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Limited Hero Battles!

Diovani Bressan

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Hmmm. . .

Would anyone be interested in a final compilation of which characters were used in which map this time around?

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Only done Fallen Takumi out of the new set of battles...but Boey was MVP. And P!Lukas face-tanked the left side of the map. OG!Celica dealt with one cleric and the red tome cavalier. Dancer support was Berkut. I will attempt the other maps after waking.

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I actually managed to beat Abyssal L!Lyn with the three Julias and SS!Ishtar. It wasn't even difficult because of how strong all three of them are (L!Julia has 64 Atk, the others have 60). Now to get the golden accessory when L!Lyn comes around on a banner again.

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Oh look, I got Lyn Abyssal!

Fell!Julia, Mareeta and Osian were a capable trio with Lene's dancing supporting them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Found some datamined information regarding the next set of LHB for June.


So the first one is against M!Kana using just Tellius units, then its Minerva's and Maria's BHB with just Shadow Dragon units (how fitting) and the third known one is Julius GHB using Sacred Stones characters. The other two aren't known yet since they don't come until after the next update


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1 hour ago, NSSKG151 said:

Found some datamined information regarding the next set of LHB for June.

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So the first one is against M!Kana using just Tellius units, then its Minerva's and Maria's BHB with just Shadow Dragon units (how fitting) and the third known one is Julius GHB using Sacred Stones characters. The other two aren't known yet since they don't come until after the next update




The others two maps are Bound Hero Battle: Takumi & Hinoka, and Legendary Hero Batte: Ryoma. The limited units though, I don't know.

Interesting that they went with full Tellius for Kana, because PoR and RD are considered two different groups in the filter. They went for both in Grima's LHB, but Legendary maps need more help than GHB/BHB because they are more difficult. Does it means that Genealogy and Thracia will always be together as well? 

No Dancers with Shadow Dragon is not that bad, since we only have one dancer from that game and it's a 5* locked unit. The map itself is pretty easy too.

Julius GHB may be annoying to me, since my Sacred Stones selection is not the best one and that map has Reinforcements.


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I have so many Tellius units, no map should be hard with at least 2 Micaiahs out on the field lol.

Shadow Dragon has a decent hold in my barracks, but I’m not particularly fond of a group of 4 in particular. Might make do on the spot.

I have a lovely SS section, all of whom are some of my favorites. Twin Emblem though should make for an easy clear 


I wonder if we’ll ever get TH+TMS themed battles...


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With them assigning Shadow Dragon / Mystery of the Emblem to Minerva & Minerva, it's almost like they want everyone to send bab Minerva out to curbstomp her future self + not so little sister.

That amusing observation aside, none of those three should pose any problems for me.


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Reeaaallllyyy late with these replies, sorry!! I should be caught up now~


@GuiltyLove - Really nice job here, I also used L!Alm and L!Celica and it was still pretty tough. But it looks like it was much easier for you with the help of V!Catria.

I see Elise, I approve. Owltome on her is cool~ This was a pretty nice selection of pretty uncommon units. It was almost Nohrsibs but Kagero was a good means of getting rid of Saias.

Ah, what fitting team for Ninian and Hawkeye. I think I also used Sophia for this one. Sophia and Roy took a bit of a beating but it was overall a pretty easy match for them.

Any time I see Ares, I’m happy. I also used mine on this map. Seeing Mareeta, I expected her to do a lot of tanking but Ares was able to handle a lot with the help of The Reinhardt. Lewyn surviving that attack with 1 HP was nice! It’s nice seeing these older units able to take down the map pretty much with no help from the broken waifu, but she did get to pitch in for the last kill~ Nice clear overall!

@SatsumaFSoysoy - Cake Cutter Celica, now that’s interesting.  What was really impressive was her Galeforcing both Takumis and the living the back to back Cav attacks.


@Diovani Bressan - That Takumi battle was disgusting. Close Call surviving the Red Cav? Close Call surviving everything?? D I S G U S T I N G, you didn't even run Aether!


@mcsilas - Silas doing his tanking thing, always impressive. He has no business being this thicc or doubling but here he is doing just that. That was a well done solo!

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8 hours ago, Landmaster said:

That Takumi battle was disgusting. Close Call surviving the Red Cav? Close Call surviving everything?? D I S G U S T I N G, you didn't even run Aether!

And he is only +1. I was very proud of that Battle. Of course, without the Duo skill, that wouldn't be possible.

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Alright! Time for a new wave of limited battles 🙂 

First up, Male Kana with Tellius units and only one dancer...

I used Fallen Ike, Reyson, Valentine Soren, Bridal Micaiah

Ike pretty much tanked everything with a Rally from Soren. Reyson danced to reposition when necessary. Micaiah used her duo skill in the last turn to ensure Ike can continue just standing there while everyone walked up to him and got taken out lol.

I noticed I don’t have the most heaviest invested Tellius units, but at +0 they’re all so strong as it is lol so I haven’t ever felt the need for high merges and whatnot. Plus, most of my favorites’ kits are set right out of the box!

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Two archers?  It's time for an all-flying team~!

Brave Micaiah, Elincia, Sigrun, and Leanne managed to do this by making the enemies waffle between the stairs.  MVP was Sigrun, for her ability to buff every single stat.

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So easy!

I used Brave Micaiah for some debuffs at turn 1, while Caineghis placed in a defensive tile thanks to Mordecai's smite tanked all foes, including the Slaying SPear Flier.

I only used 3 units instead of 4. I didn't need a dancer for this map.

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Kana and the infantry archer gave me a little trouble but I cleared it with a flying team of Brave Micaiah, Altina, Elincia and Haar.

Tomorrow will be easy since I can just throw my FH!Tiki out and watch everything die around her. Or maybe I will try to have some fun by sending the Whitewings out to betray their leader.

I am curious to see what difficulty changes they are making for the Legendary Hero Battle challenge.

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Alright, day 2: Minerva and Maria featuring SD units, no dancer.

I used Baby Marth+10, Duo Palla, Winter Marth, Baby Merric


Well... Baby Marth almost solo’d the whole map LOL. Duo Palla took care of the lance fliers, Baby M did everything else. Baby Merric and Duo Marth literally just sat there...

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Kana..... I got stuck here using the beasts in Infernal (Caineghis was having a bad time and Kana was too defensive), so I ended up using Altina, Sigrun, B!Michiah and Witch!Mia (Entirely healing)

On Lunatic? Caineghis took 0 damage. I used him and the bird kigs.

M&M was easy. Fane!Tiki might have soloed if I tried, but Bantu, Naga and Nagi were there (You know, trying to support their edgy child).

And obligatory low HM for Hard.

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8 hours ago, Dayni said:

Kana..... I got stuck here using the beasts in Infernal (Caineghis was having a bad time and Kana was too defensive)

How did that happen?

If you place him on a defense tile and give him steady stance seal or the skill which increases the resistance in enemy phase, he will be fine.

I have to admit my Caineghis runs aether, so that might be your problem of not recovering from specials by the enemies.

Edited by Falcom Knight
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