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2 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I've never found them that confusing to navigate.

Maybe only the first time I played KH... when I was like nine, but I learned quickly.

Most of the worlds in KH1 weren't too bad to traverse minus the two I previously mentioned. Agrabah and Halloween Town were my favorites while Wonderland was the weakest IMO. 

Oof, can't believe someone who was 11 years younger than me (at the time) got a hang of the game quicker than I did. It took me until Agrabah to really get a hang of things. Truly an L moment for the CyberZord. 

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22 hours ago, gnip said:

You can cast almost every healing spell with your weapon drawn, so I don't think that's a problem. Or did you mean something else?

I think the main problem of AW+SH is that Blood Mage is just really really powerful, so the solid-but-unspectacular Spirit Healer just looks a bit unappealing in comparison.

I'd say what makes Blood Mage mesh so well with Arcane Warrior is that you have another mana pool while your original is nerfed thanks to fatigue and buffs, and you don't have that with the other specs.

Sorry, I was in a hurry before and forgot to reply

11 hours ago, gnip said:

And, of course, Sten is once again great in his short dream sequence. He's perfectly aware that he's in a dream, allowed himself to be enthralled because it's a good dream, but then approves (including a bonus to his attitude towards the Warden!) if you remind him of his duties, which is in line with his banter in camp where he specifically puts duty above happiness or self-fulfillment. I really find Sten to be a great example of a character with an alien moral code, who tries to understand (but not adopt) Ferelden ways of life, and who appreciates (in his own taciturn ways) when the Warden tries to understand his line of thinking, too.

Sten's the best

A shame the Qunari are a mess

8 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Those two twins or something?

They're just similar

4 hours ago, Lightcosmo said:

But the EN version is trash. XD

The game received a hotfix patch, like, yesterday. Soon the game will be presentable, it's nothing like Ubisoft or Cyberpunk 2077.

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

when your dad comes ba-

Jokes on you, he never left

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

I’m not sure, maybe never. Who knows if I’d like it…

Your loss then

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4 minutes ago, CyberZord said:

Most of the worlds in KH1 weren't too bad to traverse minus the two I previously mentioned. Agrabah and Halloween Town were my favorites while Wonderland was the weakest IMO. 

Oof, can't believe someone who was 11 years younger than me (at the time) got a hang of the game quicker than I did. It took me until Agrabah to really get a hang of things. Truly an L moment for the CyberZord. 

Well, I mean, I certainly had my troubles too. I remember actually leaving Wonderland before finishing it because I did not head to the Doorknob after lighting the ceiling lamps because... I don't remember why. Maybe since my English was still not good enough at the time, or I didn't actually understood what the Cheshire Cat was saying. Point is, I actually got to see the Snow White variation of the cutscene at the end of Deep Jungle. So for a while I couldn't actually advance the storyline because of it.

Still, KH was not among my first video games, or RPG's for that matter. Though I think it was the first ARPG I played... maybe. Admittedly, it's hard to remember.

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Chapters 31, 31x, and 32 done. In chapter 31 I lowmanned the chapter, not deploying four units away from the main squad because I couldn’t put that many good characters over there while successfully protecting the throne (since most of them are dead), but I did deploy Canas and Rath thinking I might be able to get them enough exp to be able to promote. That was wishful thinking and Canas died the first time I tried. I did bring my level 13 Guy with capped speed off the bench and promote him, but he was kinda bad. Due to my lack of good units, I got swarmed on the right side of the throne and learned that I hate enemy druids, they deal so much damage with Nosferatu too. In the ensuing scuffle, Marcus and Jaffar died (I was being overly reckless with relying on Jaffar dodging). I was sorely out of options so I took advantage of the three tile hallway to the throne and blocked it with all three lords, who all have support with each other (Lyn and Hector A and they both have C with Eliwood). Lyn dodgetanked like a boss and all my other units were on grabbing vulneraries from the convoy for extra healing duty, except for Serra, who straight up healed. I somehow missed a luna druid tho, so she died.

Chapter 31x is just shopping, but it was the last time I’d ever spend gold so I sold some stat boosters and promotion items I knew I’d never use and got a shit ton of weapons so I wouldn’t have to worry about running out again. I gave Legault the fell contract, thinking it would make him good, but apparently assassin promo bonuses are completely ass and he sucks. But he wasn’t gonna be doing thiefing things anymore anyway. I also grabbed Karla with Bartre who was exactly the right level to get her, which I did intentionally after using Bartre for a bit in the early game since I foresaw myself being in a position where I desperately needed lategame units to contribute after everyone died. And look who was right.

I decided I was too cool for chapter 32, but I didn’t have anyone who could use warp anymore (Serra has 9 magic tho so she wasn’t gonna do anything with it anyway). To that end, I decided two things: that I desperately needed Renault and that I wanted to end this map as quickly as possible, since it didn’t look that fun and there’s a gaiden for playing relatively quickly. You get a shit ton of deployment slots so I threw in Rebecca, Wil, and Lowen, who have barely gotten any exp, all of whom I definitely intended to grind up in this map to contribute for the last two chapters and take advantage of their young, bright potential as growth units and definitely wasn’t planning to sacrifice as bait as needed, on my honor as a tactician with a 1 star survival ranking. Not to spoil anything but uh… don’t get too attached 😎😎  following @Eltosian Kadath’s advice, I looked up stuff about the reinforcements for this map and decided to blitz the entire army up north, getting Renault and only triggering those reinforcements (who couldn’t reach me when I did). After clearing the northwest corner, I sacrificed Vaida and her 5 lances to take out an enemy berserk user because hell no, and pressed on. Some cavaliers and pegs spawned from behind to chase down the army but Rebecca, Wil, AND Lowen all nobly volunteered themselves to go fight the promoted enemies with 8 mov on my tail. They were so earnest and eager to prove themselves and get the exp to promote, how could I say no to them? They stopped those guys from reaching me too son and soared high to reach their potential. I took advantage of Hector/Lyn support to have Lyn dodge tank everything and clear the squad in front of the boss and then sent her over to try and get a double killing edge crit on the boss. She didn’t get either crit, but then Hector crit the boss with a much lower chance tomahawk crit and she died. I cleared the map and unlocked 32x, which I’m going to because it looks easy.

Oh and Legault got sniped by like a 20something% bolting and died at some point.

38 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Your loss then

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Hey, I already fell for the trick of cool looking new Trails characters once. Although I did like three and nine… maybe I will play Reverie…

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42 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

I'd say what makes Blood Mage mesh so well with Arcane Warrior is that you have another mana pool while your original is nerfed thanks to fatigue and buffs, and you don't have that with the other specs.

That is true, yeah. With all buffs that I have available active (Combat Magic, Rock Armour, Arcane Shield, Spell Wisp), I can basically throw a Glyph of Warding on Sten, add a heal, and I'm out of mana. And I'm about to add Spell Might to the list, as well - I hope it'll be fine if I switch the defensive spells off. After all, the idea of the build is that I don't want to be in the frey to begin with.

I can't comment on Qunari as a whole, I haven't even looked at DA2 and DA:I yet.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

 I came out of the Fade a more knowledgable Heroofferelden.

Well, you came out of the Fade a more strong, dextrous, magical, willful, magical, cunning, and untiring Heroofferelden, so of course you're more knowledgable, too.


Status report: Uldred dead, Shale activated, Morrigan's boobs covered.


Well, covered for now, I think the robes she gets from her companion quest might be her best option.

A small grievance with the Uldred fight is that there isn't even an acknowledgement if you manage to save all the NPC mages from his spell. They just die anyway once the fight is concluded so that the standard scene can play without change. 😕

Next stop: Soldier's Peak. Gotta get that storage chest that should've (a) been part of the base game and (b) been located in the party camp.

Edited by gnip
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40 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

They're just similar

Right, I see.

You know what would've helped to set them apart? Beards.

12 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Ugh.... Requiem

Save states are your friend

Wise man say dropeth one at start of every player phase, lest thou maketh one wrong move and have casualties 

I didn't remember Requiem being so difficult. In fact, I recall dropping it the last time I played it because it was too easy. But that was a ways later, the earlygame could get troublesome. Besides, I've not played that hack in many years now.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Serra has 9 magic tho so she wasn’t gonna do anything with it anyway

There's your mistake.

1 minute ago, gnip said:

Well, you came out of the Fade a more strong, dextrous, magical, willful, magical, cunning, and untiring Heroofferelden, so of course you're more knowledgable, too.

True enough.

1 minute ago, gnip said:

Status report: Uldred dead, Shale activated, Morrigan's boobs covered.


Well, covered for now, I think the robes she gets from her companion quest might be her best option.

Kind of amazing how much better she looks on anything that isn't her base outfit.

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> Doing the finale of the Red Pollen quest chain

Okay, I just... that music... with who the kingpin is... is... is...


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15 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


I didn't remember Requiem being so difficult. In fact, I recall dropping it the last time I played it because it was too easy. But that was a ways later, the earlygame could get troublesome. Besides, I've not played that hack in many years now.

Workin on ch 4 and I just turtled the hell outta that one for all it was worth, baiting the enemies like 1 or 2 at time. Got about 8 bad guys left from the original 40 or so. Dunno how else to do it when your outnumbered 5:1 by bad guys that take at least 3 hits to kill each... unless you just wanna let Josie and Rayden do all the work which Id rather avoid

Now the Fire Emblem gods are displeased. Lol 

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1 hour ago, Newtype06 said:

The game received a hotfix patch, like, yesterday. Soon the game will be presentable, it's nothing like Ubisoft or Cyberpunk 2077

*goes back to read art/craft/quartz descriptions*

Nope, still wrong. Xd

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And I fought him still as being yellow-labeled... well, it made it all that more interesting, pft...

Hmm, I just noticed, apparently I missed getting an affinity link or it somehow disappeared, but I'm past the point of being able to get it and don't have a save file before Mechonis Core even if I was willing to go that far back...

... oh well, I can live with it, but it still stings.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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14 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Workin on ch 4 and I just turtled the hell outta that one for all it was worth, baiting the enemies like 1 or 2 at time. Got about 8 bad guys left from the original 40 or so. Dunno how else to do it when your outnumbered 5:1 by bad guys that take at least 3 hits to kill each... unless you just wanna let Josie and Rayden do all the work which Id rather avoid

Now the Fire Emblem gods are displeased. Lol 

To be fair, the earlygame is very much balanced around using Rayden and Josie for situations like these. It's the most classic Fire Emblem mistake - falling for the trap of calling Jeigans EXP thieves.

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37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Right, I see.

You know what would've helped to set them apart? Beards.

Wouldn’t you rather have beards on good characters?

37 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's your mistake.

well ackshually my mistake was leaving her in range of a luna druid but warp’s range in this game is magic/2, so…

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's the most classic Fire Emblem mistake - falling for the trap of calling Jeigans EXP thieves.

Broke: Don’t fall for the trap of using Jeigans, they’re EXP thieves

Woke: Don’t fall for the trap of thinking Jeigans are EXP thieves, they provide irreplaceable ways of dealing with challenges that would’ve been hard otherwise, can still soften up units for others to get kills, and don’t even fall off half the time and can be brought to endgame.

Bespoke: Don’t fall for the trap of using Jeigans, because it’s fun not to.

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23 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I also grabbed Karla with Bartre who was exactly the right level to get her, which I did intentionally after using Bartre for a bit in the early game since I foresaw myself being in a position where I desperately needed lategame units to contribute after everyone died. And look who was right.

Congrats on getting Karla, although I remember her stats being kind of underwhelming for how late she arrives.


24 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I definitely intended to grind up in this map to contribute for the last two chapters and take advantage of their young, bright potential as growth units and definitely wasn’t planning to sacrifice as bait as needed, on my honor as a tactician with a 1 star survival ranking.

Lol. Although if you had gotten bogged down by the numerous reinforcements it would have been a good opportunity to train some units, I remember getting trapped in the top left hand corner having to wait them out, and with Pegasi constantly spawning behind my lines, it was a last minute opportunity to grind up some of the units I actually had left (most notably Lyn).


26 minutes ago, Sooks said:

She didn’t get either crit, but then Hector crit the boss with a much lower chance tomahawk crit and she died. I cleared the map and unlocked 32x, which I’m going to because it looks easy.

Oh wow, you even unlocked chapter 32x, I was certainly too slow for that on my ironman. You are on the home stretch, you can do this Sooks!


1 minute ago, Sooks said:

but warp’s range in this game is magic/2, so…

Also minimum 5 range, which she would be relying on...

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9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Wouldn’t you rather have beards on good characters?

I want beards on all the characters.

All of them.

9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Broke: Don’t fall for the trap of using Jeigans, they’re EXP thieves

Woke: Don’t fall for the trap of thinking Jeigans are EXP thieves, they provide irreplaceable ways of dealing with challenges that would’ve been hard otherwise, can still soften up units for others to get kills, and don’t even fall off half the time and can be brought to endgame.

Bespoke: Don’t fall for the trap of using Jeigans, because it’s fun not to.

Galaxy Brain: Use pure Jeigans as growth units.

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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

To be fair, the earlygame is very much balanced around using Rayden and Josie for situations like these. It's the most classic Fire Emblem mistake - falling for the trap of calling Jeigans EXP thieves.


When I first discovered this series one of the very first things I read about it before I got into FE7 was dont use the prepromotes,  Marcus in that particular case, unless you absolutely had to. It made sense when I saw how many points promoted guys get for kills vs unpromoted guys so I guess it stuck 

Requiem on the other hand is a horse of another color and I aint ashamed to admit it takes a better man than me to lowman these early chapters

Is that the right term, “lowman”? 🤔

Anyhoo, I’ll admit Rayden has come in handy so far at least as a second healer

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11 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Listen, not for nothing, but this is some of my fondest FE memories.


Just sayin'

5 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:


When I first discovered this series one of the very first things I read about it before I got into FE7 was dont use the prepromotes,  Marcus in that particular case, unless you absolutely had to. It made sense when I saw how many points promoted guys get for kills vs unpromoted guys so I guess it stuck

Yeah, that was the common mindset in the 2000s. Nowadays everyone knows losing a couple kills to the Jeigans won't destroy the growth of your lesser units, but you do get to endure less resets if you use them on troublesome situations. That, and half the Jeigans in the series are so obscenely broken that there's no point in even growing the growth units. Seth comes to mind, it's actually easier to solo the game with Seth than to use an actual army lol. Those are the cases where I support not using them, but well-balanced, limited Jeigans are fun.

5 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Anyhoo, I’ll admit Rayden has come in handy so far at least as a second healer

Ahaha, oh poor Rayden, stuck on healing duty. Man's my favorite character in the game, actually, as I recall.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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