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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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2 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

A normal thing in the industry. Many Artists & Mangaka start as hentai artists first before becoming "mainstream"


That makes a lot of sense actually.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's certainly likely.

Unrelated but I also found this beautiful thing



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3 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

Is…is that what I think it is?

The US Constitution printed on a body pillow? Yes, yes it is.

I never thought myself a body pillow person but after seeing this I might just have to get one.

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Knowing the US's current climate, I doubt it'd actually be that popular.

Unless you get a "2nd Amendment only" version of the pillow...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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1 hour ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

I thought it was Eugene or something?

Eugen is another greatest character in games. It's a whole club of them.

1 hour ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

Merchant of Love.

Merchant of idiocy, more like!

1 hour ago, Newtype06 said:

... I really feel like playing Awakening rn, ngl

59 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

with the ruben posting i feel like giving it another try as well

Gregor make Teehee people want play Flame Gem Waking.

Gregor better be used in runs. Or else!

...Man, when we randomly decide to update our "pick one character for each category" thingies we did a while back, Soleil is getting tossed the hell out for Gregor. Not even half a second's hesitation. Soleil is okay, but Gregor is like, the best character in FE.

Okay, no, but close enough. This man's a treasure.

59 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

but in the end i will just Fates as usual

I'll admit, Awakening is great with this mod, but it still lacks one key thing.


This game does not have Garon.

7 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

nrelated but I also found this beautiful thing


Ah, yes, my favorite waifu: The law.

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Roy's harem is one of the stupidest little things about FE6. The game pushes Lilina really hard, because gotta copy Mystery of the Emblem with Caeda and all, but then it just... sort of picks five women at random and gives Roy the option to marry them too for some reason?

I wouldn't call it "random". Lilina- Lycia, Shanna- Ilia, Sue- Sacae, Larum- Western Isles, Cecilia- Etruria, Sophia- Nabata. Roy gets a sexual selection that spans the entire continent, minus Bern, which he would probably would've gotten if Guinevere was playable outside of Trial Maps.

I've made a joking headcanon out of this selection that Roy is actually a very ambitious, somewhat sociopathic ruler. Roy's ultimate goal being "Elibe in one family". Which is to say he produces legitimate children with Lilina his wife, and clandestine illegitimates with all of his other suitors and Guinevere. Through his lovers and their progeny, he intended to rule the entire continent.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to keep an entire continent's worth of politics under your control exactly as you want it, and Roy refused to accept this. Then, Roy developed an addiction to eternal youth and recreational smashing warfare in another dimension, causing him to neglect Elibean affairs, despite them being a Herculean task to direct even with a workaholic's dedication to micromanagement. After 15-25 years since the end to the war against Zephiel, problems were bubbling up everywhere.:

  • The Western Isles was too democratic to keep his Larum spawn in high office. 
  • Perceval realized "his" children with Cecilia weren't his own, and wasn't happy about it. 
  • Shanna's royal niece felt her aunt was overstepping her political boundaries. Sue's eldest son acted too Lycian for Sacaean tastes.
  • Guinevere fell out of love with Roy and started thinking about conquering Pherae to give her children as an act of spite.
  • Lilina, whom Roy had allowed to have affairs ever since she blackmailed him about his calculated lustfulness on their wedding night, had been hiding the fact that her two youngest children of four were actually of Ogier's seed, and preferred them to her Roy offspring. She was now intending to upset the natural order of succession and get the younger kids to replace Roy's beloved children by any means necessary.

Only in Arcadia, basically one little oasis town, was Sophia's lone child with Roy able to keep firm control.

As Roy fell increasingly into a melee of hedonism and barking infeasibly rigid and simple orders at his loyal agents across the continent, people began to realize that Roy was no longer the heroic youth he once was. Were it not for the fact that all of them had been dragged in difficult political situations as a result of his caressing, six of his seven wives would've turned against him sooner than they did. They needed time to prepare an exit strategy that would shore up some of the power and wealth they had been promised two decades ago. The hammers of divorce fell at different times.:

  • The Western Isles made the first and lightest of strikes, voting Larum, and Roy's allies out of political office, relegating them to regional office at most, his children never developed a real knack for politics and never actually made it into high office.
  • Shanna was accused of trying to poison the Her Majesty the Crown Princess (the evidence is arguable), and thrown into prison. Her Roy kids came under suspicion and never able to exert much political influence as a result of it, if still living cozy minor royal lives.
  • The real deluge began however, with Sacae. Roy's Sue son was accused of wanting to abolish native Sacae's culture within and without the Kutolah Tribe, and Sue herself turned against him. Roy couldn't believe this and hired mercenaries for his son in to win an intra & intertribal war. He squandered the mercenaries and fled toward the Lycian border, hoping daddy would provide more aid. Roy foolishly declared open support for the "rightful" Kutolah leader and began sending Lycian soldiers directly to him. Initially successful, a sizable portion of western Sacae fell under Roy's not-so-indirect control. This greatly soured Sacaean views on King Roy however, and as the Lycian knights pushed ever deeper into the great plains, they failed to realize they were surrounded and outnumbered in vast foreign territory. With his supply lines severed, Roy's Sacaean son was encircled, killed, and the mercenaries and knights which comprised most of his army, slaughtered. With his only child who obeyed him in Sacae dead, Roy's control over the country ceased, and now his military had suffered as serious blow. Roy, fuming, refused to acknowledge there was nothing that could be done about Sacae.
  • The PR damage from Roy's Sacae fiasco was enough for Perceval to tear off his muzzle, for he no longer could stomach the outlandish notion that Roy's shady activity was in Elibe's best interests. He divorced Cecilia, as he refused to believe her claims that she was innocent, and began making scandalous, and truthful, claims about what Roy had been doing in Etrurian politics. Including using the Mage General herself as a spy. He later assembled the evidence about his role in Western Isle politics as well. Faced with the preponderance of evidence, King Elffin suspended Cecilia's title until further notice, and through his embassy in Ostia demanded that Roy himself come meet him over the border in Etruria and answered the accusations in person.
  • Her former paramour under great pressure, Guinevere couldn't reveal the truth without destroying her own dynasty's control of Bern. She made an agreement with her legal husband however to hyphenate their last names into a single dynastic name, and gave her lone surviving child with him sizable autonomy within a "Grand Duchy" carved out of northeastern Bern. Doing this however, the urge to expand her realm to provide her elder children grew. She launched an invasion of eastern Lycia on the grounds of allying with Sacae and seeking to provide support against an unsubstantiated imminent Lycian 2nd invasion by distracting Lycia at its eastern border, and Sue sent Guinevere a formal thanks for this. A propaganda campaign was begun in Bern to turn popular opinion against Roy.
  • With her husband losing international support everywhere except Ilia and Nabata, her eastern domains invaded, and an outbreak of deadly disease ravaging the entire realm, Lilina needed to do something for herself, and fast. Fortunately, the disaster of a campaign in Sacae and initial catastrophic failures against Bern, left the military establishment rather alienated from Roy's leadership. As the decentralized aristocratic instinct in Lycia had been weakened, removing Roy from kingship was not on the books, he was a bad king, but the rightful king nonetheless. Lilina settled for a "bloodless" coup. Her son by Roy kept his inheritance of the throne, but his children had to be raised by their grandmother, who would assuredly do everything to make them love her and not him. Lilina's Roy daughter was forced to enter a convent. And her two Ogier children were also given the gift of internal autonomy as marquesses of two of Lycia's richest fiefs, done by brushing Roy's aristocratic supporters a little.

All this done, Lilina granted Guinevere's three children the titles of marquesses in Tania, Araphen, and Kathelet. She didn't officially cede these border fiefs, but by doing so and restoring a measure of aristocratic rule in Lycia, Bern's royal family now were now vassals of the Lycian monarch. Having a direct presence in Lycian politics and being able to extract Lycian wealth for Bern itself. Pherae could not be ceded due to its importance to the Lycian royal family, but Bern was to be paid nonaggression tribute directly from Pherae's coffers, a sizable chunk of local revenues, for the next 40 years. This agreed to, Guinevere ceased hostilities and allowed Lilina to arrest her husband in peace. Roy, losing global control, was suspicious of his wife now and tried to keep her on a short leash as he childishly and angrily attempted to rule his country. He got wind she was planning something with Bern, but it came too late. Barthe imprisoned the men who came to arrest Her Majesty, and they caught Roy as he slept, moaning the word "Saaaaaaaaaaaaaamus". He was declared "very ill" and put under house arrest while Lilina took joint emergency power with her son, who turned a blind eye to his woefully senile father for his own sake.

Roy attempted to escape, and it almost succeeded, for all her masterminding, Lilina couldn't expunge every of the many Roy loyalists. As he floundered in the final steps of his flight to the northern Lycian border where he could claim he was fit to rule, Roy age 48, fled alone into across the Sacaean border. Lilina lost track of him, but Roy was hardly a threat. Lacking for anything except a ceremonial rapier and the clothes on his back, Roy tried seeking refuge in Ilia, the one nearby country that hadn't officially turned against him. He never made it to Ilia, getting lost instead going into starvation, until a traveling Elimine priest found this wretched man. Roy hid his identity but sobered up from his hedonistic, power-grubbing ways, and came with this priest back to Etruria. There, Roy on a chance encounter was recognized as the king whom Lilina had declared dead months ago. He was brought before Elffin, and confessed to every child he had ever had that he knew of, thankfully, his miserable state led Elffin to grant the leniency of a private, not public, confession, written down and archived of course.

Elffin granted his former friend a modicum of assistance and declared him found, with a desire to see him returned to Lycia's throne, so as to undermine Lilina and her son. Lilina was humiliated by this- how do you mistake an MIA king for one dead of plague? She never explained, but she took Roy back. Neither she nor her son wanted Roy to actually have power again though, if they wanted him at all it was to kick the other one out of co-rule. They settled for granting him the title of "Retired King", a figurehead, still very much loved by his Lycian subjects despite his scandals behind the scenes. Since he was no longer needed in politics, Roy was also allowed to take part in the otherworldly immortal fight club he had once adored once more. As "The Boi" had been missed after his sudden and unexplained departure by his many fans, he accrued sizable proceeds from his return to the stage, and Lilina actually encouraged him to stay in it, though she seized a portion of his income as belated "alimony" for his many ex-wives.

The End.😃

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30 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


This game does not have Garon.

But it does have Gangrel.

36 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

...The constitution likes it rough?


31 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Ah, yes, my favorite waifu: The law.

When you really think about it, it makes sense. Nationalism in the states can have a very similar energy to hardcore otakus.

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^That's a very detailed headcanon :lol:

3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I wouldn't call it "random". Lilina- Lycia, Shanna- Ilia, Sue- Sacae, Larum- Western Isles, Cecilia- Etruria, Sophia- Nabata. Roy gets a sexual selection that spans the entire continent, minus Bern, which he would probably would've gotten if Guinevere was playable outside of Trial Maps.

And they also all cover different archetypes of "romantic fantasies". Childhood friend? Lilina. Sooooo quirky? Larum. Nature girl? Sue. Tomboy? Shanna. Hot for teacher? Cecilia. Demure and quiet? Sophia.

Lo and behold, every Horny Teenager who bought the strategy guide and is willing to spend half of his playing time selecting "end turn" is satisfied. As long as they're male and heterosexual, of course. Let's not get crazy.

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I want to know how Validar keeps his hair like that. It permanently looks like he put his face in front of an industrial fan.

EDIT: Actually, his entire face looks like he put it in front of an industrial fan. Wind spell gone wrong?

Also, I don't want to play FE this late, but I don't want to play Skywalker Saga either because if it starts lagging it's miserable. In fact, I just want to play Skywalker Saga period. Fucking battery just had to pick the best time to start dying on me... I've been waiting for this game for years, you jerk! Youtube keeps sending me videos of it, I just wanna play it, dang it!

22 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I wouldn't call it "random". Lilina- Lycia, Shanna- Ilia, Sue- Sacae, Larum- Western Isles, Cecilia- Etruria, Sophia- Nabata. Roy gets a sexual selection that spans the entire continent, minus Bern, which he would probably would've gotten if Guinevere was playable outside of Trial Maps.

Hey, that is neat. It's still incredibly forced for a lame theme, but whatever. Neat.


I've made a joking headcanon out of this selection that Roy is actually a very ambitious, somewhat sociopathic ruler. Roy's ultimate goal being "Elibe in one family". Which is to say he produces legitimate children with Lilina his wife, and clandestine illegitimates with all of his other suitors and Guinevere. Through his lovers and their progeny, he intended to rule the entire continent.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to keep an entire continent's worth of politics under your control exactly as you want it, and Roy refused to accept this. Then, Roy developed an addiction to eternal youth and recreational smashing warfare in another dimension, causing him to neglect Elibean affairs, despite them being a Herculean task to direct even with a workaholic's dedication to micromanagement. After 15-25 years since the end to the war against Zephiel, problems were bubbling up everywhere.:

  • The Western Isles was too democratic to keep his Larum spawn in high office. 
  • Perceval realized "his" children with Cecilia weren't his own, and wasn't happy about it. 
  • Shanna's royal niece felt her aunt was overstepping her political boundaries. Sue's eldest son acted too Lycian for Sacaean tastes.
  • Guinevere fell out of love with Roy and started thinking about conquering Pherae to give her children as an act of spite.
  • Lilina, whom Roy had allowed to have affairs ever since she blackmailed him about his calculated lustfulness on their wedding night, had been hiding the fact that her two youngest children of four were actually of Ogier's seed, and preferred them to her Roy offspring. She was now intending to upset the natural order of succession and get the younger kids to replace Roy's beloved children by any means necessary.

Only in Arcadia, basically one little oasis town, was Sophia's lone child with Roy able to keep firm control.

As Roy fell increasingly into a melee of hedonism and barking infeasibly rigid and simple orders at his loyal agents across the continent, people began to realize that Roy was no longer the heroic youth he once was. Were it not for the fact that all of them had been dragged in difficult political situations as a result of his caressing, six of his seven wives would've turned against him sooner than they did. They needed time to prepare an exit strategy that would shore up some of the power and wealth they had been promised two decades ago. The hammers of divorce fell at different times.:

  • The Western Isles made the first and lightest of strikes, voting Larum, and Roy's allies out of political office, relegating them to regional office at most, his children never developed a real knack for politics and never actually made it into high office.
  • Shanna was accused of trying to poison the Her Majesty the Crown Princess (the evidence is arguable), and thrown into prison. Her Roy kids came under suspicion and never able to exert much political influence as a result of it, if still living cozy minor royal lives.
  • The real deluge began however, with Sacae. Roy's Sue son was accused of wanting to abolish native Sacae's culture within and without the Kutolah Tribe, and Sue herself turned against him. Roy couldn't believe this and hired mercenaries for his son in to win an intra & intertribal war. He squandered the mercenaries and fled toward the Lycian border, hoping daddy would provide more aid. Roy foolishly declared open support for the "rightful" Kutolah leader and began sending Lycian soldiers directly to him. Initially successful, a sizable portion of western Sacae fell under Roy's not-so-indirect control. This greatly soured Sacaean views on King Roy however, and as the Lycian knights pushed ever deeper into the great plains, they failed to realize they were surrounded and outnumbered in vast foreign territory. With his supply lines severed, Roy's Sacaean son was encircled, killed, and the mercenaries and knights which comprised most of his army, slaughtered. With his only child who obeyed him in Sacae dead, Roy's control over the country ceased, and now his military had suffered as serious blow. Roy, fuming, refused to acknowledge there was nothing that could be done about Sacae.
  • The PR damage from Roy's Sacae fiasco was enough for Perceval to tear off his muzzle, for he no longer could stomach the outlandish notion that Roy's shady activity was in Elibe's best interests. He divorced Cecilia, as he refused to believe her claims that she was innocent, and began making scandalous, and truthful, claims about what Roy had been doing in Etrurian politics. Including using the Mage General herself as a spy. He later assembled the evidence about his role in Western Isle politics as well. Faced with the preponderance of evidence, King Elffin suspended Cecilia's title until further notice, and through his embassy in Ostia demanded that Roy himself come meet him over the border in Etruria and answered the accusations in person.
  • Her former paramour under great pressure, Guinevere couldn't reveal the truth without destroying her own dynasty's control of Bern. She made an agreement with her legal husband however to hyphenate their last names into a single dynastic name, and gave her lone surviving child with him sizable autonomy within a "Grand Duchy" carved out of northeastern Bern. Doing this however, the urge to expand her realm to provide her elder children grew. She launched an invasion of eastern Lycia on the grounds of allying with Sacae and seeking to provide support against an unsubstantiated imminent Lycian 2nd invasion by distracting Lycia at its eastern border, and Sue sent Guinevere a formal thanks for this. A propaganda campaign was begun in Bern to turn popular opinion against Roy.
  • With her husband losing international support everywhere except Ilia and Nabata, her eastern domains invaded, and an outbreak of deadly disease ravaging the entire realm, Lilina needed to do something for herself, and fast. Fortunately, the disaster of a campaign in Sacae and initial catastrophic failures against Bern, left the military establishment rather alienated from Roy's leadership. As the decentralized aristocratic instinct in Lycia had been weakened, removing Roy from kingship was not on the books, he was a bad king, but the rightful king nonetheless. Lilina settled for a "bloodless" coup. Her son by Roy kept his inheritance of the throne, but his children had to be raised by their grandmother, who would assuredly do everything to make them love her and not him. Lilina's Roy daughter was forced to enter a convent. And her two Ogier children were also given the gift of internal autonomy as marquesses of two of Lycia's richest fiefs, done by brushing Roy's aristocratic supporters a little.

All this done, Lilina granted Guinevere's three children the titles of marquesses in Tania, Araphen, and Kathelet. She didn't officially cede these border fiefs, but by doing so and restoring a measure of aristocratic rule in Lycia, Bern's royal family now were now vassals of the Lycian monarch. Having a direct presence in Lycian politics and being able to extract Lycian wealth for Bern itself. Pherae could not be ceded due to its importance to the Lycian royal family, but Bern was to be paid nonaggression tribute directly from Pherae's coffers, a sizable chunk of local revenues, for the next 40 years. This agreed to, Guinevere ceased hostilities and allowed Lilina to arrest her husband in peace. Roy, losing global control, was suspicious of his wife now and tried to keep her on a short leash as he childishly and angrily attempted to rule his country. He got wind she was planning something with Bern, but it came too late. Barthe imprisoned the men who came to arrest Her Majesty, and they caught Roy as he slept, moaning the word "Saaaaaaaaaaaaaamus". He was declared "very ill" and put under house arrest while Lilina took joint emergency power with her son, who turned a blind eye to his woefully senile father for his own sake.

Roy attempted to escape, and it almost succeeded, for all her masterminding, Lilina couldn't expunge every of the many Roy loyalists. As he floundered in the final steps of his flight to the northern Lycian border where he could claim he was fit to rule, Roy age 48, fled alone into across the Sacaean border. Lilina lost track of him, but Roy was hardly a threat. Lacking for anything except a ceremonial rapier and the clothes on his back, Roy tried seeking refuge in Ilia, the one nearby country that hadn't officially turned against him. He never made it to Ilia, getting lost instead going into starvation, until a traveling Elimine priest found this wretched man. Roy hid his identity but sobered up from his hedonistic, power-grubbing ways, and came with this priest back to Etruria. There, Roy on a chance encounter was recognized as the king whom Lilina had declared dead months ago. He was brought before Elffin, and confessed to every child he had ever had that he knew of, thankfully, his miserable state led Elffin to grant the leniency of a private, not public, confession, written down and archived of course.

Elffin granted his former friend a modicum of assistance and declared him found, with a desire to see him returned to Lycia's throne, so as to undermine Lilina and her son. Lilina was humiliated by this- how do you mistake an MIA king for one dead of plague? She never explained, but she took Roy back. Neither she nor her son wanted Roy to actually have power again though, if they wanted him at all it was to kick the other one out of co-rule. They settled for granting him the title of "Retired King", a figurehead, still very much loved by his Lycian subjects despite his scandals behind the scenes. Since he was no longer needed in politics, Roy was also allowed to take part in the otherworldly immortal fight club he had once adored once more. As "The Boi" had been missed after his sudden and unexplained departure by his many fans, he accrued sizable proceeds from his return to the stage, and Lilina actually encouraged him to stay in it, though she seized a portion of his income as belated "alimony" for his many ex-wives.

The End.😃


I take my hat off to you.

Now I want a fangame with this plot. A sequel to Sword of Heaven and Earth, as it were.

13 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

But it does have Gangrel.

No longer, until chapter 26.

8 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

kinda feel like playing Awakening myself

haven't done a full playthrough in ages

Use Gregor.



Edited by Saint Rubenio
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1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

Always do.

Me like Gregor.

Gregor best.

Just now, lightcosmo said:

Uh, am I the out of place one that doesnt like Gregor? 


Just now, lightcosmo said:

Its Lucina ----> everyone else for me.

I cannot come up with a way to respond to this that doesn't make me come across as a complete asshole.

So I won't.

I will instead post this image of Gregor smiling.


Lucina is hitting the bench for this heresy

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11 minutes ago, pong said:

^That's a very detailed headcanon :lol:

I might be misremembering a few things. But Lilina definitely has to remain as cold and calculating as Roy, and arguably smarter and more realistic (all she wants is a strong hand over Lycia, Roy has puerile and more infeasible dreams of world domination), I refuse to let her be an innocent female cuckold.

11 minutes ago, pong said:

Lo and behold, every Horny Teenager who bought the strategy guide and is willing to spend half of his playing time selecting "end turn" is satisfied. As long as they're male and heterosexual, of course. Let's not get crazy.

Now you're getting me in the mood for some RoyxWolt fanart (Smash 4/Ultimate Roy so he doesn't look underaged, with a Wolt redrawn to match). They are former milk siblings, which gives me ideas of what I'd want to see. Both of them support Alen and Lance, so they'll be invited too.😋

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28 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I wouldn't call it "random". Lilina- Lycia, Shanna- Ilia, Sue- Sacae, Larum- Western Isles, Cecilia- Etruria, Sophia- Nabata. Roy gets a sexual selection that spans the entire continent, minus Bern, which he would probably would've gotten if Guinevere was playable outside of Trial Maps.

I've made a joking headcanon out of this selection that Roy is actually a very ambitious, somewhat sociopathic ruler. Roy's ultimate goal being "Elibe in one family". Which is to say he produces legitimate children with Lilina his wife, and clandestine illegitimates with all of his other suitors and Guinevere. Through his lovers and their progeny, he intended to rule the entire continent.

Unfortunately, it's impossible to keep an entire continent's worth of politics under your control exactly as you want it, and Roy refused to accept this. Then, Roy developed an addiction to eternal youth and recreational smashing warfare in another dimension, causing him to neglect Elibean affairs, despite them being a Herculean task to direct even with a workaholic's dedication to micromanagement. After 15-25 years since the end to the war against Zephiel, problems were bubbling up everywhere.:

  • The Western Isles was too democratic to keep his Larum spawn in high office. 
  • Perceval realized "his" children with Cecilia weren't his own, and wasn't happy about it. 
  • Shanna's royal niece felt her aunt was overstepping her political boundaries. Sue's eldest son acted too Lycian for Sacaean tastes.
  • Guinevere fell out of love with Roy and started thinking about conquering Pherae to give her children as an act of spite.
  • Lilina, whom Roy had allowed to have affairs ever since she blackmailed him about his calculated lustfulness on their wedding night, had been hiding the fact that her two youngest children of four were actually of Ogier's seed, and preferred them to her Roy offspring. She was now intending to upset the natural order of succession and get the younger kids to replace Roy's beloved children by any means necessary.

Only in Arcadia, basically one little oasis town, was Sophia's lone child with Roy able to keep firm control.

As Roy fell increasingly into a melee of hedonism and barking infeasibly rigid and simple orders at his loyal agents across the continent, people began to realize that Roy was no longer the heroic youth he once was. Were it not for the fact that all of them had been dragged in difficult political situations as a result of his caressing, six of his seven wives would've turned against him sooner than they did. They needed time to prepare an exit strategy that would shore up some of the power and wealth they had been promised two decades ago. The hammers of divorce fell at different times.:

  • The Western Isles made the first and lightest of strikes, voting Larum, and Roy's allies out of political office, relegating them to regional office at most, his children never developed a real knack for politics and never actually made it into high office.
  • Shanna was accused of trying to poison the Her Majesty the Crown Princess (the evidence is arguable), and thrown into prison. Her Roy kids came under suspicion and never able to exert much political influence as a result of it, if still living cozy minor royal lives.
  • The real deluge began however, with Sacae. Roy's Sue son was accused of wanting to abolish native Sacae's culture within and without the Kutolah Tribe, and Sue herself turned against him. Roy couldn't believe this and hired mercenaries for his son in to win an intra & intertribal war. He squandered the mercenaries and fled toward the Lycian border, hoping daddy would provide more aid. Roy foolishly declared open support for the "rightful" Kutolah leader and began sending Lycian soldiers directly to him. Initially successful, a sizable portion of western Sacae fell under Roy's not-so-indirect control. This greatly soured Sacaean views on King Roy however, and as the Lycian knights pushed ever deeper into the great plains, they failed to realize they were surrounded and outnumbered in vast foreign territory. With his supply lines severed, Roy's Sacaean son was encircled, killed, and the mercenaries and knights which comprised most of his army, slaughtered. With his only child who obeyed him in Sacae dead, Roy's control over the country ceased, and now his military had suffered as serious blow. Roy, fuming, refused to acknowledge there was nothing that could be done about Sacae.
  • The PR damage from Roy's Sacae fiasco was enough for Perceval to tear off his muzzle, for he no longer could stomach the outlandish notion that Roy's shady activity was in Elibe's best interests. He divorced Cecilia, as he refused to believe her claims that she was innocent, and began making scandalous, and truthful, claims about what Roy had been doing in Etrurian politics. Including using the Mage General herself as a spy. He later assembled the evidence about his role in Western Isle politics as well. Faced with the preponderance of evidence, King Elffin suspended Cecilia's title until further notice, and through his embassy in Ostia demanded that Roy himself come meet him over the border in Etruria and answered the accusations in person.
  • Her former paramour under great pressure, Guinevere couldn't reveal the truth without destroying her own dynasty's control of Bern. She made an agreement with her legal husband however to hyphenate their last names into a single dynastic name, and gave her lone surviving child with him sizable autonomy within a "Grand Duchy" carved out of northeastern Bern. Doing this however, the urge to expand her realm to provide her elder children grew. She launched an invasion of eastern Lycia on the grounds of allying with Sacae and seeking to provide support against an unsubstantiated imminent Lycian 2nd invasion by distracting Lycia at its eastern border, and Sue sent Guinevere a formal thanks for this. A propaganda campaign was begun in Bern to turn popular opinion against Roy.
  • With her husband losing international support everywhere except Ilia and Nabata, her eastern domains invaded, and an outbreak of deadly disease ravaging the entire realm, Lilina needed to do something for herself, and fast. Fortunately, the disaster of a campaign in Sacae and initial catastrophic failures against Bern, left the military establishment rather alienated from Roy's leadership. As the decentralized aristocratic instinct in Lycia had been weakened, removing Roy from kingship was not on the books, he was a bad king, but the rightful king nonetheless. Lilina settled for a "bloodless" coup. Her son by Roy kept his inheritance of the throne, but his children had to be raised by their grandmother, who would assuredly do everything to make them love her and not him. Lilina's Roy daughter was forced to enter a convent. And her two Ogier children were also given the gift of internal autonomy as marquesses of two of Lycia's richest fiefs, done by brushing Roy's aristocratic supporters a little.

All this done, Lilina granted Guinevere's three children the titles of marquesses in Tania, Araphen, and Kathelet. She didn't officially cede these border fiefs, but by doing so and restoring a measure of aristocratic rule in Lycia, Bern's royal family now were now vassals of the Lycian monarch. Having a direct presence in Lycian politics and being able to extract Lycian wealth for Bern itself. Pherae could not be ceded due to its importance to the Lycian royal family, but Bern was to be paid nonaggression tribute directly from Pherae's coffers, a sizable chunk of local revenues, for the next 40 years. This agreed to, Guinevere ceased hostilities and allowed Lilina to arrest her husband in peace. Roy, losing global control, was suspicious of his wife now and tried to keep her on a short leash as he childishly and angrily attempted to rule his country. He got wind she was planning something with Bern, but it came too late. Barthe imprisoned the men who came to arrest Her Majesty, and they caught Roy as he slept, moaning the word "Saaaaaaaaaaaaaamus". He was declared "very ill" and put under house arrest while Lilina took joint emergency power with her son, who turned a blind eye to his woefully senile father for his own sake.

Roy attempted to escape, and it almost succeeded, for all her masterminding, Lilina couldn't expunge every of the many Roy loyalists. As he floundered in the final steps of his flight to the northern Lycian border where he could claim he was fit to rule, Roy age 48, fled alone into across the Sacaean border. Lilina lost track of him, but Roy was hardly a threat. Lacking for anything except a ceremonial rapier and the clothes on his back, Roy tried seeking refuge in Ilia, the one nearby country that hadn't officially turned against him. He never made it to Ilia, getting lost instead going into starvation, until a traveling Elimine priest found this wretched man. Roy hid his identity but sobered up from his hedonistic, power-grubbing ways, and came with this priest back to Etruria. There, Roy on a chance encounter was recognized as the king whom Lilina had declared dead months ago. He was brought before Elffin, and confessed to every child he had ever had that he knew of, thankfully, his miserable state led Elffin to grant the leniency of a private, not public, confession, written down and archived of course.

Elffin granted his former friend a modicum of assistance and declared him found, with a desire to see him returned to Lycia's throne, so as to undermine Lilina and her son. Lilina was humiliated by this- how do you mistake an MIA king for one dead of plague? She never explained, but she took Roy back. Neither she nor her son wanted Roy to actually have power again though, if they wanted him at all it was to kick the other one out of co-rule. They settled for granting him the title of "Retired King", a figurehead, still very much loved by his Lycian subjects despite his scandals behind the scenes. Since he was no longer needed in politics, Roy was also allowed to take part in the otherworldly immortal fight club he had once adored once more. As "The Boi" had been missed after his sudden and unexplained departure by his many fans, he accrued sizable proceeds from his return to the stage, and Lilina actually encouraged him to stay in it, though she seized a portion of his income as belated "alimony" for his many ex-wives.

The End.😃

wow. That is … very specific. My views of Roy have slightly changed.

13 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

kinda feel like playing Awakening myself

haven't done a full playthrough in ages

Me too, except this time I won’t let Chrom force me to marry him.

5 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

An undue portion of appointed judges seem to think so.


4 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Or it might as well be worth toilet paper.


hold up- what’s worth toilet paper? Heh



Does anyone else like Henry?


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2 minutes ago, Elina said:

hold up- what’s worth toilet paper? Heh

More of a jab-joke comment to:

1 hour ago, Shrimpolaris said:

...The constitution likes it rough?

11 minutes ago, AnonymousSpeed said:

An undue portion of appointed judges seem to think so.

But then the "wait..." was in reference to that one time when the Pandemic was starting and everyone was panic-buying it.

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So to the surprise of absolutely no one, I am going with Frederica’s plan in chapter 13 of TS. Roland’s was tempting, because destroying the enemy ships could be very helpful later, but it just doesn’t guarantee the well-being of the people the way Frederica’s does. Plus


Avlora is in charge of the castle, and I’ve been paying attention to the side stories, so she’ll almost certainly be willing to help with negotiations/whatever happens.

I do find it funny that that Frederica and Roland switch ideologies for the first three way story decision, just like how Frederica has been going for morality while Roland has been going for not that for like five choices now, despite the fact that Roland is supposed to be the morality guy and Frederica the liberty gal. Guess they didn’t plan that out all too well. I also recruited this super cool flier with a big shield.

What’d I miss? I don’t feel up to reading through all those pages.

Edited by Sooks
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8 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

They are former milk siblings, which gives me ideas of what I'd want to see.

I like how everyone's ignoring this bombshell of a line you just casually dropped.

Wolt's gonna make Roy a milkshake.

7 minutes ago, Elina said:

Does anyone else like Henry?

I think I might. I'll look forward to getting to know him now that I'm actually reading the plot.

3 minutes ago, Sooks said:

So to the surprise of absolutely no one, I am going with Frederica’s plan in chapter 13 of TS. Roland’s was tempting, because destroying the enemy ships could be very helpful later, but it just doesn’t guarantee the well-being of the people the way Frederica’s does. Plus

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Avlora is in charge of the castle, and I’ve been paying attention to the side stories, so she’ll almost certainly be willing to help with negotiations/whatever happens.

Why wouldn't you flood the city, Sooks? What are you, some kinda good guy? Pah!


I do find it funny that that Frederica and Roland switch ideologies for the first three way story decision, just like how Frederica has been going for morality while Roland has been going for not that for like five choices now, despite the fact that Roland is supposed to be the morality guy and Frederica the liberty gal. Guess they didn’t plan that out all too well.

I dunno, the conviction change felt intentional to me. By the end they've all switched convictions to something suiting their development. You'll see.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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