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16 minutes ago, Lorneus said:

Zsnes ran pretty well on the computer I had when I was a wee lad back in like 1999 or something, but I'm not sure where to find the best translation for the game. The one I had was broken beyond words near the end and you had to remember what the menus meant because they showed characters I didn't even know existed instead of actual words.

I do imagine most Snes roms would work fine with Zsnes though. Only had like one game that had problems, which was Star Ocean, for some obscure reason.

1999, wow, I didn't know translation for these games was that old.

17 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

First find a SNES emulator, SNES 9x is my preferred emulator, but it should be easy to find one. Next you need to find a ROM, which is questionably legal, and might have some risk in this step (just make sure you run a virus scan after getting it, and note it should not be an executable file), but easy enough to google if you try. Then you need to patch it,

This is the best translation patch for FE4, and you can download it here, and just follow the instructions on the page to patch it.

Thank you for that tip. 

I'll check out both emulators and see which one would work best for me, or find another one that would work better.

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9 minutes ago, Lorneus said:

Zsnes ran pretty well on the computer I had when I was a wee lad back in like 1999 or something, but I'm not sure where to find the best translation for the game. The one I had was broken beyond words near the end and you had to remember what the menus meant because they showed characters I didn't even know existed instead of actual words.

It might be worth replaying it with a more recent translation patch then. Both FE 4 and FE 5 have the complete game translated (and they are both relatively recent, in last 5ish years...). I already linked to the Project Naga patch for FE 4 above, and there are even two completed ones for FE5, the slightly older Project Exile, and more recent Lil' Manster patch (which is easier to find on this site).

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Uhhh it's probably closer to VNs than like, The Sims lol.

I mean for starters you don't actually get to explore areas. You simply pick where you wanna go and then the game decides what items and maybe battles to give you.

Huh. Yeah, it does seem minimalist at least XD Makes me think of when I spat at Iris 2 for not allowing you to actually walk around the world map, and then realizing how much of a pain it was when going back to Iris 1 XD

4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yearly release be like that. Been that way since the very beginning. There'll be 22 total Atelier games next year (not counting spin-offs).

Heck sometimes you get a year like 2019 in which we got Atelier Lulua and Atelier Ryza in the same year. Might happen again next year two, as it's kinda jarring going from Ryza 2 to Sophie 2, a game in a completely different subseries, especially since it doesn't feel like Ryza's adventures are done yet.

It's kinda funny too cause I was playing Ar Tonelico at the same time, and you really feel the evolution going slowly but steadily in Atelier, and then Ar Tonelico just reaps the benefits in their next game XD Though even if I endured the fanservice in all three Tonelicos (even 3 which was quite intense in that department) I got really tired of it in No Surge. I guess the continuity of the story in the first trilogy kept me hooked at the same time.

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Normally, I would agree but I actually really enjoyed the combat in both Ryza games so I personally think that says a lot about the quality of the combat system when it's able to get me to enjoy a style of combat I normally don't.

I mean, everyone has their own tastes. ATB takes turn-based and packs it with more tempo. I don't particularly like tempo in games so I don't find that aspect to improve on the gameplay. Though there might be other aspects that also could improve its quality in my eyes for those games, I'd have to try it to see.

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Well that is how Atelier has had it's combat usually be (and most turn-based RPGs these days). The only game in the series that I can think of that actually has proper turns is Atelier Sophie, in which everyone selects their action first and then the turn plays out.

Huh, now that I think back on it, it's actually true. Completely forgot that Iris 1 was ATB. I never liked the break mechanic of 2 but it was interesting still. And well, 3 introduced action cards which I liked quite a bit, but especially in Mana Khemia.

13 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Keep in mind those games are currently the last chronologically in their respective continuities so you might miss quite a few things. You should be fine with Lulua as you've already played through Arland but Lydie & Suelle is the last chronological game of the Mysterious series and while I wouldn't want you to do "homework", I do think you would be taking away some of the experience if you went into that game completely blind to what came before it in the continuity.

Ooh, yeah, forgot about that. Now that games start coming back with 2's, I kind of forget they're still linked in mini series. Was Escha and Logy another one that's later in a miniseries?

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6 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

1999, wow, I didn't know translation for these games was that old.

Oh, I meant the emulator itself XD I played it on that emulator, though recently, but all other games also played well on that emulator back then, so I wouldn't see a reason for that one to have failed if it existed. Bottom line is, that emulator shouldn't be a problem for running on basically any computer XD

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1 minute ago, Lorneus said:

Oh, I meant the emulator itself XD I played it on that emulator, though recently, but all other games also played well on that emulator back then, so I wouldn't see a reason for that one to have failed if it existed. Bottom line is, that emulator shouldn't be a problem for running on basically any computer XD

Oh. Heh, yeah I was confused because Melee came out in 2001 so there wouldn't have been much of a western audience for Fire Emblem, if any at all.

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8 minutes ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

It might be worth replaying it with a more recent translation patch then. Both FE 4 and FE 5 have the complete game translated (and they are both relatively recent, in last 5ish years...). I already linked to the Project Naga patch for FE 4 above, and there are even two completed ones for FE5, the slightly older Project Exile, and more recent Lil' Manster patch (which is easier to find on this site).

FE5 was fine honestly with the translation I had, and it's not the game I wish to replay the most XD It WAS very good, but I'm not a very good player, so it was also a frustrating experience.


I got blocked for so long at that survival chapter in a huge village with a billion ballistae

As for FE4, I did wish to replay it to get the alternate children. I should probably get a better translation for that run, yeah. 


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2 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Oh. Heh, yeah I was confused because Melee came out in 2001 so there wouldn't have been much of a western audience for Fire Emblem, if any at all.

Haha, yeah. I didn't own Melee, so it didn't get me into the series, but as soon as I saw Blazing Sword come out I got it the next Christmas. My bro was often looking into new games and we'd look at the titles that interested us the most together. I just loved the artstyle and the class system looked cool so I really wanted it, haha. I dropped it afterwards until Awakening, and only got into the older titles since Heroes came out.

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I can't get over that one translation that certainly took liberties with the dialogue. Especially with Kempf's...

At least it was readable... IN AMERICA!

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Speaking of the "favorite from every class" chart everyone else did a while back but I didn't because I'm lazy, I found an FE character sorter!



I proceeded to spend a long time sorting people.

...I accidentally put Thracia characters into the sorter even though I know only, like, four of them, and accidentally omitted FE7. That's fine, though, 'cause I only meaningfully like Eligood and Canas.


And whaddaya know, it basically got the top three right! Nealuchi's maybe not No. 3, but he's neat.


Don't know how three Thracia characters got into the top 10, though. I guess they must have all gone up against Hilda. Lyon and Oliver both just missed the top 10-11th and 12th out of 505, respectively.

And rounding out at the very bottom, we've got...


That's TH Hilda, I think. FE4's Hilda didn't do much better, but ah well.

Rutger and Hilda are in the right spots, but... I don't like Sue very much, but christ, she's not even close to the same level as Rutger and Hilda. How'd she get there?


Aside from that, Katarina and Kris tied at 420. That's cute, I guess. Jakob was 69th, Janaff was 21st and Alois was 34th. I think that caps off all the meme numbers.


Er, feel free to ask about any other character if you're curious, though!

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Ah, out of a whim I decided to read over my old posts of my Dragon Quest V playthrough. It almost makes me want to start a new playthrough for old times' sake, heh.

Though if I were, I'd also start compiling the most of the script I could (too much party chat to bother making an absolute complete list), mostly to help me out for those few fanfic ideas I have regarding the game.

Also, Bianca who? Last time I chose Nera, and on that matter...

I'll Fuckin' Do It Again | Know Your Meme

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Course as I say that, the Nintendo ninja's are going to arrive at my house to assassinate me tomorrow morning.

I've been hiding from them for nearly a decade.

You get used to it.

5 hours ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Then you'll fit right in with this bunch of S & Ms Ü

I would argue this, but recent weeks have suggeted otherwise.

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11 hours ago, Father Shrimpas said:

Also Kaga didn't write Conrad Ex Machina

This. What I find amazing about Echoes is not that it retains the faults with the original, it's that on top of that it somehow manages to be even worse.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


And, my sympathies. I get fatigued to the point of no more merely from walking around a botanical garden on a warm spring day. I can't imagine an actual hike. You would have to throw me off the mountain to get me back down.

It becomes a tempting option at times, not gonna lie.


My advice- find a mountain that is a secret pathway to Takamagahara next time. Even if they don't let you in, the view from the clouds ought to be lovely.

Hah! Fine, duly noted.

10 hours ago, Benice said:

The worst ever FE fanslated name is Thito.

Thito. Urrrrgghhh...

That's pretty bad, but nothing tops Dryas for me. I still remember the magical day when I first discovered they'd renamed Dorias to Dry Ass on the good wiki. I still grin like an idiot when I think about that stupid fucking name.

9 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

@Saint Rubenio curious, how did you handle the chapter where you are supposed to run from the four crimson leaders? I always sweep them all, personally. Curious if you ran or not.

Haven't handled it yet, I left off right before that. But I did take a look at the map and I think I'd like to try to go for a humilliation of the crimson boys. Revenge for what they did to my house in Terraria.

8 hours ago, Benice said:

Then you'll fit in very well, Ruben's a masochist too!

Damnit, Benice.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Perhaps it's a matter of slowly approaching the matter one step at a time. With hiking, a poor stamina can slow ye down. Already it's recommended that you drink two bottles of water every day to keep a healthy stamina and it certainly helps if you plan on hiking.

Getting competitive is a bad idea while hiking, yeah. You also need to know your limits. While I enjoyed myself, yesterday was absolutely out of my league. I could barely stand by the end.

5 hours ago, Benice said:


And whaddaya know, it basically got the top three right! Nealuchi's maybe not No. 3, but he's neat.


Don't know how three Thracia characters got into the top 10, though. I guess they must have all gone up against Hilda. Lyon and Oliver both just missed the top 10-11th and 12th out of 505, respectively.

And rounding out at the very bottom, we've got...


That's TH Hilda, I think. FE4's Hilda didn't do much better, but ah well.

I mean, Laura at the top is whatever, but I support a list with Nealuchi up there and Hilda at rock bottom.

So where's Frost

5 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Well! That was...surprisingly simple!

Emulation depends a lot on the system, but older systems like the SNES are generally easy to emulate. Their roms are also quite commonplace.


Course as I say that, the Nintendo ninja's are going to arrive at my house to assassinate me tomorrow morning.

Not to worry. I shall call my uncle at Nintendo and ask that they hold off their pursuit.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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Vandal Hearts: "Okay Ruben, this is an escape mission. You must get everyone to the entrance to town in order to flee from the mighty crimson guard. All of their leaders are here, you aren't ready to fight them right now. You must run away before you are massacred."




Not even a single casualty on our side. That was fucking awesome. Heck, pretty sure last time I ran. What was I thinking? This wasn't even that hard. Phase shift is just so broken. If I'd had Eleni as a sorcerer as well, double phase shift would've wiped the floor with these mooks, but I don't mind. It was more interesting this way.

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4 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not even a single casualty on our side. That was fucking awesome. Heck, pretty sure last time I ran. What was I thinking? This wasn't even that hard. Phase shift is just so broken. If I'd had Eleni as a sorcerer as well, double phase shift would've wiped the floor with these mooks, but I don't mind. It was more interesting this way.

It's so satisfying, isn't it? Also, told ya magic was game breaking.

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This. What I find amazing about Echoes is not that it retains the faults with the original, it's that on top of that it somehow manages to be even worse.

Someone actually looked at Gaiden and decided "This needs more damsel in distress moments. How come the heroine never gets kidnapped and hypnotized? This cannot stand!"

The original game was very clear on the fact that her entire mission was misguided and foolish. And yet despite making Celica 10 times as inept as she was in the original game, the remake keeps pushing the idea that she is somehow equal a hero as Alm.

Edited by BrightBow
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11 hours ago, Sooks said:

Aren’t you just a fan because of the funny chest line you read one time?

I may exaggerate my fondness for Rixia because I think doing so is funny, but I think she's interesting from what I know of her and I'm sure I'll like her well enough if I play her games. So it's not just because of that line.

11 hours ago, Sooks said:

Oh yeah, you’ll love this series if you like plot points being slowly resolved across three games. And then there’s the one that gets resolved… 6 games later? Give or take a game. But yeah, Trails loves its twists on plot points you forgot about.

I guessing that when the final Trails game releases in ten years, it will be revealed that the true mastermind behind the whole series is the kid who Estelle and Joshua saved at the beginning of the first game.

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8 hours ago, Lorneus said:

Makes me think of when I spat at Iris 2 for not allowing you to actually walk around the world map

Lydie & Suelle does this as well, you simply pick which area you wanna explore.

Of course, by world map, I'm assuming you mean a Mario style world map cause that's how Atelier usually does it. Although it's been a while since they have, the Ryza games have proper traversable worlds (you can still skip travel tho) and Sophie 2 is probably gonna do the same thing.

Then there's Firis back in 2017, which was open-world-lite and in my eyes served as a prototype for how Ryza 2 would handle exploration.

8 hours ago, Lorneus said:

Ooh, yeah, forgot about that. Now that games start coming back with 2's, I kind of forget they're still linked in mini series. Was Escha and Logy another one that's later in a miniseries?

Yeah, Escha & Logy is the second game of the Dusk series. Although it is the only Atelier (of the modern ones) to not feature the protagonist of the game that came before it. Honestly, it's probably the best "second game" to start with, you wouldn't miss much.

It's really just the "third games" you wouldn't want to start with right away (provided they exist), at least play the "second game" first. So play Escha & Logy before Shallie, play Firis before Lydie & Suelle.

As a side note, the games coming back with "2" is only happening because Ryza set a precedent of having character be the protagonist for more than one game (she was that popular, Ryza 1 is basically the FE Awakening of the series in terms of how many newcomers it brought). As of right now, Ryza and, as of next year, Sophie will be the only protagonists who have that distinction. Sophie 2 is also following a precedent Lulua set, in which a subseries is revisited long after it ended.

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:


Well! That was...surprisingly simple!

Course as I say that, the Nintendo ninja's are going to arrive at my house to assassinate me tomorrow morning.

They will put you out of your misery (FE4 is the second worst FE imo but I hope you enjoy it)

Edited by Armagon
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"Haha look at me, I am a really powerful mage guy, my name is Xeno that's how you know I'm exotic, I am going to kill all of you haha"

Deploys a small army of zombies so weak that every melee fighter one-shots them


12 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

It's so satisfying, isn't it?

Carving a blood geyser in Kane's smug shithead face is great, yeah.

I will say though, this game's AI is a little smarter than the one in most FEs. You know how, in FE, if you clog a chokepoint the enemies will just amass there and wait for eternity? In this game, they turn around and seek another way to the enemy. That's neat... although counterproductive in this case. The poor dudes were so disorganized, it made them into easy pickings.

12 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Also, told ya magic was game breaking.

I did remember magic being insane. It's one of the reasons why I made Eleni into a monk. Monk's not terrible, but there is no denying that it gimps Eleni hard by keeping her from obtaining phase shift, limiting the amount of breakage she can perform alongside Zohar. I also appreciated healing ring, it's been quite the asset a couple times. And her animations are the cutest thing ever, so really, it's a win-win.

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Whenever i see FE4 being played, "Glory to Thracia!" is sure to follow! It is a necessary evil in this world.

1 minute ago, Saint Rubenio said:

"Haha look at me, I am a really powerful mage guy, my name is Xeno that's how you know I'm exotic, I am going to kill all of you haha"

Deploys a small army of zombies so weak that every melee fighter one-shots them


Carving a blood geyser in Kane's smug shithead face is great, yeah.

I will say though, this game's AI is a little smarter than the one in most FEs. You know how, in FE, if you clog a chokepoint the enemies will just amass there and wait for eternity? In this game, they turn around and seek another way to the enemy. That's neat... although counterproductive in this case. The poor dudes were so disorganized, it made them into easy pickings.

I did remember magic being insane. It's one of the reasons why I made Eleni into a monk. Monk's not terrible, but there is no denying that it gimps Eleni hard by keeping her from obtaining phase shift, limiting the amount of breakage she can perform alongside Zohar. I also appreciated healing ring, it's been quite the asset a couple times. And her animations are the cutest thing ever, so really, it's a win-win.

Yeah but their range and later on in the game is why i don't like using a lot of fliers. Easy pickings overall.

Kane deserves death!

Yeah it's nice for such a simple game to actually try something different, but it's still abusable.

Salamander (the phase shift upgrade) is even more insane. XD

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2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

"I've been beaten! But I can't fall here!", 1996

The virgin "I've been defeated, but I can't fall here! I must retreat!" vs the chad "Argh!!! I'm gonna vamoose!"

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Kane deserves death!

Damn straight he does, but if I recall correctly, it will take a while for him to get his.

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Yeah it's nice for such a simple game to actually try something different, but it's still abusable.

A bit, yes, but still. Kudos to 'em.

2 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Salamander (the phase shift upgrade) is even more insane. XD

Good lord. I don't think I got that far last time... Lookin' forward to it.

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2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Damn straight he does, but if I recall correctly, it will take a while for him to get his.

Good lord. I don't think I got that far last time... Lookin' forward to it.

You get to kill him two more times i believe. Look forward to it, Ruben.

It's... pretty bonkers. 

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Of course, by world map, I'm assuming you mean a Mario style world map

Hmm... I guess? I mean, the world map in Iris 1 is a traversable overworld a la Final Fantasy, while Iris 2 is indeed more Mario-style. 

9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Yeah, Escha & Logy is the second game of the Dusk series. Although it is the only Atelier (of the modern ones) to not feature the protagonist of the game that came before it. Honestly, it's probably the best "second game" to start with, you wouldn't miss much.

It's really just the "third games" you wouldn't want to start with right away (provided they exist), at least play the "second game" first. So play Escha & Logy before Shallie, play Firis before Lydie & Suelle.

Thanks for these tips! I'll take note of them for if I get back into the series! 😃

11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

FE4 is the second worst FE imo but I hope you enjoy it

Color me intrigued! I tend to put it in its own little bubble because of how different it plays to the other FEs, but what points make you classify it as such?

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