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Planning a 4 Snipers, 4 Mages, 2 Tanks Run of Conquest


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I've been struggling, because I wanted a spear user on my team, but I wasn't sure who. I kind of wanted someone who was a little durable and wouldn't take effective damage.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but "Before Awakening" is free, right?

So, why don't I used a Great Lord?

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On 4/18/2020 at 12:45 PM, starburst said:

· Paladin Sophie (Selena's) to have at least one lance wielder and make use of the Beast Killer,

I told you so. 😜

Personally, I consider Great Lord a promotion and not a base class, therefore I only use such seals at Level 19-20. It is faster, squishier and has better skills than Paladin, but it plays very similarly.
Your fear of effective damage against horses is unfounded. Paladin Sophie (Mozu, Effie, Corrin) can hold the lines against the foxes, and there is no reason why Beast Killers should get her during the whole game. In Chapter 26, she would not be able to hold the lines against the Beast Killer Generals, true; but she would not do it as Hero, Great Lord or Master of Arms either. She was not your "tank" for this section from the get-go, independently of Avel.

Yes, "Before Awakening" is free. I know that map by heart, mate, I use it whenever I want to recruit Velouria, so that she is unlocked right after Chapter 14. 🙃

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5 hours ago, starburst said:

Personally, I consider Great Lord a promotion and not a base class, therefore I only use such seals at Level 19-20. It is faster, squishier and has better skills than Paladin, but it plays very similarly.

I kind of want to try a run without mounted units this game, just because we're already knee deep at this point.

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Well, would this unit be your second “tank” or your tenth unit?

If the former, Haitaka is a better option. If the latter, you could marry Mozu to Silas, unlock Sophie around Chapter 12, “tolerate” her devilish horse until Chapter 14 (when she should reach Level 19) and promote her into a Master of Arms or a Great Lord.

If you cannot stand her being on a horse for a couple of maps and she must always wield a lance, you could burn a Heart Seal to make Sophie a Villager immediately after her recruitment. The class sucks, but Aptitude will correct the distortion and make her cap all of her relevant statistics relatively early once promoted.

Effie passes Knight to Sophie, but you said that the unit must not be prone to effective damage. Not to mention that Aptitude Sophie is much more rounded.

Edited by starburst
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13 hours ago, starburst said:

Well, would this unit be your second “tank” or your tenth unit?

I'm thinking second tank I can't count this would probably be a tenth unit / "third tank." I'd like either a Berserker or a Master Ninja for my tenth unit. I know a Berserker has enough HP to take a hit, Keaton does as well I think.

I was legitimately considering Haitaka for this run, but I didn't know if I wanted to save using him until my captured units only run.

13 hours ago, starburst said:

If the latter, you could marry Mozu to Silas, unlock Sophie around Chapter 12, “tolerate” her devilish horse until Chapter 14 (when she should reach Level 19) and promote her into a Master of Arms or a Great Lord.

I tend to promote a little earlier than 19, but I'm admittedly not too aware of the generally accepted procedures for Conquest promotion.

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But then you have no options: You clearly said that you wanted a lance user who cannot suffer effective damage, that leaves out all Nohrian options (Cavaliers and Knights) and Pegasus. And even if you promoted relatively early (like you implied by "earlier than [Level] 19"), Wyvern Lord is not allowed either because of your "no-effective-damage" restriction.
Moreover, you also want this unit to be one of your two main "tanks" in the campaign but are thinking about the Great Lord class. It makes no sense to me, mate. I do not know what else to say.

For me, DLC classes are promotion items, and would not use, say, a Level 1 Dread Fighter or L10 Great Lord. But you enjoy the game the way you like, of course. That being said, in my experience, the Great Lord class is very tricky for a "tank."

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1 hour ago, starburst said:

It makes no sense to me, mate. I do not know what else to say.

I likewise have confused myself. I shall ignore this quandary and move on to another.

Our magic users are Creamed Corn, Odin, Ophelia, and for our last member we have a staffbot Maid / Butler. I am debating Felicia, Elise, or Corn!Shigure for that role. I think I'll go with Felicia, just because it's nice to have that healing very early and she'd be able to make significant contributions early on.

EDIT: I might also use Anna, since I have no thieves and I typically don't like dragging around an extra unit just for chests.

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If picking locks is the priority, I find Master Ninja Soleil (Charlotte’s) more useful.

Anna can open chests and be your fourth magical nuke and be your healer as an Adventurer.

I usually recruit her right after Chapter 9. It will most likely take you a couple of tries and burning a Freeze staff. This way, she can already be part of your ten-units party for Chapter 10.

Chapter 11 is free Experience and can be easily completed without a healer, and Ch 12 is trickier but forces you to replace Elise anyway.

By Chapter 13 you should already have a defined party,  with Ophelia and Kana in your roster. Thus it is highly possible that you can no longer field a healer within your ten units. Yet, Kana’s map should take you around 6 turns with your army of Snipers (Ophelia and Odin can tank all the Samurais west and then all the Archers east.) Ophelia’s map is a bit more difficult but not enough to demand a healer.
By Chapter 14 Anna should already be an Adventurer and do all the healing.

Note that you could re-class Anna into a Troubairitz immediately as you get her, and let her earn Experience and Staff proficiency through healing. Yet she has better growths as an Outlaw » Adventurer, and using two Heart Seals for this back-and-forth re-classing is extremely expensive (opportunity wise.) Not to mention that you would need to burn an Arms Scroll upon re-classing her into an Adventurer to let her use the Shining Bow (she will be useless with a physical bow, specially within a party of four Snipers.)

Remember: Anna joins as a Level 10 Outlaw, whether you recruit her after Chapter 9 or after 26. And she carries an Arms Scroll but no bow upon recruitment.

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22 hours ago, starburst said:

If picking locks is the priority, I find Master Ninja Soleil (Charlotte’s) more useful.


I was considering a Master Ninja, but then I realized that I had miscounted my number of units.

22 hours ago, starburst said:

Anna can open chests and be your fourth magical nuke and be your healer as an Adventurer.

Shining Bow sounds very neat, but I feel like I have a pretty decent amount of bow users and wanted a shuriken user, for weapon triangle flame shuriken and debuffing purposes. Adventurer would still be pretty good, but I feel it's just too much bow and since the class isn't a Sniper, it felt a little dishonest anyway. I could always use Mechanist Anna if I wanted to sacrifice healing and freeze and all other excellencies of staves to use both flame shuriken and shining bow.

Here's what I'm thinking currently:

  1. Cornstarch (Nohr Noble)
  2. Silas (Hero)
  3. Mozu (Sniper)
  4. Effie (Sniper)
  5. Azura (Sniper)
  6. Azura!Kana (Sniper)
  7. Anna / Felicia (Maid)
  8. Odin (Sorcerer)
  9. X!Ophelia (Witch)
  10. Mozu!Sophie (Great Lord)

I decided to go with Azura since I would like to get everyone recruited as soon as possible and you can build supports with her sooner.

While I would like a locktouch unit on the main team (Anna choice), Felicia would allow me to start finalizing the team earlier and having a Mother-Father-Daughter triangle on the team if I pair her with Odin. She is a pre-promote, though! Not using pre-promotes in my permanent team would allow me to shove another gimmick into my roster.

Master Ninja Soleil would be fun, but I don't want to drag Lazlo around for as long as that would take. If I were to change my tenth unit, I think I'd add some other form of healer, perhaps, despite my above statements, an adventurer. Maybe a wolf.


I'm think that somehow I should seek to get Venture on Ophelia. Her personal is +10 crit, her class is +10 crit, with another +10 crit she'd be quite threatening indeed.

Mozu!Sophie because we said we were going for Venture on Effie through marriage to Arthur. That could be changed, of course.

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7 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

I could always use Mechanist Anna if I wanted to sacrifice healing and freeze and all other excellencies of staves to use both flame shuriken and shining bow.

Mechanist Anna was a nice surprise on my campaigns, mate. I do not think that it suits this party, but you should try her in a future run.

7 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

Felicia would allow me to start finalizing the team earlier and having a Mother-Father-Daughter triangle on the team if I pair her with Odin. She is a pre-promote, though! Not using pre-promotes in my permanent team would allow me to shove another gimmick into my roster.

While I do not use pre-promoted units, I would give Felicia a pass, for she does never play as a Jagen. She is actually less powerful than most units that join you.
I rarely make a choice about the servant because I use female Cornflakes 99 % of the time and Jakob somehow always dies by Chapter 6.

That being said, Felicia and Elise meet Odin at the same time, and have identical chances to marry him and bear Ophelia by Chapter 12 (while Elise does not play this chapter, your party plans have Paralogues by Chapter 11, which equalises the situation.)
Maid Felicia grants early Odin more useful bonuses, but when you only use ten units, Attack Stance is used in the great majority of situations; making these Pair-Up bonuses less influential. (Later in the game, Elise grants better bonuses to Sorcerer Odin.)

Elise is the better unit, both offensively and defensively. Ophelia is great with either of them, but Elise passes her better numbers. Even if Felicia were at Level 15 before she bore Ophelia and passed her Tome Breaker, it is not worth the lower numbers. (Felicia could also pass the more useful Shuriken Breaker, but the opportunity cost of Heart Seals is astronomical in this run.)

8 hours ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

I'm think that somehow I should seek to get Venture on Ophelia. Her personal is +10 crit, her class is +10 crit, with another +10 crit she'd be quite threatening indeed.

You are overthinking it, mate. Your wishes are clouding your plan. Why would a (once) Fighter bear Ophelia?

Ophelia will be a critical-hit machine no matter what , just watch her Skill, for Elise and Felicia are clumsy as fuck.
I love critical hits, and Ophelia is a fucking monster at it, but the immense majority of her hits are guaranteed kills. She lands many “superficial crits” (critical hits on situations where normal hits were enough to secure the kill) precisely because of her high might.

For your final party, I would choose Paladin Silas, Elise instead of Anna or Felicia, and Kaze instead of Sophie.

As much as I love Aptitude Sophie, she has no niche here. Kaze is the high-Res unit (your only other one is your healer), opens locks, wields daggers (specially the Hunter’s Knife) and doubles everyone. He also grants +1 Movement and like +74 Speed on Pair Up.

If you are committed to Sophie, go Master of Arms. This way she will be able to replace Corrin or Silas on selected Enemy Phases. Later in the game, Life or Death basically turns her into a Berserker on steroids.
We would still need a locksmith, so probably go with Anna as your main healer (Elise or Felicia should still be Ophelia’s mama)

I prefer Hero Silas because it is faster and the Mercenary » Hero skills are very useful on front-liners, but you want lances. So, he could be a Paladin until Chapter 24, then Hero at least for Chapter 26, where Axe Breaker and no horse are invaluable assets for the southern room.

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6 hours ago, starburst said:

You are overthinking it, mate. Your wishes are clouding your plan. Why would a (once) Fighter bear Ophelia?


For the memes.

6 hours ago, starburst said:

If you are committed to Sophie, go Master of Arms. This way she will be able to replace Corrin or Silas on selected Enemy Phases. Later in the game, Life or Death basically turns her into a Berserker on steroids.

I'm not that committed. I think Hero Silas sounds a lot more interesting, so I might take you up on the offer of Kaze.

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19 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

For the memes.

I have played with Ophelia and Odin with that +20 % Crit skill from Onis; it was fun and allowed me to take bolder approaches, but it was not as memorable as I had imagined. As if landing a 58 % Crit "felt" less impressive than a 38 % one. After all, the mad mages (and Mozu) already are the top critical hitters.
It is rather easy to get Venture from Odin through Cornflakes, and to pass it to Ophelia around Chapter 12. This path is not available on this campaign, though. And for the same price, I would still rank the +5 Speed skill higher on the list. Venture? I love critical hits, but accuracy is king (queen?)

26 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

I'm not that committed. I think Hero Silas sounds a lot more interesting, so I might take you up on the offer of Kaze.

When I mentioned Master of Arms Aptitude-Sophie, I meant in addition to Silas and Corrin. She would be the lance user that you so much wanted, while Silas would go Mercenary » Hero.
By choosing Kaze over Sophie --and I think that you should--, you are trading Res, locks and daggers for a backup front-liner and lances. Just saying.

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