit, provided you have the experience necessary to use him (which in Hard Mode, you probably don't).

But thats less of a fault of the actual unit, and more of a fault of the game itself.

Well, you could always try to baby him, earning some experience until you do have enough to get him the class change (after the class change he is awesome.)

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What do you want to determine a character's average usefulness with then? With things like "omgwtfroflmaobbqpwnzorz maih knooll cepd ever stat at leevel 20 prmopted soez eh iz teh best evahr lololol"? I hope not.

Yeah, I guess that's the only way but I think some people take it too seriously. In the end, it comes down to RNG and how you use the character.

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Quoted for truth.

Rolf is a really great unit, provided you have the experience necessary to use him (which in Hard Mode, you probably don't).

But thats less of a fault of the actual unit, and more of a fault of the game itself.

Well, you could always try to baby him, earning some experience until you do have enough to get him the class change (after the class change he is awesome.)

I can have as much experience with a character as I want, but any character is good if you have "experience" with him.

This is a lot of bull.

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My advice for your playthrough: Don't listen to a word Chris Lionheart says about characters. He's incredibly misguided.


Just because my opinion differs from your "expert" opinion, I am somehow incredibly misguided.

What's misguided is your logic.

Now when did this have to come to insulting another person? Its supposed to be an opinion not a debate.

Edited by Chris Lionheart
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Wut? Titania is your best character for the beginning of the game, so why would you use her? It's probably better to use Gatrie, Shinon or Soren or something like that.

And don't use Devdan. He's pretty good. Also, don't be afraid to add Rolf to that list, and perhaps Janaff as well (since Ulki > Janaff, and you have Ulki on that list already :/)

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