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4 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

(Bad Ending)
Not much is written about Chris in the pages of history. However there are whispers of a knight who gave their life to save Marth or whom served him to the bitter end...

Medeus can't fully resurrect without the maidens, so if they were real in the untrue ending, Gharnef would have to have caught them again. Doesn't seem to be the most logical thing to do, so I'll assume they're always fake.

I mean, the ending also states Gharnef is dead. And he died nowhere near the Darksphere, so he can't pull the "hide his soul in the Darksphere" trick he did the first time around. So... he's gone forever, as it were.

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7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Terranigma and Illusion of Gaia.

Not strongly narratively connected I believe, but they share in being action games with light RPG elements from Quintet and some broad thematic similarities.

There are some connections. Actual ones instead of just being nods and stuff. It's kinda like Dragon Quest's Zenithia trilogy in that way. They're all in the same world and form a single line of continuity, but are so disconnected with each other that they could feel like three separate stories, instead of three parts of a single whole, like the Erdrick trilogy is.

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40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And lost, because let's be honest here, the chance they are found is around the same as me being struck by lightning in the next 10 minutes.

Oh they can be found alright. Found alive is another matter entirely.

Reports are saying they got about 40 hours of air left. You know, assuming they all kept calm. Because they probably aren't.

Also assuming the hull wasn't breached, because if it was, that minivan-sized sub is now a can-sized sub.

32 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

There is also something about being buried at the bottom of the sea. Your resting place is pretty isolated from the rest of humanity. But you do have a steel tomb that'll endure for decades at least.

I think they do that for Navy soldiers who lost their lives at sea.

But also this one is around the Titanic's wreckage, which means the Titanic claimed 5 more lives 121 years after it sunk.

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2 hours ago, Sooks said:

Did Jubelo just get 3 21% crits in a row, then get killed by an enemy who could now reach him

The boy was just too good for this world.


2 hours ago, Sooks said:

Navarre is GOATed. Swordmaster is busted. Yes I lost 7 uses of Mercurius, but now I don’t have to spend 50 years fighting the reinforcements. Worth it.

Swordmasters are really good in New Mystery's lategame.


1 hour ago, Sooks said:

Not really a guess but the answer was Jubelo.

My boy, get a kill he deserves!


1 hour ago, Capt. Fargus said:


I got Terranigma but havent played it yet

You should play it, it is rather good.


30 minutes ago, Armagon said:


But also this one is around the Titanic's wreckage, which means the Titanic claimed 5 more lives 121 years after it sunk.

There is something darkly ironic about the Titanic claiming more kills as wreckage.


3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Ahhhhhhh fog of war. Why is this game testing me now.

Plus enemy Longbows, and siege tomes...this map is miserable, but it does give you a Longbow of your own to use, and an extra Excalibur and Aura tomes...

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Oh my God, the Titanic sub has you sign a waiver saying that you could die in that. The waiver mentions death three times in one page.

A whistleblower sued the company because the only window on the thing supported a depth of 1300 feet (Titanic is at 4200 feet) and got fired.

This is actually natural selection.

8 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

There is something darkly ironic about the Titanic claiming more kills as wreckage.

The sub is also called the Titan.

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Man DeSmuME really doesn’t feel like cooperating

15 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Swordmasters are really good in New Mystery's lategame.


15 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Plus enemy Longbows, and siege tomes...this map is miserable


15 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

but it does give you a Longbow of your own to use, and an extra Excalibur and Aura tomes...

But those are cool rewards.

…well the last two are, I’m not using any archers.

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You can only bring one old Class VII member to the next location, hmm...


I think Sooks picked Fie at this point, so I'll do something different and bring Sara instead (and also, you didn't get to use her much in Act I of CSII). If sub-Master Quartz didn't exist I might've brought Elliot, but now I can use Alteeny as a healbot instead.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know I always liked Gilbert. I thought he was pretty well-written. Always wondered why the fans of Three "100 Shades of Gray" Houses were so militant in hating him when he's as gray as the game's characters get.

Well you see, he isn't young or hot enough to make up for it.

3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Let's do something completely off the rails: Payday 3 on the Switch announcement. Fuck it.

It's either that or spending another decade waiting for Pikmin 5, so sure.

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Or a sequel hook to a third game. Since that can also be a thing. At least, at the time the game released.

I got it, the third game could be set in Archanea 2000 years later and be called Fire Emblem Awakening...

Edited by Lightchao42
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37 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

You should play it, it is rather good.

Appreciate the recommendation. I’ve been meaning to. Enjoyed Illusion of Gaia years ago

Now that I think about it and go back in the memory banks a bit, aint there an optional boss fight in Illusion of Gaia that says something like “Blazer was strong, but you are stronger”?

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5 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

You can only bring one old Class VII member to the next location, hmm...


I think Sooks picked Fie at this point,

Yeah but you should actually bring—

5 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

so I'll do something different and bring Sara instead

Oh, nice. Yeah I wish I brought her, she’s just more fun than Fie (character wise).

Incidentally I left Fie in reserve the whole time for this section and never really fought with her. Wait how do you even know I brought her? My spoiler tags!

5 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

and also, you didn't get to use her much in Act I of CSII). If sub-Master Quartz didn't exist I might've brought Elliot, but now I can use Alteeny as a healbot instead.

or you could git gud

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3 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Yup. Been there myself. Wish I coulda dropped out of school and went right to work full time. At least then I’da been makin money

Aint much I hate more than bullies, cyber or otherwise

Haha, on the other end, i wishes I would have attended School more than 30% of the time. Xd

I agree about the bullies part, though.

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1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

think Sooks picked Fie at this point, so I'll do something different and bring Sara instead

If you pick Sara, does Fie not get the option to fish?

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Okay, I've decided. I do want to continue my little Castlevania AU, so I'll be picking up that before I start writing Chapter 5 of TDatP.

Though now the question is... what do I write next. I was thinking between just continuing from where my one-shot left of, or skip ahead. Hmm...

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Final route split cleared. The SEED side of it sure is theatrical, how many ☢️🚀 did I destroy? I kinda enjoyed the sheer madness.🤪 It might prove Creuset has a point, but I am still not enthralled with the Phantom of the Charpera. I liked how Domon made one insult at Blue Crazymos and he just snapped 😄, and enjoyed how awful this kill 'em all ideologue was an actual military commander. Mu I never really developed much attachment to (maybe if he wasn't stuck in crappy fighter jet for most of the game and then upgraded to Kira's crappy old mobile suit), on Flay, well she realized how misplaced her early concealed hatred of Kira was, although I can't quite tell when this change began. And regarding the UEFA- they never explained what the deal was with those three Gundam pilots with the "Living CPU" skill was. I'm assuming Blueballs & Purely Nuts was a hypocrite who was fine with augmented humans -if they served as his loyal weapons and thus he had fashioned those mindless grunts? 

It was a VERY different tone from the Brain Powerd side of this branch, which feels... tossed in b/c it was a hanging thread? I sorta see why the Mycenaeans showed up over there. The SEED side is two three-sided battles, as thoughtless as their inclusion was, the Mycenaeans created a second mid-battle enemy faction opposed to the other enemies.

Well, four battles left to go. Almost done.


4 hours ago, Armagon said:

Oh my God, the Titanic sub has you sign a waiver saying that you could die in that. The waiver mentions death three times in one page.

A whistleblower sued the company because the only window on the thing supported a depth of 1300 feet (Titanic is at 4200 feet) and got fired.

This is actually natural selection.

Death from intentional corporate knowing neglect at the bottom of the ocean. That's a thing now.

Reading this, one of the first things  that came to mind is the newborn field of space tourism. Same thing, just the opposite extreme on whole the pressure situation, and it will be easier to find the wreckage and remains since we know the upper atmosphere better than the depths of the ocean. It's only a matter of time in the decades to come that a similar event will happen in near-Earth orbit. It is an inevitability resulting from human nature, for exactly the same general reasons as this present one down in the depths.

Likewise, I've watched more than a few episodes of shows about airline disasters. A few such catastrophes rest heavily upon corporate corner-cutting, poor maintenance, shady practices, and poor regulations/enforcement of regulations. Airlines do involve travel at elevations/depths humans cannot normally survive, with people place in a small tube where thin walls are all that stand between life and suffocation/drowning.

Point being, as much as humans should try to minimize the possibility of these deadly accidents from happening, it is the case that at some point, somewhere down the line, one of these tragedies shall occur.

With deep ocean tourism presumably being a very small, rich peoples' recreation, this little industry would hopefully be forced to improve after this. How could it possibly survive otherwise?

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I'd say, if there is one thing I am looking forward to do, is writing about the vast menagerie that is the denizens of Castlevania. There's just something... delectable in thinking up the kind of shenanigans they'd get up to when they're not in "must eliminate the intruders" mode.

I remember one idea I thought up long ago, in fact. A Portrait of Ruin little fanfic idea where, due to reasons, Jonathan and Charlotte had split up, and the latter stumbles across a group of Student Witches. And rather than a battle... they end up hitting it off, pft.

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I'm glad I live in a dry desert...

Ah, what a shame the Direct has to happen at 7AM PT. I can only watch like the very start before I have to leave for work. And since I tend to arrive there at around 7:40... then I'll miss it entirely. Well, at least the important thing is knowing what was revealed, which can always be done after the fact, so I'm not too fuzzed. Though I'm sure I'll be coming back online to see everyone's reactions, hahahaha.

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6 hours ago, Armagon said:

A case study in how to get people to not play your game.

And a few minutes later Armagon clicked the link, downloaded the game and started playing it to his heart’s content.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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10 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Aside from long work hours, adult life turned out bein way easier for me

I feel for this younger generation now. At least back in the paleozoic era when I was growin up that bullying shit stopped when the school bell rang. Gave folks at least some measure of relief to try and hold on to their sanity. Fast forward to the social media era now, it NEVER stops

A jail sentence woulda been easier IMHO

And people downplay that even more. "Just disconnect!" as if the mere fact that they were forced to become a pariah on the internet as well due to the determination of some assholes to ruin their life wouldn't be enough to mess with someone.

10 hours ago, Sooks said:

Not really a guess but the answer was Jubelo.

I am proud of you, Sooks.

10 hours ago, Sooks said:

I know this is sarcasm, but it makes sense for him to get Marth to lower his guard and then kill him. I think anyway, the plot of Shadow Dragon wasn’t told that well so who knows if it’s in the cards.

Not really sarcasm, no, it's literally what happens, considering the ending says Marth lived his life out okay lol. Unless you want to go with Acacia's "Schrodinger's maidens" explanation, but that's boring. I prefer the idea that Merric accidentally boned Gharnef.

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'd pity Merric. If he found out, how long do you think it'd take until he castrates himself?

Eh, maybe he'd be okay with it, who knows.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

A case study in how to get people to not play your game.

I agree. The ad is just too vague. It could apply to any anime game ever!

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Ahhhhhhh fog of war. Why is this game testing me now.

No yeah that map sucks, no two ways about it. You basically just memorize the placement of all the long-range garbage you can't counter and go from there.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Man DeSmuME really doesn’t feel like cooperating

Consider switching to MelonDS if it gives you trouble. At this point in time, it's basically a better DeSmuME.

8 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

I think Sooks picked Fie at this point, so I'll do something different and bring Sara instead

Sara is the best Trails girl, so I support this.

8 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Well you see, he isn't young or hot enough to make up for it.

This but unironically lol, that's 100% the reason

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

A Portrait of Ruin little fanfic idea where, due to reasons, Jonathan and Charlotte had split up, and the latter stumbles across a group of Student Witches. And rather than a battle... they end up hitting it off, pft.

They were the first beings she had ever met in her entire life that didn't treat her like a child.

She really liked that.

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