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1 minute ago, Caster said:

I did. Right after. Don't think I didn't, you little wimp. I did Nightmare boss rush as well.
I want to get all of the achievements, but I want to basically do all the hardest achievements first XD

I see you are a true adventurer to the core xD

And Nightmare  boss rush wow. I don't think i will ever be able to do that haha.

2 minutes ago, Caster said:

The last one I'm going to get is for turning on no fall mode.

Ahaha xD

Leave the easiest for last, eh?

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9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I see you are a true adventurer to the core xD

And Nightmare  boss rush wow. I don't think i will ever be able to do that haha.

Ahaha xD

Leave the easiest for last, eh?

Well, relatively XD 
I want that to be the last one, since I want to have "Bad at Platformers" be the last achievement I get for irony sake.
I'm going to do the 6 escort ones, then do final boss no damage and under 5hrs on Very Easy.

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4 minutes ago, Caster said:

I'm going to do the 6 escort ones, then do final boss no damage and under 5hrs on Very Easy.

You should also do him on Inferno no Damage

Ah man the escort missions. Always a classic.

How did Adol not get arrested yet for ''measuring'' the girls and the one shota yet

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Counterpoint: HW has giant monster battles. FEW does not. And from what I've seen, the giant monster battles break up the flow of Musou combat and not in a good way.

Fair point. I like variety, alot. Maybe that's one of my issues. 

In FEW's defence, the only character I play as is Lucina, so variety doesnt matter as much, there at least.

Another thing, FEW has alot worse load times and lags alot more, which is annoying, and this is comparing to the Wii U version of HW.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

The problem with HW's giant monster battles is that they follow Zelda rules: hit weak point -> follow up with the required item(s). Or use require item(s) -> attack. And while I respect the faithfulness, it doesn't translate well into Musou combat, I think.

Yeah, I don't really get the logic behind FEW having so many clones. Seems to be a problem exclusive to it though correct me if I'm wrong.

Unless your using Young Link, yeah it can be annoying for sure. When using Young Link in FS mode, he can just attack right through their armor.

Dunno, since HW doesnt have this, it's kinda sad considering how fun all the characters are in HW.

Edited by lightcosmo
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For all the Fate fans here



18 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Another thing, FEW has alot worse load times and lags alot more, which is annoying, and this is comparing to the Wii U version of HW.

But that's technical issues at that point. And Musou games aren't particular reflex heavy so lag isn't that big of an issue.

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I'm a bit miffed that Kasumi likes dolphinariums. I just consider them as cage since they take the dolphin's natural life. It's the same as with any circus animal. It's even sadder that my hometown offers the biggest dolphinarium in the world. Dolphins are not only cute but also endangered animals. Using them as medical instrument is one thing, it least it can recover a human's life, but using them as attraction is nothing else than deprivation of liberty in exchange of getting money.

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27 minutes ago, Armagon said:

But that's technical issues at that point. And Musou games aren't particular reflex heavy so lag isn't that big of an issue.

True, true. They are both great games, dont get me wrong here. 

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I'll be hopeful they'll address the giant boss issue in an eventual HW2. The fan feedback against their implementation should have been loud enough for them to hear it. I wouldn't want them gone, either less used or limited to appearing in certain modes sounds better.


2 hours ago, DragonFlames said:

I hear that Dynasty Warriors had plenty of clones, too, until they decided to give each character a unique moveset in DW8XL (no idea about regular DW8, since I never played that one), so the "mainline" games aren't exactly innocent, as it were.

From what I can glimpse, DWs 2-5 were all unique movesets for everyone. DW6 on the other hand...

  • Spear - Ma Chao, Sun Ce, Zhang He, Taishi Ci
  • Polearm - Guan Ping, Lu Meng, Ling Tong, Xu Huang, Cao Ren
  • Sword - Sun Quan, Yuan Shao, Cao Pi
  • Katana - Huang Zhong, Zhou Tai, Xiahou Yuan
  • Mace - Wei Yan, Huang Gai, Dong Zhuo, Xu Zhu
  • Bow - Yue Ying, Sun Shang Xiang
  • Whip - Zhen Ji, Diao Chan
  • Staff - Pang Tong, Zhang Jiao

...Everyone being clones using one of eight weapon types... not so good. DW6 Special de-cloned a few, but the damage, worsened by character cuts, was already done.

It's worth keeping in mind that DW6 appears to have been a "paradigm shift", meaning the core combat system itself was overhauled and replaced with a new one. Abandoning the classic system of 2-5 mean having to rebuild old weapons into new movesets from scratch, and for dozens of characters.

Cloning was a shortcut to address this herculean task, a shortcut DW7 took too because it too was a paradigm shift after the catastrophe of DW6. But fans don't seem to have reacted so badly to DW7's new gameplay, and hence gave Koei the time to make 7XL, 7E, and 8 to fully declone everyone.

Of course, the strict fan demands against cloning and character cuts means Koei will have a very difficult time making another successful paradigm shift, because the cast has only grown, and the DW7-8 system has now been fully exploited and has become stagnant. DW9 being a disaster and WO4 being not a very profitable cash grab haven't helped either.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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45 minutes ago, Armagon said:

For all the Fate fans here


No joke, that's legit the first time I've seen that picture of Nero.
They should use the twintails on her normal look, ngl. That, or have her with her hair down. At least something so she doesn't look like the original Saber as much.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

From what I can glimpse, DWs 2-5 were all unique movesets for everyone. DW6 on the other hand...

  • Spear - Ma Chao, Sun Ce, Zhang He, Taishi Ci
  • Polearm - Guan Ping, Lu Meng, Ling Tong, Xu Huang, Cao Ren
  • Sword - Sun Quan, Yuan Shao, Cao Pi
  • Katana - Huang Zhong, Zhou Tai, Xiahou Yuan
  • Mace - Wei Yan, Huang Gai, Dong Zhuo, Xu Zhu
  • Bow - Yue Ying, Sun Shang Xiang
  • Whip - Zhen Ji, Diao Chan
  • Staff - Pang Tong, Zhang Jiao

...Everyone being clones using one of eight weapon types... not so good. DW6 Special de-cloned a few, but the damage, worsened by character cuts, was already done.

It's worth keeping in mind that DW6 appears to have been a "paradigm shift", meaning the core combat system itself was overhauled and replaced with a new one. Abandoning the classic system of 2-5 mean having to rebuild old weapons into new movesets from scratch, and for dozens of characters.

Cloning was a shortcut to address this herculean task, a shortcut DW7 took too because it too was a paradigm shift after the catastrophe of DW6. But fans don't seem to have reacted so badly to DW7's new gameplay, and hence gave Koei the time to make 7XL, 7E, and 8 to fully declone everyone.

Of course, the strict fan demands against cloning and character cuts means Koei will have a very difficult time making another successful paradigm shift, because the cast has only grown, and the DW7-8 system has now been fully exploited and has become stagnant. DW9 being a disaster and WO4 being not a very profitable cash grab haven't helped either.

Huh, interesting!
I'm interested in where they'll take the Dynasty Warriors games from here, especially since - in my personal opinion - the very best example of the musou formula comes not from Omega Force, but from Marvelous Entertainment in the form of Fate Extella Link.


As for what I was doing... I tried to write, but my blocking problem has yet to be solved, so I went and continued my "only use the initial 4 Servans" challenge in Nights of Azure after taking a break from progressing to farm some items for postgame and completion purposes.

Severe gushing alert! Also, I spoil the final boss' motives, but... since I highly doubt anyone here would try this game, I think we're fine.

The final dungeon is a perfect place to grind. Not only do enemies respawn constantly, but you can visit the different rooms it has however many times you desire (or until the time runs out) and fight the bosses within. And yes, the bosses respawn, too. Until you open the final door, that is.
Essentially, the Wandering Ark is a boss rush. It has one main room with a sealed door in it, and six minor rooms that are a winding pathway that leads to a boss room, where you will fight stronger versions of the bosses you have fought during the game, though they look a little different from how they do when you challenge them inside their original dungeons.
And yes, this includes Mavelus... though he looks (and is) much more threatening this time around:

Looks worthy of a final boss, doesn't he?
He actually managed to kill all four of my Servans, leaving me with only Arnice to whittle down the last 25% of his health. It was a rough battle, that's for certain.

By the way, when you're fighting the bosses, the time limit doesn't apply, even though you're not forced to go back to the hotel after them, as is the case in their original dungeons. Here, you can just go back to the main hall and tackle the next boss if you so wish.

So, I managed to defeat all the bosses in one go (since you get the time limit extended to 20 minutes through skills you can learn), and open the door to the final boss. And it is here that everything is revealed.
The truth of the battle between the First Saint and the Nightlord, the truth behind the sealing process of the Night, and of course the individual at the center of it all: none other than the leader of the organization known as the Curia, the one who you've been working for the entire game: Ludegert, who is also the First Saint, who is ALSO the current Nightlord.
Her motive is essentially to unite humanity against a common enemy, because she bore witness to many wars during her youth.
This line right here got me.

But, she did not think that the Nightlord was actually NOT an evil being, but instead content with watching things unfold as they go. He is an observer, if you will. Ludegert, however, did not like that, so she betrayed him, killed him, and took a large portion his blood for her own, essentially becoming the Nightlord herself. The rest of the Nightlord's blood rained down upon the Earth and transformed people and objects into Fiends, and this was the incident in which Arnice became a half-demon in the first place - 800 years before the game even starts.

Ludegert was now able to unite humanity against the thread of the Eternal Night, but this came at the cost of risking her humanity and sanity in the process. So, she devised a plan in which she would acquire a new body once every ten years to keep the Nightlord's powerful blood in check, and thus, the whole ordeal about sacrificing the Saint to seal the Eternal Night was born.
I absolutely love how it all comes together in the end here.

In any case, Ludegert reveals her true form.
(looking fine for an 800-year-old, doesn't she?)

Arnice drops the line which turned her into my favorite character of all time, and the final battle begins.
And BOY is it a final battle! The final boss theme is freaking amazing, for one.
Ludegert is basically an amalgamation of everything past bosses could do to kill you. She can invoke stage hazards (in this case, rose thorns that poison you), she hits like a truck, some of her attacks cover a very large area and you're screwed if you get hit (if she ever whispers "Yoru no chikara" in a very sultry voice and you see her sword glow... RUN, because then she will shoot a sword beam that covers approximately 1/4th of the battle arena. And if you happen to be in front of her when she does it... well... you may kiss your life goodbye. It also paralyzes you, so... be careful of that.



This is the attack from a distance from later in the fight. It killed my healer in one shot. Poor Rise...

Her close range attacks are also very dangerous if you happen to be close to her. The first, she will swing her sword in front of her, inflicting heavy damage and the Bleed status effect (that also cuts your defense in half - I thought it lowered your attack, but no, it lowers defense, instead, which makes it even more dangerous a status to get hit by). The second attack, she will stab her sword into the ground and unleash a magic circle that covers the area around her, and her third attack is a horizontal sword beam that travels in a straight line and comes out really, really fast. She uses this twice, and then the attack depicted above. This is a pattern I've noticed.

Once she lost enough health, Ludegert thought it suitable to take a page out of Mavelus' book and summon poisonous thorns that severely limit your movement options, because if you step into these large areas, you WILL get heavily poisoned and you will lose 10 HP every two seconds. That doesn't sound like much now, but look at the screenshot again: you will see Arnice's maximum HP at 360. And by the time she uses this, you will NOT be at max HP anymore, especially since her attacks will now come with much higher frequency than before.



Once she uses this, Ludegert will also start healing herself by 25% of her maximum HP. She will do this three times throughout the battle.
This might seem bothersome at first, but it's really not so bad, so long as you can keep up the offense and are smart about dodging her.

And I have not touched on her most dangerous attack yet: At one point during the fight, she will envelop the entire battlefield in a light that continuously damages you. As far as I know, the only way to dodge this is to be as far away from Ludegert as you possibly can.



This attack can also seal your Servans, so you'll have to take on Ludegert on your own for a while. Thankfully, she did nothing too dangerous during the time my Servans were sealed, so I just dodged her attacks while waiting for the seal to wear off and re-summoned my little heroes once it did.

Sadly, however, she managed to get the better of me in the end. She summoned her thorns right where I was standing, and I got poisoned while I was on low health.



But, of course, I hit restart, and fought her again and after an arduous yet incredibly fun battle, Ludegert finally falls.




Man, what a ride.
I love all of these people.

And thus, I have confirmed to myself that, yes, Nights of Azure is beatable using only the Servans the game gives you... Or have I?
Because here's the kicker: this wasn't the end. There is still the postgame to go through, two very cool questlines and two of the hardest bosses are yet to come. And then, after beating that, I have to face Ludegert again to get the Golden Ending.
So... my challenge is not yet over! All I confirmed is the possibility to defeat Ludegert using only the Servans the game initially gives you (that is, Dinosword, Alraune, Wood Golem, and Bisque Doll).

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:



31 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

And thus, I have confirmed to myself that, yes, Nights of Azure is beatable using only the Servans the game gives you... Or have I?

gg congratz!

31 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

There is still the postgame to go through, two very cool questlines and two of the hardest bosses are yet to come. And then, after beating that, I have to face Ludegert again to get the Golden Ending.



good luck!


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8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

gg congratz!


8 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:



good luck!


And thanks again! ^^
But I will admit, the way to get the true ending in this game is sort of weird, because reloading your save after defeating Ludegert the first time drops you at the entrance of the final dungeon. You then get sent back to the hotel, where the two additional scenarios unlock. Clear these, go kill Ludegert again, and have your Golden Ending. And this you can do no matter which of the four initial endings you get.
That could maybe have been done better, admittedly.

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What the everliving truck is this Wade:


He has base 5 speed and a 20% growth in it. He's gained speed seven out of nine levels so far. He's blessed by about five and a half points of speed.

No regrets picking him in the second round when I could have picked Perceval!

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9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

But I will admit, the way to get the true ending in this game is sort of weird, because reloading your save after defeating Ludegert the first time drops you at the entrance of the final dungeon. You then get sent back to the hotel, where the two additional scenarios unlock. Clear these, go kill Ludegert again, and have your Golden Ending. And this you can do no matter which of the four initial endings you get.
That could maybe have been done better, admittedly.

Not the first game that does it that way, tbh.


7 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Also, I love this song.

it's name though

Also Gust ost being lovely as usual

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Just now, Shrimperor said:

Not the first game that does it that way, tbh.

I must admit, I don't know any other game that does it like that.

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

it's name though

I imagine the lyrics aren't anything too upbeat, either.
Not with a title like that. XD

1 minute ago, Shrimperor said:

Also Gust ost being lovely as usual

Umu, umu!

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Really? Since finishing the game, then reloading the save file sending you to a point before the final battle(s) with extra stuff unlocked is pretty much Postgame 101.

Dragon Quest does it for example. Starting from SNES!V.

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2 minutes ago, Benice said:


There's a demo for anoter game in the series, Ys origin, which has pretty much the same base gameplay as oath, on Steam


In case you want to check it out 😉


@Caster how much time did it take you to get the lvl 60 achievement btw

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

There's a demo for anoter game in the series, Ys origin, which has pretty much the same base gameplay as oath, on Steam


In case you want to check it out 😉

I see! Thanks for the link!

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