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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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@Saint Rubenio did you ever beat any of the world 👑 levels?

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm gonna ask you all to officially leave your predictions for when I'll quit here. Then we'll see who's right.

We did this already but my prediction was you’re gonna drop it at 13 if you weren’t having fun to begin with, 15 if you actually liked it and are holding on to hope that it will be good again.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's by far Kaga's best romance. Which is... honestly really sad.

Really? I thought he did much better with Arden x the bench myself.

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3 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


Iirc this is one of the maps i watched that me hesitate to play the game oof

Ooh yeah, i remember this one being a bit rough.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

@Saint Rubenio did you ever beat any of the world 👑 levels?

This is not a reassuring question, and the answer is yes. All of them.

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Really? I thought he did much better with Arden x the bench myself.

Hah! Asshole...

3 minutes ago, Spara said:

It's the part where 

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Hoelun walks into his room early in the morning. He, incredibly hungover, tells her she's pretty, falls on her, and passes out, with Hoelun's dialogue implying that his dick was out. As in, he was woken up with his dick out.


Ohhh yeah, now I remember! Yeah, I missed the implications entirely, but guy really did just sleep with Zade. Literally, but... Who knows, maybe figuratively as well. Kaga you coward make it happen.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Literally, but... Who knows, maybe figuratively as well. Kaga you coward make it happen.

Wouldn't that also be literal?

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29 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Doesn't change the fact Tiki was still born after Naga became a Manakete.

We know the degeneration wasn't like flipping a switch. It was gradual. The infertility came first, and likely was gradual too. It makes sense that not every dragon started with the symptoms at once. Thus, it makes sense that some dragons remained fertile after becoming Manaketes since they saw the writing on the wall and heeded Naga's word. Naga herself was one of them, thus Tiki was born. Then again, for all we know Tiki was born via parthenogenesis, so...

And it can still be a path to extinction. But again, it's not gonna be like flipping a switch. It's a slow path to get there. Quite slow. Since dragons.

Even if there were a way to rationalize it that somehow the predicted extinction of the Manakete didn't come to pass even 2000 years after Mystery (Whose kid would Nowi be anyway? The Serenes Forest script has Xane say that Aside from Narga, only Gato, me and the just born Chiki survived. 
Now that can't be literally true since Bantu exists. But either way the implication is that they are already virtually gone. Probably why Mystery removed that "Manakete Island Kingdom" map, but whatever.)

Anyway, were was I?
Even if there were a way to rationalize it that somehow the predicted extinction of the Manakete didn't come to pass even 2000 years after Mystery and a new Manakete was born just 1000 years ago, why go against the implications of Mystery, it's story and themes? What's the point?
As has been said, the Manakete do not even matter in the story. They just casually dump Nowi into your party with no explanation on how she relates to the world at large. Where does she come from? Where are her parents? Who dressed her up like pedophile wank fodder? Fuck you, we are not gonna address any of those implications. So clearly it wasn't for the sake of Awakening's own story.

The real explanation is that they simply didn't care. The game takes place in Akaneia because Mystery of the Emblem marks the peak of the series popularity. Same reason for why Masked Marth is around. They gave so little of a shit about that game and it's setting that they didn't even bother with a token effort to connect Awakening to Mystery in an organic way. They only cared about exploiting it.

Edited by BrightBow
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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is not a reassuring question, and the answer is yes. All of them.

The piranha plant star in the marathon just really sucks, and you did it with Luigi!

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22 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Makes sense then.

 20 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Until i am shown otherwise, i am fully convinced that BrightBow is the literal only person in the world who thinks Awakening characters are all irredeemable sociopaths.

Even people who don't like Awakening characters will just say that they're boring or some shit and leave it at that.

You shouldn't go to FE reddit.

15 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:


*AoT flashbacks*



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6 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Wouldn't that also be literal?

I mean, yeah, but... You get what I was trying to say!

Just now, Sooks said:

The piranha plant star in the marathon just really sucks, and you did it with Luigi!

Damn straight I did it with Loogi. Multiple times, too. Of course, it did take its fair share of attempts. Be patient and keep at it.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Damn straight I did it with Loogi. Multiple times, too. Of course, it did take its fair share of attempts. Be patient and keep at it.

Just curious why they thought six super precise jumps that failing any one of which means you have to go back to the beginning was a good idea.

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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

FE fans are the best at hating their favorite series, after all.

Ahem, my favorite series is ackshually KagaSaga because it's the one with Berwick Saga in it

Just now, Sooks said:

Just curious why they thought six super precise jumps that failing any one of which means you have to go back to the beginning was a good idea.

This is a secret challenge world. Difficulty is to be expected here. Of course, you can always give it a rest and try Champion's Road instead...

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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And so many green units

and full deployment including that Good Neighbour bot....

Ah that map will be a pain, it seems. I hate maps like this. Like Kaga, you had quite a few good def maps in both FE5 and Berwick...

Let's hope i enjoy the map...

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4 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

FE fans are the best at hating their favorite series, after all.

Well, I'm not sure the people making Awakening were really fans.

I know they claimed they wanted to make the "ultimate compilation of Fire Emblem" in the Iwata asks of Awakening. But as all the nonsense about the story of Fates in the Iwata asks of that game shows, they will just lie.

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is a secret challenge world. Difficulty is to be expected here. Of course, you can always give it a rest and try Champion's Road instead...

But like, good difficulty.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I don't but isn't the FE reddit just filled with fanart these days?

Pretty much. Occassionally you get some other posts, but if you discount the fanart, the place is honestly less active than Serenes.

3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

FE game ratings for me atm:


and ofc for those anti Awakening people! XD

Awakening on S.

I'll be the judge of that! By the time I'm through, we'll know whether you're objectively correct or incorrect because I said so!

1 minute ago, Sooks said:

But like, good difficulty.

I believed it was fine! Why is everyone somehow more picky than me? I thought I was the elitist!

Just now, twilitfalchion said:

My tier list for the FE games I've played.


I thought I told you to quit it with these invalid opinions! Clearly drastic measures must be taken...

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

Awakening on S.

I'll be the judge of that! By the time I'm through, we'll know whether you're objectively correct or incorrect because I said so!

Oof, that doesn't sound too promising...

We probably don't agree too much on which are good/bad. haha.

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Just now, Shrimperor said:



Gyskhal's done with her shit, lol. Also damnit Hoelun.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:


Play DSFE you peasant.

Just now, lightcosmo said:

Oof, that doesn't sound too promising...

We probably don't agree too much on which are good/bad. haha.

There's very little overlap, I'm afraid. The tier lists are almost perfectly inverse, except for Three Houses and Mystery at the bottom.

Just now, Shrimperor said:



Cyltan in shambles.

...Or maybe he's just relieved that his uncle will take the Hoe so he can go with his bro instead.

Damnit I like you Hoelun, but you made that pun far too easy!

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