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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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Another round of OGs blabber.:



I'm a little saddened they didn't explain at all why Yuuki and Carla got customized versions of the Razan/Rathgriff and the Randgrith/Randgriz. Though they're solid additions to my team, if coming so very late in OGs (not a problem with the subsequent games I cannot presently play).

The thing is so bulky and industrial-looking that I should find it unattractive, and yet, I like it. It helps that SRW having such a great variety of mech designs keeps me from being oversaturated with one particular approach to a cockpit surrounded by steel. I like aesthetic diversity.

I was going to give this to Carla and move Yuuki into something else. But for then he has Hit & Away so I'll keep him in the Razan. Carla on the other hand can, for the duration of the Earth Cradle fights at least, take the Mk. III Boxer R (that's a benefit to getting the conversion). I was going to give the Boxer to Tasuku, but the EC route gets the Grungust Unit 2, so Task can have that instead, Carla needs a little favoritism. Her Randgriz is going to Mai b/c I prefer Viletta for the R-Gun Powered.

I like how they now extended a conversation to feature six of the 1st Alpha protagonists. During which they had Carla and Tasuku sympathize with each other, knowing that I do that they were the same "Weird" personality type in Alpha, and have been romantically paired in OG with the "Cool" personality. I like the idea of two totally different characters each belonging to a separate sex representing the same personality type. How does Ryoto as Kind male differ in portrayal from Kusuha the Kind female? What is the gendering behind it? -I don't look into it that deeply, I only lightly entertain the thought.


This was so not worth feeding Kai as many kills and levels as I did. Toss a little cash in the 'Wurger L and I could have almost the same machine from a gameplay perspective, except much earlier. I think having a few more good machines anyone can use being available compared to GBA OG2 hurt the GMkIIS, it reduces the need for it. The other problem is the removal of combo attacks, no more hitting three enemies lined up next to each other with what is by far the strongest combo attack option.

Still, Will-free and low EN cost compensates for a relatively low power for an ultimate attack, the Mk. II S can spam big damage from turn 1 with no strings attached. And the Gespy Kick has style, style is important.


So right before the last route split, they have the Excellence return. Better late than never, it's been like 38 battles since I last controlled this. I get they didn't want to mess with the script of an established game too much. And this is nothing more than some light setup for Reversal's primary narrative role in OG Gaiden. A battle to get Raul a load of Pilot Points to catch him up and showcase the Excellence (with a smidgen of Lamia and Axel character development), nothing more. They've thrown the Excellence team a few lines of dialogue to fit them into the story as well b/c it'd be very weird if they were playable and said nothing.

Strongest attack of the three Excellence frames is 5000 power, on the lower end. But then, the ultimate Excellence frames (did they need ultimates when their schtick is versatility though?) aren't until OG Gaiden, so it's forgivable. Astelion already had the same problem of not being Altairlion/Hyperion. From what I've heard however, it seems Reversal's duo have been plagued by narrative and gameplay issues in the OGverse.

Raul's battle theme reminds me of Mega Man for some reason. And the Excellence's designs could possibly be squeezed into MMX without looking too out of place.

Now for the double Cradle split. I've made a separate save file (why can't SRW give me the option of doing both routes instead of one?), and will be doing a moonshot first, to have some fun with Ring, the Excellence, and the Mk. II S. Once it's done, I'll continue on my primary file by going to the Earth Cradle instead, which has the more epic story.


2 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

From what i read, Warriors game with multipe routes are more "different viewpoints"


Samurai Warriors 5 has a Nobunaga story and a Mitsuhide story. A few battles lazily overlap with minimal difference, but otherwise they're mostly distinct. In the Samurai Warriors series traditionally speaking, each character had their own short story focused on them, sharing in many of the same battles of course (Ieyasu and Yukimura are both to going end at Osaka for example).

For Dynasty Warriors, it's always been broken down by kingdom. One story each for the Three Kingdoms of: Wei, Wu, and Shu. They share a few fights with the other two- an opening against the Yellow Turbans, Dong Zhuo's takedown, the epic river battle at Red Cliffs/Chibi, Fan Castle, and a few other battles are shared by two but not all three kingdoms. As of Dynasty Warriors 7, they've also added a story for Jin to finish the Three Kingdoms story. It isn't actually about the Jin dynasty, but rather Wei in the later Three Kingdoms period, when the Sima clan stages a coup in Wei and then begins conquering Shu and Wu, thus reunifying China and founding the Jin dynasty.

To delve into fantasy, the first Hyrule Warriors had a tiny two-chapters three-armies split midway into the story. Where you had to play all six battles to proceed.


17 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Oh man, Byleth being the villain is actually pretty interesting. I wonder how this i'll go-

>Three routes


Enough with the routes IntSys. I really hope this is the game that gets that out of their system. Because Awakening was deadass the last FE to just be a straight story and that was 10 years ago. "What about FEW1" fair point there but the point still stands.

The approach SoV took wasn't the same as Fates and 3H though.

Personally, I don't want major route splits again myself. But going back to say FE6's north or south and Sacae or Ilia short & minor splits approach is fine for a touch of replay variety. I'd even be okay with a little flexibility in the ending, I just don't want the entire game to be routed.

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30 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Didn't FEW1 handle it that way as well?

I believe FEW1 was just one straight story.

But that isn't what the trailer made it sound like. "Three diverging paths" suggests actual story splits and not just a multiple perspective scenario.

I mean, it might just be multiple perspectives but idk, i need to see how it actually plays out. I simply do not like the implications right now.

30 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:


I'll take another RD approach but if we ain't getting that, i want a traditional story again.

30 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

(aslong as reviews don't go "this sucks")

Game journos famously hate Musou games so i wouldn't count on that.

13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The approach SoV took wasn't the same as Fates and 3H though.

Oh i know but i usually leave that out since it's a remake so it had to play by it's rules.

13 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Personally, I don't want major route splits again myself.

Yeah this is what i refer to when i say i don't want to see routes again in FE for a good while.


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Just now, Shrimpolaris said:

There was some kinda Hoshido/Nohr route split afaik. Minor one tho like older FE games

This is true. It really felt like it was thrown in there simply so the player would use other characters, rather than for actual storytelling imo.

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13 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

This is true. It really felt like it was thrown in there simply so the player would use other characters, rather than for actual storytelling imo.

I mean that's what Musou games are usually about.

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The sauce

10 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Well, Shez is probably Agarthan, they aren't exactly known for..normal names xD

That's the most normal-looking Agarthan i've ever seen inb4 powered up form looks like this


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1 minute ago, Shrimpolaris said:

eh? At the end of the trailer you can see choosing the "Ashen demon's Form"

wth I stopped before the end cause I thought the trailer was done :derp:

my bad

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

Game journos famously hate Musou games so i wouldn't count on that.

I suppose it might be comparable to your kaiju likings. Those films I imagine might be forever relegated to be b-grade popular entertainment in the eyes of the critics, but b-grade can still b-fun if you ask me. 

I enjoy a good none-too-difficult power trip, so Musou works for me.


59 minutes ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Also 100% many people will name him/her shit or jizz

NGL, they don't exactly look good. The shade of purple, the skin tone, the face, all of it together says "mediocrity" to me. No stylishness at all, almost "fake character" even. (Not like Byleth is much better. Female By doesn't exist to me, and Male By looks... soulless... or "Knockoff SMT Protagonist Design". I'd rather toss them in the school's compost pile.)

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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19 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

as long as it runs well enough, I'm decently hyped for it, given the new trailer

looks neat

Always nice to see a positive outlook! 

Personally as a 3H disliker, I cant say the same, but im happy for its fans!

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39 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Always nice to see a positive outlook! 

Personally as a 3H disliker, I cant say the same, but im happy for its fans!


even if the FE part of the game isn't great (story/characters/etc.), at least the Warriors part should be decent enough

at least, that's how I see it


also, I wonder if them adding another avatar/protagonist type is a sign that the next FE game will have one too, even if this just a spin off

I hope not

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3 hours ago, Shrimpolaris said:

Oh wow

They are actually doing that?

You can see FPS drops in the trailer.

Ahahahah... Ah, well. It looks pretty neat if you're a fan of Three Houses. Hope you guys all enjoy it very much.

...Really hope they address the performance issues, though. This is an action game. Three Houses's awful performance wouldn't fly here, it'd affect the gameplay far too much.

3 hours ago, lightcosmo said:

As with most Warrior's game: they need to do something about that FPS first and foremost, it affects the gameplay much more than it needs to.

I can see it's choppy quality and... ew.

Yeah, exactly.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Oh man, Byleth being the villain is actually pretty interesting. I wonder how this i'll go-

>Three routes


Enough with the routes IntSys. I really hope this is the game that gets that out of their system. Because Awakening was deadass the last FE to just be a straight story and that was 10 years ago. "What about FEW1" fair point there but the point still stands.

Really gaining a newfound appreciation for FEW1 with every bit of information I get of Three Hopes. Inb4 I actually end up getting W1 thanks to its sequel. I mean, there's been untouched copies of that game in the local mall for ages...

1 hour ago, twilitfalchion said:


depends on how much they pay, ngl

Twilit no

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

NGL, they don't exactly look good. The shade of purple, the skin tone, the face, all of it together says "mediocrity" to me. No stylishness at all, almost "fake character" even. (Not like Byleth is much better. Female By doesn't exist to me, and Male By looks... soulless... or "Knockoff SMT Protagonist Design". I'd rather toss them in the school's compost pile.)

I'm kinda hoping the neon purple hair means you can customize it to whatever shade of neon you prefer. But then, Byleth had zero customization, so I wouldn't hold my breath there.

2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

also, I wonder if them adding another avatar/protagonist type is a sign that the next FE game will have one too, even if this just a spin off

I hope not

Not gonna lie, at this point I'd be perfectly fine with an avatar in the next FE as long as they move far, far away from the Byleth approach. Let me customize the avatar, in every possible way. If you're not going to let me customize the avatar, there's absolutely no point in having one, because then it's just a set character that has no personality for no reason.

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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not gonna lie, at this point I'd be perfectly fine with an avatar in the next FE as long as they move far, far away from the Byleth approach. Let me customize the avatar, in every possible way. If you're not going to let me customize the avatar, there's absolutely no point in having one, because then it's just a set character that has no personality for no reason.

Understandable, I wouldn't be opposed to that either.

Just not the middle ground of character with no personality or customization.


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14 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Twilit no

The Teehee madness has already claimed him Rubenio, hell it holds most of the members of this thread in thrall. I’m just surprised that you’re actually not encouraging Twilit to take the next step from Teehee madness into Teehee ruin.

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16 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

Understandable, I wouldn't be opposed to that either.

Just not the middle ground of character with no personality or customization.

Yeah... I don't even understand what their thought process was, anyway. I get they wanted to appease to both sides and address the flaws that avatar haters always criticized... Except nobody ever complained about being able to customize a character. They complained that the avatar characters usually got worshipped and loved by every single character, even antagonists. Which... still happens with Byleth. They completely missed the point and removed the wrong thing!



Okay, this though. This does make me happy. Dedue and a couple others were such obvious facial hair guys, it's a crime that they didn't go for it originally. A step in the right direction, I suppose.

Now they just need to fix the engine.

15 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

The Teehee madness has already claimed him Rubenio, hell it holds most of the members of this thread in thrall. I’m just surprised that you’re actually not encouraging Twilit to take the next step from Teehee madness into Teehee ruin.

Come now. It's one thing to be horny, it's another to join a cult. We aren't THAT lost!

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12 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah... I don't even understand what their thought process was, anyway. I get they wanted to appease to both sides and address the flaws that avatar haters always criticized... Except nobody ever complained about being able to customize a character. They complained that the avatar characters usually got worshipped and loved by every single character, even antagonists. Which... still happens with Byleth. They completely missed the point and removed the wrong thing!


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