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8 minutes ago, Benice said:

Playable usually enemy-only classes is always fun for me.

This reminds me how in the original Gaiden both Delthea and Sonya were actually Witches while as enemies, but become Mages when recruiting them. SoV just outright made them Mages.

Understandably if it couldn't be done back in the NES days, but it would've been interesting if they had implemented a third option between "Delthea is saved from having her soul lost to Duma" and "Delthea is killed." As in, Delthea isn't killed, but the party was still too late to save her soul (maybe as a hidden Day-limit where if you take too long to reach the Sluice Gate it happens). However, killing Tatarrah still releases his hold on her, except in this middling phase she is now basically just a soulless husk with some degree of autonomy and personality left who now starts gravitating towards the Deliverance. Cue debate on the implications of taking her along and even use her in battle in her current state, more so if Luthier is in the party who would certainly have an opinion on the matter. Would've been VERY interesting...

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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

it would've been interesting if they had implemented a third option between "Delthea is saved from having her soul lost to Duma" and "Delthea is killed." As in, Delthea isn't killed, but the party was still too late to save her soul (maybe as a hidden Day-limit where if you take too long to reach the Sluice Gate it happens). However, killing Tatarrah still releases his hold on her, except in this middling phase she is now basically just a soulless husk with some degree of autonomy and personality left who now starts gravitating towards the Deliverance. Cue debate on the implications of taking her along and even use her in battle in her current state, more so if Luthier is in the party who would certainly have an opinion on the matter. Would've been VERY interesting...

Yeah, that's a really cool idea.

3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

SoV just outright made them Mages.

Well, it plays with your heart a lot less than thinking you can get self-warping units.

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Just now, Benice said:

Well, it plays with your heart a lot less thank thinking you can get self-warping units.

Well, they can learn Rewarp now, so likely a trade-off/nod to that red herring.

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41 minutes ago, Benice said:

They should have had a playable Faceless, I think.

Then again, I think they should have had a playable Agarthan in TH, so maybe I am invalid.

Personally they have only fists, so they'd have few options and would probably be barely worse than Lancers. It would definitely need more to be interesting, maybe make it one with basic rock, fist and some abilities to make it a debuffer to give it reasons to fight high HP enemies.

I think the main reason I hadn't considered a playable Agarthan was because there were plenty of characters who could have been made playable in CF Part 2 already, but that is definitely an option for that route for sure, not so much for other routes but if 3H had bothered to make a route where that actually made what little sense I could live with it......

27 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I can't imagine ever going to Seiken Densetsu 3 after playing the remake though. The clips of the Super Famicom gameplay I've even seen suggest it's very slow and clunky by modern standards. It's not an action RPG, it's a beached whale of an ATB/turn-based RPG attempting to be action. It was trying to do too much for what its era technically could handle.

I do want to try it actually, because I've heard good things and some of the SNES titles are just limited by pushing at the limits of what is possible.

9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Well, they can learn Rewarp now, so likely a trade-off/nod to that red herring.

It is a neat choice the remake made imo, bringing Rewarp back in a game that came out in the last decade.

(Though it is Fates Warp in practice, should have been like T776/RD)

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2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

I do want to try it actually, because I've heard good things and some of the SNES titles are just limited by pushing at the limits of what is possible.

To be fair, my eagerness for Seiken D3 was tempered by trying the mobile port of Secret of Mana. Even if it improved on its predecessor's base, it probably isn't good enough for me.

ToM remake still has the issue of a little too much pausing to open a menu during the action if you're using a spellcaster, but I would think the original palpably worse.

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Eyyyyy there he is! The man, the myth, the legend!


I've missed you and your dumb face so much in these... uh, few days since my first playthrough.

I still love that this face is a permanent playable character. It's too good.

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42 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Referring to the skill in Tidus's Sphere grid? It comes endgame-late, who other than Tidus will ever have a shot at using before Sin is dead? Postgame? Hellish tedium that nobody should have to be put through. The postgame doesn't exist if you ask me. Meaning, Quick Hit will practically never be used.

Yeah, that skill is literally boring to use. And I mean, I count all the arena battles and such.

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Yep @Shrimpresident, Jusis doesn’t have noble command, Alisa doesn’t have anything that gives everyone insight, Millium doesn’t have Adamantine Guard, and Gaius and Millium do not have delay.

1 hour ago, Shrimpresident said:


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Laura? Elliot? What boring characters, Shrimpy!

Although, those outfits definitely aren’t boring. Interesting…

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9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Laura? Elliot? What boring characters, Shrimpy!


The not boring characters in this game are like, 4

It's hard to make a party without boring character, especially since Rean is forced

9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Millium doesn’t have Adamantine Guard

you can synth this, no?

9 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Alisa doesn’t have anything that gives everyone insight

you can also synth Insight, too

Btw, do you switch MQ around? 

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5 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

you can synth this, no?

you can also synth Insight, too


5 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

Btw, do you switch MQ around? 

Yeah, I keep the best ones among whichever characters the game makes me use.

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57 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

It's kinda both, but i wrote more on that later (maybe you didn'T see it)

And what i came to the conclusion is if the maps atleast played like/felt like i was retaking the country (like in other FE country retaking map), i would've accepted how Alm achieved something then.

But every Alm map was more like a normal RPG mob battle. 

So yeah, it's a Story problem at it's core, but gameplay integration would've fixed a few story problems here for me, and major ones at that

Aaaah, yeah, I think I remember seeing it actually. I guess the story aspect stuck with me more in the end. I can definitely get your point though.

46 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Challenge shouldnt come down to "how to break shit all over the place" and it also shouldnt be "suffocate the player with shit restrictions" creativity and options should be a thing imo, just no sot reliable that it removes thought process.

As Shrimpy said, well said. The thought process removal in a game just invalidates any creativity in the end, because as much creativity as you want to infuse in the game, you know it was never intended to be useful in any way.

38 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

It would be interesting to have a playable "character" who is unconventional in that sense. And not just as a temporary summon-like gimmick like Sacred Stone's Summoner or SoV's Invoke/Conjure spells.

I remember once thinking such a concept for Valentia: A playable witch. How to justify that I was thinking it could be that the soul-offered-to-Duma process happened in one of those rare moments of clarity Duma had, so he was like 'put me out of my misery and don't obey me during my mad moments' or something. So the witch aligns with the heroes due to that decree.

I may be a simp for this hack, but Lonely Mirror allows you to have a pretty unconventional unit in Hard mode 😉 

THough I really like the concept for Valentia! Also with the next part you talked about with Delthea. Would've been awesome to get in the actual game!

30 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I can't imagine ever going to Seiken Densetsu 3 after playing the remake though. The clips of the Super Famicom gameplay I've even seen suggest it's very slow and clunky by modern standards. It's not an action RPG, it's a beached whale of an ATB/turn-based RPG attempting to be action. It was trying to do too much for what its era technically could handle.

Haha, yeah, it very much is XD It being one of my favorite games from my childhood allows me to go back to it easily, but the hitboxes weren't top notch and the movement could be extremely annoying when you didn't care about certain fights. The menus rummaging could break combat flow as well and the fights weren't as interactive. At least they took out the god awful charge system from Mana 1. God that was a chore. 

I'd say however I preferred the immersion it gave, because of the less detailed sprites. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but when I play the remake, the 3D models feel so lifeless. My favorite example is when you get to the cat being "physically bullied" and the characters just... stand around him. The less detailed sprites already have your imagination running for a lot of details, so it's less jarring. Also, while I liked the addition of an epilogue, the dialogue in that part was utter trash. Well, not that the rest of the dialogue is stellar or anything, but it was serviceable and funny at times.

30 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

But then, I've seen some DW2 gameplay, the AI seems as weak as it usually is without you there on the spot, contrary to protestations it wasn't always that way. And the whole "officers can instantly fully heal if you knock them off their feet" sounds incredibly cheap.

Hmm, can't say I've seen anything about DW2. I know DW1 was a fighting game and I always wondered how it evolved to the hack and slash series it became XD AI was always a problem in Warriors games, honestly XD Your allies aren't worth shit, except maybe in certain Empires variants I think. I still remember going in Orochi 1 and just looking at my officer and an infantry unit staring into each other's eyes for minutes, haha. I do remember earlier games had enemy officers HP regen, but I don't remember it being when they're knocked off. I thought it was more of a "when you run off to heal, they're able to regen as well" type of thing.

30 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Referring to the skill in Tidus's Sphere grid? It comes endgame-late, who other than Tidus will ever have a shot at using before Sin is dead? Postgame? Hellish tedium that nobody should have to be put through. The postgame doesn't exist if you ask me. Meaning, Quick Hit will practically never be used.

Yeah, I actually don't remember ever getting that skill and going through the whole game XD Though the extra weapons were pretty broken, even if they required ridiculous dedication to get at times. And the game generally had good difficulty that you could offset if you didn't want to go through it with too much hassle through the monster arena thing in the plains.

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37 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

To be fair, my eagerness for Seiken D3 was tempered by trying the mobile port of Secret of Mana. Even if it improved on its predecessor's base, it probably isn't good enough for me.

Yeah, everything about that Mobile port was bad news from what I heard.

Course, I don't like SoM personally, I've tried the original and was unconvinced.

9 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:


Sothe is Goofy confirmed

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$15 at GameStop, that's pretty neat. @Benice i think you like this type of game.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Miss America, Captain America, Miss Marvel, Captain Marvel, Superman, Superwoman, Supergirl, Spiderman, Batman, Aquaman, literallyfuckingwhateverman... You know what they don't have, though? Creativeman.


Big Wheel is a very creative name, i'll have you know.


7 hours ago, Shrimpresident said:

Honestly, i have half a mind to download CS and get Sooks save file and record the fight, but i really really don't wanna touch CS ever ever again

Maybe if a mod removes Rean i might

You could instead download Metroid Zero Mission for the Nintendo PC and have fun.

6 hours ago, Dayni said:

Why do people assume Latinx is a thing that's got that much clout?

I really do not get it.

I mean it was in Miles Morales already.

Latinx is a thing white gringos are trying to push because "it's more inclusive" even tho it fucks with the very foundations of Spanish.

Could be worse tho, could be this 


Actual cancer, Shrimpy i'm so sorry.

5 hours ago, Lorneus said:

Huh, bosses that are entirely immune to debuffs in general?

This has been a thing in a lot of JRPGs because devs are cowards. Especially in turn-based games..

5 hours ago, Dayni said:

(Get yourself two Sennos)


27 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Jusis doesn’t have noble command

Ok i feel like you're underleveled or some shit cause i don't remember not having Noble Command at this point.

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

You could instead download Metroid Zero Mission for the Nintendo PC and have fun

Honestly, i wanna finish Hollow Knight before i get to other Metroidvanias.

But that game i just keep stoping because some of their design decisions are baffling and frustrating

ESPECIALLY the lack of Check points. Sometimes even boss fights don't have one before them which is just ugh

6 minutes ago, Armagon said:


what the fuck

7 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ok i feel like you're underleveled or some shit cause i don't remember not having Noble Command at this point.

same lol.

Also same with Alisa's insight

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2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Latinx is a thing white gringos are trying to push because "it's more inclusive" even tho it fucks with the very foundations of Spanish.

I mean, I get that "it's gender neutral" is the idea, I did French so I have some idea of romance languages (referring to the languages that had strong influence from Latin in structure)

It as a word just doesn't work for those languages. You would have to reframe things thoroughly to make it fit. And it's definitely a thing pushed by a white subset who think that they are making a massive change by adding a word that doesn't fit a language? Sheesh. (Also TIL Gringo is more specific than White.)

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:


Actual cancer, Shrimpy i'm so sorry.

.....And I thought the histrionics around history were bad.

Not that they still aren't.

3 minutes ago, Armagon said:


I meant it literally, I don't know why y'all are responding like this.

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Okay, I won with the spam S-crafts strategy but I needed a crit to do so.

3 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

same lol.

Also same with Alisa's insight

Well, I don’t feel like grinding, so…

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Well, I don’t feel like grinding, so…

I never grinded


2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Okay, I won with the spam S-crafts strategy but I needed a crit to do so

knew it

even if crit shouldn't be needed, but yeah, S-craft burst just kills everything

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3 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

ESPECIALLY the lack of Check points. Sometimes even boss fights don't have one before them which is just ugh

When you say this, I'm assuming you mean it like "the closest save room to the boss fight is like 10 rooms away" or some shit. Which yeah, that shit sounds awful. 

4 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

what the fuck

Now you know how I feel. 

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

You would have to reframe things thoroughly to make it fit.

It's not just reframing it. You would literally have to tear down the Spanish language and rebuild it from scratch for Latinx to remotely make sense.

2 minutes ago, Dayni said:

Also TIL Gringo is more specific than White.)

I mean yeah, there are gringos who aren't white.

Gringo refers to pretty much anybody from the Uniter States. Hell even I get called a gringo by family members sometimes and my entire family is from Venezuela. 

4 minutes ago, Dayni said:

meant it literally, I don't know why y'all are responding like this

Senno sounds like ceno, which is the Spanish word for breast. And you said have two Sennos.

Have two breasts.

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well, I don’t feel like grinding, so…



Pick one.

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4 minutes ago, Shrimpresident said:

I never grinded

I’m not saying you did, I’m saying I would have to to be not overleveled.

Edited by Sooks
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We're already Latin (Americans) to them. Just use Latin then, smh. Or Hispanic. Just Hispanic and Lusophone.

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5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

When you say this, I'm assuming you mean it like "the closest save room to the boss fight is like 10 rooms away" or some shit. Which yeah, that shit sounds awful

The last one i faced had a whole mini dungeon before it without checkpoint ugh

5 minutes ago, Armagon said:



Pick one.



Now you know how I feel.

Man, as lefty as i am (and euro center lefty is like communist to muricans) i just can't stand some parts of the woke culture

4 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’m not saying you did, I’m saying I would have to to be not overleveled.


say, did the quest had a long time where it's available? Trails has alot of quests where it's available at the beginning of the section but you can do it the end of it (the ones with LONG)

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