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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

It's only me and you here who despise CS here, so....

Thats not really my point, though. 

Like, I cant count how many times the whole "holy shit, if only girls in games wore pants!" BS came up and was "justified" but when someone else says something, its sudeenly not okay. 

Like, hypocritical much?

Edited by lightcosmo
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Ah hell naw, this one's a war crime.

9 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean yeah, but they're all old tracks, and from the looks of it, quite heavy-handedly adapted to the "new" game, too. Not exactly the pinnacle of effort, this.

They're old tracks yes but just because they're old doesn't mean they're without effort. Retro courses have been a thing since Double Dash and while this is skewing the ratio, it's not like it's a brand new concept for the series.

The Super Circuit tracks alone might as well be new ones. Super Circuit was just Super Mario Kart But Again but you wouldn't know that based on how they play in Mario Kart 8.

Literally the only thing that's a bit jarring is the artstyle shift but it's hardly a dealbreaker when for free because i'm in my friend's NSO group $25, i can double the size of the game. 

A Mario Kart 9 would've been great but when Mario Kart 8 is consistently at the top of Switch charts, it honestly might be better to just wait until the next console for 9. That's the business perspective on this.

9 hours ago, Dayni said:

when it comes to tracks from older games do they do large graphical updates with changes to the background? I don't know.

The artstyle usually has changed to reflect the current game.

That being said, 8's artstyle is the only one that's distinct. Why the DLC courses are using the Tour artstyle, idk (especially when the Wii U DLC courses still used 8's artstyle) but the Tour artstyle itself isn't that different from what you'd see in Mario Kart 7 or Wii.

8 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

I think the fact that it isnt a standalone is what makes it amazing to me. To have such great storytelling revolving around the same cast and areas? Its not common, and its difficult to execute well.

It is done well, especially when you consider how Takahashi kept getting screwed over. Not many series tell overarching storylines like this, the only other big ones (in the sense of scope) are Kingdom Hearts and Trails. And Kingdom Hearts' writing is lmao (sorry Cosmo) and Trails is good but it's long running narrative, it's greatest asset, is also it's greatest curse.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why oh why is there limited inventory space in Pokemon.

Stop making me toss away all these temporary statboosters that I would've never used anyway.

I think that's just a pre-Gen 4 thing.

2 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Presley rekt

Hey man, he's right, they are walking towards the future hand in hand.......covered in blood.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

As someone who hasn't played beyond a bit of Xenogears ages ago I should not have watched this, should I?

Xenogears has no direct bearing on Xenoblade's plot anyways.

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Sometimes I just chuckle at the logic of inventory spaces.

"No, there's no more room for one more Potion... but sure, shove like fifty more Pokéballs in there, there's space!" lol

I don't remember if I ever had to deal with the inventory limits of early Pokémon games, but ultimately I don't see it as much of a bother. It's a bag, of course it has limited space!

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On the topic of Trails, I finished Trails in the Sky SC. It almost brings a tear to my eye...

One could say that Weissmann


was a bit salty about losing. It almost makes you feel sorry for him... almost.

I didn't think Kevin was so hardcore. So all this time his real goal was to execute Weissmann for defecting from the church? I wonder if he'll get his own game to explain why he's like that...

I thought Campanella was going to be the one to execute Weissmann for his failure before the mystery man turned out to be Kevin. But Campanella did show up afterwards, so I was on the right track. Clearly Ouroboros isn't through with their plans yet, especially since they'll be in Xenoblade 3. What happened with the Aureole? It didn't seem like it was destroyed, so will it come back later?

My supergenius intellect predicted that Ragnard would save the dynamic duo during the ending, but I didn't think Cassius would join him. Dad obviously couldn't sit out from the ending, of course. Speaking of the ending didn't truly have resolutions for the other party members, but that's what the 3rd is for so it's fine. Renne is also missing, so we'll see if Estelle carries on the Bright family tradition of adopting Enforcers.

Alas, poor Loewe! I saw his change of heart and subsequent sacrifice coming, but it was still effective. I felt bad about leaving his body behind, but now he can be with Karin.

I have Sky the 3rd already, but I'm not in a rush to start it yet since this game didn't end on a cliffhanger. To commemorate Valentine's Day, here's an immortal Estelle quote:


"I'm... well, for a little while I was sort of trying to be his replacement sister without knowing it... but I couldn't really replace you. I guess now I'm, um, his girlfriend."

It fits the season; Estelle and Joshua are a pretty cute couple, after all.



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 Ah, the memories ;_;

So good, so good

And yes, questions and party member resolutions in Sky3rd!


especially since they'll be in Xenoblade 3.

Xenoblade was the story of ancient Zemuria all along

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12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So I was talking with @TheChoZenOne on Discord, and this led to that, and I ended up theorizing that Garon is actually a good guy. He was playing the part of the bad guy so that heroes would rise up in revolt and ruin Anankos's plans. That's why he was so obviously, ridiculously evil. His children were complete idiots, so he had to ham up the act more and more in hopes that they'd finally get the hint. Cho proposed the "Garons of increasing discomfort" were actually him trying to hold back the tears and stick to the role, as his daughter's beautiful performance had moved him so much. He finally succeeded in his plans when he t-posed on top of his throne and ranted about wanting to burn both Nohr and Hoshido, finally making his sons understand. Unfortunately, Anankos realized his plans and ate his screentime for breakfast. That's why he only has two scenes in Rev.

It was at around this point that we realized, that's just Rudolf. Garon is Rudolf confirmed. But that's just a theory--

It's not just a different artist, it's the best artist.


Oh God, the memories. What the heck was I thinking? How did I ever think this was remotely acceptable...?

I mean, let's not kid ourselves here - Garon's reaction to his son crossdressing would make Mr. "you are a disgrace" look like the most supportive dad in the world.

...Or maybe he would accept it. I mean, his daughter walks around in her panties and he doesn't seem to mind. Maybe Garon is actually a really progressive and understanding man, underneath the gray skin, the horrible beard and the cartoonishly evil demeanor.

I am The ChoZen One and I approve this message

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12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, his daughter walks around in her panties and he doesn't seem to mind.

12 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Maybe Garon is actually a really progressive

This was funny in ways you probably didn't intend.

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2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

No, that doesn't say Alm is currently in danger. That's Jedah making a threat. You can trigger that without Alm being near the Dragon's Maw in both Gaiden and SoV. The critical line is the one I borught up earlier:

Alm’s trapped in Dragon Mountain. You must want to save him.

Like I said:

Between this, and Alm being unable to leave the Dragon's Maw, Gaiden is spelling it out for you that he is truly trapped.

However, SoV removes the ability to get trapped. It's not just a QoL feature, because SoV likewise removes the above line about Alm being trapped. It also removes the conditional trigger in my quote. So in Gaiden, Alm has to become trapped in Dragon's Maw, fight a couple battles, then Jedah mentions that Alm in trapped and Celica can save him, prompting her to accept. After which Alm stops being trapped, showing Jedah held his side of the bargain.

Meanwhile, in SoV, Jedah begins his talk as soon as Celica reaches the top without having to move Alm to the Dragon's Maw and makes no mention of Alm being trapped even if he is there.

Physically unable to continues, yes, no one is disputing that.

If SoV was the only thing we had, then yes, you could have the benefit of doubt. However, we have Gaiden before it, which in both gameplay makes Alm unable to leave and the story has Jedah outright state he's trapped. SoV meanwhile removes the trap in the gameplay and removes the mention of Alm being trapped in the story.

Since I'm near the end of Act 3, I can offer to find proof of my own. Show it's totally possible to move Celica to the top of Duma's tower, then move Alm to the Dragon's Maw afterwards. Perhaps both cutscenes play consecutively, perhaps not. So I'm willing to find out myself since Youtube doesn't seem to give me anything. No one plays in that way, apparently.

Or vice versa. But again, not relevant to the original notion of Conrad's rescues of Celica. Which is what my post of eleven days ago was about.

Yeah but like- Regardless of how you play the game- That's just a matter of gameplay and story segregation. Especially when Gaiden fully confirmed the idea and SOV didn't contradict this approach. When SOV chooses to deviate from Gaiden, they make sure to have it abundantly clear. Like going out of their way to make Alm fully show his care for Mycen or not have Lukas be a douchebag. They just didn't massively explore Dragons Maw like a lot of things in the lategame (and all the scrapped content is more proof of this sadly). They never have dialogue of Alm telling his army to fall back nor does the story acknowledge that Alm can go back. if Alm was not supposed to be in any real danger, Jedah would not mention Alm at all. Especially in the idea that she'd lose him, Jedah only talks about that kind of thing when Alm is stuck in Gaiden so to have it in Echoes too only makes clear about what the devs attempted to do. It's still something Celica had to do to help him out.

My points involve the disagreement on the idea that Celica's route didn't get massive positives like Alm's did. And them repurposing the rockslide doesn't invalidate everything else in her route nor the massive expansions on her character. There is a degree of balance here since Alm and Celica don't get the same grip over every single event like they used to. They're changed to need help from other people. And the devs have 100% reaffirmed on this by pushing an idea of Lukas being Alm + the Villagers' teacher and the CD drama double downs on it once they're able to make Lukas fully relevant to the story (perma-death is a problem).

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Ok Saito, listen to me. You gave Nia a hoodie and she never used it.

Please let Eunie wear her hoodie at least once. A cosmetic option would be fine too.

I didn't even realize she had a hoodie until i saw this, can her design get any more perfect?

The sauce

15 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Xenoblade was the story of ancient Zemuria all along

Trails is just copying Xeno's homework the entire time



Validar even copied Weltall's pose when hand-to-hand combat, i can't believe Trails has been ripping off Xeno this whole time.


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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Validar even copied Weltall's pose when hand-to-hand combat, i can't believe Trails has been ripping off Xeno this whole time.


And they somehow managed to make Giant Mecha battles ass

Imagine the talent required to do that

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1 minute ago, Shrimpolaris said:

And they somehow managed to make Giant Mecha battles ass

Imagine the talent required to do that

Mech combat in Xeno wasn't that good until Saga 3 but yeah, agreed.

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15 minutes ago, Seazas said:

Yeah but like- Regardless of how you play the game- That's just a matter of gameplay and story segregation. Especially when Gaiden fully confirmed the idea and SOV didn't contradict this approach. When SOV chooses to deviate from Gaiden, they make sure to have it abundantly clear. Like going out of their way to make Alm fully show his care for Mycen or not have Lukas be a douchebag. They just didn't massively explore Dragons Maw like a lot of things in the lategame (and all the scrapped content is more proof of this sadly). They never have dialogue of Alm telling his army to fall back nor does the story acknowledge that Alm can go back. if Alm was not supposed to be in any real danger, Jedah would not mention Alm at all. Especially in the idea that she'd lose him, Jedah only talks about that kind of thing when Alm is stuck in Gaiden so to have it in Echoes too only makes clear about what the devs attempted to do. It's still something Celica had to do to help him out.

It's not. The gameplay and story in Gaiden integrate by refusing to let you move Alm out of the Dragon's Maw, and that you need to move him there to begin with and have a couple skirmishes in there to trigger Jedah's dialogue. SoV changes all this. SoV removes the trap, the dialogue trigger, and the relevant line of dialogue itself. Those are big changes, so SoV does make it clear it's deviating from Gaiden for this too. The danger is still there, it's just no longer "Alm has become trapped in a dracozombie filled zone, you must save him ASAP". Jedah instead preys on Alm's remaining battles against Rigel, and later showing Celica Mila's body and speak of her self-sealing, to provoke Celica to give up her soul. "Do this and he won't have to put himself in further danger as the gods will take care of everything like it used to be" is the message he's selling her. Which is why Celica accepts right there and then in SoV, and not wait until Alm is in actual danger like back in Gaiden.

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2 hours ago, Dayni said:

I imagine them filled with wafer for some reason.

Same. They look appropriately light, thin and crispy for being wafer cookies. I would gladly receive one during communion with the Great Spirit of the Way of Heavenly Duty- Okami no Ninten-do.

2 hours ago, Dayni said:

I apologise, I should be more sensitive on the matter.

No biggie.😀

I'm the overly sensitive one here. When Luminous Arc 3 stepped into the usual "death is what give life meaning" JRPG drivel for all of five seconds during a lategame big bad confrontation, I felt a little "I don't want to hear this!🙉". And then it was... October I think, when I overheard a relative discussing for a few minutes some of the patients they treat on a daily basis who were clearly not long for this world, it triggered a little depressive relapse in me perhaps a month at best from the last major episode at the time. When Shakyamuni, that prince who was spared the sight of old age, sickness and death until he like 30 so the stories go, finally saw those three things, he set out and soon acquired the serenity of enlightenment. If only I could do the same.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Ah hell naw, this one's a war crime.

Is that the thing from the "How is this a family-friendly game?" scene you described before? Humanity's depravity knows no bounds. Our humor is as black as our hearts.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Why the DLC courses are using the Tour artstyle, idk (especially when the Wii U DLC courses still used 8's artstyle)

One cynical commenter I saw said it's because Tour hasn't done as well as Nintendo thought it would. Therefore, salvage its assets for the game that actually brings in the cash. 

Other critics questioned if the DLC will feature antigravity portions or if that would be too much effort to add (not that antigravity does that much for the experience). And a few others have thought the MK8 aesthetic would be too expensive to replicate to sell 48 courses for only $25.

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I want to keep writing, got a half-finished chapter I want to finish, but once again it assaults me the lack of mood... for the entire day...

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44 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Is that the thing from the "How is this a family-friendly game?" scene you described before? Humanity's depravity knows no bounds. Our humor is as black as our hearts.

Yep. They're foul for making that a Valentine's Day card lmao.

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