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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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15 minutes ago, Armagon said:

There is Oppenheimer discourse btw. 

What discourse is there about the movie now....

Aside from typical hollywood inaccuracies


16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

We had a good run.

Normiefication of the net and hobbies was a mistake

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9 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

What discourse is there about the movie now....

The movie about the man who created the atomic bomb is bad because it doesn't show any Japanese people getting obliterated by it. Even though the movie was never about them.

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16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

How dare you, Melville is way cool.

I gotta give credit where its due for one thing. He does have one definite advantage... unlimited weapon 😁

16 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's Ken's theme from Street Fighter, right?

Yup. Took me all of 5 seconds to recognize that one

Judging by what you told me about your hack and why you did what you did with it, I'd guess you have an ear for music similar to mine. I can definitely think of better ones to poach tunes from than Street Fighter 2 to use in a Fire Emblem game. Golden Axe comes to mind

Here's one that would be perfect for a FE game somewhere

And for @Armagon since he likes dungeons lately, here's how we did that in the old days. Came a long way in the last 40 years, haven't we?


Edited by Capt. Fargus
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18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The movie about the man who created the atomic bomb is bad because it doesn't show any Japanese people getting obliterated by it. Even though the movie was never about them.

What now?



Yeah no, Gatekeeping is a necessary evil

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5 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

What now?



Yeah no, Gatekeeping is a necessary evil

Even back when it was like being announced, there was discourse because "oh look at this all white cast" like yeah bro it's a biopic taking place in the 40s.

It's just that that got drowned out by Barbiehimer. Speaking of, Barbie has it's own discourse but it's exclusively from the far right because of course. Funny man Ben Shapiro spent like $100 to buy Barbie toys and burn them. Really owning the libs with that.

12 minutes ago, Capt. Fargus said:

since he likes dungeons lately, here's how we did that in the old days. Came a long way in the last 40 years, haven't we?

Would please you to know that that style of dungeon crawling still exists today with the Etrian Odyssey series (most notable example).

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3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

there was discourse because "oh look at this all white cast" like yeah bro it's a biopic taking place in the 40s.


3 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Speaking of, Barbie has it's own discourse but it's exclusively from the far right because of course. Funny man Ben Shapiro spent like $100 to buy Barbie toys and burn them. Really owning the libs with that.

Horseshoe theory 2real

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Cold Steel IV's bonding events continue to be good. (Act 3-2)


Scarlet is basically the only major character from the first two Cold Steel games who hasn't shown up (and Duke Cayenne but he's in jail), so it's nice to hear what she's up to. It was nice that the other ILF members get acknowledged as well.

Once again foiling Gilbert's attempt at taking over a settlement (and him getting fried by Campanella for it yet again) was fun, but who was expecting a swimming quest against Shirley? I'm guessing one of the developers modeled Shirley in a bikini in their free time, and the rest of the development team added the swimming quest after they saw it.


On 7/23/2023 at 10:37 PM, Sooks said:

Bunny Rixia let’s goooo

Sooks Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Rixia

On 7/23/2023 at 10:37 PM, Sooks said:

Everyone is Rean, that’s the big plot twist at the end.

I can't believe Nomura was the writer all along...

21 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

... yeah, this is a 90's game alright. Subtle as an anvil.

Trails in the Sky actually first released in 2004, unless you're talking about a different game.

48 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The movie about the man who created the atomic bomb is bad because it doesn't show any Japanese people getting obliterated by it. Even though the movie was never about them.

That's just because Chris Nolan is letting Toho handle that topic in Oppenheimer's sequel, Godzilla Minus One.

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29 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Trails in the Sky actually first released in 2004, unless you're talking about a different game.

This is the year 1999+24, don't @ me.

Yeah, got it mixed up there, heh... still, I guess it doesn't change too much to say it's a 00's game over 90's. Still an anvil, however.

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Okay, it's final dungeon time!

Okay, preparations done. Time to do this! For my final party, I'm taking Olivier and Kloe. Can't go without best guy and girl, after all. You can consider this a royal treat, hehehe...

Well then, it's on!

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Okay, reached the third level. Man, this place is long. Knowing about the forced split nature of FC and SC, this gives me more vibes of... hmm, what should I compare it with. I suppose like Venus Lighthouse from Golden Sun would be an apt comparison (except the music isn't as epic), but it also gives me vibes of the Ocean Palace from Chrono Trigger. Ah well. Tomorrow I'm sure I'll be finishing this! If not, then definitely on Thursday.

... sure, why not...



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Oh, apparently TotK imports your horses from BotW. Too bad I don’t remember you guys. And they both seem like bad horses considering they’re spotted and not solid color, which the tutorial girl implies is a worse horse (I mean I’m assuming my first one is spotted cause I named them Spot, which it actually would have been really funny if me from a few years ago named a solid colored horse Spot), so rip. I feel like this game would be slightly more enjoyable if I actually finished Breath of the Wild, like so far I at least vaguely remember everyone but when I get to the Gerudo part I know I’m gonna be like “oh god who are you guys again”. But it’s alright, it’s not that big a deal.

There are seemingly a lot of presumably missable main quests. Like any time I walk up to someone with any vague relation to the plot with an exclamation point with their dialogue, they trigger a quest I never would have gotten otherwise but it’s logged as a main quest (okay it’s only happened twice but still). I will say tho, that first dragon tear cutscene thing was cool as hell.

In other news, the hateno dye place is still in this game, or at least that’s implied by the stable ledger. Unfortunately it’ll probably be forever until I make it there, even tho it’s the best. And according to this one NPC, I have to go to Eldin to do stuff with those Bubbul frog collectibles, which means I’m also not doing that for a while. Hooray open world (help I started either the express goal of completing three specific shrines, I played for three hours and I only did one of them, also it’s 1 am).

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Olivier and Kloe

Based based based

Also good for gameplay, arts are way better than than physical stuff in these games.

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4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Based based based

Also good for gameplay, arts are way better than than physical stuff in these games.

Oh yes, I've noticed.

Well, if I get like a preemptive strike and there's only like, one or two enemies, I just wail on them with physical attacks. But if not, then White Gehenna goes brrrrrr. XD

Speaking of, I think the only thing that actually irks me of this game is the whole "party walks in a row and if an enemy touches anyone not the leader, it's a surprise attack". Since specially with a full party the line can get long, so even with Haze you better hope the enemy doesn't stray and bumps into the party line, specially on narrow corridors.

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9 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Just a cameo, but you can send him to his death in Inquisition (if he's still a Warden, that is).

Do choices also not carry on to the sequel, then?

8 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

I gotta give credit where its due for one thing. He does have one definite advantage... unlimited weapon 😁

Melville has mant advantages, you just have to think creatively.

8 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Yup. Took me all of 5 seconds to recognize that one

Judging by what you told me about your hack and why you did what you did with it, I'd guess you have an ear for music similar to mine. I can definitely think of better ones to poach tunes from than Street Fighter 2 to use in a Fire Emblem game.

Really recognizable tunes in general I think are a bit undesirable. Not absolutely gamebreaking or anything, but pulling music from more unknown games raises the probability that the player will not recognize it and think of it as "of your hack", so to speak

8 hours ago, Capt. Fargus said:

Golden Axe comes to mind

Here's one that would be perfect for a FE game somewhere


Yeah that sounds good. Never heard of this Golden Axe, though, I don't think. Faint memories come of an arcade beat em up, but somehow I don't think that's right...

8 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

What now?



Yeah no, Gatekeeping is a necessary evil

I have a better idea: let people have their own opinions, because the only power internet discourse has is the power to annoy you, if you let it.

8 hours ago, Armagon said:

Speaking of, Barbie has it's own discourse but it's exclusively from the far right because of course.

If what a friend has told about the movie is accurate, I would've been more surprised if there wasn't discourse of this kind.


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27 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I have a better idea: let people have their own opinions

Death Threats, suicide wishing, bullying and harassments are not "opinions". 

27 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

cause the only power internet discourse has is the power to annoy you, if you let it.

yeah, no, these people aim for positions in the industry and change stuff to fit their agenda.

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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41 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Death Threats, suicide wishing, bullying and harassments are not "opinions".

Certainly, but you've shared before screencaps of people just going "I can't believe they did this, I hate this, how could they do this" at an anime development, stuff that harms exactly nobody. Then you mock them to oblivion and say we have to gatekeep. I won't lie, every time it kinda peeves me. Not everyone who dislikes an anime, or anime tropes, or whatever wants to place the heads of Japanese artists on their mantle.

And for the ones that do, the solution there is to push back / ban people who do shit like what you say. Not keep every single new person that might be interested in a piece of media from enjoying it out of fear of assholes. The existence of assholes is not everyone else's fault, not to mention that's how you kill an industry.

So yeah. I don't believe gatekeeping is a necessary evil, I in fact think gatekeeping's wrong. Let people try out whatever they like, and if they don't like it, that's too bad. When and if they end up being dicks to someone for it, then it's wrong, but not before.

Anyway, I don't want to cause a bad vibe. It just irritates me a bit when you drop that "gatekeeping is a necessary evil" line. I apologize if I misinterpreted anything.

41 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

yeah, no, these people aim for positions in the industry and change stuff to fit their agenda.

Somehow I doubt every rando yelling on Twitter is going to become the next Hollywood mogul. Again, if someone's in an important position in the industry and is irresponsibly yelling obscenities at other artists, then yeah, that person's a jerk and doesn't deserve their position. But people expressing a negative opinion about a piece of media is not wrong.

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21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

ut you've shared before screencaps of people just going "I can't believe they did this, I hate this, how could they do this" at an anime development, stuff that harms exactly nobody.

Just a few days ago i posted about artists getting harassed, not about people getting angry and me mocking them. I do the second yes, but when i am angry it's usually about the first.

And this harassment bullshit is happening on the daily now.

Heck, i deleted a tweet yesterday about people victim bullying because said vicitims use writing immoral stuff as a way to cope.

And not just artists, anyone who likes stories with something immoral get dogpiled on. Being active in fandoms nowadays is just pure torture. You can't talk about something you love without someone calling you names and/or harassing you.

Just a few days ago an artist got canceled and years of their work deleted.

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

, the solution there is to push back / ban people who do shit like what you say.

Not happening.

21 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not keep every single new person that might be interested in a piece of media from enjoying it out of fear of assholes.

Reality is more going after stuff they dislike and tagged appropiately and then pointing out how much it sucks and how it should be banned and it's writer/artist canceled and/or harassing them. This is what's happening, not "trying something new".


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16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Just a few days ago i posted about artists getting harassed, not about people getting angry and me mocking them. I do the second yes, but when i am angry it's usually about the first.

And this harassment bullshit is happening on the daily now.

Heck, i deleted a tweet yesterday about people victim bullying because said vicitims use writing immoral stuff as a way to cope.

And not just artists, anyone who likes stories with something immoral get dogpiled on. Being active in fandoms nowadays is just pure torture. You can't talk about something you love without someone calling you names and/or harassing you.

Just a few days ago an artist got canceled and years of their work deleted.

Reality is more going after stuff they dislike and tagged appropiately and then pointing out how much it sucks and how it should be banned and it's writer/artist canceled and/or harassing them. This is what's happening, not "trying something new".

Well, yes. I agree with you that this is all bad stuff. I just don't really think gatekeeping is the solution. These people are a vocal minority.

On a different note, how do you propose to gatekeep, exactly? Because you can't go into people's houses and force them at gunpoint not to watch anime. How do you "gatekeep" media? There's no actual gate you can close to keep the outside out lol

16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Not happening.

Harrassment breaks the ToS of like, every social media that ever existed. If that's not enforced, that's the platform's fault, not the fault of every potential good fan, enjoyer or whatever else that's getting screwed over by gatekeeping. Report those people and offer some kind words to the artist, but preemptively going after everyone because they might be dicks just isn't fair.

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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

On a different note, how do you propose to gatekeep, exactly?

I wish i knew. It's too late now anyway

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Harrassment breaks the ToS of like, every social media that ever existed. If that's not enforced, that's the platform's fault

and the harassers fault.

If providers took ToS seriously we wouldn't be dealing with this bullshit. Or Alt right bullshit for that matter.

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33 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

and the harassers fault.

Obviously, but going up to the harrasser and telling them "don't harrass" is probably not going to be very effective.

33 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

If providers took ToS seriously we wouldn't be dealing with this bullshit. Or Alt right bullshit for that matter.

There's the big issue, right there. If these things were actually enforced these jolly folks would have to retreat to the likes of Kiwifarms and 4chan, and then you'd have to actively go looking for the bile.


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On an entirely unrelated note.

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



That's a pretty hilarious skill, but the name sounds like something you'd say right before puking. It's the kind of word that just sounds wrong to say.

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7 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Man, this place is long

I believe if posted something about Trails having way too long endgame dungeons just a bit ago, did i not?

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