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22 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

The Zerofield Team would like to introduce the new and improved: Cold Steel Subs: Kuro! Before we get started, here’s a list of what you’ll need play the game with our tool.

  • A Playstation 4, Playstation 4 Pro, or Playstation 5
  • A copy of Kuro no Kiseki! Digital, or Physical works.
  • A computer. Windows or a Mac with Wine, and 4gb RAM Min.
  • PlayStation Remote Play, or a Capture Card. (Elgato, for example)

Oh that's....simpler than i thought. 

I will look into this.

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6 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh that's....simpler than i thought. 

I will look into this.

There's also one for CS5 afaik (including pc version). Like if i wanted i could dl and play CS5 on pc atm, and i have the link even.

But you'll have to pay me to make me play CS5 lol

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They kept the old joke and now extended it slightly. Lune is now apparently clairvoyant, given it's not until 2nd that Touma arrives and the "Dai" isn't getting added until next game. (Not sure if it was ever stated in Alpha, but in OG, the DGGs are now stated as having been intended to protect the Earth Cradle. Explains the "Guardian" part of their name.) 

Similarly, they made this joke slightly longer too.:


Intentional misspelling much?


3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

Kingdom Hearts legit needs to drop Sora ASAP.

You might as well make his last name Ketchum. I don't think it's ever going to happen. Or at least, not until Nomura retires and KH is freed of his control and some new guy attempts a massive reset of the franchise. Which, despite being much more digestible narratively, will cause complete chaos in the KH fanbase.

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@Interdimensional Observer remember that time we were discussing the mild but existing Rune Factory timeline? Where here's our placement for 5


And there's also this screenshot i came across


Yeah it's been a good while since the events of Rune Factory 4. And i doubt Margaret left immediately after too.

Now it makes sense why Margaret and Doug, members of long-lived races, are the guest characters.


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I'm reminded that


Margaret mentions being married with children at some point too. Interesting...


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11 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


I'm reminded that

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Margaret mentions being married with children at some point too. Interesting...



I think internally, Margaret is the heroine of RF4. Would explain why she's the choice in the manga.

But it's not really explicit like in previous games.



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23 minutes ago, Armagon said:

@Interdimensional Observer remember that time we were discussing the mild but existing Rune Factory timeline? Where here's our placement for 5


And there's also this screenshot i came across


Yeah it's been a good while since the events of Rune Factory 4. And i doubt Margaret left immediately after too.

Now it makes sense why Margaret and Doug, members of long-lived races, are the guest characters.

Thank you. Looks like every game, barring ToD and maybe 3, ages the world a little more. This is definitely the biggest time jump though.

Perhaps RF6 will slow down the timing jump from RF5's events. This one serves to make a clean break from the past games, however lite their connections were.


14 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


At this point, we'll definitely need either some light time travel or an SRW approach if RF wanted a non-gatcha RF intraseries crossover. Not that it wasn't already difficult with RF2, but we simply can't have Raguna at age 65. I want such a crossover BTW.

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11 minutes ago, Armagon said:
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I think internally, Margaret is the heroine of RF4. Would explain why she's the choice in the manga.

But it's not really explicit like in previous games.



Oh, yes, no doubt. But well, 4 was the point where they were moving away from that notion. So having nods like those is a surprise to be sure, but a welcomed one.

Always knew it!


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3 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

At this point, we'll definitely need either some light time travel or an SRW approach if RF wanted a non-gatcha RF intraseries crossover. Not that it wasn't already difficult with RF2, but we simply can't have Raguna at age 65. I want such a crossover BTW.

As I once mentioned, they could say Earthmates age slower because life/earth/runes. So we get at least the protagonists sans Sonja and Micah covered. Micah being part monster can be explained like that and Sonja... hmm... has now Earthmate related powers due to all the time her soul spent with Aden?

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My feet hurt.

Like, a lot.


19 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Have you seen the "So What'cha Playing?" topic in the general gaming forum? Because someone there has words for Metroid. Crass enough that I didn't bother attempting the slightest act of persuasion, knowing it'd be like talking to a wall. Their brazen language admittedly made me want to gut reaction take a dump on Hollow Knight which I know they adore in the Metroidvania world, but I know better than to do that. And I can assure you, they are an Igavania fan.

-Just a reminder that no two things ever have to be mutually intertwined.

Can't say I've been able to find it, but... sheesh, that sounds rather excessive. Kinda like a certain someone a while back, with a game fearing a number of homes that is greater than two but lower than four.

19 hours ago, Armagon said:

What, the exploration? That's actually the main draw for a lot of people.

The stealth, well, Dread also has that, across the whole game this time.

Dread really is the best of these games, isn't it.

19 hours ago, Armagon said:

But again, i don't think you're playing these games any time soon.

Meh. I might give Super a shot at some point. Other sources tell me it's the best of the games. I'll admit, Dread does sound like the best of the bunch, but the pricetag holds me back. Perhaps in a few years, when I can find one in the bargain basket... Or, more likely, when the Switch dies and I fully embrace emulation of it for the rest of days.

18 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Carter got the worst. Not a bad composition or anything, it's just that...
Look, I love the Radiant Dawn soundfont. But who thought it was a good idea to make a midi, make a recording of said midi and then compress the hell out of it to make it fit into a DS cartridge? The entire point of a midi is to have clear sound without needing a lot of space.

Come to think of it, a Remake of the game would be pretty sweet if only for the uncompressed audio.

This. This theme right here. This encapsulates everything I don't like about this composer.

Goodness, there's not a song here. It's just instruments going at it with complete discord in an attempt to produce a vaguely heroic-sounding motif. I hate it so much. How does such a cool looking man sound so awful...?

Sorry. I know you opened with "not a bad composition or anything", and I also know that I've said these words like 10 times before, but there's just something about this composer in particular that makes me dislike most of their stuff I've heard. Struck gold with Wheeling Corby, though, I've gotta hand it to 'em. That song is pure joy. That's right, you thought this was just Ruben being hateful as usual, but it was actually a secret scheme to gush about Wheeling Corby and how much I love that song. You've all fallen for my trap in America. You never stood a chance, I am too peerless a tactician. I've not seen a pear in my entire life!

Anyway, here it is.

Now let's listen to that instead of the old guy's theme.

7 hours ago, pong said:

Now I have this mental image of Eliwood being the most pampered noble brat there ever was, who thinks that horses are just summoned out of thin air when he needs one and then dismissed into some magical realm when he doesn't anymore. "Why do those peasants make such a fuss about producing grain if they could just tell Boffa the cook to prepare some caviar for them?"

That's why he didn't tell Roy anything about his own adventures with the dragons and all, and why he never helped Roy at all or even appeared past the first map. He just assumed Roy would produce another magical archsage out of thin air to bail him out of every problem he faced, so he didn't think he needed to do anything.

7 hours ago, Benice said:

Farewell, all! I shall be returning in a few days.

...Also, why am I less tired waking up on a Sunday at 5 than I am waking up at 7:30 on Monday?

Most certainly too late, but have fun!

6 hours ago, Armagon said:


Anyways, Kingdom Hearts 4 has been announced. It will release in 2029 which is still faster than the time it'll take to bring Kuro no Kiseki over to the West.

This game is really funny, isn't it.

4 hours ago, Sooks said:

Edit: I went with Roland


This is so fucking hilarious.


I spend my entire run being as evil as possible, I end up going with the most sensible option. You spend your entire run being a goodie-two-shoes, then you do that.

Look at the tables, they look like friggin' helicopters, they're turning so hard!


3 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Is this...what I think it is?

A (Vaguely) Native American inspired Fire Emblem like game with tons of unique classes and units?

Have the Gods finally answered my prayers?!

Funny, I had completely glossed over the video without even realizing what it was until I read your response.

Yeah, now that I've actually registered the trailer's existence, it does look pretty awesome. On the wishlist it goes.

3 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

FE in KH confirmed!

r/KingdomHearts - Finally, a black man in Kingdom Hearts.

Okay, seriously, he looks like Claude. Or at least reminds me of. XD

The hater in me immediately began combing my mental archives in search for another character to pin this on.

Yeah, I've got nothing. That's Claude, all right.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:



50 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:


I have to wonder how much of this was the localizers messing around.

Not that I mind, I mean, it's a way, WAY better ship than Athol x Zade. But somehow, I find it difficult to believe Kaga would've written a line like this. See you can tell because the ship doesn't suck ass.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

You might as well make his last name Ketchum. I don't think it's ever going to happen. Or at least, not until Nomura retires and KH is freed of his control and some new guy attempts a massive reset of the franchise. Which, despite being much more digestible narratively, will cause complete chaos in the KH fanbase.

Wow, thats a perfect comparison, as much as I dislike how true it is. Xd

Well at least they could fix the gameplay, right!?


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Finished either the fifth or sixth dungeon (IIRC) last night

If there's anything in the game that justifies the shift back to 3D, the boss battles being in a 3D space is nice

Arena-style and such, however simple or short they may be

nothing else in the game does though, especially the farming

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In other news, I just watched Gregor and Lon'qu's support on a whim.

Lon'qu wanted to duel, because he's edgy. First Gregor said "Edge is seeming very sharp", which already was a great start. Then not only did he make Lon'qu pay him to duel, he also won so fast that there wasn't even a line jump between the duel starting and Gregor winning. Then his Gregorness made Lon'qu's edge disappear and he admitted he has much to learn in their A support, prompting Gregor to offer to teach him his Gregorisms.

Seriously, this guy hasn't a single bad support. Or a single bad line, for that matter. Might be a bit rash to say something like this, but I think he's straight up becoming one of my favorite characters in the series now, as you can probably tell by the fact that I can't help but go out of my way to read his supports.

Gregor is treasure, is what I'm saying.

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23 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not that I mind, I mean, it's a way, WAY better ship than Athol x Zade


This is better than Zade x Athol tbf xD

25 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But somehow, I find it difficult to believe Kaga would've written a line like this.

Eh. Lines like that are as old as anime itself


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29 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's why he didn't tell Roy anything about his own adventures with the dragons and all, and why he never helped Roy at all or even appeared past the first map. He just assumed Roy would produce another magical archsage out of thin air to bail him out of every problem he faced, so he didn't think he needed to do anything.

It's all coming together. BlaBla, the misunderstood masterpiece, teaching us about the decadence that an unchallenged aristocracy invariably develops. A true pamphlet for republicanism, showcasing that Cath was BinBla's heroine all along.

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36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

My feet hurt.

Like, a lot.


As someone whose feet get worn out merely from walking around a museum for two hours, my sympathies.

36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

This. This theme right here. This encapsulates everything I don't like about this composer.

Goodness, there's not a song here. It's just instruments going at it with complete discord in an attempt to produce a vaguely heroic-sounding motif. I hate it so much. How does such a cool looking man sound so awful...?

I don't mind Forsythe/Carter's theme, but Caulder/Stolos/Berith's? 

I didn't mind it at all as a kid. The choice of instrumentation was pleasantly different (an accordion?). But seeing people criticize it for a lack of coherency now? I can hear it. It's as busted as his CO Zone is.

36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sorry. I know you opened with "not a bad composition or anything", and I also know that I've said these words like 10 times before, but there's just something about this composer in particular that makes me dislike most of their stuff I've heard. Struck gold with Wheeling Corby, though, I've gotta hand it to 'em. That song is pure joy. That's right, you thought this was just Ruben being hateful as usual, but it was actually a secret scheme to gush about Wheeling Corby and how much I love that song. You've all fallen for my trap in America. You never stood a chance, I am too peerless a tactician. I've not seen a pear in my entire life!

Probably one of my favorites in RD actually. Sounds like it could be used for a spy thriller action movie trailer with explosions going off in the background. Helps that I like the choice to give the Laguz Royals their own personal battle themes (after all, the current game I've been playing nonstop has about... 40 character battle themes?).

While my opinion on RD's soundtrack is higher than yours (as it is on the entire game), I do recognize at times that it is an overly rich cacophony of grandiose orchestration, lacking in technical fluidity. Just because you have access to enough woodwinds to blow a ship with sails from the Cliffs of Dover to Newfoundland, doesn't mean you should them all, all the time.

36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Well, technically a familiar, that just so happened to take the form of a cat when it was created, b/c its master has a mind utterly lacking for creativity. Doubles as a navigator, general purpose knowledge database, and drone pilot that shoots bad guys.

36 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I have to wonder how much of this was the localizers messing around.

Not that I mind, I mean, it's a way, WAY better ship than Athol x Zade. But somehow, I find it difficult to believe Kaga would've written a line like this. See you can tell because the ship doesn't suck ass.

I was going to ask how much in context those three lines are.

Kaga be an old fogey from a prior generation, so I doubt he could ever seriously mean an s/s ship (or not without it being a little offensive).


10 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Eh. Lines like that are as old as anime itself

Considering one ending of a 1996 SRW game has a joke where female characters think seeing the hero & anti-hero in swimsuits talking to each other makes them fear it's a Case Y, you'd be right from what little I know. (And I know as a fact that Soleil's kind of character can be traced back in Japanese women's entertainment literature to the 1930s.)

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Pfffhahahaha! Did he really just tell femRobin that, in order to keep healthy, she should sleep in his bed so they can share their body heat and not get cold during the night?

From another character I would hate that line, but Gregor gets a pass because he's Gregor and at this point I'm massively biased. Helps that then she proceeded to dream about him. And then from that dream and a couple of other symptoms, he immediately deduced that she was deathly ill and literally saved her life. And then he told her he'd demand a fee for appearing in her dreams. And then she fell in love. Because Gregor is treasure.

I love this guy so much. At this rate I'm going to eat up all of his supports, a feat that no modern FE character has managed. He's so good, I'm even hesitating to say Garon is a better character than him.

23 minutes ago, pong said:

It's all coming together. BlaBla, the misunderstood masterpiece, teaching us about the decadence that an unchallenged aristocracy invariably develops. A true pamphlet for republicanism, showcasing that Cath was BinBla's heroine all along.

I can't believe Cath isn't allowed in the United States of America.

20 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

As someone whose feet get worn out merely from walking around a museum for two hours, my sympathies.



I don't mind Forsythe/Carter's theme, but Caulder/Stolos/Berith's? 

I didn't mind it at all as a kid. The choice of instrumentation was pleasantly different (an accordion?). But seeing people criticize it for a lack of coherency now? I can hear it. It's as busted as his CO Zone is.

This is going to sound like I'm just being a contrarian for the heck of it, but... See, in this case? I think it works. This is completely dissonant, but it feels intentional here. It screams mad scientist, which, well... Yeah. This theme and Penny's, which overall sounds like it's telling a tale of insane experiments gone wrong all on its own. I like both of these. They suit the characters and it feels like there's more of a rhyme and reason to the lack of rhyme and reason. If that makes any sense.

It's with stuff like Forsyth/Carter and a lot of RD themes where it just doesn't work. They're trying to be heroic, triumphant and more on the calm-yet-firm side, but the lack of coherency runs completely counter to all of that, in my humble opinion.

Also I love how this guy has three different names


Probably one of my favorites in RD actually. Sounds like it could be used for a spy thriller action movie trailer with explosions going off in the background. Helps that I like the choice to give the Laguz Royals their own personal battle themes (after all, the current game I've been playing nonstop has about... 40 character battle themes?).

I honestly cannot remember the other Royals' themes. Wheeling Corby is so godly, it eclipses all of them. Heck, I used Naesala just so I'd get to occassionally hear it!


While my opinion on RD's soundtrack is higher than yours (as it is on the entire game), I do recognize at times that it is an overly rich cacophony of grandiose orchestration, lacking in technical fluidity. Just because you have access to enough woodwinds to blow a ship with sails from the Cliffs of Dover to Newfoundland, doesn't mean you should them all, all the time.

Yeah, exactly. Funny how some of the best songs in the game don't have woodwinds lol. Wheeling Corby and of course this most beautiful pìece.


Well, technically a familiar, that just so happened to take the form of a cat when it was created, b/c its master has a mind utterly lacking for creativity. Doubles as a navigator, general purpose knowledge database, and drone pilot that shoots bad guys.

Still. Cat!


I was going to ask how much in context those three lines are.

The game tries to spin it as a funny anime moment. And both of them get railroaded into incredibly shitty straight pairings.

That does not stop them from having a wild drunk night together and then sleeping naked in the same room.

I am not kidding.


Kaga be an old fogey from a prior generation, so I doubt he could ever seriously mean an s/s ship (or not without it being a little offensive).

...Yeaaah... I didn't want to say it, but that's what I was thinking too. Funny how the gay pairing he wrote by complete accident is better than the two straight pairings he intentionally set up.

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Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

...Yeaaah... I didn't want to say it, but that's what I was thinking too. Funny how the gay pairing he wrote by complete accident is better than the two straight pairings he intentionally set up.

I think the problem here is trying to "write romance as romance" and thus it becomes...forced. Happens way too often, and the chemistry is then...non existant.

If you write friends with great chemistry however...


Alot of of my fav. "Ships" shall i say have to do with "natural" progression and how the chemistry is there without forcing a romance, even. The romance comes more as a result of the chemistry, more like it.

I think



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It has been a bit. My brother hosted a LAN party this weekend as his bachelor party, and while a bit drunk I got talked into getting Elden Ring, and goaded into starting deprived, and finally stubbornly decided to beat the Forest Sentinel before unlocking the ability to levelup (as he was clearly beatable), so I was just shy of 3 hours in before I beat that mounted knight naked with a stick, and walk far enough to unlocked leveling, and the horse. Getting Elden Ring now might be a mistake as it chugs if it runs for too long, and sometimes it gets a bit bugged such that random enemies will be invisible, which led to me facing an invisible Wolfman Boss (I assume by the cave being filled with wolves, and the name being Beastman of somewhere). After the Forest Sentinel that was an easy one try despite being invisible (as I did it after getting the ability to levelup, and getting a real weapon from a chest in front of the storgate). I am not very far, got to about one grace past the storm gate for main story progression, before going back to check out some stuff off the beaten path (like the wolf cave with the invisible boss), saw the lake dragon, and after coming to the realization that you both need the horse to really do that fight, and finding the horse combat kinda ass, decided to take it on latter, and am now dealing with the Fringefolk Hero's Grave, an odd place where you needed a key to access in the starting area with a poison pool, and this robotic crop harvester that tries to rip you up as you go down the slope.

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19 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

I think the problem here is trying to "write romance as romance" and thus it becomes...forced. Happens way too often, and the chemistry is then...non existant.

If you write friends with great chemistry however...


Yes, that's a good explanation of what probably happened.

Won't stop me from picking the correct ship.

Just now, Eltosian Kadath said:

It has been a bit. My brother hosted a LAN party this weekend as his bachelor party, and while a bit drunk I got talked into getting Elden Ring, and goaded into starting deprived, and finally stubbornly decided to beat the Forest Sentinel before unlocking the ability to levelup (as he was clearly beatable), so I was just shy of 3 hours in before I beat that mounted knight naked with a stick, and walk far enough to unlocked leveling, and the horse.

Ahhh, alcohol. What would man do without ye.

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