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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Okay, it's a bright new day. Time for another shot at Garcia. Honestly, why would they name him Garcia? It's bad enough that they reuse names like crazy in modern FE, but why would they grab a playable character's name and toss it at a generic boss? If they wanted their Spanish cantor so badly, why not... I dunno, Perez instead? Even if he was named Garcia in the original, it's not like they're strangers to dumb name changes.

11 hours ago, Dayni said:

In our coalpit, comrade

Of course. How could I forget our coalpit.

11 hours ago, Sooks said:

Not your mother, our mother, comrade.



Lucky for you, I’ve never found mention of this mystical sandwich. No promises if I ever stumble upon it though.

Don't you dare. This is my mission, Sooks. I may have 24 points in communism at this point, but I reserve the right to maintain private property on my mission to obtain a sandwich. Fuck off, you! Off, I say!

11 hours ago, Sooks said:

Until the great revolution, there are two families in this world, Emperor of Shrimps: the workers, and those who exploit them. In that regard, Ruben and I are brothers, forged of the same steel and blood.


5 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

And now that I think about it, has anyone actually tried to make sense of what the text in the magic spells of SoV actually is? I couldn't find anything of the sort while I was looking up about the Ancient Letters. Outside a thread where VincentASM said he may try to check that out... but it seems that never happened. Or if it ever did, then I haven't been able to find the thread.

If not, I might just make a thread asking then in the subforum.

The text? What text?

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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@lightcosmo @Shrimp γ He is here!
In what was quite possibly the funniest scene in the game so far. XD

It starts off with Steamax absolutely failing at getting the main characters to notice him despite his best attempts (you get several scenes of him standing there, and everyone just walking past him. XD), and then he gets pissed off about it.

Which leads to him trying to introduce himself:

He then proceeds to say that he has everyone's weaknesses pinned down (their, uh, assets, which prevents them from seeing their feet), which causes a... certain someone to go Super Sayian.

... Did you think I was kidding? XD

The following boss fight was pretty darn awesome, too. He zips and warps around the battlefield pretty much all the time, and you only have the tiniest window to attack him.
Thank goodness Asuka is blindingly fast, and I'm so used to Purple Heart by now that it didn't cause me too much headache, but good old Steamax was still the hardest boss in the game so far.

Edited by DragonFlames
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44 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The text? What text?

Any text that shows up during a casting animation.

Like, they've verified the text that shows up in Tellius and I think Awakening's. It actually translated to phrases in the Tellius titles from what I recall.

I still haven't gone back to Kitsune hell, but realising Haitaka will have to be the hero is certainly something. I'll probably pair with Corrin as she's a GK.

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All right, Garcia died. It was a matter of turtling and abusing the fact that the archers moved alongside the dread fighter, but not the arcanists. Then Saber just barely reached level 10, so I finally have a dread fighter of my own. Oh and I guess Jedah arrived and delivered a... surprisingly rather ocnvincing argument for Celica to give up her soul. Except, well... He looks like a lich, so it didn't work.

Honestly, they really should've given this guy a subtler design. I mean, in the original he was a friggin' recolor, so they could've done anything with him. Couldn't they have done like with Nuibaba, make him look mostly human but with a slightly weird skin color? As opposed to making him look like the embodiment of evil?

...You know, now that I've beaten the necrodragon filler map as well... come to think about it, I'm pretty sure I didn't even touch Celica's side of act 3 before Nuibaba killed my first run. I don't remember any of this. And I'm pretty sure I'd remember Garcia, petty as I am.

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9 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

@lightcosmo @Shrimp γ He is here!
In what was quite possibly the funniest scene in the game so far. XD

It starts off with Steamax absolutely failing at getting the main characters to notice him despite his best attempts (you get several scenes of him standing there, and everyone just walking past him. XD), and then he gets pissed off about it.

Which leads to him trying to introduce himself:

He then proceeds to say that he has everyone's weaknesses pinned down (their, uh, assets, which prevents them from seeing their feet), which causes a... certain someone to go Super Sayian.

... Did you think I was kidding? XD

The following boss fight was pretty darn awesome, too. He zips and warps around the battlefield pretty much all the time, and you only have the tiniest window to attack him.
Thank goodness Asuka is blindingly fast, and I'm so used to Purple Heart by now that it didn't cause me too much headache, but good old Steamax was still the hardest boss in the game so far.

Hey, It's the moody Ninja! Glad he finally shows up! He's always been a funny character, glad to see that hasn't changed!

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1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Hey, It's the moody Ninja! Glad he finally shows up! He's always been a funny character, glad to see that hasn't changed!

Indeed! xD
His friendship with Affimojas is basically the same, they're just more blatant about it this time around, in that they actually cry into each other's arms from Affimojas being happy to see Steamax safe, whereas Steamax failed to bring... salacious art books (because he used those as a distraction to get away after the boss fight. Sound familiar? xD)

It's.... kinda heartwarming, actually.

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15 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Indeed! xD
His friendship with Affimojas is basically the same, they're just more blatant about it this time around, in that they actually cry into each other's arms from Affimojas being happy to see Steamax safe, whereas Steamax failed to bring... salacious art books (because he used those as a distraction to get away after the boss fight. Sound familiar? xD)

It's.... kinda heartwarming, actually.

Awwww, that's sweet! And it's good to see things are consistent as well! 

Darn... your making me want to get the game ASAP... Why, Draggy!? XD

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4 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Awwww, that's sweet! And it's good to see things are consistent as well

Definitely! They're doing a good job at portraying the characters as they were!

5 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Darn... your making me want to get the game ASAP... Why, Draggy!? XD

Hehehehehehe... my master plan, it is working! xD

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Oh wait, never mind, I do remember this map. It was rather rough, but eh, nothing we can't handle. Dolth has fallen, Palla and Catria can promote, everything is swell.



Why?! Why do you exist?! Literally every single dumb moment in this stupid fucking story is your fault!

Dolth was alone, battered to shit and yet the writers felt the need to make Celica act like a braindead moron just so Conrad can swoop in and save her for the millionth time. It's so fucking forced! The only purpose this character serves is to worsen Celica's story, and yet people hate Faye? Who cares about Faye?! She's completely inoffensive, she barely has four lines in the plot! Conrad ruins Celica's story every time he shows up, because the writers have no idea HOW to make him show up without making Celica act like an idiot for no reason!

39 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Any text that shows up during a casting animation.

Like, they've verified the text that shows up in Tellius and I think Awakening's. It actually translated to phrases in the Tellius titles from what I recall.

Ah, I see.


I still haven't gone back to Kitsune hell, but realising Haitaka will have to be the hero is certainly something. I'll probably pair with Corrin as she's a GK.

Haitaka epic. Haitaka best character in Fates.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The only purpose this character serves is to worsen Celica's story, and yet people hate Faye? Who cares about Faye?! She's completely inoffensive, she barely has four lines in the plot! Conrad ruins Celica's story every time he shows up, because the writers have no idea HOW to make him show up without making Celica act like an idiot for no reason!

Thank you

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32 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Definitely! They're doing a good job at portraying the characters as they were!

Hehehehehehe... my master plan, it is working! xD

That's one of the things i appreciate about the series most!


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40 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Why?! Why do you exist?! Literally every single dumb moment in this stupid fucking story is your fault!

Dolth was alone, battered to shit and yet the writers felt the need to make Celica act like a braindead moron just so Conrad can swoop in and save her for the millionth time. It's so fucking forced! The only purpose this character serves is to worsen Celica's story, and yet people hate Faye? Who cares about Faye?! She's completely inoffensive, she barely has four lines in the plot! Conrad ruins Celica's story every time he shows up, because the writers have no idea HOW to make him show up without making Celica act like an idiot for no reason!

Whoa... meltdown time, i see.

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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Says the one with the posessed Julia in their sig. 😒

I once had Blanco Face in my sig, and you know how much i hate him 😛

I do like Julia tho, but FE4 gen 2 story i find very very weak

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Now that Celica has reached the safety of Dolth's fortress, I've decided to go with Alm's team for a while.

Ah yes, arcanists in the forest. My favorite. Oof... Well, we made it thought, with the power of luck and implemented save states. Now I just have to kill Berkut, Fernand and their squad and it's over.

33 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

Thank you

You're welcome.

16 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Whoa... meltdown time, i see.

This second run of Echoes has generally improved my outlook on the game. Except for Conrad. Conrad fucking sucks. Worst character in the entire game. He's even worse than Kris, honestly. Because at least the writers didn't make Marth into a damsel-in-distress just so Kris gets to look good. Four fucking times.

12 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

People way overrate Echoes Story.

Oh absolutely. Is it Better Than Fates? Sure. Is it good? Hell no. It's riddled with so many issues. It just looks pretty, but beauty is only skin-deep.

12 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

But tbh, they do the same to FE4.

I'm inclined to agree. FE4 has some of the highest highs of FE, but the rest is just... Hello bossman, I will now beat you up, hello next bossman, I'm going to beat you up too. They're not even close to the more interesting bossmen in the series, either.

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's riddled with so many issues.

My biggest issue with it honestly is Alm. His existence just throws the story themes outta window. Also he has almost avatar levels of worshipping.

Celica sure has her idiocy moments, but this feels more like forced plot idiocy or something. Also her gang is just more fun

Yeah i know they are working with a game with a basic plot from the 90s, but come on....

6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

FE4 has some of the highest highs of FE, but the rest is just... Hello bossman, I will now beat you up, hello next bossman, I'm going to beat you up too. They're not even close to the more interesting bossmen in the series, either

I hope in a remake they can make gen 2 much more interesting tbh. It's imo what the game needs most, more than really necessary gameplay changes even.

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Buh-bye, Lies man.

Gotta say, of all the new characters, I feel Berkut is the best. He's not without his issues, but I do find it rather adorable how they actually did something interesting with the whole concept of retreating, for once. It's not entirely without consequence, like say Hubert, the man falls from grace because of his continuous defeats and goes more and more insane because of it. I like it, it's neat.

...Unlike Fernand, who remains a completely static character until two seconds before he dies. Oof.

5 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

My biggest issue with it honestly is Alm. His existence just throws the story themes outta window. Also he has almost avatar levels of worshipping.

Celica sure has her idiocy moments, but this feels more like forced plot idiocy or something. Also her gang is just more fun

Yeah i know they are working with a game with a basic plot from the 90s, but come on....

Yes, I agree with most of this. Especially the part of Celica's gang being more fun.

Well, uh... just one small correction.

5 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

Conrad sure has his idiocy moments, but this feels more like forced plot idiocy or something

Seriously, Conrad is the singular, fatal flaw of Celica's story so far. I know I haven't gotten to the infamous massive dumb moment with Jedah, but... Sheesh, until then, Conrad is singlehandedly responsible for all the stupidity in Celica's route. It all happens for the sake of accomodating him. You take him out of the equation, and all the nonsense with the random landslide, Celica and Saber almost dying to a random cantor, Celica sacrificing herself to Dolth after the man is beaten for no reason... there's no need for any of it anymore. It's so annoying.

5 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

I hope in a remake they can make gen 2 much more interesting tbh. It's imo what the game needs most, more than really necessary gameplay changes even.

Yes, gen 2 was a pretty huge snooze overall.

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28 minutes ago, Shrimp γ said:

I once had Blanco Face in my sig, and you know how much i hate him 😛

I do like Julia tho, but FE4 gen 2 story i find very very weak

So... It's a love_hate deal, then? Interesting, Shrimpy. Very interesting...

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