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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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  • Codename Shrimp


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  • Armagon


9 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Better kill it quickly before it uses E A R T H S H A K E R and wipes your party.


7 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

have never been the biggest fan of class changing,

Fates still does this best imo. You have to work for it and even theorycrafting itself is fun

7 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

am liking the maps more than I remember doing so befor

3H has ok maps imo. Some really good ones, some awful ones, but Echoes or Awakening this ain't.

Ofc after Fates 3H is a big disappointment in that regard, but compared to rest of the series it holds pretty well imo.

6 hours ago, Venger_06 said:

Of course it would end like this lol


Also, Sky FC Remake is now 100% tieing into Kai 1/2. What the fuck


No longer crack it seems.

Inb4 Lena grandmaster real as well.


Edited by Codename Shrimp
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TIL there's Digimon tamagotchi-likes around.

Also apparently crossovers are a thing with them.

Also, BRUH to the 30th anniversary PS5 Pro release. Worse still it sold out. Probably not many here to begin with, but still.

2 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:


It is a fantasy 🥲

Twist is protag didn't isekai from our timeline.

2 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:


I thought i am gonna play fantasy democracy and not assassination xD

Clearly the democracy is going to be administered by force.

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh baby a double!

What a coincidence, tried the demo today. Kinda got into it, but it's still a game of deck building and rougelike elements, which I kinda don't fuck with. It being a dungeon crawler probably made it more palatable. I got fucked over by an event halving my health early on later on, but it wasn't exactly a massive concern until I got a hit or two I hadn't anticipated.

What's going on with the bundle that's Steam only?

1 hour ago, Lightchao42 said:

(Maybe I'll try it if they make Chaos playable.)

How would that big guy fall?

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

> Tiger with huge breasts

Hold on, it was the US who first wanted to make the Pokémon horny?

NoA to be precise.

(And that bit about it being chest instead of breast still suggests they gave a big muscleman Pikachu. Which definitely appeals to multiple someones. I do not like the idea Incineroar comes to mind.)

1 minute ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

...yeah this ended up longer than I intended, so I think I will put it in a spoiler box for space saving

  Reveal hidden contents

I kind of like the monastery section of the game a lot, but I find that they are ruined by one major thing, Professor Level. First off, the way Professor Level increases your capabilities in the game's down time leads to a perverse incentive to maximize that Professor Experience in a way that turns the otherwise fun little fishing minigame into a chore where you save up bait for the extra experience event (fist full o fish), and then just ruin it by overplaying it during that time. There are a few other micromanagey thing like that with regard to Professor Level experience (the fishing minigame is just the easiest to articulate), and feeling the pull to optimize in this way makes the game less fun to play. That is before getting to the other massive issue with Professor Level, that getting it above C tier also leads to unfun behavior due to how much it lengthens the between time. I picked C rank for three big reasons, first getting one rank higher gets you to the point where you can now do multiple battles in a week (which is an exhausting way to stretch the between time, and below Maddening at least makes you feel overleveled after doing it); secondly getting two ranks higher gets to the point where you have more lecture points than half the deployment limit for the army (at least so far deployment limit hovers at 10, and I remember it doing so for a long time, but if I am forgetting about a noticeable increases in deployment this issue might not be as bad later in the game), which leads to some nasty incentives where you either micromanage the bonus sources of motivations (thing like timing supports with the MC, manipulating MVPs, save scumming for end of lecture choices, or over engaging with lost items and gifts), or you feel pressured into doing even more explore moments than you should to raise motivation (which are made longer by the increase in activity point, leading to a nasty cascade) or else waste the lecture points, finally I find the 5-6 exploration activity points is just about the right number for them. Both battles and exploration scaling with Professor level then devalues Seminars which don't scale in the same way, made all the worse by the way they give out class/weapon experience decreasing as your ranks increase (making them effective less value over time on their own), which is a shame as I kind of like them as a third option, but already (I have gotten past chapter 6 and I am about to start battle of Lion and Eagle mock battle) it feels like they have been outmoded into a waste of time. A shame such a good thing was ruined by Three House's desperate attempt to make you micromanage everything, so its time to move on to a thing I dislike that was made even worse by that same desperation.

I have never been the biggest fan of class changing, I generally see it as a nice bonus incentive to replay a game, but generally prefer to stick to base classes...which is so counter to Three House's philosophy on how things should work mechanically that this was never going to be among my favorites. Theoretically I could stick to "canon" classes, but doing so would literally require me to research what class you see the units in when you recruit them late from other houses, or when you face them in combat, and having to do that kind of research sounds ridiculous. Also the way you need to micromanage your weapon exp, and class exp for vital skills makes the whole experience miserable. That is all before how easy it feels to fall into the very boring paradigm of Oops All Wyverns, which is the sign of a very poorly designed class system...ugh I want to move on to something at least a little positive, as the way this game's micromanagement systems are designed compels me to engage with them in spite of the enjoyment I would have ignoring them.

I am liking the maps more than I remember doing so before (although playing through them four times for the snoring cloud maps might be playing a major role in my earlier dislike). Their decision with reinforcements are as moronically designed as I remember (if reinforcements are too close it is either a pointless waste of time without ambush spawns, or obnoxious with them), but the maps themselves seem interesting enough. I also remember there being way too many boss kill chapters, but so far that isn't as awful as I remember, admittedly the free time battles all being route might be skewing things a bit, but there has been a little variety, especially with my first paralogue being a defend (or boss kill...) chapter.

Recruitment is way grindier than it should be and kind of stupid, but outside of trying to recruit Bernie (as she is my spirit animal), I have been fine ignoring it, so I will chalk that up to being a mixed bag, and move on from this point fairly quickly. I probably should recruit a few others for paralogue purposes, but I might not feel like doing so. At least I found a way to ignore this pile of micromanagement, in small part thanks to remembering how softlock by dawn is designed to screw you over for engaging with this system.

As for some seemingly useless mechanics that I have tried to use but find mostly pointless, there is the Adjutant and mission help system. The ability to ask for mission help from someone outside the class is so neutered by their inability to gain any kind of experience that it is clearly only to help grind out recruitments (which I have been mostly ignoring anyway), and really emphasizes how over-leveled taking extra battles makes all your other troops, so I find the mechanic rather useless. I don't actually know if appointing someone an adjutant actually does anything, I remember the system literally being bugged before, but even now I haven't notice it do anything.

Storywise, snoring clouds doesn't go anywhere fast, so Three House's main selling point isn't doing a great job of selling it at the moment, but I remember it picking up a bit latter into the game. Its world building is fairly solid, which is nice, especially when compared to the low bar that is Fate's world building. As for the characters, I feel like I hate about a third of them, like another third, and feel fairly neutral on the last third, but with all the grinding this game insists upon I end up having to see supports even from the characters I want to throw bricks at, so a very mixed bag here as well.


  Well, can't say there's not a lot to cover. Just going to put some thoughts to mind in a vent.


The Professor level was not balanced well to put it kindly. I mean, the activity spend being better on stuff like constantly getting meals instead of being more balanced around the monastery makes running about kinda superfluous, the grind. I've said my piece elsewhere on hating the fishing, but the point of inflection for it was of course getting A+ in Chapter 9 on Maddening. I spent hours getting the exp, hell went back a little when I realised I fell short. It was a miserable time. And that's ignoring that it's just a timing minigame in 3H. If Engage's fishing had been the same I would have definitely made a fuss of that. Fair enough on the limits for Seminars (would have been nice if they were better balanced and expanded on), either capacity, skillset expansion or number should have been considered.

I won't disagree on much of this, the overly wyvern builds were a trap I fell into in Maddening (half the party flying is a pretty big number), suppose the micromanaging of this stuff didn't bother me because I saw it as busying towards goals (but raising weaknesses was over the line there).

I'd say objective balance hasn't been all that great in most titles, if we're being honest. Some are built as Seize as a whole, others are mostly Rout, it's rare that there are titles that aren't mostly these and defeat Boss. But that seems more of a series issue than just 3H if we don't go into the weeds of that one. and it really is all bosses in Part II, except for Merceus if DK gets away. Part of it is that some of the maps have fail conditions that actually require the player to get involved, but it probably needed more. Also more map variety would have helped for sure, you'll feel the map overlaps this game throws at you.

I made the choice to do a pretty much full recruitment playthrough in Maddening. Needless to say I don't think that'll ever happen again in any hypothetical NG run, but admittedly it's not hard in the grand scheme of things to build to B rank with most of the students (Ferdinand and Caspar on the other hand.......), but it's that you'd do so at the risk of cutting into your own core's motivation building. Really is a shame BBD is such an issue to this as well. And at least for Part I paralogues you only need one of the units recruited.

Adjutants are a fascinating step back because it feels like they don't want it to be as relevant as Pair-up, so they limited the usefulness of Attack and Healing in particular. Then people figured how to make Guard Adjutant pretty useful anyways (I'll admit I don't remember the specifics). Mission assistance can be nice with niche cases (early Physic for instance), but I don't bother when I have a full party.

Also, rip a third of the cast I guess. Can skip supports at least.

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I fucking cooked.

Please watch that timelapse, crazy how me at the start of this year couldn't even dream of doing that.

Are these thing so big the covering on them could be walked on? Asking as someone who has not played.

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Which begs the question... did Ignatz first proposed the Sniper path, then Mortal Savant? One could say that, without Byleth as the teacher, he only has time to excel in one path, and archery is the faster one, then. Since Mortal Savant requires more effort plus the fact Reason is a Hidden Talent. The lack of Strengths in Lances and Riding explains why he's not progressing to Bow Knight instead. It still makes the jump to Mortal Savant weird, but it's in the sense of keeping to one's Strengths (and with how weapon usability works in Three Houses, he can still use the Bow as a Mortal Savant). But well, that's just me trying to Watsonian it.

Trying to make that sort of justification with the class tree of 3H just doesn't work for me. Part of it is because most of the Master classes would have mostly been alternate pathways to classes that are in Advanced in other games, rather than being a T3 in my head (Yes, Bow Knight was the case in Gaiden/SoV.). That's not even getting into the meta of how some are more useful than their T3 options (Great Knight anyone?).

As for Part 2 reclasses, The only ones we get are Sylvain as GK and Cyril and Seteth as WL in CF, Gremory Lysithia (the only one who is only in a master class consistently out of the students) and Caspar in War Master in AM. Some if this is because the units were more often than not available in earlier chapters, but that so few do feels like a bit of mercy to the player for the most part, as well as something mainly for player use.

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10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

It's more like "veneration". Like I'm walking into the Holy of Holies, and XC3 is both the Temple's inner chamber and the Ark of the Covenant contained within. I'm not afraid of being disintegrated (I won't open the Ark), but I need to fully commit my mind, body, and senses to the game. If I detect a single stray thought or feeling, then it feels wrong, and soon that sense of wrongness snowballs

You let it sit there for too long that the expectations have built.

9 hours ago, Venger_06 said:

Of course it would end like this lol


Also, Sky FC Remake is now 100% tieing into Kai 1/2. What the fuck

What the fuck do they even do for the next game? You'd think that with how Kai was marketed, there wouldn't be a cliffhanger of this nature but here we are.

Should've just called it Daybreak 3 at that point.

Wow people are debating if the follow up is an actual game or a DLC post chapter or something due to the wording there. I don't think the games had been referred to as "episodes" before.

4 hours ago, Codename Shrimp said:


No longer crack it seems

Biggest fear: Trails in the Sky remake gets the FF7R treatment (timeline is fucked).

6 minutes ago, Dayni said:

What's going on with the bundle that's Steam only?

My guess is that the logistics of it for the console versions just didn't work out.

It's weird cause they did this years ago on 3DS, a purchase of Azure Striker Gunvolt came with the ability to download Mighty Gunvolt for free.

6 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Are these thing so big the covering on them could be walked on?

In theory yes but I think due to the lack of collision you can't.

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9 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Trying to make that sort of justification with the class tree of 3H just doesn't work for me. Part of it is because most of the Master classes would have mostly been alternate pathways to classes that are in Advanced in other games, rather than being a T3 in my head (Yes, Bow Knight was the case in Gaiden/SoV.). That's not even getting into the meta of how some are more useful than their T3 options (Great Knight anyone?).

As for Part 2 reclasses, The only ones we get are Sylvain as GK and Cyril and Seteth as WL in CF, Gremory Lysithia (the only one who is only in a master class consistently out of the students) and Caspar in War Master in AM. Some if this is because the units were more often than not available in earlier chapters, but that so few do feels like a bit of mercy to the player for the most part, as well as something mainly for player use.

TH certainly went a bit weird with its class tree. Since if you want to get technical, we pretty much have 5 tiers of classes (Commoner/Noble > Beginner > Intermediate > Advanced > Master). So yeah, it really makes it seem it's a bit convoluted.

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31 minutes ago, Dayni said:

(And that bit about it being chest instead of breast still suggests they gave a big muscleman Pikachu. Which definitely appeals to multiple someones. I do not like the idea Incineroar comes to mind.)

Ehhhhh Gen 1 already gave us Machoke/amp.😛

41 minutes ago, Dayni said:

How would that big guy fall?

Chaos Zero, the first, much smaller form. Which has been playable before.


11 hours ago, Armagon said:

I fucking cooked.

Please watch that timelapse, crazy how me at the start of this year couldn't even dream of doing that.

Nice.😀 Had to swap computers to see this (one blocks social media posts). Wasn't expecting the aurora and coronids thankfully you didn't do the crimson aurora, I thought you'd do daytime Syl'.

32 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You let it sit there for too long that the expectations have built.

Indeed. -Currently have it going on in auto-battle as I type this. Eventually I'll submit.

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Alright so keep in mind I'm working with limited knowledge here but honestly, despite being a lover of sci-fi, I think Trails is kiiiiiiinda turning into discount Xeno and after Kai, it's certainly not beating the allegations.

5 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Wasn't expecting the aurora and coronids

I wasn't expecting the coronids either, I'm impressed with myself with how they turned out honestly. Last time I drew a creatura was a lizard. Like a normal lizard. Not even a whole lizard because parts of it were obscured by the wall.

It's a sign of how quickly I've improved since I started drawing two months ago.

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Lv.89. At the final boss. Time to finish Xenoblade 3. See you in five hours cause that's how long this takes lol.

11 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Indeed. -Currently have it going on in auto-battle as I type this. Eventually I'll submit.

Meant to add to this but Xenoblade 3's overcorrected tutorials do lead into Ch.1 in particular being the slowest chapter in terms of gameplay.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Alright so keep in mind I'm working with limited knowledge here but honestly, despite being a lover of sci-fi, I think Trails is kiiiiiiinda turning into discount Xeno and after Kai, it's certainly not beating the allegations.

Is the overambitious mega-length feeling familiar?😛

Although N-F being independent, is both willing and free (finances provided) to see it through.😝 Is Discount Xeno Unabridged better than True Xeno Cut Short?

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I wasn't expecting the coronids either, I'm impressed with myself with how they turned out honestly. Last time I drew a creatura was a lizard. Like a normal lizard. Not even a whole lizard because parts of it were obscured by the wall.

Four-legged creatures are difficult for a starting artist? Like, is the humanoid form wired into our brains and drawing animals that deviate, can result in some awful failed attempts?

1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Meant to add to this but Xenoblade 3's overcorrected tutorials do lead into Ch.1 in particular being the slowest chapter in terms of gameplay.

-Barely bothering me (and I've hardly read the tutorials either). Already seem to have swapped protag teams without having the faintest idea why it happened, where I am, nor who these people are.😆 -I swear I'll break.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Should've just called it Daybreak 3 at that point.

I mean, it's pretty clear it's called Kai due to Kuro bombing and them trying to attract new peeps with the name and older peeps with returning characters (and specifically CS fans with Rean)

If it worked we will know in a couple days when the sale numbers come out. Kuro 1 and 2 were at around 40k each iirc.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Wow people are debating if the follow up is an actual game or a DLC post chapter or something due to the wording there. I don't think the games had been referred to as "episodes" before

could also be speedrunner didn't get true ending or something akin to CS4 True? I read the speedrunner didn't do any of the side episodes?

Or could be a Xbell -> CS 5 deal, ie. Van's conclusion will happen in a later arc.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Biggest fear: Trails in the Sky remake gets the FF7R treatment (timeline is fucked).

Trails in the Sky FC splitting to become Kuro 4 incoming.

20 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Alright so keep in mind I'm working with limited knowledge here but honestly, despite being a lover of sci-fi, I think Trails is kiiiiiiinda turning into discount Xeno and after Kai, it's certainly not beating the allegations

I mean

One of my main complaints of the series post sky was it veering more into fantasy




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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Is the overambitious mega-length feeling familiar?😛

Although N-F being independent, is both willing and free (finances provided) to see it through.😝 Is Discount Xeno Unabridged better than True Xeno Cut Short?

I think the main difference is that Xeno, at least the first two attempts, always knew how long it's story was supposed to be. 

Xenogears: six parts.

Xenosaga: six parts.

That those got fucked by external circumstances is a different matter but in the end, Xenogears the game is a fully self-contained plot and Xenosaga did manage to wrap up albeit in a shorter manner.

With the Klaus Saga, Xenoblade 1 was supposed to be it's own thing. We know that when Xenoblade 2 was being made, they had at least a rough draft for Xenoblade 3. Future Redeemed ends the way it does for a reason.

With Trails, the issue is that they can't actually decide when the ending happens. It was originally just gonna by Sky 1&2 and then a last game. Third changed that. Now the thing that they have been building up for years obviously isn't the end of the series but the fact that they still didn't finish up that plot point is...... they're just going to see how far they can make it.

Trails is gonna turn into the MCU where they reach their Endgame and then they just keep going.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Four-legged creatures are difficult for a starting artist?

More like four-legged creature that doesn't exist.

I might find them easier to draw than humanoids for now tho.

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

mean, it's pretty clear it's called Kai due to Kuro bombing and them trying to attract new peeps with the name and older peeps with returning characters (and specifically CS fans with Rean)

I don't think they changed the name specifically because Daybreak was bombing.

Now the fact that they took an off year for that.... let's just hope Kai 2/Daybreak 3 comes out in a timely manner.

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

could also be speedrunner didn't get true ending or something akin to CS4 True?

Haven't seen any mention of that for now.


But yeah as it stands, idk if Falcom fully expects people to accept a reconned Daybreak arc.


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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I think the main difference is that Xeno, at least the first two attempts, always knew how long it's story was supposed to be. 

Xenogears: six parts.

Xenosaga: six parts.

That those got fucked by external circumstances is a different matter but in the end, Xenogears the game is a fully self-contained plot and Xenosaga did manage to wrap up albeit in a shorter manner.

With the Klaus Saga, Xenoblade 1 was supposed to be it's own thing. We know that when Xenoblade 2 was being made, they had at least a rough draft for Xenoblade 3. Future Redeemed ends the way it does for a reason.

With Trails, the issue is that they can't actually decide when the ending happens. It was originally just gonna by Sky 1&2 and then a last game. Third changed that. Now the thing that they have been building up for years obviously isn't the end of the series but the fact that they still didn't finish up that plot point is...... they're just going to see how far they can make it.

Trails is gonna turn into the MCU where they reach their Endgame and then they just keep going.

Isn't there like two standards approaches to writing a story? One where you have a bunch of important chronological events planned out between the beginning and the end, and then you try your best to fill in the spaces between these inflexible points. The alternative method being where you set aside the question of how things end, and simply start writing, making everything flow organically from what came before it? (I would imagine in practice that writers blend in differing ratios the two manners of writing.)

Xeno largely abides by the first case, Trails by the latter?

12 minutes ago, Armagon said:

More like four-legged creature that doesn't exist.

Speaking of...

"The pores of these massive creatures absorb ether as a main energy source while capillary action sponges up water through their feet. The crown, which resembles a head, is in fact a defensive adaptation that hides its vital crystalline organs. The presence of such a decoy suggests they once had a powerful natural enemy, though no such foe is known to exist today.

Coronids are egg layers. Said eggs are incubated and hatched internally before joining the world via the process of live birth."

Considering the size of a Coronid... think X2 would remember this flavor text and show us what this predator may have been?

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15 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Thing is, the way they mentioned "Van episode" instead of next game is pretty sus.

Yeah yeah, there has to be something more to it.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Isn't there like two standards approaches to writing a story?

That's true and most people do the latter. There's no right or wrong way to do it but I do think you should probably have an idea of how you're gonna end it.

The MCU was winging it, like they had a plan but I don't think three phases was always in the cards, they reached a conclusion with Endgame, had a cute little epilogue with Far from Home but now they're just aimless. There's no goal. I fear Trails is basically going down a similar path, hell Cold Steel 4 was kinda an Endgame already as most of what was set up from Sky 3rd is resolved there.

6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Considering the size of a Coronid... think X2 would remember this flavor text and show us what this predator may have been?

God that would be sick. Imagine exploring the other side of a planet, seeing a big creature from the first game and it just gets taken out by a bigger fish. There's always a bigger fish.

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This looks so cool. Highlight of TGS thus far.

>Xbox (And PC, so no luck for me Linux) exclusive

Actually felt a tinge of jealousy for the first time in a long time. Dangit.

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

TH certainly went a bit weird with its class tree. Since if you want to get technical, we pretty much have 5 tiers of classes (Commoner/Noble > Beginner > Intermediate > Advanced > Master). So yeah, it really makes it seem it's a bit convoluted.

Two villager-esque tiers, covering 10 levels total?

Each other tier being for the next 10 levels next I can get, but it really says how Commoner/Noble is The Class To Leave ASAP.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Ehhhhh Gen 1 already gave us Machoke/amp.😛

Let me be a Gen1'r on this one instance

1 hour ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Reading this as someone who has no idea about Trails, I got a glimpse of the abyss right there in terms of lore depths.

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19 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I fear Trails is basically going down a similar path, hell Cold Steel 4 was kinda an Endgame already as most of what was set up from Sky 3rd is resolved there.


Not really. Some of the stuff was yes, and i don't wanna even talk about the quality or how it was concluded. Alot of stuff was still open after CS4/5:

  • Biggest being the remaining Sept-terrions. Until end of CS, only 4 out of the 7 had their games. IIRC missing ones were Time, Water and Wind. Kuro no Kiseki...Chrono kiseki + the whole thing gives Time for Calvard, so by our current knowledge we still have Water and Wind open. Probably For the last arcs (unless Calvard pulls a 2 in one like CS did with Fire and Earth). Also, funny enough, Calvard finally returns to higher tier element (Space (Sky), Mirage (Crossbell) and Time (Calvard)) after CS had Earth and Fire. Curious what they will do with Water and Wind.
  • Also related to them, Society, grandmaster and Aidios - even if the Society have been basically villain of the week after Sky and a clown troupe.
  • The church and everything surrounding it - and to a lesser extent the Bracer guild.
  • Everything Calvard - the current ongoing arc
  • Estelle and Joshua becoming top tier Bracers - why the fuck are they still B-rank? Also their marriage Probably the end of the series
  • Did we ever get a resolution to the Stone of Hope door? Still a big ? whatever that was.
  • And probably more i forgot from being out of touch with the series for the last few years before Estelle's smile made me take a look again

CS5 was a conclusion to Erebonia and Crossbell, but the story starting from Sky is far from over. Even if it should've been


9 minutes ago, Dayni said:

This looks so cool.


Just hope it doesn't follow the same fate many of it's "inspired by classics" jrpgs did.

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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

That's true and most people do the latter. There's no right or wrong way to do it but I do think you should probably have an idea of how you're gonna end it.

Whenever I make an attempt at narrative fanfiction, I feel like I try the opposite.😆 Having structure in place makes it feel like I'm not wandering through the primordial darkness. -If at the price of later causing gears to grind when I trying to -naturally- bridge a seemingly unbridgeable gap, and making me wish I could delete the rigidly-fixed next event.

17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

God that would be sick. Imagine exploring the other side of a planet, seeing a big creature from the first game and it just gets taken out by a bigger fish. There's always a bigger fish.

*Enters Orphean mode* ...Reason dictates a logical explanation as to why this Anti-Coronid Predator exists in Arcticia, yet not Sylvalum. Unfortunately, genetic testing has not yet been completed on Arcticia's Coronids, which could determine the degree to which the DNA of the two Coronid populations differ.

Until then, we can only construct hypotheses as to why this may be the case. The mapping of Mira's oceanic topography remains very incomplete, yet perhaps there was a land bridge once connecting the hemispheres of Mira, later submerged due to sea level rise. Did the Coronids migrate to Sylvalum from Arcticia, yet their predators did not follow? Such an event would have involved climate change, and that by itself could be another explanation, megafauna require as significant resource quantities to survive. Perhaps a changing climate and the particular environment of Sylvalum, already a difficult one being so ashen (although very preliminary geological excavations is beginning to give us a vague idea of what Sylvalum was like before the Cauldros Mass-Volcanism), was too much for the predator. Provided we had more geological data, if we could determine the evolutionary age of the Coronids' "crowns" and cross reference it with the speed at which Mira's plate tectonics move, perhaps it was continental drift, not migration, that split the Coronid -yet not their predators'- population in two.



26 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

Biggest being the remaining Sept-terrions. Until end of CS, only 4 out of the 7 had their games. IIRC missing ones were Time, Water and Wind. Kuro no Kiseki...Chrono kiseki + the whole thing gives Time for Calvard, so by our current knowledge we still have Water and Wind open. Probably For the last arcs (unless Calvard pulls a 2 in one like CS did with Fire and Earth). Also, funny enough, Calvard finally returns to higher tier element (Space (Sky), Mirage (Crossbell) and Time (Calvard)) after CS had Earth and Fire. Curious what they will do with Water and Wind.

They say water is the origin of life Shrimpy.😏 Return the world to its nascent state.

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Conspiracy time?






Best girl


Such fantasy


Calm down Edelgard




Calm down Putin




don't use nukes Putin


I love democracy






Democracy is hard xD






And that was the demo...


"wait for sale + free slot" which means, if ever, i might play it a few years down the line. Demo didn't really convince me.

Or how can i say it...i don't think i want to play it for 100 hours. Maybe 40-50.

Story/setting seems interesting, but something that can also be fucked up really fast with how many things it seems to be tackling, and well...

The game feels *very prone* to bloat. For the whole democracy thing you need to help people (read: Quests) to gain popularity and stuff. And if they are gonna integrate that into the story, that means we might have main story stuff/true ending locked behind side quests. Ugh.

Also Calendar and stuff. Game wears Persona influence on it's sleeve. You know the drill xD

Gameplay wise, i have 1 major issue:

The action gameplay sucks major ass. Yes, i know it's mainly turn based....but the action here doesn't serve any purpose except annoying you. Thing is, you mainly use action to stun the enemy, however to do that you might have to be in shitty action mode for a while and attack the enemy...however if the enemy attacks you even once, they get advantage and wreck you over (battle starts with their turn). Basically, action mode is only here to make party advantage harder. Well, and to one shot weaker enemies i guess.

And even battle itself wasn't able to completely convince me - liked TMS' more 😛 

Characters seem interesting, but the not!social links really scare me.


Anyway, gotta finish Disco Elysium xD


Kai ost seems to have less Singa than most Falcom games since CS3. Atleast from a first look. Can't confirm.


Edited by Codename Shrimp
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Zelda is pretty fun so far i'm so mad she doesn't talk.

21 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:


That's a mighty beard.

23 minutes ago, Codename Shrimp said:

The game feels *very prone* to bloat. For the whole democracy thing you need to help people (read: Quests) to gain popularity and stuff. And if they are gonna integrate that into the story, that means we might have main story stuff/true ending locked behind side quests. Ugh.

They did say you won't be able to see every dungeon in a single playthrough.


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