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this is what ther halloween costumes would be

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no ashen wolves as i have not played cindered shadows 

black eagles is first as with any other three houses thing because people all ways choose the red team 

edelgard: a fairy type pokemon trainer

hubert: edelgard

ferdinand von air: himself 

dorothea: leftovers from the opera company

bernadetta: bear from bear in the big blue house 

caspar: no clue i have only seen one support from the guy

linhart: a pillow so he can sleep all day 

petra: no clue 

blue lion also known as the house with the best plot

dimitri: none as he wouldn't celebrate halloween 

de due: no good idea

annette: mercedes

mercedes: annette

felix: his fursona dimitri, a boar with an eye patch and a petition for violence 

sylvain: shaggy just shaggy 

ashe: seliph from fire emblem 4

ingrid: that one female knight she mentions in her support with ashe 

church of serious as golden deers are just to memey 

flayn: fish

seteth: ronald mcdonald so he can't get stuck in mcdonalds play place 

rhea: sothis 

hanneman: doctor eggman 

manuela: sam attire, still looking for men or a bottle of alcohol 

cathrine: herself but in black and tele 

shamir: no costume not in her character but pls correct me in the comment section 

gilbert: also no costume 

gate keeper: alm from fire emblem 2/15 

golden deer time

claude: g1 bumble bee

lorenz: as himself as no body is better then him 

raphael: raphael as in the ninja turtle 

ignatz: bob ross

marianne: snow white

lysithea: nagisa from madoka magica reblion

leonie: jeralt

hilda: sans undertale 


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Here are some of my ideas for a pre-skip halloween:

Black Eagles:


Edelgard as that scary Flame Emperor who has been sneaking around Garreg Mach.

Hubert as a vampire butler. That's not real blood on his hankerchief... is it?

Dorothea as the primadonna of Mittelfrank Opera Company.

Ferdinand as a clown who fills balloons with helium (the noblest of gases).

Petra was going to be fire witch, but instead dressed up as a sandwich.

Caspar as an aspiring boxer from the mean streets of Enbarr.

Bernadetta knit a ghastly blanket that she can hide under.

Linhardt as the aspring boxer's long-suffering wife.

Blue Lions:


Dimitri dons a turqoise mane, as representative of the Blue Lion house.

Dedue goes as His Highness's guard dog. He's a good boy.

Ingrid was going to show up as one of those scary savages from Duscur, but Annette refused to do her makeup, so she goes as a generic bandit.

Felix refuses to have any part in this sham of a holiday. Although, he badgers the Prince about not dressing as a Boar.

Annette dresses as a chef, and gives out cupcakes that she and Mercedes made to "fill their tummy-tummy-tums!".

Sylvain goes as a Knight of Seiros, as the ladies can't resist a man in uniform. ...He spends the night with Felix.

Mercedes, ever-devout, dresses up as one of the Cardinals of the Church. Though, since nobody knows what they look like, she just wears a lot of red.

Ashe dresses as one of his favorite figures to read about, the Hero-King Loog.

Golden Deer:


Claude dyes his hair purple, and goes as a "snooty noble". Lorenz is indignant.

Lorenz rents a Wyvern to portray a "brutish Almyran". Claude holds his tongue.

Hilda swears she had a costume, but her room is such a mess that she can't find it, ugh!

Lysithea has no time for frivolity, but Hilda bribes her to go with candy, and lets her wear a witchy dress she hand-crafted.

Ignatz gathers his brushes and puts on a smock, to portray a popular painter.

Raphael shows up completely in the nude. "Hey, every painter needs a subject, right?" he insists between fistfuls of meat.

Leonie dresses up as her role model, the knight-turned-mercenary Jeralt. So, that's where his flask went...

Marianne goes as the horse she admires most, Dorte. But everything gets weird when an inebriated Leonie tries to "mount" her... too convincing, perhaps?

That's all I have for now, might add more when I get the chance!

Edited by Shanty Pete's 1st Mate
Added other houses.
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As most of my favorite characters are from the Church of Sieros, I'll cover them here.


Rhea: Much to everyone's confusion, she goes as Saint Sieros, whom many people remark she bares a strange resseblance too. 

Seteth: Originally refused to dress up at all, but at his sisters begging he grabbed a fishing pole and simply claimed he was a fisherman.

Flayn: A fish. Most people claim she is a mermaid until seeing her bizarre conical hat. 

Hanneman: A "mad" scientist. He seams to enjoy the role too much.

Manuela: An unsurprisingly revealing dress she claims to be left over from a character she played in the theatre. 

Alois: A knight in shining armor, which many simply say is just his normal armor with a fresh clean. 

Gilbert: Doesn't show up, preferring to avoid Annette. 

Catherine: Is, is she wearing Shamir's outfit?

Shamir: Doesn't her outfit look an awrful lot like Catherine's armor. 

Cyril: He's dressed as Rhea, which everyone finds severely uncomfortable. 


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