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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Jesus Christ surviving that turn was a nightmare. I’ll keep this fight going but I’m probably still stuck here.

But like, how do you even do this even if you know what to expect? Wyverns just pop out of the key locations! Even if you abandon the wolf guard, the only possible solution I could think of is waiting in the corner until Vyland’s squad and the wyverns spawn, nuking them all as soon as they show up and praying that the remaining wyverns put themselves in a good position when they show up. But then, if aggro draws on the entire map again, you would probably just get overwhelmed by them and the first paladin squad.

But of course, that entire strategy would involve abandoning the recruitables, so I’m just going to brute force it by repeatedly loading a save state to find the one possible formation where they can’t kill me and Vyland can’t suicide. Jesus.

17 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Oh well

Sorry for the rant y'all.

It’s alright to me at least, I just want you to be okay.

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On 6/18/2023 at 11:02 AM, Interdimensional Observer said:

Apparently today is Autistic Pride Day. No, it has nothing to do with that kind of pride🏳️‍🌈 despite falling in the middle of its month. Just a day to celebrate neurodiversity is all. Second year I've been aware that it's a thing, and still weird that it isn't in April, the autism awareness month.

Anywho, I can definitely feel my own, spending some of last night and this morning typing out some writing scribbles in an explanatory way as if it were an Internet post -except I'm not posting the junk anywhere. A want to explain something ad nauseam definitely feels Aspergerian.😆 Although I can justify it as committing my current thoughts to the record, in case they should ever change.

Yeah I hear ya. I got it too

When I was growing up there wasnt no such thing as “spectrum” either you were full blown or you werent. I didnt figure it out til I was about 35 one day when I saw a book in a library on an end of row shelf and I sat down and read it  Then some pieces started to fall into place, so to speak 

22 hours ago, Armagon said:


Yes but unfortunately capitalism.


If you like that song, check out a version called “Salieri” or something like that. Its on youtube. Thats the one they used to play on the radio a lot back in the 80’s

5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

From what I remember reading up... yes, he may have actually been planned to be recruitable. Why it got scrapped, who knows. Maybe they thought tragic-ness sells.

That woulda been cool. I’d certainly use him. Him and Melody would sure beat the hell outta Melody and Zeiss

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

True, I have made a fatal error.

Well I mean, you’re the adult with the work life, just as long as you’re doing the best you can.

50-60 hours a week in the truckin biz here, although last week was closer to 70 😳

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Okay, through the most turtling starts imaginable, I actually survived the hordes of enemies, with Roshea and Vyland intact. And that was most of the map, so the map is essentially over.

…unless hordes of enemies come pouring out of those forts near the boss. I’m going to try to get some money from the arena, but if there’s turn based reinforcements…

26 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Old Shrimpy will be back soon! (Read:Friday)

How old are we talking? Will you start posting about The Series That Shan’t Be Named?

5 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

50-60 hours a week in the truckin biz here, although last week was closer to 70 😳

Do you like it? My… step-uncle? seems relatively fond of his job in the same industry.

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1 minute ago, Capt. Fargus said:

That woulda been cool. I’d certainly use him. Him and Melody would sure beat the hell outta Melody and Zeiss

You know, it just hit me.

Wyvern Lord is the only promoted generic class you never get a character for during the main game. Every other promoted class is accounted for, even if some like Swordmaster, don't come until too late in the game. Galle would've fit nicely into that slot.

Wait, we also don't get a pre-promoted Sage either. I guess that could've been fixed if Guinivere had been playable... or Hugh came as a pre-promo instead.

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This fucking game

This fucking chapter

Ambush spawns are the worst thing to happen to Fire Emblem

18 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Abort mission xD


But seriously, I’m glad you at least get some respite.

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17 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Ambush spawns are the worst thing to happen to Fire Emblem


And i totally expect them to come back next FE

18 minutes ago, Sooks said:


'Nam flashbacks

18 minutes ago, Sooks said:

glad you at least get some respite.


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So, since there's really nothing left to do at work today, I decided to read a fan-translation of the Castlevania novel. Part curiosity, part so I could better think up on how to write my AU. It's been quite the interesting read so far.

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Jesus Christ. So the boss and company are surrounded by forts, and when you step into a zone that surrounds boss and company, they all pop enemies who immediately move. The boss is surrounded by not one, not two, but four ballista! And 2 spaces away from them is where the zone begins! So your only way of approaching the boss without immediately dying is to just… take four ballista hits. Except you can’t because you need to drag Sedgar’s pathetic ass in range of them to recruit Wolf, oor lure him out with a high move unit who will almost certainly die, if you want all the characters. Ballistas have shit accuracy in this game, so my solution was to plop Sedgar down and just shamelessly reset the RNs until he didn’t die, since the game wants to shamelessly ambush spawn me. MEANWHILE, the boss is surrounded by three generals, so I had some units who could take care of them very slowly bait them from outside of the zone for the 10 unit ambush spawn. Lastly, I positioned Marth so he’d just barely be able to reach the throne, Barst so that he could reach the boss, and kept Caeda hanging around so she could do the same. Now if the game was smart, they would’ve just had the general attack Marth and then three ballista go for him and I simply wouldn’t have won, but the AI is stupid and decided to focus on Sedgar instead. So next turn I rushed in the zone and killed the boss that player phase. I had everyone sitting around taking out as many ballistas and such as they could, just for exp, and got ready to have Marth seize.

…but I ended the turn first out of curiosity just wondering if my current set up could survive (knowing damn well they couldn’t), and apparently killing the boss stops the reinforcements from spawning. So I got some more exp before leaving from the enemies I couldn’t reach. God damn.

RIP Boah. Idk why the game couldn’t just give me another useless unit but alright, this works too.

35 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

'Nam flashbacks


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3 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Have been hearing that forever

I just keep hating it (and my life) more day by day instead of "getting used to it"

Thats what everyone says. Xd

Im not certain i agree with that mentality, however.

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1 hour ago, Sooks said:


Do you like it? My… step-uncle? seems relatively fond of his job in the same industry.

I like working independently so it’s a good fit. Plus the route I run goes far enough away where I can stretch my legs a bit

1 hour ago, Sooks said:

This fucking game

This fucking chapter

Ambush spawns are the worst thing to happen to Fire Emblem

Not thinking about the same game you are at the moment but yeah you’re most certainly right IMHO

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5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

"The royal families returned to their countries after the war ended, but then the war dead of each country became Corrupted. The royal families were attacked and killed by the Corrupted, and in Rafal’s raids."

This would've been useful information to know.

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Finally, Pirate Emblem.

"It’s the same universe, at an indeterminate but very long time into the future, where the events have mostly fallen into legend."

The creator of this hack looking at the Zelda timeline but changing it up a bit so it's not copying.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, one of the harrowing thoughts I remember from when I was an 8 year old who constantly beat himself up over not having the courage to slit his own throat was this absolute terror that I wasn't enjoying my childhood, because I thought adulthood would be misery without end, devoid of all freedom and meaning

Jesus Christ man. So glad things got better for you.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

What I'm trying to say is, nobody knows what the future holds. So uh... Yeah, ultimately, I agree. Try to enjoy this next step as much as possible! But don't go to the other extreme and assume life will end the second education ends.

Mmhmm. All i know is i want to move out of Florida once i finish up college. From there....idk. It hasn't happened yet. 


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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


And i totally expect them to come back next FE

You know, it would still be playable so long as we still have good access to turnwheel, which is probably never going away.

Not that that’s an excuse for ambush spawns, but it makes the game actually difficult playable. Like if I didn’t have save states for fe12, it would go from pretty damn enjoyable to borderline unplayable.

Edited by Sooks
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I'd say. The novel is basically the first time Soma and Death actually interact with each other, and it basically boils down to:


And that's... pretty much all of Soma's appearance in there. lol

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Played only two battles today, I'm reallllly slowing down now, aren't I?😆 -Though I have binged on SRW music when not playing J.

Ya know, I did have some respect for the Evil Lady Knight, but that has plummeted now seeing it was her personally who handed over/gave permission to use that.


11 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I can't test out the Galle boss replacement, because his appearance event is not there. They fucking hardcoded Galle showing up! Jesus Christ, I swear everything about that guy's just so fucking strange... His character data is in the middle of all the recruitables and everything. If only they'd actually made him playable. Was it really so important to have a shitty-ass Camus? Brunnya was already there!

Personally, I tend to prefer a Camus as being not defined not only as an "honorable villain", but as "an honorable villain, who hesitates but does not ultimately betray". The hesitation in their loyalty to evil makes them more tragic, since it indicates they did/had a chance of seeing the light of true justice.

Galle... I don't think he ever shows any significant hesitation. Eldigan and Camus (BSFE in particular) do.

As for Brunnya, my nitpick with her is we can sense she loves Zephiel, but we do not have a real answer why. With Selena Battlesuicidespar, we have that spiel to Myrrh she gives before she chooses to pick up the Bolting and fight to the death. Brunnya would've been kinda generic if she spouted similar words, but it'd be an explanation, which is more than what we currently have.


8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Although man destroyer is an objectively funny name.

I did see "Mankiller" as a real surname once, used by a Native American. Flows better than "destroyer", which sounds like something that blows up buildings and planets, not people.


7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I can only do that by killing my inner self for the week really

Sorry I'm late to offer consolations.

As you know, we are united in a love of academia, I can understand your desire to return to it. Putting up with writing papers, reading a book a week per class, that's the kind of "work" that trapped my mind in that kind of desirable living firmly in the present. The big-picture-unimportant short-term worries I wanted to be immersed in. Unfortunately, they don't pay you to learn.

And you know I can't say much on work, I've never been in a job, I only ponder existential matters related thereto. Sorry I can't be of help on that.😔

7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

What makes it all worse is that i realise i have it better than like 90% of the planet....

As do I. The bliss of being almost 30 (😬) yet getting by without employment, a pure fantasy for the majority of people. Guilt I bear within me, even if doesn't lead me to correct the situation.

6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

That's why i plax max volume music on headphones


-Sorry if you're not in the mood for a light jest. Headphones, turning up the volume. Just two SRW offerings that spring to mind, one licensed and one Original, that might alleviate things ever so little.


6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know, one of the harrowing thoughts I remember from when I was an 8 year old who constantly beat himself up over not having the courage to slit his own throat


...I'll count my blessings that I have never in my years, especially not so young, ever thought of this. Fearing death to the point of irrationally sitting/laying around like a living corpse waiting for and dreading the (hopefully) distant final moment when it all fades away is one thing, but at least it those mental bouts only wasted my time, they couldn't have ended my time altogether.


5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Oh well

Sorry for the rant y'all.

Not a problem.😉 I've done my share of letting it all out here and being given sympathies, gotta pay the debt and read everyone else's. It's only fair.😀

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Ho boy, giving Starlight 2 range allows Saphira to cause so much carnage on the final map because she has much more magic than any of the actual combat mages. Maybe I overbuffed her, but this is still really fun. And buffing her by instead reducing the cooldown of Silence is sadly not an option.

Lynette also gets to be able to pick locks. There may be enough door keys, but why make it come down to that when you can just give the ability to the new unit you just got?
Also I just wanna give Light Infantry melee units more stuff to do on the final map. Feels like the final map is pretty much all about heavy knights and ranged support units (and Dean). The enemies behind those doors can generally be easily enough dealt with without ever opening those doors by simply attacking over the walls with ranged units. So no need to bring a thief just so they can be engaged at 0 range. But if Lynette has it, it might be more feasible.

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3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Putting up with writing papers, reading a book a week per class, that's the kind of "work" that trapped my mind in that kind of desirable living firmly in the present.

And the pursuit of knowledge is fun!

Well, one could say while working you also do that, but it's only like, 10% of it and you don't pursuit knowledge for the sake of knowledge or yourself, but your company.

Also might be not the knowledge you're interested in

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

nfortunately, they don't pay you to learn.

Unless Phd. 

But for me that seems out of question atm.

3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Sorry if you're not in the mood for a light jest.

But i am always in the mood for bangers. Thankies 😄

Also the first track sounds very familiar....

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12 hours ago, Sooks said:

I called you names for it? Damn, don’t remember that.

Well, jokey names, as I recall. You didn't just start going actually ballistic on me lol. It still would've pleased me

12 hours ago, Sooks said:

Oh, it’s not a problem, just 8 years old was an astonishing detail. My reaction was about the shame as Shrimpy’s.

My mother told me that the day they took me to my psychologist and I was diagnosed with Asperger's and depression, she told her and my dad one thing that stuck with her: "Suicide is not just a grown-up thing."

Child suicide really shouldn't be considered an alien concept. It's very real and more common than one might think, sadly. I was never so far gone to actually try, but I would've if my parents hadn't taken all the measures they could muster to help me. There are many who aren't so fortunate.

12 hours ago, Sooks said:

google’s only result for that super fancy word is something about flowers

plural noun: fioriture
  1. an embellishment of a melody, especially as improvised by an operatic singer.

I actually used it wrong but shhh

11 hours ago, Sooks said:

Oh god this chapter.

Stay back Vyland and company!

11 hours ago, Sooks said:


Ahh, the chapter 19 experience. Now imagine on Lunatic where they one-round everything.

Yubello and Yumina did so much work that day...

11 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Oh well

Sorry for the rant y'all.

It's okay, we all gotta vent sometimes.

10 hours ago, Sooks said:

…unless hordes of enemies come pouring out of those forts near the boss.


9 hours ago, Sooks said:

RIP Boah. Idk why the game couldn’t just give me another useless unit but alright, this works too.

He died in the original, and plot deaths is one thing they decided to preserve, for some reason. So while all the randos from BSFE got thrown in there at random, all the best facial hair in Archanea got killed. F for Lorenz and Boah.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Jesus Christ man. So glad things got better for you.

They most certainly did. It always rather amuses me when people drop those lines of the "childhood is the best part of life, I wish I could go back" variety. I mean, obviously if that's the case for you, that's great. But my early childhood was bullying, feelings of inadequacy, self-harm and suicidal thoughts. I would not return for anything. I enjoy being slightly mature, not completely hopeless socially and able to laugh at myself, thank you very much.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Mmhmm. All i know is i want to move out of Florida once i finish up college. From there....idk. It hasn't happened yet. 

Definitely support leaving Florida, though. Consider leaving Burgerland as well

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As for Brunnya, my nitpick with her is we can sense she loves Zephiel, but we do not have a real answer why. With Selena Battlesuicidespar, we have that spiel to Myrrh she gives before she chooses to pick up the Bolting and fight to the death. Brunnya would've been kinda generic if she spouted similar words, but it'd be an explanation, which is more than what we currently have.

Selena is basically Brunnya done right. Not that she's perfect, but at least we know who the man she loved was and why she still clings to the vain hope that he's still there in some capacity, and when she discovers that there's no way to restore him, she fights to the death not out of mindless loyalty, but a desire for death. Her character is not righteous or even all that bright, but you can understand where she's coming from and why she acts dumb in the way she does.

Brunnya's problems are that she has like, three scenes in the entire game - one of which is just trashtalking Very Memorable Villain Roartz - and unlike Vigarde, who is currently a corpse puppet that never had an ounce of evil in him when he was alive, Zephiel is a massive, obvious douchebag completely of his own volition, sob story or no. So Brunnya ends up simultaneously coming across as one of those "I can fix him" memes, and also completely nondescript because she doesn't get enough dialogue to have a personality beyond "generally polite."

Great design, though. Not the coolest-looking female boss in the game, that honor belongs to Sigune. But still, neat.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


...I'll count my blessings that I have never in my years, especially not so young, ever thought of this. Fearing death to the point of irrationally sitting/laying around like a living corpse waiting for and dreading the (hopefully) distant final moment when it all fades away is one thing, but at least it those mental bouts only wasted my time, they couldn't have ended my time altogether.

Let me tell you, it's not a fun time. But those thoughts have long passed and I haven't, so it's all fine now, at least.

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