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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Wait, we're dunking on CS again?! 

Sure im game! 

Sooks, be happy you havent started III yet, in fact I reccommend a mod or simply editing the Nightmare mode stat multiplliers yourself (takes a second with hex editing) otherwise, your gonna find yourself in the same position.

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1 minute ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Mcburn ➡️Mcdonadls ➡️ Hamburger

Well that’s… creative.

Then again, any name is better than McBurn. Well, other than Wazy Hemisphere. Why are this series’ names so bad?

1 minute ago, lightcosmo said:

Sooks, be happy you havent started III yet, in fact I reccommend a mod or simply editing the Nightmare mode stat multiplliers yourself (takes a second with hex editing) otherwise, your gonna find yourself in the same position.

Just now, Shrimpolaris said:

He can use the community mod if he wants

I’d like to experience the game as is before resorting to anything like that, just to see what happens next on the thrilling tale of CS difficulty.

I also have no idea what hex editing is.

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Hmm, either something was changed, or it looks like just going back to the Title Screen from the Save Files doesn't reset what Town Event you'll get...

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I'm trying to beat a map in Triangle Stratregy that demands I escape with everyone and suffer no losses.

I mean, sure, I could cheese it with Anna, but that's boring. So instead, I'm failing over and over due to dumb mistakes. Y'know, what else is new.

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6 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I’d like to experience the game as is before resorting to anything like that, just to see what happens next on the thrilling tale of CS difficulty.

I also have no idea what hex editing is.

Well, we warned you! Xd

I could guide you step by step, easily! 

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7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Well that’s… creative.

Not really tbh. It's the first thing that came to mind and everyone in the community gave him a similiar joke name anyway xD

7 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Why are this series’ names so bad?

Japanese games and fantasy engrish names

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I did Moon Door 5 and... hmm...


12 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Wait, we're dunking on CS again?! 

You say that as if you don't always do that.

2 hours ago, Sooks said:

I’m gonna need another long break after this one…

Maybe you know this already, but CSII has a New Game Plus exclusive sidequest that CSIII will assume you've seen. I heard it's important so here is a video on it, since I assume you don't want to play the game again (or I assume the video covers it, since I haven't watched it).

Also, since you are now in a position to have an opinion on this, do you think it's acceptable to play Cold Steel I and II before Zero and Azure?


I know CSII has a segment where you play as Lloyd and Rixia, so I'd like to know if it ruins the Crossbell experience or something.


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17 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Not really tbh. It's the first thing that came to mind and everyone in the community gave him a similiar joke name anyway xD

Sarcasm detector status: failed

14 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Maybe you know this already, but CSII has a New Game Plus exclusive sidequest that CSIII will assume you've seen.

No, actually, I didn’t know that. Thanks for the heads up.

Why would they lock something like that behind NG+?


I heard it's important so here is a video on it, since I assume you don't want to play the game again (or I assume the video covers it, since I haven't watched it).



Also, since you are now in a position to have an opinion on this, do you think it's acceptable to play Cold Steel I and II before Zero and Azure?

  Reveal hidden contents

I know CSII has a segment where you play as Lloyd and Rixia, so I'd like to know if it ruins the Crossbell experience or something.



Stuff that’s casually thrown around in Cold Steel, specifically in the first game, massively spoils Azure, and Azure gives you enough info to know where CS is going that I at least found nice when I was just doing a lot of school stuff.

CS2 only really contains one light spoiler, which you referenced in the spoiler box, and other than that could I guess nicely tease Azure since you have no idea what the Azure info in that game is about, but it works equally well as an “aha!” moment for people who already played that one.

Azure does “spoil” a bit of CS2, but like, super pointlessly, now that I’ve played them both. And Azure has a better plot, so it’s better that CS2 be spoiled than it.

I think the best way to play the games is in release order BUT close your eyes and cover your ears during Azure’s ending movie thing.

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12 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Sarcasm detector status: failed

My mind is somewhere else atm 😛


12 minutes ago, Sooks said:

No, actually, I didn’t know that. Thanks for the heads up.

Why would they lock something like that behind NG+?

Falcom being Falcom.

It's why i started with NG+ without anything carried over

Gives you a Sky style boss fight as well if you don'T carry anything over.



Now that was a good boss fight

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22 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Falcom being Falcom.

It's why i started with NG+ without anything carried over

Huh… should I do that for CS3 and CS4?


Gives you a Sky style boss fight as well if you don'T carry anything over.



That was a good boss fight

Nonsense Shrimpy, I see it isn’t completely immune to delay. It can’t be a Sky boss fight if it doesn’t get to attack!

9 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Sooks watching old Shrimpy: What a cute optimistic thing

Sooks watching current Shrimpy: What a monster

All your old Trails posts are all xD this and :D that. I don’t recall you ever posting like that about Trails in this thread since my days here, although iirc one of your first Teehees involved a CS3 screenshot.

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2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Huh… should I do that for CS3 and CS4?

Not needed iirc. Only if you want to unlock all bondings

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Nonsense Shrimpy, I see it isn’t completely immune to delay. It can’t be a Sky boss fight if it doesn’t get to attack!

despite that, his high HP and speed meant you can't dely him forever or just relay on RNG (unlike others where you can try 3 delay attacks before they attack again) or burst him down.

He also has that Advance Lost Art 😄

I legit panicked when he did that.

5 minutes ago, Sooks said:

All your old Trails posts are all xD this and :D that. I don’t recall you ever posting like that about Trails in this thread since my days here

What losing all hope does to someone. I still had hope until halfway through CS3 where school just cracked me and then i kept going down the despair hole

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"Trails characters are like onions." -Shrek

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Star Wars fans are incredibly angry about characters like Agent Collar, Saesse Tin and Aunt Beru not being playable in Skywalker Saga while Mama the Hutt is in. Some even claim to have cancelled their preorders over playable roster misgivings. I guess they missed the fact that characters in this game are grouped into classes and types and Mama was obviously only added in to be another large character and for comedy (in my Lego game?! Unconceivable!).

If I had a preorder, I would cancel it if classic characters like Guvan Dupan, Blam Supplebutt, and Zorgla Flamblakin were left out. Wait, they're from Rogue One so they can't be in the base game... at least Admiral Akbar is in. Indiana Jones should come back too.

More importantly, are J.J. Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy still in?

46 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Stuff that’s casually thrown around in Cold Steel, specifically in the first game, massively spoils Azure, and Azure gives you enough info to know where CS is going that I at least found nice when I was just doing a lot of school stuff.

CS2 only really contains one light spoiler, which you referenced in the spoiler box, and other than that could I guess nicely tease Azure since you have no idea what the Azure info in that game is about, but it works equally well as an “aha!” moment for people who already played that one.

That's strange, I'd think CSII would be the more spoilery game. If I play Crossbell first, Reverie may or may not release in October 2023 so I should be able to finish... five games between Azure's release and then, even if I'm not too concerned about playing Reverie on release. Although, I started Sky FC almost four months ago and I still haven't finished the 3rd...

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despite my current appearance

used to really really really love Trails with all i am. You can kinda see this in the old posts Sooks how happy the series made me, Sooks. 

It's a series i used to think can do no wrong, and i was all smiley happy whenever i got to talk about it

Even with CS1 i was like "It's school, it had trouble, but there's potential and it will get better...right?" so i kept my hopes up, and many people were like "CS2 is better"

Then CS2 came and you can see in the thread how my mood is worsening by the post and how i was pretty negative in the end

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11 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Not needed iirc. Only if you want to unlock all bondings

Eh, too much effort for events I can simply reset for and then Google at the end.

11 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

He also has that Advance Lost Art 😄

I legit panicked when he did that.

Oh yeah, the thing I stuck on Alisa and used like twice because I literally never needed it.

11 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

What losing all hope does to someone. I still had hope until halfway through CS3 where school just cracked me and then i kept going down the despair hole


4 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

That's strange, I'd think CSII would be the more spoilery game. If I play Crossbell first, Reverie may or may not release in October 2023 so I should be able to finish... five games between Azure's release and then, even if I'm not too concerned about playing Reverie on release. Although, I started Sky FC almost four months ago and I still haven't finished the 3rd...

CS1 occurs during most of Azure and ends basically at the beginning of Azure’s mini penultimate chapter thing right before the finale. There’s not a whole lot of game left for CS2 to spoil. The big plot occurrence at the finale is mentioned, because you’ll notice Trails arcs aren’t allowed to end without at least one continent altering phenomenon taking place that the main party goes and investigates while the rest of the world is like “wut”.

Also, Geofront patch! Even if you want to support Falcom, you can always buy the games once they come out instead of waiting.

6 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:


despite my current appearance

used to really really really love Trails with all i am. You can kinda see this in the old posts Sooks how happy the series made me, Sooks. 

It's a series i used to think can do no wrong, and i was all smiley happy whenever i got to talk about it

I saw this a bit in Armagon’s old thread too, yeah.

6 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Even with CS1 i was like "It's school, it had trouble, but there's potential and it will get better...right?" so i kept my hopes up, and many people were like "CS2 is better"

Then CS2 came and you can see in the thread how my mood is worsening by the post and how i was pretty negative in the end

CS2 is really hard to compare to CS1. It has much higher highs and much lower lows, I’d just say I prefer it because it actually has a plot for a bit, unlike the first game.

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Woo! I did it! I beat No Soldier Left Behind without cheesing it with Anna!

With a full team, a huge amount of reinforcements appear on this map. I couldn't think of a way to slip past without losing someone (and then losing period), so I opted for a simpler strategy: kill every last one of them, damn their overwhelming numbers.

That was the most difficult thing I've done in this game so far, but it was so much fun. Forces from all three countries could not even begin to stand against Lionel's ability to put people to sleep by talking too much. Hah!

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8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

It has much higher highs and much lower lows

I don't think it even has any real highs beyond Act 1.

Act 1 is really damn good tho, i give it that, but it's only what, 25% of the game? Can't make up for the fucked up rest (especially Act 2 and epilogue)

And even Act 1 has a pretty big lack of consequences. If only at the end something of note actually happened

8 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I saw this a bit in Armagon’s old thread too, yeah

Armagon's old Thread? I posted in that?

Ah the general Trails Thread. Haven't posted there in a while

as in


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1 minute ago, Shrimpolaris said:

I don't think it even has any real highs beyond Act 1.

Act 1 is really damn good tho, i give it that, but it's only what, 25% of the game? Can't make up for the fucked up rest (especially Act 2 and epilogue)

And even Act 1 has a pretty big lack of consequences. If only at the end something of note actually happened

Act 2 wasn’t that bad once you adjust to the horrendous pacing imo, and sprinkled throughout it are some really great character moments (thanks Jusis and Fie), while the finale is pretty darn good and the divertissement is hype.

Act 2 only took me a little longer than Act 1 did, iirc.

1 minute ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Armagon's old Thread? I posted in that?

Yeah, you were all “welcome to the club :D” and stuff.

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1 minute ago, Sooks said:

Act 2 wasn’t that bad once you adjust to the horrendous pacing imo

no, not really.

I hated it, and not just the pacing

I hated almost everything in it. Aside from some Jusis and Fie moments, but generally fucking blanco was the focus.

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

while the finale is pretty darn good and the divertissement is hype

and then the epilogue comes to fuck everything up

2 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Yeah, you were all “welcome to the club :D” and stuff.

lmao i gotta see that xD

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