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Saizo/Beruka C support.

I have personally always been fond of Lot and Wade's supports, Fir and Noah's supports, and I also enjoy Duessel's and Knoll's supports with everybody. Yes, I know I have bad taste.

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Ike/Elincia. Localization only though. In fact, I think the English translation overall made them much better characters with much better chemistry. They feel more static and robotic in Japanese from what I've seen and they don't feel as much like friends. The way the localization handled them is a big part of why I ship them so hard as a couple (though it isn't the only reason. That final cutscene of PoR exists too, for instance. That actually solidified the pairing in my mind for me lol).

Kieran/anybody he can support with. He is glorious.

Tauroneo/Rolf because of the depth it gives Tauroneo. This conversation made him my favorite armor from Tellius!

And speaking of Rolf, any conversations he and his brothers have with one another. They are my favorite set of siblings in the series and I love their dynamic!

Jill/Lethe because of the character development it gives them both.

Frederick/female Robin for pretty much one reason: "Hey there, Freddy Bear!" XD

Stahl/Cordelia because it's just so charming overall.

Sylvain/female Byleth and Mercedes. The former because I feel it reveals more about Sylvain's complex character and his development than any of his other supports and the latter because it's one of the few instances where Sylvain treats the female well from the beginning and they both can relate to each other so well. His support with Dorothea is good for similar reasons, but Sylvain still treated Mercedes a bit better overall imo. He doesn't show his true good side much when it comes to women and I think it comes out best with Mercedes. I still have to rank Sylvain's support with female Byleth a bit better still though, because it's the only support chain and relationship where he actually says on screen that he intends to change and become the man worthy of the lady and then makes good on it. Though it is because that dialogue occurs in the tower conversation and the S support.

Yeah, I have a lot of Tellius bias.


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Support conversations don't really stick with me for very long, so I don't think I can pick a favorite.  With that said, I just got Kent and Sain's B support in my current playthrough of FE7, and that may have been my favorite so far in that game.  It's not super deep or anything, but I think Kent and Sain's interactions are one of the most entertaining parts of Blazing Sword.  I get the sense that Sain's comments on Lyn's beauty and kindness actually come from a genuine place.  Even still, he stays true to his character, mocking Kent and basically just acting like an ass about his "vast library of experience with women."  I just really appreciated this support since Kent and Sain really take a back seat in Eliwood's story, and this interaction is a nice callback to their interactions during Lyn's tale.

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2 hours ago, Benice said:

I have personally always been fond of Lot and Wade's supports, Fir and Noah's supports, and I also enjoy Duessel's and Knoll's supports with everybody. Yes, I know I have bad taste.

FE6 supports are automatic good taste.

Of course, Saul and Trek are the best characters in the game so obviously their supports reign supreme.

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Severa’s father support. Never before have I resonated with a character so strongly than in that A-support when her father says he’s happy to see her come back to see them to which she responds with: “Oh, please. Are you mocking me? Do you really think I'm that stupid? All my life, every time I mess something up, people compare me to Mother! And you're closer to her than anyone! I KNOW you think I don't measure up.”

and that just really hits extremely close to home for me as someone who has also struggled with feelings of inferiority and worthlessness. Sometimes it just feels any praise you do get from others feels fake and disingenuous like they don’t really mean it or are just saying it to mock you. I dunno it’s a hard feeling to describe but it’s a feeling I am all to familiar with

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Be prepared for some sizable lists from me. I'm the kind of guy who generally likes most, if not all of the supports of the characters I like. If I didn't, they wouldn't be characters I liked!

Binding Blade: Honestly, I feel like Binding Blade has a lot of good supports that are overlooked because it also has a lot of supports on the duller side. Personally, I enjoyed most of the supports for Roy, Lilina, Elffin, Cecilia, Douglas, Klein, Noah, Perceval, Thea, Lugh, Sophia, Sue, Fae, Melady, Karel, Bartre, Igrene, Astolfo, Dieck, Raigh, Hugh, Zeiss, and Niime. That seems like a lot of supports, and it is! But, hey, Binding Blade has a very large cast, with a good number of good characters.

Blazing Blade: In my personal opinion, Blazing Blade has the best collection of supports in the entire franchise. I really could just list every single support in that entire game because I really do enjoy every single one, even the kind of random one between Dorcas and Vaida. But, if I had to pick a handful of characters whose supports I enjoyed the most, my list would look like this: Lyn, Eliwood, Hector, Ninian, Matthew, Lucius, Nino, Fiora, Heath, Isadora, Canas, Florina, Legault, Pent, Renault, Rebecca, Oswin, Kent, Sain, Jaffar, Wil, Bartre, and Karel. What? You're saying that's half the playable cast? Well...

Sacred Stones: The supports in Sacred Stones are second only to those in Blazing Blade. Some of the best characterization happens in this game and, just like with Blazing, I really could just list (almost) every support here. But, my standouts are: Ephraim, Eirika, Joshua, Natasha, Cormag, Knoll, Tana, Dozla, Myrrh, L'Arachel, Gerik, Innes, Duessel, Gilliam, Seth, Franz, Saleh, and Artur..

Path of Radiance: Path of Radiance has a sizable number of good supports as well! But, not quite as many stood out to me as the larger numbers in the GBA games. Still, though, I like a good chunk of PoR supports. My standout characters are: Brom, Elincia, Mordecai, Jill, Muarim, Ike, Zihark, Mist, Lethe, Tauroneo, Titania, Geoffrey, Lucia, Ranulf, Reyson, Rhys, and Astrid.

Awakening: This is where it gets a little trickier for me. There's more duds here than in the other games I've already gone over, in my opinion. But, nevertheless, I press on! The characters with the supports I enjoy the most are Chrom, Lucina, Tiki, Gregor, Lissa, Lon'qu, Stahl, Virion, Cherche, Libra, Olivia, Sumia, Brady, Inigo, Owain, Noire, and Cynthia.

Fates: It got trickier with Awakening, but for Fates? Well, my list is much, much smaller. Laslow, Odin, Kaze, Leo, Sakura, Benny, Felicia, Mozu, Ryoma, Subaki, Oboro, Dwyer. That's about all that really stood out to me.

Shadows of Valentia: If you thought the Fates list was small, well, this one is just as small! In this case, though, it's because the game simply doesn't have a whole lot of supports for anybody at all. There's some, but the number is small, and everyone shines much more in the actual story than they do in the very small number of supports they get. Nevertheless, Alm, Lukas, Clair, Celica, Gray, Palla, Catria, Est, Mae, Boey, Saber, Tobin, Clive, Zeke, and Tatiana all had supports I enjoyed.

New Mystery didn't really have any supports at all that jumped out at me, the support conversations in Radiant Dawn are a total joke, I'm not quite familiar enough with anything in Three Houses to rank them, and any game before Binding really didn't have much dialogue outside of the main story.

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Oh crap, I forgot to mention Sylvain/Lorenz. Definitely the most hilarious support in TH. SKIRT CHASING WAR! lol

Sylvain/Dimitri gives it good competition in the comedy department though. LMAO

I admit it, I love Sylvain to pieces. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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Path of Radiance:

Ike and Elincia (NA Localization): Easily my favourite support conversation in all of Fire Emblem. The chemistry between Ike and Elincia in the NA localization of Path of Radiance is second-to-none in Fire Emblem, and their support conversations are a great example of that. Plus, I love how, at the end, they simply refer to each other by their names: Ike saying, "Elincia" instead of "Princess", and Elincia calling him "Ike" instead of "my lord Ike". Not only is it a clever callback to the Begnion chapters, but it also illustrates their character growth and how strong their bond has become. 

As hard as it may be to believe, given that I just listed Ike and Elincia as my favourite support conversation overall, but I also really like Ike and Soren's support conversations. I like how Soren opens up about his past and the reveal that Ike was the one that found him and brought him into the Greil Mercenaries, and I like the friendship that these two have. 

11 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Tauroneo/Rolf because of the depth it gives Tauroneo. This conversation made him my favorite armor from Tellius!

And speaking of Rolf, any conversations he and his brothers have with one another. They are my favorite set of siblings in the series and I love their dynamic!

I agree; these are also some of my favourites. 

I also really enjoy the support conversations between Largo and Muarim. Not only is it a friendly support conversation between a beorc and a laguz that doesn't bring up the... social issues... in Tellius, but it is also some very lighthearted good humour during what amounts to a war story. I love the conversation they have after a lifting contest, where they mention that they ran out of hams to lift and started lifting some of the crowd. Then Largo found and extra ham, while Muarim lifted Mist, and they had to call it a draw because they didn't know which was heavier. That's just funny. 

Honorable Mentions: Rolf and Rhys, Mia and Rhys, Oscar and Tanith.


M!Robin and Cordelia is easily my favourite Awakening support, and one of the few (if not only) Awakening supports I consider up with Tellius and Three Houses in terms of quality. It explores an aspect of Cordelia's character that isn't even mentioned in her other support conversations, the s-support is actually really sweet, and it doesn't mention Chrom at all despite being a set of conversations between Robin and Cordelia. 

Stahl and Panne, but mainly because I find their conversations hilarious. 


…Does the end credits count as a support conversation?

Jokes aside, the ones that I remember clearly, and remember liking, would be Silas and Hinoka's support conversations, and Laslow and Beruka's C-A support conversations. 

I liked Silas and Hinoka because I like how, in their S-support, Silas goes out of his way to find a spot of land for a house that's exactly equidistant from Hoshido's capital and Nohr's; that way, he can continue being a knight, she can continue being princess of Hoshido, and they can live together. I thought that was rather sweet. 

I liked Laslow and Beruka's C-A support because I found it funny that Laslow is able to capture the assassin Beruka's been hunting down simply by remembering that said assassin was a woman he once had tea with and inviting her to tea again. 

I wouldn't consider either of them to be favourites, but they're the only Fates support conversations I actually remember. 

Three Houses:

(Please bear in mind that, so far, I've only played the Crimson Flower and Verdant Wind routes)

Ashe and Petra is a charming set of support conversations: he teaches her how to haggle, she offers to make an order of knights in Brigid so he can fulfill his dreams of knighthood and be with her in Brigid, and it helps that the two of them are just so likeable and their characters complement each other well. 

Linhardt and Lysithea is another favourite of main, though mainly because of its B and A-Supports, which show that Linhardt can actually be very considerate in his own way; he tells her that, if it's possible to have a Crest implanted, then it should be possible to have a Crest removed, and he tries using sweets to illustrate Lysithea's options when it comes to her Crests. It's almost sweet. 

Ferdinand and Dorothea: I'm not a fan of character conflict being born from misunderstandings, but everything else about their conversations is so great that I can't help but enjoy it. 

Hubert and Bernadetta: I think it was these support conversations in particular that made me like Hubert's character. It shows that, deep down, he does care for his classmates. As it turns out, Hubert does have a heart, and these conversations prove it. 

…I think I would have to think about the Three Houses support conversations some more, and maybe re-watch some of these support conversations at a time when I'm not busy with exams. I really like them overall, but it is hard to think of favourites (I realize that I'm saying that after listing four favourites, but I can't shake the feeling that the actual list is far longer and I'm forgetting some). 

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Any of Mozu's conversations in Spanish. The depiction of a countryside girl was phenomenal. Independently of the actual content of the conversation, the Spanish localisation of Mozu was an achievement on its own. Unfortunately, the characterisation is nowhere near as elaborate in (at least) English or German, which limits the number of people who can enjoy it.

Also worth mentioning are the conversations of the Support levels C and B between Niles and Felicia. The exact same script works in (at least) English, German and Spanish.

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Eliwood and Ninian. I just think its sweet.

Male Robin and Chrom's supports are great. Male Robin and Lucina are also nice too I guess.

Any of Nina's supports and Soleil too. Japanese Niles supports are good. Corrin has a couple amusing ones himself, like with Soleil when he blindfolds her and pretends to be a woman in the localization.

For 3H, Raphael and Flayn is funny, Byleth/Mercedes, Dorothea and Petra. Not really many favorite supports from here.

My ultimate favorite support is Ike and Soren + their secret conversation + their paired ending. In my own opinion its probably one of the best supports in Fire Emblem as a whole. 

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On 4/17/2020 at 9:40 PM, Anacybele said:

Ike/Elincia. Localization only though. In fact, I think the English translation overall made them much better characters with much better chemistry. They feel more static and robotic in Japanese from what I've seen and they don't feel as much like friends. The way the localization handled them is a big part of why I ship them so hard as a couple (though it isn't the only reason. That final cutscene of PoR exists too, for instance. That actually solidified the pairing in my mind for me lol).

Frederick/female Robin for pretty much one reason: "Hey there, Freddy Bear!" XD

Sylvain/female Byleth and Mercedes. The former because I feel it reveals more about Sylvain's complex character and his development than any of his other supports and the latter because it's one of the few instances where Sylvain treats the female well from the beginning and they both can relate to each other so well. His support with Dorothea is good for similar reasons, but Sylvain still treated Mercedes a bit better overall imo. He doesn't show his true good side much when it comes to women and I think it comes out best with Mercedes. I still have to rank Sylvain's support with female Byleth a bit better still though, because it's the only support chain and relationship where he actually says on screen that he intends to change and become the man worthy of the lady and then makes good on it. Though it is because that dialogue occurs in the tower conversation and the S support.

Smash Bros. a arend FEH making me lean toward Ike x Elincia too as my favorite Ike pairing since they are so close together in WoL and Lost Lore.

Other of my personal favorites include...

Elise and Oboro in Warriors--At first, I was scared that Oboro would frighten Elise with her demon face since she's Nohrian, she outright admits that she can't make around Elise, and I think that's because she's just so gosh darn cute! The conversation goes on a more wholesome route.

Elise and Camilla--The younger sibling wanting to be just like the elder; I can relate. Plus it's the inspiration for my Brave Elise.

Female Robin/Stahl

Stahl and Panne--Stahl may be mine, but this support confirms that he can wield Falchion.

Bernadetta and Dorothea--I like this one for just how much it shows us where Bernadetta's anxieties come from while also showing her softer, calmer side. 

Ashe/Female Byleth

Silas/Camilla--Four words: "I love you schmoopie."

Ashe and Caspar--There is a cat; that is all.

Donnel/Miriel--The boy just wants to learn all he can so he can help his village!

Edited by Morgan--Grandmaster
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I probably already talked about that but Eirika/Forde is a support chain that I really like for Eirika over the Seth supports just because of how casual they both are with each other and that it looks like they're genuinely having fun, and it's also pretty sweet. Duessel/Amelia is probably my second favorite FE8 support, can't go wrong with that one, except for the fact that getting it entails using Amelia, hehe. I actually also really like Gerik/Marisa B Support specifically, because it contains some of the funniest exchange I've ever seen in FE.

As for FE6 supports, Zeiss/Elen is really cute, and I also like a bunch of Lilina's supports.

There's gotta be some FE9 supports that I really like as well but there isn't any I would single out as favorite, so Idk.

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3) Byleth X Marianne

Maybe just because I recently read their S support, but Marianne's growth throughout the supports is amazing. I had the same feeling with Bernadetta's progress, except the S support seemed to undo all progress for her. Marianne on the other side shines brighter than ever in her S support, I'm so proud of her.

2) Jill X Lethe

I genuinely believe this is objectively the best support in Fire Emblem. It's been a while since I've read it though, but I remember the progress these characters make is amazing.

1) Lute X Artur

Maybe not objectively the best, but definitely my favorite. Lute is my favorite character of all time, and this support shows her at her best. Especially the A support brings me such happiness. Obviously her supports are number one for me, even her supports are superior after all.

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Awakening was my first and my favorite, so I'll mostly stick to its support convos, with just a few from Fates mentioned at the bottom of my post.


M!Robin/Cordelia: This was my first S-Support for my avatar in Awakening (while also being my first FE game, period) and I loved how natural and deep the romantic connection between the two was. The adorable marriage banter in the Summer Scramble DLC didn't hurt in making me love their relationship either.

Gaius/Maribelle: This was another very believable romance between two characters who didn't seem to naturally mesh well. But after hearing the backstory about Maribelle's father and the lengths Gaius went to to ensure her safety and save her father's life, I genuinely believed that the two had fallen in love with each other, without any weirdness to mess up the flow.

Chrom/Maribelle: My OTP for Chrom. Childhood friends becoming lovers is far from the most original idea, but they seemed to fit, especially given how it's noted in another dialogue that Chrom dislikes all nobles "except Maribelle."

Inigo/Father: The first support in this chain wasn't anything spectacular, but hearing Inigo's facade come down in the B support to reveal the pain he suffered in the apocalyptic world he came from was excellent development for his character. Having both father and son reconcile in the A support was also pretty nice too.

Lon'qu/Cherche: My favorite pairing for both Lon'qu and Cherche (who is a pretty bland character in my opinion). Lon'qu overcomes his gynophobia as Cherche helps reassure him over the guilt from his past and the two fall in love. Simple, but sweet.

Stahl/Sully, Stahl/Cordelia, Stahl/Lissa, and Stahl/Olivia: Stahl is definitely the "nice guy" of the Shepherds and these supports really show that. He's just a simple guy who loves food and wants to help others. Honestly, other than his Kellam support (due to bad localization), Stahl has no bad supports in my opinion. It's just too bad he can't support Sumia. Pie girl with food guy just screams of the potential for cute fluff supports.

Severa/Father and Severa/Cordelia: If my member tag, signature, and cover photo is any indicator, you'll know that I really like Severa (and Selena) as a character. Her tsundere-ness (as bad as it is) is her way of dealing with unpleasant (or pleasant) emotions and the inferiority complex she struggles with. My favorite for each parent support chain is actually the A support, because Severa breaks through her prickly exterior and makes herself vulnerable, telling her father that he's all she needs to be happy and her mother that she loves her and never wants to lose her again.

Inigo/Olivia: Finding out that Inigo's incorrigibly flirtatious nature was a direct result of his mother's advice is pretty amusing, and seeing them bond over their shared love for dancing is pure, sweet mom/son interaction.


Felicia/M!Corrin: In the same way that I loved Chrom/Maribelle because it was a friends-to-lovers situation, I love Felicia/M!Corrin. They're just cute together and you can even see the romantic implications in supports as early as support B, something that doesn't usually happen until the S support. My favorite Fates girl.

Laslow/Peri: Admittedly, Peri is an absolute mess of a character, but Laslow really helps to (almost) redeem her by making her see the error of her ways (being the only one to actually try to do that) and falling for her in the process.

Hinoka/Subaki: My favorite romance support for Subaki (my least favorite character in Fates and FE in general). The two have a history of friendship that becomes something deeper. Nice.

Selena/Caeldori (PC): This support shows how Severa has matured somewhat while still battling with feeling inferior to her mother. Admitting her unfair comparison of Caeldori to Cordelia and apologizing for it was a really sweet way for mother and daughter to bond. I never knew tea could be sipped with so much angst.

Laslow/Selena: If nothing else, hearing Laslow get so flustered from being flirted with makes this support one of my favorites, but I do also think that Selena and Laslow complement each other pretty well in a romantic sense.

Kaze/Azura: To me, Kaze is the Stahl of Fates. He's an all-around nice guy who likes to help others. Him and Azura have very well written convos with a satisfying S support as a conclusion.

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Marth/Caeda (Fire Emblem Warriors) because it adds much needed chemistry that just wasn't there.


Chrom/Owain in FE Warriors is adorably awkward. Chrom trying to be a good uncle to the goofball is just hilarious.

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Caeldori/Shiro: A really cute support which also really expands on both characters. In my opinion some of the best writing in Fates. 

Mercedes/Sylvain: I didn't really enjoy Sylvain's character until after this support. After I knew more about him, I could truly embrace his character. Also, the fact that their child who succeeded Sylvain had no crest warmed my heart a little. 

Annette/Felix: Felix is actually really nice to Annette, plus Annette's songs are the cutest things ever. 

Fiora/Sain: I usually don't really care for Sain, but this was a sweet support. 

Lilina/Gonzales: While most of FE6's supports were forgettable, this one wasn't. At all. I felt so bad for Gonzales...

Karel/Karla: It kinda reminds me of Mercedes/Jeritza in a way, but it's still really good on it's own. Good Karla characterization. 

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Hugh and Niime's support chain easily.  It's funny, it's down to earth, and the last few lines are pretty touching.  From someone who played FE7 first when they were young, had Canas as their favourite character, and played FE6 then saw his son and mother chatting it up in when I was older, it was pretty nice.  They were like a missing link to my love for Canas.

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