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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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1 hour ago, WraithReborn said:

Hey, I think the Sequel Trilogy is as rubbish as the next guy, but we’re stuck with it whether we like it or not.

Unironically the most sensible anti-Sequel take i've heard so far.


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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Unironically the most sensible anti-Sequel take i've heard so far.

The Sequel Trilogy is just incredibly disjointed in its storytelling and films do not flow well from one to the other. 

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Just now, WraithReborn said:

The Sequel Trilogy is just incredibly disjointed in its storytelling and films do not flow well from one to the other. 

I agree and disagree at the same time. I think Force Awakens -> Last Jedi flows fairly well, mainly because JJ Abrams' mystery box style of writing means the story could've really gone anywhere for the most part. It also helps that Last Jedi picks up immediately where Force Awakens left off.

The problem comes in Rise of Skywalker where Disney took feedback from Redditors and Abrams was insistent on doing his version of the film, to the point where the film spends like 80% of it's run time trying to undo Last Jedi.

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Oh they just shadowdropped this

"Complete the game to unlock Boss Rush and fight Samus’ most formidable foes one-after-another to try to get the best time possible! At the end of each battle, your missiles will be restored, but any damage you’ve taken will be carried over to the next boss fight. Each battle can add to the players max missiles, Energy Tank, and Power Bombs, depending on where the boss is in the main game."

Ah, so that's how they're handling it. I was wondering how they'd do that.

"Complete Boss Rush mode to unlock Survival Rush mode. In this mode, defeat as many bosses as possible before a timer runs out. Each boss you defeat will add a bit more time to your clock. And if you’re able to defeat a boss without taking damage, you’ll get even more time added to your clock. In this mode, missiles and health do not recover between bosses."

So this is like the opposite of a time trial. Interesting.

"Complete Dread Mode to unlock Dread Rush mode. Challenge a gauntlet of 12 bosses without stopping—one right after the other. Just like in Dread Mode, taking a single hit means instant defeat. Missiles are fully recovered after each boss battle."

This sounds like the definition of insanity. And you know what the scariest part is? I'm actually willing to do this.

Oh God, that's actually make me nauseous thinking about it. 12 fights back-to-back, one hit kills you. But wait, 12 fights? Not counting repeat fights against Control Units, Chozo Soldiers and Robots, there's only 11 bosses in the game.

.....oh God, there's an extra secret boss......it's Ridley, isn't it?

Only way it adds up to 12 is if the Red and Gold Chozo Soldiers count as their own bosses, but despite just being a tier or two higher, that's still basically the same fight as a regular Chozo Soldier fight.

Honestly the biggest roadblock is the Twin Robot Fight, assuming it's using the ones in Burenia and not the ones in Ferenia.

5 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

You posted this right as i was typing this haha.

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10 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Only way it adds up to 12 is if the Red and Gold Chozo Soldiers count as their own bosses, but despite just being a tier or two higher, that's still basically the same fight as a regular Chozo Soldier fight.

Oh well it turns out i was almost right. Turns out they use the Central Units twice, that's disappointing imo.

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Look how interesting what appeared on my timeline...

It coincided with my second movie marathon. Today was TASM.

Cfakgage o

I remember when the movie came out in 2012 I made the same criticisms I did for these Marvel movies (Peter not fulfilling his responsibilities, that final scene with Gwen didn't please me at all). Glad 2 fixed all these issues.

Spider Man The Amazing Spider Man2 GIF - Spider Man The Amazing Spider Man2  Tasm2 - Discover & Share GIFs

Next in line!

Anyway, No Way Home releases on Blu-ray on the 12th and I'll buy it even if I have to ask my grandma for money.

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As for why I stopped with WYBO. I've one major problem when it comes to writing- I can't do dialogue. I can't make the dialogue natural, and I'm always concerned about putting words in the mouth of existing characters, for fear I'll write something out of character for them to say, I don't want to show disrespect to fictional people. I'm not great with characters in general either.

I'm more of a world-building writer. People are my weak point. And even with my lore-oriented strength, I tend to be wary of what I write, since I like having a veneer of realism to it, and I feel like I could always afford to read ever more history books to strengthen my understanding of political/military/economic/cultural structures and systems.

Are you me?

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I agree and disagree at the same time. I think Force Awakens -> Last Jedi flows fairly well, mainly because JJ Abrams' mystery box style of writing means the story could've really gone anywhere for the most part. It also helps that Last Jedi picks up immediately where Force Awakens left off.

>flows well

>literally destroys what TFA built

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Now I'm reminded I still have a chapter to finish tweaking...

I'd say dialogues and characterizations are also things I feel I have it harder to deal with.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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8 hours ago, pong said:

And they also all cover different archetypes of "romantic fantasies". Childhood friend? Lilina. Sooooo quirky? Larum. Nature girl? Sue. Tomboy? Shanna. Hot for teacher? Cecilia. Demure and quiet? Sophia.

Lo and behold, every Horny Teenager who bought the strategy guide and is willing to spend half of his playing time selecting "end turn" is satisfied. As long as they're male and heterosexual, of course. Let's not get crazy.

I see no mildly psychotic goth girl. Or fully psychotic yandere. Or tsundere for that matter. Definitely no eldritch demon in human form that finds one specific human entertaining enough to spend a fraction of it's lifetime with that thinks it's oddly "cute" that you think you have any control over it, but lets you have your fantasy because reminding you otherwise would break the feeble mortal mind. Not that I know anything about that one


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I see the One Piece fandom is losing their shit, and this comes from at least a week ago. It's ironic that fandoms are supposed to be the places that bring people together who like something, but instead make fans want to kill one another. Anyway


Read 100 Kanojo

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Now I'm reminded I still have a chapter to finish tweaking...

I will give feedback later today!

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1 hour ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I see no mildly psychotic goth girl. Or fully psychotic yandere. Or tsundere for that matter. Definitely no eldritch demon in human form that finds one specific human entertaining enough to spend a fraction of it's lifetime with that thinks it's oddly "cute" that you think you have any control over it, but lets you have your fantasy because reminding you otherwise would break the feeble mortal mind. Not that I know anything about that one

Mea culpa.


Lo and behold, every Horny Teenager who bought the strategy guide, doesn't crave to be in an abusive relationship, and is willing to spend half of his playing time selecting "end turn" is satisfied. As long as they're male and heterosexual, of course. Let's not get crazy.



#Yeardle #17


First guess was 63 years too late. I didn't think there was an official "King of Italy" that soon after the fall of the WRE, I guess.


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10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah that was like one of the few times i wasn't too sure.

Yes, well... You were lacking in perceptiveness.


Ruben, i believe we call this a "tsundere moment".

Shut up.


Until he finally gets to play Skywalker Saga and we both agree that it's pretty great.



I played it for an hour and didn't even realize I'd played it for an hour. It felt so much shorter than that. I can't wait for these damned issues to be sorted out. I want to play this game and complete the ultimate goal of every real Star Wars fan: Find Rebel Friend.

10 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


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...I'll spare you the real details.😜

I mean, I did write them all down and was going to hit "Submit Reply", buuuuuuuuuuuut part of me questioned if it was a good idea. So I didn't. Though I did transfer the description to a document on my computer, to preserve the moment's pornographic passion.

You should play Vestaria Saga. You'd probably enjoy Cyltan and Zade.

9 hours ago, Sooks said:

Tfw they Elise’d Cordelia in TS.

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I guess it’s easier to understand with a longer weapon like a spear, though.

And the thread has been absolutely blowing up, I hope I haven’t missed any teehee lore.

Hah! Oh that's great. In my run...


She took an arrow for Roland.

I must say, I prefer your version.

9 hours ago, Armagon said:


Star Wars fans stop being an embarrassment challenge (literally impossible)

You surprised? This has been happening since the game was announced. People are insanely angry about the fact that this compilation of Star Wars films contains all of the Star Wars films.

I just think Sith Rey looks neat. Among the very limited group of sith that contains exclusively old men and men in black suits, she's pretty unique.

9 hours ago, twilitfalchion said:

I've honestly grown long tired of my username but everyone on all the sites I'm on knows me by that so changing it would be so odd

Mine has just stuck at this point. I don't even consider changing it, it's like a second identity, sort of.

3 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

I see the One Piece fandom is losing their shit, and this comes from at least a week ago. It's ironic that fandoms are supposed to be the places that bring people together who like something, but instead make fans want to kill one another.

What happened? Did One Piece come to an anticlimatic ending after the 1000 episodes?

3 hours ago, Newtype06 said:


Read 100 Kanojo

"A better romantic development than most romantic comedies."

- The fanbase of every single romantic comedy ever.

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2 hours ago, pong said:


I'm not sure the goth girl's quite an abusive relationship. But then again I'm not sure. To be honest people who fantasize about the mentally ill have never seen a relationship go to hell because of it. It's less something full of excitement and more frequent threats of suicide or killing pets when they don't get their way. And no. I don't want to explain how I know that.

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"It's just that... You two are out here alone and Marth is... crying. This is how ill rumors are born."

Maribelle in the background twitching like she's standing in the north pole

Well, was nice knowin' ya, Lucy.

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2 hours ago, The Roger The Paladin said:

I'm not sure the goth girl's quite an abusive relationship. But then again I'm not sure. To be honest people who fantasize about the mentally ill have never seen a relationship go to hell because of it. It's less something full of excitement and more frequent threats of suicide or killing pets when they don't get their way. And no. I don't want to explain how I know that.

Hey, you specified "mildly psychotic goth girl" 😉

"Romantic" tropes can be mildly fucked up even without any fetishisation of mental illness. Just think of the classic aesop: "If the girl tells you that she's not interested, that means that you haven't been intrusive enough to convince her. Try harder, bitch boy."

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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You surprised?

Not really. It's honestly what i fully expected because Star Wars fans deserve zero rights.

Most insufferable fanbase, i tell you. Nothing comes close.

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9 minutes ago, pong said:

Hey, you specified "mildly psychotic goth girl" 😉

By the way, I'm still used to using a winking emoticon to indicate "I mean this in a joking manner" and I hate that nowadays, at least in my perception, the winking emoji looks way too smug and condescending to convey that intention.

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Not really. It's honestly what i fully expected because Star Wars fans deserve zero rights.

Most insufferable fanbase, i tell you. Nothing comes close.

Star Wars fans be like "remove one third of the game's content."

Star Wars fans also be like "why aren't Agent Collar and Sassy Teen and the Coruscant space battle in the game, add that content to the game."

Why not just go back to Complete Saga, then? I mean, sure, it's... worse in every way, but hey, nostalgia! That's the biggest thing for Star Wars fans, anyway.

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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2 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You should play Vestaria Saga. You'd probably enjoy Cyltan and Zade.

Kaga ended up writing a better rapport between two lead guys than those leads and their female lovers?

Sometime after I resume and finish Berwick I'll do that. Though VS isn't high on my priorities for the moment.

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27 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Star Wars fans also be like "why aren't Agent Collar and Sassy Teen and the Coruscant space battle in the game, add that content to the game."

Ok the Battle of Coruscant is actually understandable since that's literally how Episode III opens. I'm actually rather surprised it's not in the game, that feels weird. 

Damn i didn't even know about that before you said it. I was looking forward to it too, Episode III's opening is the best in the entire series. Now i'm sad.

29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

but hey, nostalgia! That's the biggest thing for Star Wars fans, anyway

Star Wars fans when a character from their childhood returns in an older form and has undergone zero character development (they act exactly like they remember them)

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