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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Reading Nowi's supports is making her even worse.

It's so cute and wholesome, until I remember that it leads to... You know.

Damnit, IntSys.

Anyway, Gregor continues to be the greatest character in games.

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8 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

>it's been almost a year


The subjectivity and illusiveness of time.

9 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

There is one solution to that.


Clear your mind and don't let these thoughts spread.

Dude, you're talking to the guy who can't read a good magazine article without having irrelevant thoughts slip back into their head. And unless my pulse is racing from the road being too hairy for comfort, probably thinks too many distracting thoughts when driving.

To think is to live, IMO. And in the absence of better thoughts strong or distracting enough to kick them out, self-doubt and criticism live rent-free in my cranium. Although, the line under my username is in equal parts a reference to this. Which will send you to an asylum trying to get through it as I've learned firsthand.

9 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

That's it. There are 7 billion people on this planet. Someone will take an interest in you and enjoy your company.

Quite possible, true. 

And thank goodness I live in the age of the Internet, as knowing myself, I would in all likelihood would feel very uneasy sitting in a corner in a bar or something. I'd probably only become comfortable there if I was already in a relationship. As strange as it sounds for a grown adult -particularly when we're talking a hypothetical gay bar which almost by definition is welcoming I'd think- I would feel better off with someone to "anchor" me. Sounds clingy and dependent, odd for someone whose neurological differences inclines them to getting lost in their own little world, and yet, feeling "alone & adrift" at a large social gathering leaves me quite uncomfortable.


3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, what the absolute--

I did not need to see that, Observer.

Neither did I. Curse me.👿

Just powerful IRL proof that subjective age doesn't have to match your physiological age, and in a beneficial way for once.

31 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, for crying out loud, Roy's interactions with Cecilia have exactly zero romanticism to them. They clearly respect and admire each other, but then it just jumps to fuckery for absolutely no reason.

I hate that pairing so much. Worst pairing in all of FE, seriously. Who came up with it? Who was it?

Isn't HectorxFlorina worse? Have you repressed all your memories of Blazing Blade? Or, did you actually want to be Hector when Florina's pegasus came falling down on him?

I agree that supports really should provide a hint of a potential "prelude to love" if it will end in marriage. Not necessarily a very direct "I will never let you go", but something that clearly indicates lasting romance is a possibility. -With proper chemistry preceding that prelude.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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26 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I keep forgetting that I'll need to make room for this girl. The team is already bursting at the seams, and I'll need to fit Henry in too... Oof. People are gonna have to go.

You better! 

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32 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's how it goes if you defend them? Wow, that's... rather not great. I'll say it definitely feels less dumb if you do the other thing.

Pretty much. It feels like they’re trying to railroad the choices to the same place, since 


the offer to make Serenoa saint in the first place ONLY makes sense if you went straight to Hyzante instead of smuggling the salt. Now it feels like where the story wants to go is designed around handing over the Roselle, and they just sort of force the other path over there.


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34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know... that actually adds up. It even suits my LP canon. Kinda. You just substitute "daughter" for "sister" and remove the "son" and that's exactly what happened to Lot. Except... In his case, he was perfectly fine with it.

I'll amend it then. Your best friend marries your closest female blood relative.

30 minutes ago, pong said:

I consider the Lilina pairing as "semi-official" because the other supports within Roy's harem are so slow that a normal player will probably never notice that they're even there. Easter eggs, basically. Plus, what Rubenio said about Lilina being the only pairing that is hinted at outside of the support itself.

Of course, this logic has the hole that Roy/Cecilia, of all things, grows as normal (for BinBla) speed.

I'll also take that argument. Plus there's even a meeting between them in prequel. It's that pushed. I just want to make an argument other pairings aren't real and can't hurt me.

34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I hate that pairing so much. Worst pairing in all of FE, seriously. Who came up with it? Who was it?

A village raiding horseman I'm certain. Think about it. Cecilia has a horse. Roy is a man who interacts with villages to get their valuables (which is every man because this is Elibe not Archanea, but anyway). Obviously the work of a horseman.

34 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eldigan, a true hero: He mitigates Genealogy's walking problem for just a little while.

It's actually funny. Going into Genealogy, based off my memory of last time I played the game (2011) I thought I'd like the larger scale battles and detest the fact characters have individual finances and can't directly trade weapons and items. Playing it now I realize the enemy spread is way too clustered for the maps and the ample gold flow from villages and arena make the other work as a gameplay aspect. Which is funny because the part of the game I've found I'm absolutely addicted to is the arena. The fact you can't actually lose units this time, the gold matters more, and the set amount of matches anyone can get has lead to me trying to put everyone as far as I can every chapter and enjoying it. Sigurd, Jamke, Ira/Ayra and Lewyn (who technically has the pursuit ring to capitalize on his speed) have all been universally able to clear it. Quan has twice but not the third. Lex has once but not the first two times. Finn managed the second... but only the second.

Mind the one time it's not clustered totally it doesn't even make sense. The third castle you have to seize in Chapter 2.... has this randomly placed knight over in the mountains. He can't even move in his position I can't actually work out what he's supposed to be for given you can't approach that way except with Fury/Erinys/Erin/whatever they call her in 2022. And by the time I recruit her, he's gone because the castle he's from is seized... and even if it weren't she's got pegasus knight movement. He's got none. She can almost certainly avoid his range.
Is he a joke? Is this Kaga's sense of humor at work?


7 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Isn't HectorxFlorina worse? Have you repressed all your memories of Blazing Blade? Or, did you actually want to be Hector when Florina's pegasus came falling down on him?

Yes. My top secret specific fetish involves winged mammals falling on me. Problem is bats are gross and disgust me because of their diseases.
or my sense of humor is warped


27 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh that's good info to know.

I should also note there's several special trophies you get from Waddle Dee town. Usually by buying from a shop so many times or by finishing associated minigames. Essentially anything in Waddle Dee town except Kirby's house or the Gotcha machines/trader have something under the right circumstances.


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31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Neither did I. Curse me.👿

Just powerful IRL proof that subjective age doesn't have to match your physiological age, and in a beneficial way for once.

I suppose so. But still. Curse you!

31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Isn't HectorxFlorina worse?

Oh no, absolutely not. Roy and Cecilia is super forced and questionable. Their supports are about a young pupil coming to terms with his new station as leader of an army with the help of his old teacher, who eventually comes to see him as a grown individual, her own peer and worthy of respect. Then the ending just jumps to them marrying for no reason. There's zero build-up to that, it just happens because Japan, I guess. Never mind the fact that she's like 20 years older than him and he's underaged, which is an entirely different can of worms.

Luckily, the fact that the ending comes out of nowhere has one good thing: It makes the ending's existence quite easy to just ignore. So that's what I do.

31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Have you repressed all your memories of Blazing Blade? Or, did you actually want to be Hector when Florina's pegasus came falling down on him?

I'll agree that this is wonky as well, but it's nowhere near the level of stupidity of Roy/Cecilia.

31 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I agree that supports really should provide a hint of a potential "prelude to love" if it will end in marriage. Not necessarily a very direct "I will never let you go", but something that clearly indicates lasting romance is a possibility. -With proper chemistry preceding that prelude.

Yeah. Exactly. Roy and Cecilia behave like two people who respect and admire each other. There is no sexual tension or chemistry between them, in the slightest. People talk about modern FE, but how do you excuse this? This is even worse than your average S support nonsense! At least S supports have a conversation that tries to lead to marriage somehow! This is just the game going "oh and by the way they fuck" at the very end. Why?

36 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

You better! 

Or what!? Whatcha gonna do, huh?

...Nah I'm joking. I'll try, at least. We'll see what the deployment slots are looking like by chapter 13. Not good, I can tell you that much right now. But I'll give it my very best shot.

25 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I just want to make an argument other pairings aren't real and can't hurt me.

Roy's harem is one of the stupidest little things about FE6. The game pushes Lilina really hard, because gotta copy Mystery of the Emblem with Caeda and all, but then it just... sort of picks five women at random and gives Roy the option to marry them too for some reason? But at least the A support with Sue, Larum, Shanna and Sophia does have some modicum of lovey-dovey talk. It's really bad and devoid of any substance, especially compared to Lilina, but at least it's there. It tries to justify the ending somehow. Cecilia doesn't even get that, it's a thoroughly platonic chain of conversations that ends in marriage because why not.

It's all Merlinus's fault somehow.

27 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

A village raiding horseman I'm certain. Think about it. Cecilia has a horse. Roy is a man who interacts with villages to get their valuables (which is every man because this is Elibe not Archanea, but anyway). Obviously the work of a horseman.

Damn you, horsemen! You're the worst! I never should've let my guard down...!

27 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

It's actually funny. Going into Genealogy, based off my memory of last time I played the game (2011) I thought I'd like the larger scale battles and detest the fact characters have individual finances and can't directly trade weapons and items. Playing it now I realize the enemy spread is way too clustered for the maps and the ample gold flow from villages and arena make the other work as a gameplay aspect. Which is funny because the part of the game I've found I'm absolutely addicted to is the arena. The fact you can't actually lose units this time, the gold matters more, and the set amount of matches anyone can get has lead to me trying to put everyone as far as I can every chapter and enjoying it. Sigurd, Jamke, Ira/Ayra and Lewyn (who technically has the pursuit ring to capitalize on his speed) have all been universally able to clear it. Quan has twice but not the third. Lex has once but not the first two times. Finn managed the second... but only the second.

The arena is one of those things that contributes to my certainty that I'll never replay Genealogy in my life. On a first run it feels neat kinda, but if you think about it for a couple of seconds, you realize... The complete lack of stakes means the arena in Genealogy is nothing more than a time waster. You press A a bunch of times until you wipe everyone out. That's it. It's even more mindless than traditional JRPGs, which is a terrible statement coming from me.

27 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Mind the one time it's not clustered totally it doesn't even make sense. The third castle you have to seize in Chapter 2.... has this randomly placed knight over in the mountains. He can't even move in his position I can't actually work out what he's supposed to be for given you can't approach that way except with Fury/Erinys/Erin/whatever they call her in 2022. And by the time I recruit her, he's gone because the castle he's from is seized... and even if it weren't she's got pegasus knight movement. He's got none. She can almost certainly avoid his range.
Is he a joke? Is this Kaga's sense of humor at work?

Oh yeah, I remember that guy. If you move someone all the way to him, there's a hidden conversation. It's not much, he just says something along the lines of "hey you can't go past this point", or something. Or maybe it's not like that at all. I can't really remember it. I just know there was a conversation and it wasn't worth the walk through the mountains to him.

27 minutes ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

Yes. My top secret specific fetish involves winged mammals falling on me. Problem is bats are gross and disgust me because of their diseases.
or my sense of humor is warped

Oof... Poor bats. #JusticeForBats.

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33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

The arena is one of those things that contributes to my certainty that I'll never replay Genealogy in my life. On a first run it feels neat kinda, but if you think about it for a couple of seconds, you realize... The complete lack of stakes means the arena in Genealogy is nothing more than a time waster. You press A a bunch of times until you wipe everyone out. That's it. It's even more mindless than traditional JRPGs, which is a terrible statement coming from me.

Yeah I can see it's a time waster. But it's also instant gratification in a game with a ton of walking. So it's kind of a palate cleanser for me. I get to forget how many turns I did nothing but walk for a bit. Plus if you think about what you're doing you can use the funds from it to swap around the paragon band/elite ring/whatever a bit. Getting extra experience. Just gotta be careful not to screw it up. Or that lack of stakes can turn into wasted money and an item stuck on someone you don't want it on.

33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's all Merlinus's fault somehow.

Merlinus took a page out of Boah's book and decided Roy needed a forced wife of status in Eturia to formalize ties between the nations

33 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oof... Poor bats. #JusticeForBats.

I don't know. Bats are basically just a nest of disease. They produce a high body temperature to help them cope with the cold at high altitudes... and the increased body temperature helps to fight off the effects of diseases that would be debilitating or lethal to other mammals. This makes them perfect carriers for the stuff because they don't get sick or die from it, but aren't truly "immune" either. Despite this, being mammals they've more DNA in common with human than a bird, and thus are more likely to carry a cross-compatible disease or virus. Really when you think about it, the same should apply to fantasy flying mammals like Pegasi. Especially bad would be the flying monkeys from Wizard of Oz. Mind all of that's just the current theory for why bats don't seem to react to having rabies or MERS (diseases that have 100% and 30% fatality rates respectively in humans) like other mammals. Oh.  Also the fact they tend to cover themselves in their own excrement while hanging upside down can't hurt the disease factor either.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Isn't HectorxFlorina worse? Have you repressed all your memories of Blazing Blade? Or, did you actually want to be Hector when Florina's pegasus came falling down on him?

I agree that supports really should provide a hint of a potential "prelude to love" if it will end in marriage. Not necessarily a very direct "I will never let you go", but something that clearly indicates lasting romance is a possibility. -With proper chemistry preceding that prelude.


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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Already breaking under the pressure?

As you could see, hornyposting is a necessary evil.

2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Best pairing in all of FE, seriously. Who came up with it? Who was it?



2 hours ago, pong said:

Of course, this logic has the hole that Roy/Cecilia, of all things, grows as normal (for BinBla) speed.


1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

It's actually funny. Going into Genealogy, based off my memory of last time I played the game (2011) I thought I'd like the larger scale battles and detest the fact characters have individual finances and can't directly trade weapons and items. Playing it now I realize the enemy spread is way too clustered for the maps and the ample gold flow from villages and arena make the other work as a gameplay aspect. Which is funny because the part of the game I've found I'm absolutely addicted to is the arena. The fact you can't actually lose units this time, the gold matters more, and the set amount of matches anyone can get has lead to me trying to put everyone as far as I can every chapter and enjoying it. Sigurd, Jamke, Ira/Ayra and Lewyn (who technically has the pursuit ring to capitalize on his speed) have all been universally able to clear it. Quan has twice but not the third. Lex has once but not the first two times. Finn managed the second... but only the second.

*High fives!*

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You son of a blunderbuss.

You swore an oath.

I know. I know. Here, to make amends


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It has happened, guys.

The saddest part of all Awakening runs has come and gone.

Gangrel is dead.

Sniff I'm not crying, you're crying.

Aaaanyway, Chrom maries Maribelle as intended, and it's on to the funny stacheman arc. Or, y'know... More precisely, it's time for two chapters of funny stacheman arc, before it is interrupted by the storm of paralogues as I recruit the children that will hopefully become a part of the team. Ah well. First, I must pick Henry up. He seems to be the character that has gotten the most dramatic changes from the mod. Namely, he's now a prepromote. No idea what his stats look like. We'll see.

Oh, and Cherche. I doubt I'll use Cherche. Her design is wonky, and I'm already committed to two other fliers because you guys forced me. I also don't care for Gerome. With my space problems, there's simply no way I'm fitting her in.

15 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

I know. I know.

Grrrr raaa uurrrrr! Anger and frustration noises!

15 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Here, to make amends

Oh, how kind of you.

15 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:



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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Oh, these things.

I won't lie, I don't see what's so incredibly disgusting about this. It's just a drawing on a pillow for folks to snuggle with and/or carve a hole into. There are far, FAR worse kinks out there.

Not to mention, dakis are like anime. It's not a genre in itself, but rather a medium that encompases a lot of genres. Sweeping statements about dakis are ignorant generalizations. Sound familiar? How's it feel, ah?

The savior of all lonely people who have nothing else to cuddle with, most of which don't even have characters on them.

I'm at least 50% convinced that folks who buy dakis don't even use them for the intended purpose and just keep them for show as a piece of merchandise.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Right. Well, you failed. I still wanna use her.

Hehehehe, my plan worked!

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Gahahahahaha... Oh, that's precious.

I like art that portrays characters as they are, so I'm sorry, all those characters that show up when you search "Tharja Fanart" are imposters.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

So basically... Olivia is trying harder but she can't compete with Tharja's sheer talent?

Poor, poor Olivia.

Most of Olivia's art is very cutesy and doesn't go overboard in trying to show off how sexy she is, which fits with her shyness. Maybe there's no poor Oliva, perhaps it's poor Tharja for not having much art that she would approve of.

Though both of them have a fun conversation in the summer scramble where Olivia is jealous of Tharja for having such a good body despite not doing anything to achieve it, so maybe you're right.

Actually now that I think about it, Olivia also hides her chest in her portrait.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I don't know, so far she's pretty cleanly avoided the topic of Barlowe. I mean, I haven't seen too many of her supports yet, and Barlowe himself is benched, but hey. Camilla would've already failed this test by now.

Oh yes, if you don't use the avatar then it will be hard to notice outside of a few mentions in other supports.

Perhaps that's a good thing.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's Heroes. Heroes turns literally every female they get their grubby mitts on into underwear-toting eye candy. If Heroes counts as an argument against Tharja, it also counts as an argument against Sakura and the like.

Doesn't Heroes have hentai artists working on the team?

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Irony. Irony is sexy and appeals to the horny otakus, I guess.

So that's why I like the ship of Gangrel and Emmeryn

5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I have faith Gregor will distract her from her precious with his Gregorness. I mean, it already makes him immune to her magic, for some undiscernible reason.

Oh I remember this support...

And I remember tearing up by the end of it.


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Turns out it wasn't Gregor's Gregorness that made him immune to Tharja's curses.

Damnit, Gregor... Why'd you have to go and make me sad? You were supposed to make me laugh!

In any case, Gregor and Tharja both promote. Gregor to bow knight, Tharja to dark knight. These classes suit them best. Henry can take over nosferatu duties... Once I get a new one. My old tome has 4 uses left lol. I got a little carried away and let Tharja eat the entire armor knight squad in chapter 12. I'm pretty sure the modder removed it from stores, too, which... Well, as it should be lol, the thing is insanely overpowered.

In completely unrelated news, here's the trailer for the full release of Rogue Legacy 2. For no greater reason than I love this game and I wish to share it. There you go.

Also, stupid Youtube dropped an add for Skywalker Saga at the end of the video. Yes, Youtube, I know. I really wish, but I don't want to start until I have the issues sorted out. Otherwise it's just going to be a mess.

46 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

The savior of all lonely people who have nothing else to cuddle with, most of which don't even have characters on them.

I'm at least 50% convinced that folks who buy dakis don't even use them for the intended purpose and just keep them for show as a piece of merchandise.

That's certainly likely.

46 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Hehehehe, my plan worked!

She has 17 defense as a dark knight. It's like my original run all over again, except this time there is difficulty to the game.

46 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I like art that portrays characters as they are, so I'm sorry, all those characters that show up when you search "Tharja Fanart" are imposters.

Heh, good call, I'd say.

46 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Most of Olivia's art is very cutesy and doesn't go overboard in trying to show off how sexy she is, which fits with her shyness. Maybe there's no poor Oliva, perhaps it's poor Tharja for not having much art that she would approve of.

Curse the fanbase, I suppose.

46 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Though both of them have a fun conversation in the summer scramble where Olivia is jealous of Tharja for having such a good body despite not doing anything to achieve it, so maybe you're right.


Well, I'm a genius.

46 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Actually now that I think about it, Olivia also hides her chest in her portrait.

Oh yeah, now that you mention it...

46 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Oh yes, if you don't use the avatar then it will be hard to notice outside of a few mentions in other supports.

Guy just sucked too hard.

46 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Perhaps that's a good thing.

Everything's worked out!

46 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Doesn't Heroes have hentai artists working on the team?


46 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

So that's why I like the ship of Gangrel and Emmeryn

Hah! Perhaps, perhaps.

46 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

Oh I remember this support...

And I remember tearing up by the end of it.

Gregor make support, how do you say, evasional?

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5 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Anyway, Gregor continues to be the greatest character in games.

I thought it was Eugene or something?

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

It's all Merlinus's fault somehow.

Merchant of Love.

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... I really feel like playing Awakening rn, ngl

2 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:


/r/10yearsatleast is the best thing that ever happened to this fanbase


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14 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

/r/10yearsatleast is the best thing that ever happened to this fanbase

I just discovered and it's a damn gold mine xD

14 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

... I really feel like playing Awakening rn, ngl

with the ruben posting i feel like giving it another try as well

but in the end i will just Fates as usual

Edited by Shrimpolaris
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