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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Reused assets is a very common thing tho.

The general consensus was that most of it was just nothing but Cindered Shadows had a decent reception.

My problem is that it was an all-or-nothing deal.

Thats just their way to justify the price tag. It doesnt need to be that way.

I remember reading people not really enjoying the story or characters all that much.

Thats DLC for ya. 

Unrelated, so im playing Torna (again!) And Future Connected and... God is FC slow. Gameplay, story, the game just feels... Sluggish overall. The combat is so basic, it makes me appreciate Torna even more really. 

Short version: FC is low quality and Torna is amazing quality. Big difference.

Edited by lightcosmo
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Just now, lightcosmo said:

Thats just their way to justify the price tag. It doesnt need to be that way.

No like, reusing assets is a very common thing. Assets being reused is no indicator of the quality.

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

remember reading people not really enjoying the story or characters all that much.

I saw the opposite.

I'm personally lukewarm on it tho.

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4 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:


Getting all the masks was my main goal, though I may go back for 100% sometime.

then again probably not because I don't have the patience for it

I never 100%'d Majora's Mask because I couldn't bring myself to care enough about finding all the fairies.

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33 minutes ago, Armagon said:

No like, reusing assets is a very common thing. Assets being reused is no indicator of the quality.

I saw the opposite.

I'm personally lukewarm on it tho.

Hmm, my expectations are a bit higher than most, but reused assets feels like they take the easy way out. I dunno, maybe thats just me.

The only FE DLC that was worth my money was Awakening and Fates wave 1.

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37 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:


Getting all the masks was my main goal, though I may go back for 100% sometime.

then again probably not because I don't have the patience for it

Congrats on getting FD Mask! Is it still just OoT Link with the Biggoron Sword as his attacks with the magic added on? 

Edit: I have no clue since I only play the N64/GCN versions, since theres much more to goof off with glitch wise xd

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46 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Short version: FC is low quality and Torna is amazing quality. Big difference.

I wouldn't say that. Future Connected is working with XC1 as a base, a base which it chose not to deviate too much from it. Torna is adapting XC2, which makes a sizable difference.

9 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

The only FE DLC that was worth my money was Awakening

I'd probably deduct Awakening Wave 1's Einherjar DLC, each reusing the same map three times, albeit with ally-enemy relocation I admit. Basically no story and hardly any significant character interactions to speak of. Lost Bloodlines might be worth it for Paragon, or Smash Brethren for Iote's Shield (eh, fliers are better as Pair Up backpacks in Awakening), but All Stats +2 is rather weak unless you have nothing better early on, and Limit Breaker shouldn't exist, more grind isn't fun and only remotely necessary for the Grandmaster-Apo stuff.

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5 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Hmm, my expectations are a bit higher than most, but reused assets feels like they take the easy way out. I dunno, maybe thats just me.

A big part of that is the game was given an impossible deadline (1 year as opposed to the 4ish years that Ocarina of Time took) to get this out as part of a famous bet/challenge, and the reused assets were one of the ways they made that possible. I know I have posted this video here before, but the creation of MM is an interesting story


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If I could go back in time and tell my younger self what pre-3H FE DLC to get, I would pick Awakening's Scramble maps, The Future Past, Hidden Truths, Heirs of Fate, and Anna in Fates as the main things.

Looking back I don't know what was up with IS when they made SoV's DLC, even beyond it being more expensive than the game itself and being more expensive than XC2's expansion pass for a fraction of the content. I only got Rise of the Deliverance, but that was $13 for 4 chapters while Heirs of Fate had six chapters for $8. The Cipher characters being $6 for four characters seems reasonable in comparison, even though I never got them.

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6 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Congrats on getting FD Mask! Is it still just OoT Link with the Biggoron Sword as his attacks with the magic added on? 

Thanks. Pretty much, yeah.

Though I found the FD mask to be an even more satisfying item to get, tbh. Going in and straight up clapping the final boss felt so good.


I probably won't do any kind of long review of the game but

High points

  • story
  • overworld activities
  • item usage
  • atmosphere
  • sidequests
  • the ending sequence

Low points

  • obscure quest requirements
  • dungeons (Great Bay especially)
  • bosses (Gyorg especially)
  • the entire Great Bay segment, honestly
  • the time limit makes dungeons a lot more stressful than they really need to be

I did thoroughly enjoy my time with the game, but yeah. There's some stuff I didn't like either.

I don't like how I ended up feeling like I needed a guide for certain parts to avoid having to completely redo them, nor did I care for how long dungeons like Great Bay or Stone Tower dragged on. Gyorg fricking sucks.

If I had to rank it with other Zelda games, I'd say

BotW/WW > TP > MM > LA/OoT for top 5 (technically 6, but they can move around a bit y'know)

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Speaking of Zelda, I'd love more than anything to have a Zelda game with combat-focused dungeons.

Like, fight different kinds and groups of enemies using a more complex, well-developed combat system until you reach a mini-boss.

Get that dungeon's unique item, and be forced to make use of that throughout the rest of the combat scenarios in the dungeon, boss included.

I just get tired of dungeons slowing things to a crawl and killing the pace.

That's why I liked BotW keeping them short and bite-sized, so to speak.

Actually, BotW Hyrule Castle came very close to that. Do that again, Nintendo, but for every dungeon in a new Zelda game.

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On the preparations screen (I guess you could call it that) for fighting the next wave of combat in Banner Saga 3, the game is letting me move the bodies of characters who “died” in the previous wave. That is a glitch, right? If not, I never noticed that was a thing you could do, but I feel like that has to be a glitch.

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8 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

This reminds me I heard once that Lu Xun had a son who had some prominence. Including him for the sake of expanding the unique enemies Jin fights was tossed around by a fan as an idea, except Lu Xun already looks like he could still be in high school, so how young would his son end up looking? 


You also have the son of Sima Zhao and Wang Yuanji appear from time to time despite Yuanji being a rather young and tiny lady, and Zhao looking about twenty years old.

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11 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

0 damage 50% hit here

I was so focused on the "Niles is worthless in his join map" thing last night that I glossed over this. This is another straight up impossible statement. Haitaka has 11 defense + 1 from his weapon + 3 from the throne = 15. Niles at base deals 15 damage with the bronze bow + 1 from WTA against Haitaka = 16. At the bare minimum, he deals 1 damage to him. Which, yeah, isn't much, but this is with the weakest weapon he has and without taking any boosts into account. Not to mention that, at base, Niles is only 3 points of speed away from doubling Haitaka, which he's guaranteed to get from a pair-up with both Jakob and Felicia (those bonuses apply when capturing, that's how he was doubling in my screenshot).

As for the accuracy... You're just being stubborn now. I've said it before and I'll say it again: It's extremely easy to improve his hitrate against Haitaka. You can hit him with a bronze dagger (which also lowers his defense), toss Odin/Nyx next to him, pair someone up with Niles, and if you want to be extra sure, freeze him. This is so effective that, in my run, even though he hadn't leveled up skill yet, Niles would've had a 100% chance to hit if I had frozen Haitaka. Not that I needed to, double 89% is pretty good odds in my book.

Soooooo yeah. I'm gonna have to agree with Eltosian here, your hate boner for Niles blinds you as much as my own for Mozu does. Again, I'm not denying that Niles becomes pretty bleh as the game goes on, but you're talking like he's a Wendy-tier scrub, and that's just 100% not true.

10 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Its comments like these that make me wonder if the Niles haters really use him...

"Niles deals 0 damage against Haitaka."

10 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

Give her some time, her growths beat out all of Niles (barring Magic and Resistance) so she will pass him eventually, plus the archer line's skills lead towards things more directly related to her combat, whereas the skills of the outlaw line give utility that people massively underappreciated, which helps her image even more...

I just don't get how she's supposed to be a Niles killer. She doesn't have his outlaw utility or capture. They can co-exist just fine. Shura is more of a Niles killer, and even he doesn't have Capture, which is pretty huge if you know which generics to grab.

9 hours ago, Ghost_06_ said:

Dude, do what I've been saying in basically every thread when Niles is mentioned: fucking marry him to Mozu. So you can use a Partner Seal to make you an Archer. Skill +2 and Quick Draw will improve his accuracy and damage respectively, and will also help with captures. His RES will take a fall, but as his RES is already high and it's stupid to face mages with WTD, it won't make much difference. He will eventually learn Certain Blow and Bowfaire, which he can pass on to Nina. She can then become Adventurer or Bow Knight, depending on what you want, and then switch to Kinshi Knight to learn Quick Draw, Certain Blow, and Amaterasu.

Actually... I can marry him to Elfuigi 2 and then I kill four birds with one stone: Niles gets to go archer, Mozu gets to sit on the bench, Nina gets green hair (I'm hoping, I've no idea how the mod handles the children of gay parents) and I get to not feel filthy for marrying the 12 year old! Perfect!

7 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Unrelated, so im playing Torna (again!) And Future Connected and... God is FC slow. Gameplay, story, the game just feels... Sluggish overall. The combat is so basic, it makes me appreciate Torna even more really. 

Short version: FC is low quality and Torna is amazing quality. Big difference.

Lightcosmo, the words that you have said please me. I beseech you to elaborate.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Yeah @Saint Rubenio, you can rest at the dredge goldstone as much as you want in chapter 21. However, it looks like you only have this option if you pulled the rope that the dredge you got that throws/shoots rocks warned you shouldn’t, near the bell.

Oh, phew. Got me worried there for a minute. Now you just have to keep me informed about your experience with the returns!

5 hours ago, Sooks said:

On the preparations screen (I guess you could call it that) for fighting the next wave of combat in Banner Saga 3, the game is letting me move the bodies of characters who “died” in the previous wave. That is a glitch, right? If not, I never noticed that was a thing you could do, but I feel like that has to be a glitch.

Pffft... Pretty funny glitch, too.

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This is another straight up impossible statement.

I have a picture somewhere in this thread with very low hit rate and low damage. Maybe not 0, but not higher than 3.

And capture disables suppot bonuses. Hit rate max i could get was 60. Without freeze yeah, but...

8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

freeze him

In Lunatic you need to save your feezes for later on.

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

your hate boner for Niles

Comes from having trash Niles and him being a burden every time i use him. I hate his character, true, but so do i almost every non kid in Fates


10 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

which is pretty huge if you know which generics to grab

If he even can. The only one i was ever able to capture was Nichol, and that was because he is a flier and even then Niles couldn't oneshot him.

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5 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

And capture disables suppot bonuses.

No, it doesn't. Dude, I saw it with my own eyes last night. He didn't double Haitaka before Mozu paired up with him, then he did thanks to her speed boost. Or else how do you think my 17 speed Niles doubled Haitaka? 17 - 13 doesn't equal 5, y'know.

6 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

In Lunatic you need to save your feezes for later on.

You know, if the game absolutely requires that you save every single limited staff for the endgame or else it becomes unbeatable, maybe that's a flaw with the game

Like, seriously, how do you get the 10k from the ice village without freeze?

7 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

If he even can. The only one i was ever able to capture was Nichol, and that was because he is a flier and even then Niles couldn't oneshot him.

There's plenty of ways to lower enemy defense and increase his attack if need be. His strength is low, but it isn't so unbearably low that he deals 0 damage to everything. All he needs to capture is 1, nothing more. Your problem is that you want him to be a combat unit on Mozu's level, and that's just not what he is.

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38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No, it doesn't. Dude, I saw it with my own eyes last night. He didn't double Haitaka before Mozu paired up with him, then he did thanks to her speed boost. Or else how do you think my 17 speed Niles doubled Haitaka? 17 - 13 doesn't equal 5, y'know.

Support bonuses are not pair up bonuses, mate. I am talking about hit/avo bonuses ala gba.

You will notice capture has lower hit for that reason. Well either that or it lowers your hit, but according to my tests should be the former.

Capture also disables attack stance

38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Like, seriously, how do you get the 10k from the ice village without freeze?

Yeah that's the first freeze use. The reat i usually use starting stairway

38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's plenty of ways to lower enemy defense and increase his attack if need be.

Please i know all about them as you saw yesterday 😛

38 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Your problem is that you want him to be a combat unit on Mozu's leve

No i want him to be of some use, and utility wise ecen others like Kaze and Shura have him beat. Only thing going for him is capture

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Well, chapter 10 done. That was my best chapter 10 ever, which is funny, considering it's my first time on lunatic difficulty. Effie broke through their ranks with Arthur, Niles, Mozu and Haitaka and almost managed to get to Takumi, but I decided not to get greedy and instead keep the southern front clean. Then Camilla blocked the enemy in the one open corner to the left of the upper ballista while the rest took out the pegasus that got by her. It didn't get completely out of hand like it usually does. Man, that feels great.

I still don't see how lunatic is so much harder than hard. I expect it to pick up at some point, but so far it's very slightly harder and that's it.

Also, my fucking internet went down in the middle of the argument with Shrimpy and even with my phone's internet literally every image hosting site I've tried (Imgbox, Imgur, fucking google photos) refuses to load so I can't upload the images I need. Every site loads except the ones I need. The universe refuses to let me to prove to him that Niles isn't as bad as he says. God fucking damnit, this is so annoying...

19 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Support bonuses are not pair up bonuses, mate. I am talking about hit/avo bonuses ala gba.

You will notice capture has lower hit for that reason. Well either that or it lowers your hit, but according to my tests should be the former.

Nope, this is all wrong. The only part that is true is that it disables attack stance. Capture just reduces your hit by 10% and disables attack stance's extra hit and I believe critical hits too. Bonuses to his hit, damage, speed and such remain untouched. Don't believe me? I just tested it myself. I can provide proof later, when the universe stops taking the piss out of me.

And, well, of course, then there's Heartseeker's bonus is just huge. Honestly, that alone is pretty much enough to make his chances very reasonable. Of course, there's some risk involved, since Haitaka is basically guaranteed to one-shot Odin and Nyx, but then you just give Niles a pair-up with Jakob/Felicia and all of a sudden that's two opportunities to land the 70~% - heck, actually, not even, since they give him skill, so his hitrate will be even higher. It's very reliable. And this is Haitaka, probably the hardest capture Niles will ever have to pull off - other people you might want to nab won't be on thrones.

22 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Please i know all about them as you saw yesterday 😛

I mean, yeah. But then why do you refuse to accept that Niles can use them for any captures he may need to do? He doesn't have 0 strength, man. It's not that hard to get him to capture things.

22 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

Only thing going for him is capture

Which is a pretty big thing, with stuff like Haitaka, Kumagera, pass peggies and Rallyman running around.

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