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Roland >>>> Dimitri.

I saw some similarities before, but Roland really is just a better Dimitri. Well, with a way worse voice actor, that is.

13 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

You've achieved Shrimplightenment

Play Triangle Strategy.

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1 minute ago, Armagon said:

Honestly, i would.

Main issue is it's an FFT SRPG. Maybe if i find it for cheap.

Never actually played FFT. Or even know anything about it other than that it exists. Maybe I should since I like this one… idk how similar they are. Eh, something to consider for later.

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I've read some of the statements made by the CCRD staff.

Taking into consideration their statement they wanted to get the game out back in 2019 for the 20th anniversary, but then they had to rework the code to be able to make it run outside playstation-code... then having to rework the code because Cross was among the bunch of games Squaresoft lost the Source Code of, I wouldn't be surprised if they restoration work took longer than expecting... then the Pandemic hit, and thus they spent three years working on just restoring the lost code. Leaving a sense of burnout to work on much else. Also that, if they don't have the source code, then they can't fiddle with the code too much else they could cause additional problems to solve, which explains why it runs as it does.

But well, that's the gist I get from their statement of the development of the remaster.

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17 minutes ago, Sooks said:

Never actually played FFT. Or even know anything about it other than that it exists. Maybe I should since I like this one… idk how similar they are. Eh, something to consider for later.

FFT-style SRPGs are basically games where the maps are pretty compact and your roster isn't that big.

Example of an FFT map


Now granted, i haven't played an FFT-style game but just looking at it, i feel put off. Because it's less of an SRPG and more of an RPG on a grid.

......I mean, the Project X Zone games fall into the same category but

  1. Namco X Capcom is tedious
  2. Project X Zone 1 is bad
  3. Both of those had dynamic turn-order, which i don't like
    • Actually this is very important but does kind of turn order does TS have?
  4. Project X Zone 2 is good actually
  5. I played those three games because i'm a Monolith Soft shill and you can tell because i'm typing this all out. And Monolith Soft making a game is a great way of convincing me to play it (what is Disaster: Day of Crisis?)
  6. All three of those games had fighting game DNA, which makes them standout even among actual SRPGs because there is no other SRPGs where this happens
  7. Monolith Soft>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Square Enix, i have yet to enjoy a Square Enix game that isn't Xenogears, which doesn't count.
Edited by Armagon
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9 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Because it's less of an SRPG and more of an RPG on a grid.

I never got this feeling from Triangle Strategy.

What do you mean by this though? Like I’d say the grid matters a lot in this game but I’m not sure that’s what you’re trying to say.

9 minutes ago, Armagon said:


  1. Both of those had dynamic turn-order, which i don't like
    • Actually this is very important but does kind of turn order does TS have?

I don’t know what a dynamic turn order is, but here it’s just based on speed, the fastest unit on the field (Anna. Literally never not Anna if you deploy her, at least in my experience (on normal mode)) goes first, then the second, then the third, etc. until everyone’s gone and the cycle restarts. I don’t if it’s just that simple but it is based on speed and this is how it appears to work.

2 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:


You could try the demo tho

It’s worth noting that the demo is like 75:25 story to gameplay.

Now the story is good but in the beginning it’s a little slow and a little generic, and the demo ends before it gets good, so yeah. But that is an option if you’re worried about the gameplay.

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Just now, Sooks said:

It’s worth noting that the demo is like 75:25 story to gameplay.


1 minute ago, Sooks said:

What do you mean by this though? Like I’d say the grid matters a lot in this game but I’m not sure that’s what you’re trying to say

FE's gameplay (and FE likes) depends more on map design, positioning, easy calculations, skills and perma death.

FE usually puts the S in SRPG, even if some games (Echoes being a big one, Awakening and 3H to a lesser extent) focus more on RPG.

In many non FE SRPG, the battles feels more like giant RPG battles, with units being much more individualistic, math being a pain, usually no perma death, wild skills and effects, etc. Like Trails gameplay with more units xD

Now, one is not better than the other, it all depends on taste, and while i usually enjoy FE likes more, i did enjoy some of the other kind as well.

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It's been a while


Time to continue this, the best game ever made. Currently on Ch.5 and i've figured something out

  • Chapter 5-April
  • Chapter 6-May
  • Chapter 7-June
  • Chapter 8-July
  • Chapter 9-August
  • Chapter 10-September

If i do one chapter a month, i will finish this game just in time for Xenoblade 3. Which is exactly what i will do because honestly, the way my schedules line up, this allows me to fit in this replay while still allowing for other replays (Lulua, 13 Sentinels, i plan to do a Dread replay this month) and new games i'm playing. Because like i said, once Xenoblade 3 comes out, that is the only game i'll be playing until i am done with it.

Anyways let's pop open a crystal and see who i get


Hello there.

10 minutes ago, Sooks said:

What do you mean by this though? Like I’d say the grid matters a lot in this game but I’m not sure that’s what you’re trying to say.

It's kinda hard to put into words-

3 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

FE's gameplay (and FE likes) depends more on map design, positioning, easy calculations, skills and perma death.

FE usually puts the S in SRPG, even if some games (Echoes being a big one, Awakening and 3H to a lesser extent) focus more on RPG.

In many non FE SRPG, the battles feels more like giant RPG battles, with units being much more individualistic, math being a pain, usually no perma death, wild skills and effects, etc. Like Trails gameplay with more units xD

Oh and Shrimpy easily put it into words lol.

16 minutes ago, Sooks said:

It’s worth noting that the demo is like 75:25 story to gameplay.

Now the story is good but in the beginning it’s a little slow and a little generic, and the demo ends before it gets good, so yeah. But that is an option if you’re worried about the gameplay.

I fear it is not a good representation of the gameplay but we shall see.

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22 minutes ago, Sooks said:

I don’t know what a dynamic turn order is, but here it’s just based on speed, the fastest unit on the field

This is the issue with FFT: speed literally ruins the game. As CT is added by speed, units with higher speed get ALOT of turn skips.

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For example, the player can reduce the enemy speed down to 1, while having 50 at max in battle, meaning the enemy never gets to go a turn unless you wait about a few hundred or thousand pending on other stuff.

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Oh yeah, and since my Xenoblade X replay is sitting on Ch.6 (or rather, after it), that means next month, i can continue that replay

  • Ch.7-May
  • Ch.8-June
  • Ch.9-July
  • Ch.10-August
  • Ch.11-September

......Well ok since Ch.8 is literally just a gauntlet rush, i can do two X chapters a month. That way, i'd wrap up Xenoblade X and Xenoblade 2 just in time for Xenoblade 3. 

"But Armagon, what about Xenoblade 1?"


Also i forgot about my whole pfp monthly change so now here's Lanz.

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The problem is more in balance than the dynamic turn system itself.

Berwick for example does dynamic really well, but there it also doesn't depend on speed, and units are limited to 1 action per turn.

One i loved that's more RPG than S is Stella Glow. There it's also dynamic, however aside from Armor Knight (3 Mov lol) most of the "slower" units weren't dead useless, and it was also very hard to delay enemy to infinity.

One i found interesting but not implemented well was gungnir. There it was also speed based, but if you use the unit again before his full turn recovery, you get a penalty.

It all depends on how it's done

Edited by Shrimpolaris
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Why it must be so hard to get confirmation over if something is true or not regarding the Radical Dreamers edition... I'm almost tempted to buy the game already just to find out myself...

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6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Liesselote lol. That's amazing, I love that one.

Lieselotte isn't a particularly weird name. It's apparently a German equivalent of the English "Elizabeth". Elizabeth being derived from Hebrew meaning "God is an oath". The "El" at the start of Elizabeth being the old Semitic word for lord/master, and used to refer to the Abrahamic God and the various chief gods of ancient Near/Middle East pagan religions.

FE will probably use the name eventually

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Unfortunately I cannot supply you with such material, as the scene happens over text. I also cannot give you pics of the dialogue because I don't have any and I don't remember which chapter it happened on. I can only assure you it happened.

But hey, that just means you get to use your imagination!

Oh, I will. -Not. I half-expect Zade to have the personality of cardboard, and yet I think I need to play the game and sample the characters myself before I seriously fantasize of Cyltan giving Zade an asslickin'.😜

Still, the scene you described sounds wonderful.😘

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I am of the opinion that Ninian should've just straight up been shipped with the Grim Reaper for the story to be better

I don't disagree with this. The deus ex machina was uncalled for.

If they really wanted Ninian to live, it would've better if having an A Support between her and Eliwood caused Eli to have just enough control over the Durandal during its instinctive strike to keep the blow from being fatal. Instead, Nini survives by a thread, and the heroes assume she is dead. However, when Athos takes away her body, he realizes there is still a very slight pulse and tells Nils about this. Nils chooses not to tell anyone else, because he doesn't want to give them the hope of his sister possibly surviving when she could still possibly fade away. Athos then heads back to Arcadia and tries healing Ninian and passes her to Brammy when he goes about getting the Sol Katti and Aureola. She isn't brought in until that silly (if sensical in the sense that they have to show off the dragon threat Nergal had made all game long) Fire Dragon battle, where Bramimond detects the dire situation and deems using Ninian necessary to weaken the dragon. If it weren't for the Fire Dragon coming through, he would've kept Ninian with him until after the final battle when he would give her back fully healed to the heroes.

If no EliwoodxNinian A, Eliwood doesn't have a strong enough bond with her to have some subconscious understanding that the ice dragon is Nin. And therefore he fails to resist the Durandal's dragon-slaying urge enough to keep the swing from being fatal. For the Fire Dragon situation, Nils has to do what his sister cannot, and perhaps he ever-so-briefly glimpses a ghost of her invoking the power of their dragonstone.

-I know you would rather have FE7 be a fever dream instead, but I'm whipping up this corrective idea on the spot, because it spontaneously entered my mind.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

dunno, who else is there? Flora? Random village maiden? Hector?

Fiora is double-vanilla. Their personalities are both very mild and well-mannered, birds of a feather do flock together; IRL they might make a good couple. However, in a video game, it isn't particularly sweet, nor it is entertaining. It's boring. Fiora is not as dependent as Ninian, but then there is nothing special about her either.  Honestly Hector is the next best thing for Eliwood after Lyn IMO. The only case where Fiora is good, is if you're going for triple-LordxPegasus Knight, because then it's part of a stylish set.


5 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

If any of you have a local Japanese gardens I recommend giving it a visit. I decided to visit ours yesterday and got to talk to some shinobue players and nearly got to pet a Koi fish.

I was meaning to see some collections of cherry blossoms this year. -But I didn't. The weather wasn't great and I let the opportunity pass me by.

Though I did visit a museum with a small traditional Japanese house inside it once. That was a tad unusual.

5 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

I'm always happy when characters take design inspirations from places other than Western Europe.

-Used tastefully of course, I don't think I need to add.

Indigenous designs used casually in the old racist "noble savage" trope have been greatly on the decline and are hopefully dead now. Yet this is a pretty recent development. Bravely Second, released only in 2015, less ten years ago, ran into the problem with Aimee Matchlock and the Wild West-themed Hawkeye class. I will say Tiz looks sexy in his shirtless costume for the original look, but I'm totally fine with it being gone if it could've offended anyone. Helps his replacement cowboy costume still makes me want him badly.


2 hours ago, Sooks said:

Never actually played FFT. Or even know anything about it other than that it exists. Maybe I should since I like this one… idk how similar they are. Eh, something to consider for later.

Don't. Final Fantasy Tactics belongs in a museum, because like many ancient things, it hasn't aged well and shouldn't be used on a daily basis. Its plot is surprisingly amateur for the airs and promises of "politics" and whatnot. Its fame is undeserved. In my opinion, that is.


2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I've read some of the statements made by the CCRD staff.

Taking into consideration their statement they wanted to get the game out back in 2019 for the 20th anniversary, but then they had to rework the code to be able to make it run outside playstation-code... then having to rework the code because Cross was among the bunch of games Squaresoft lost the Source Code of, I wouldn't be surprised if they restoration work took longer than expecting... then the Pandemic hit, and thus they spent three years working on just restoring the lost code. Leaving a sense of burnout to work on much else. Also that, if they don't have the source code, then they can't fiddle with the code too much else they could cause additional problems to solve, which explains why it runs as it does.

But well, that's the gist I get from their statement of the development of the remaster.

They could've remade the game from the ground up -if you ignore the gargantuan task that would be.

Sounds like a well-meant passion project that didn't realize the frozen river it was walking on was thin ice. Something to be pitied then.

Square is to blame, but it's Square circa 2000 + a 2020 pandemic. Guess one can't be too harsh on the port then.


1 hour ago, Shrimpolaris said:

The problem is more in balance than the dynamic turn system itself.

Berwick for example does dynamic really well, but there it also doesn't depend on speed, and units are limited to 1 action per turn.

One i loved that's more RPG than S is Stella Glow. There it's also dynamic, however aside from Armor Knight (3 Mov lol) most of the "slower" units weren't dead useless, and it was also very hard to delay enemy to infinity.

Same situation with LA3 then. Heine the shield guy was consistently terrible (he needed some kind of provoke or ally-shielding technique), but all of the other lower movement units had some usefulness, even if things weren't perfectly balanced.

Devil Survivor 2 -another dynamic RPG-leaning situation which I do so adore- managed that bothersome action speed issue by giving all playable characters equal turn speed and equal movement (except for one character whose too-balanced stat spread was counterbalanced by giving them a higher turn speed without the player knowing about it). Increasing movement and attack range was equally possible for everyone, provided you gave them the proper demon allies. Delaying enemies endlessly was possible in the first Devil Survivor, and an excellent strategy for its superboss, but Atlus fixed this in DS2 by removing the Tyranny skill's turn delay when it upgrades to Blood Treaty.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Oh yeah, and since my Xenoblade X replay is sitting on Ch.6 (or rather, after it), that means next month, i can continue that replay

Not going to ever 100% the survey on your first file? Get those last couple of side quests done that you might not have?

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

this allows me to fit in this replay while still allowing for other replays (Lulua, 13 Sentinels, i plan to do a Dread replay this month)

I replay nothing and you still complete more video games than me. What am I doing wrong?😑

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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Plot bunnies staying in your head is such a blursed feeling

4 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

ally-shielding technique

In SG armor-kun had a Zone control skill (enemies couldn't move through adjacent spaces) but iirc wasn't exclusive to him.

Still, even if he had super stats, 3 mov is just bleh...

Although i did read somewhere after finishing the game that max bonding gives him extra mov. Either +1 or +2.

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11 hours ago, BrightBow said:

Can I just say that I find it rather refreshing that they actually get drunk despite being minors.

There are so many video games that can't help themselves to put minors into military organizations, just to then needlessly highlight how absurd the whole thing is by not allowing them to drink anything alcoholic. Because hey, minors bleeding out on the battlefield is fine. But those same minors drinking alcohol? Can't have that.

Yeah, that's a good point.

11 hours ago, Newtype06 said:

Fiora and Hector x Farina because then Roy and Lilina are cousins

Ah yes, that's the 06 route all right.

10 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

If any of you have a local Japanese gardens I recommend giving it a visit. I decided to visit ours yesterday and got to talk to some shinobue players and nearly got to pet a Koi fish.

I'm not even sure if there are any Japanese gardens in Spain, let alone local to my area lol.

Still, duly noted if I ever stumble into one. Somehow.

10 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

After looking at the trailer it seems like it's just the one character, which I'm cool with. I'm always happy when characters take design inspirations from places other than Western Europe.

Well, looking at the Steam page for the game, it looks like there's at least one more character with that aesthetic. Or at least one that looks similar to my untrained eye. His name is Quidel and you can see him in one of the screenshots in the Steam page. Don't remember if he's in the trailer too.

10 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Not even mentioning the fact that he apparently went toe to toe with Goddamn Basilio!

Makes me really wish those two had a conversation together, even a DLC one.

Oh yeah, I didn't even think to mention that. Gregor's got quite the colorful past. It seems every other support of his reveals something spicy about his life.

10 hours ago, BrightBow said:

...he is level 10 unpromoted.

Granted, lv1 Chrom was able to destroy the walls of Ylisse castle by accident during training, so a level 10 unit is likely already ridiculously powerful. But Basilio nevertheless has like 4 times the stat total Gregor has.
It would be kinda like Spiderman vs Superman. Sure, they both have super strength, but it's not quite the same.

Eh. Not every game can be as perfect as Berwick Saga. Besides, as Quetzal said, a long time has passed since then. It's possible he's just gotten rusty, and/or Basilio has improved a ton since those days. As far as dumb gameplay-story segregation moments in FE goes, it's not really dumb enough to care, in my humble opinion.

Could be worse. Could be the random-ass magical force fields that keep the player from saving the otherwise easily saved Annand.

10 hours ago, Armagon said:

"The item versatility of Super Metroid. The boss fights and tone of Fusion. The fluidity of Zero Mission. The combat of Samus Returns. The best aspects of each of the 2D Metroid games was refined and improved to a point so perfect, i did not think it was possible" -excerpt from my review of the game.

Well aware that you didn't like Fusion's bosses that much (i think) but i think you can tell what i'm saying there. I love Metroid but to me, there is very clear gap between Dread and the rest of the series. Even Zero Mission, the game i used to think was the best one and is part of my Masterpiece Club, isn't on the same level. There's a reason why i replayed Dread so much, it's become my third favorite game of all time and the only reason it isn't higher is because Xenoblade exists.

I don't want to sound like i'm setting the game on a pedestal. I mean, i am, but that pedestal is mine and mine alone, i'm not like fans of a certain JRPG who insists on others that it's the second coming of Christ.

Nah, don't worry, you didn't sound like that. You just sound like I do with Berwick, haha! Which... I would hope only involves private property pedestals, as well.

10 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Gregor does also mention that it happened an incredibly long time ago so you could say things have changed a lot since then.

Gregor realized he was too powerful for the world, so he used his Gregor wizardry to lower his own strength and give everyone else a fighting chance.

It took him roughly three chapters to become my best unit. Now he's invincible.


9 hours ago, Sooks said:

Wait, what?

  Hide contents

What’s so evil about ousting the royalist as who are starving the people to protect them and the capital? I did make clear that I was talking about the chapter 15 decision of where to go, right? Not my actual ending, which is still assuredly gonna be Benedict’s.


Ah, sorry. I missed the fact that you went back to chapter 15.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

And yep, I do not regret siding with Benedict for the ending at all. Immediately everything that happens is so good, I should definitely see this before the golden ending.

Benedict's ending seems to be the most popular among the community, with Frederica's being a close second and Roland's... uh, yeah.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

…I don’t want to think about what it says about me that I willingly forsake the golden ending so I can get suffering. But the plot’s good guys, I promise.

  Hide contents

And also, the game does indeed acknowledge that I have Cordelia in my party when Roland leaves. Nice.

He also references something that happened in the capital to Hughette, which probably wouldn’t have happened otherwise, seeing as how she wouldn’t have been there. I definitely made the right call staying in the capital for this path.


I didn't have Cordelia, so that's neat that the game acknowledges her, but I believe the game did mention something about the events at the capital in my run as well.

8 hours ago, Sooks said:

Roland >>>> Dimitri.

I saw some similarities before, but Roland really is just a better Dimitri. Well, with a way worse voice actor, that is.

I mean, Dimitri is an above average protagonist by FE's standards, but... Well. FE's standards. His development is still rushed and riddled with issues. Also he's a worse FE protagonist than Leif. But then, who isn't, really?

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

Now granted, i haven't played an FFT-style game but just looking at it, i feel put off. Because it's less of an SRPG and more of an RPG on a grid.

For the record, I can vouch for how much fun TS is, as someone who has played Tactics Ogre, FFT's brother, and thought it was a tedious, unenjoyable mess. It's very strategic and the RPG elements are actually rather limited.

Heck, I would say it's more strategic than FE. It is impossible to juggernaut with a single OP unit in this game.

7 hours ago, Armagon said:

I fear it is not a good representation of the gameplay but we shall see.

Yes, unfortunately, TS's demo is not very good. It stops right before the game leaves the introduction phase and kicks into gear.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Lieselotte isn't a particularly weird name. It's apparently a German equivalent of the English "Elizabeth". Elizabeth being derived from Hebrew meaning "God is an oath". The "El" at the start of Elizabeth being the old Semitic word for lord/master, and used to refer to the Abrahamic God and the various chief gods of ancient Near/Middle East pagan religions.

I wasn't saying it was particularly weird. I honestly mean it, I love it. It sounds like the name a main villain would have. Great stuff. Why hasn't FE used it yet? Oh wait, that's right, we've yet to get a female main villain that isn't playable or redeemable in any capacity.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Oh, I will. -Not.


5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I half-expect Zade to have the personality of cardboard

I mean... Kinda? Most of the time he's the serious and competent commander type of guy. Not quite an emotionless sociopath like Reese, but close enough. This includes when he's around his designated ship.

His childhood friend Theodel does get a more sassy side out of him, and around Cyltan he acts like a raging prisoner of the closet. Or maybe I'm exaggerating. It's been a while since I played Vestaria. Either way, he definitely acts a lot more lively when he's around the men closest to him. Feel free to draw from that the same conclusion that the rest of us have.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

and yet I think I need to play the game and sample the characters myself before I seriously fantasize of Cyltan giving Zade an asslickin'.😜

Still, the scene you described sounds wonderful.😘

Heh, well. Something to look forward to, when you do get around to playing Vestaria.

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I don't disagree with this. The deus ex machina was uncalled for.

If they really wanted Ninian to live, it would've better if having an A Support between her and Eliwood caused Eli to have just enough control over the Durandal during its instinctive strike to keep the blow from being fatal. Instead, Nini survives by a thread, and the heroes assume she is dead. However, when Athos takes away her body, he realizes there is still a very slight pulse and tells Nils about this. Nils chooses not to tell anyone else, because he doesn't want to give them the hope of his sister possibly surviving when she could still possibly fade away. Athos then heads back to Arcadia and tries healing Ninian and passes her to Brammy when he goes about getting the Sol Katti and Aureola. She isn't brought in until that silly (if sensical in the sense that they have to show off the dragon threat Nergal had made all game long) Fire Dragon battle, where Bramimond detects the dire situation and deems using Ninian necessary to weaken the dragon. If it weren't for the Fire Dragon coming through, he would've kept Ninian with him until after the final battle when he would give her back fully healed to the heroes.

If no EliwoodxNinian A, Eliwood doesn't have a strong enough bond with her to have some subconscious understanding that the ice dragon is Nin. And therefore he fails to resist the Durandal's dragon-slaying urge enough to keep the swing from being fatal. For the Fire Dragon situation, Nils has to do what his sister cannot, and perhaps he ever-so-briefly glimpses a ghost of her invoking the power of their dragonstone.

-I know you would rather have FE7 be a fever dream instead, but I'm whipping up this corrective idea on the spot, because it spontaneously entered my mind.

Oh no, quite the opposite, I'm glad you've shared that idea. I love it. It would've been so much better than what we got. And Kaze in Birthright, for that matter. I still don't get why they felt the need to do that...

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Fiora is double-vanilla. Their personalities are both very mild and well-mannered, birds of a feather do flock together; IRL they might make a good couple. However, in a video game, it isn't particularly sweet, nor it is entertaining. It's boring.

I just realized that I called her Flora. Whoopsie. Shows how memorable she is to me...

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Honestly Hector is the next best thing for Eliwood after Lyn IMO.

Of course you'd say that

5 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Don't. Final Fantasy Tactics belongs in a museum, because like many ancient things, it hasn't aged well and shouldn't be used on a daily basis. Its plot is surprisingly amateur for the airs and promises of "politics" and whatnot. Its fame is undeserved. In my opinion, that is.

That's... not a great sign, for someone who doesn't even like Tactics Ogre.

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