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5 minutes ago, Awoken Dayni said:

 I know criticism was raised about the art style being unified rather than different for every era, but this is beautiful.

I considered that myself, but... Yeah. Beautiful is the word here. I'm so glad this is the timeline that got the Live a Live remake. There was very little reason to rouse this game from the dead, but you will hear no complaints from me, haha!

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I've heard of some leaks for the next Assassin's Creed game and apparently it is to take place in the Aztec Empire.

When it takes place or if this leak is even real is a mystery but a Mayan man can hope.

6 hours ago, Shrimpy said:

that's why Nohr is based

Everything's legal in Nohr!

Even fourth degree murder

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Inb4 Ganondoft picks Hoshido.

I feel like Ganondorf would pick none just off the sole reason that he's Ganondorf and he only cares about his own stuff. He'd pick Revelations just to trample both kingdoms.

That is of course assuming the Triforce of wisdom and courage is somewhere in Nohr or Hoshido.

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23 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I feel like Ganondorf would pick none just off the sole reason that he's Ganondorf and he only cares about his own stuff. He'd pick Revelations just to trample both kingdoms.

That is of course assuming the Triforce of wisdom and courage is somewhere in Nohr or Hoshido.

I have a hard time choosing whether to throw Courage to Nohr or Hoshido. Not standing up to Garon doesn't sound very courageous, but is Nohr wise for not doing so either?

I'd probably have Zelda or someone else do a pseudo-Wind Waker moment, except it scatters the Triforce to a random alternate dimension- Fates's obviously. I'd then land Power in Nohr b/c raw might, Courage in the lite underdog of Hoshido, and Wisdom winds up in Valla because "revelation" is a revealing of secret knowledge.

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Broke: buying Xenoblade 3 early via a local game store that broke the street date.



3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's a chapter name.

The literal premise of Xenoblade 2 is a boy meets girl story.


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2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I have a hard time choosing whether to throw Courage to Nohr or Hoshido. Not standing up to Garon doesn't sound very courageous, but is Nohr wise for not doing so either?

I'd probably have Zelda or someone else do a pseudo-Wind Waker moment, except it scatters the Triforce to a random alternate dimension- Fates's obviously. I'd then land Power in Nohr b/c raw might, Courage in the lite underdog of Hoshido, and Wisdom winds up in Valla because "revelation" is a revealing of secret knowledge.

The big three...

I think I'd switch Rev and BR as it takes a lot of courage to against the two big factions since you're basically standing alone at that point and it also takes Wisdom to lead the "Morally good" nation of Hoshido.

And I suppose if we're to talk about characters instead of kingdoms it would just be the leaders of those respective nations, Ryoma with wisdom, Xander with power and Corrin with courage.

Man, could you imagine a Fire Emblem x Zelda game?

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54 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The literal premise of Xenoblade 2 is a boy meets girl story.

Interesting. I didn't know that. Can't say it sounds like my cup of tea, but we already knew that, didn't we.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I have a hard time choosing whether to throw Courage to Nohr or Hoshido. Not standing up to Garon doesn't sound very courageous, but is Nohr wise for not doing so either?

I'd probably have Zelda or someone else do a pseudo-Wind Waker moment, except it scatters the Triforce to a random alternate dimension- Fates's obviously. I'd then land Power in Nohr b/c raw might, Courage in the lite underdog of Hoshido, and Wisdom winds up in Valla because "revelation" is a revealing of secret knowledge.

47 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

The big three...

I think I'd switch Rev and BR as it takes a lot of courage to against the two big factions since you're basically standing alone at that point and it also takes Wisdom to lead the "Morally good" nation of Hoshido.

And I suppose if we're to talk about characters instead of kingdoms it would just be the leaders of those respective nations, Ryoma with wisdom, Xander with power and Corrin with courage.

Man, could you imagine a Fire Emblem x Zelda game?

I'll give you a better one: All three are in Nohr, and I will tell you why. Listen well, unbelievers.
First, Wisdom. The Nohrian populace is wise not to stand up to Garon, as Garon is the greatest man that has ever stood upon Fateslandia, and thus keeping him on would only benefit his country and his people. A king like him is not to be squandered, as he is the epitome of a perfect leader. He is peerlessly strong, incredibly intelligent, bold like no other and he has plenty of wisdom himself. Case in point: He defeated the lowly King Sumeragi of Hoshido, and that wasn't even his best trap.
Second, Power. Obviously, Garon is the most powerful being alive, not just in Fateslandia, but in all of the lands. His massive power alone would seduce the Triforce of Power just as easily as the man himself seduced all those women with whom he bred, who were probably his sisters, this being Nohr and all. Only the legendary hero Derrick and the legendary Endgame Ready Beard could ever hope to last a minute against him in a fight. They would live, but not because they would win, but rather because Garon would spare them. Garon would show respect for Endgame Ready Beard's Endgame Ready Beard. As for Derrick, Garon would inform him that he is his child now. Anyone else? Crushed, beyond all hope.
Third, Courage. Garon t-posed on top of his throne while ranting about wanting to destroy his own country in front of his sons. He knew this would lead them to revolt, or at least he SHOULD have known, as this was a painfully obvious fact. And yet he still did it. He didn't allow fear of a rebellion stop him from being a terribly written character. After all, he knows rebellions are like seeds. You must salt the earth before they sprout. And thus, in t-posing in the face of ultimate ruin, Garon shows true bravery.

Tl;dr: I have problems.

34 minutes ago, Armagon said:

The soul. The serotonin. This game will consume me.

Okay, genuine question here, though.

...Why is there a printer at the bottom of the screen?

Seriously, that's a printer. You can't tell me that's not a printer. Why is there a printer lying in the middle of nowhere? In Antarctica?

I'm also wondering why that woman is undressed in freezing weather, but I'd really rather not get into that. We all know where that slippery slope leads.

Seriously though she must be SUPER cold, someone hand her a jacket please, it's breaking my heart seeing her like that

Edited by Saint Rubenio
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In other news, I just played chapter 19, the second map from VS2 I didn't like the first time.

Well... To be brutally honestly? Now that the map is fixed, I see that it, despite looking bad from outside, has a surprisingly solid flow going on. Much like chapter 24, actually. Now, I know this is going to make me lose all credibility, but I am about to defend the ultimate devil: Ambush reinforcements.

The spawn points are forts that are bunched together in the middle of the map, near where the convoys you must destroy (and their escorts) will pass. The enemies only spawn if the previous reinforcement is dead. They are also completely consistent, one per turn, same exact enemy from each fort. The map starts with a batch of reinforcements already present, so you can see what they all are. And since you are unlikely to charge in like a headless chicken, you'll probably lure out and kill two or three enemies, leading them to respawn, clueing you in to the mechanic before you have a chance to throw your squishies in front of the guy with the brave bow.

This all means that these reinforcements are less "haha you lose if you aren't an oracle" and more "see how you can intercept as many of these guys as possible, or at least block the most troublesome ones, while keeping an eye on the convoys". In fact, just this one time, I can see why they are ambush reinforcements! With same turn reinforcements, this map would be painfully easy. Just systematically demolish everyone as they appear. It wouldn't work.

Now, don't get the wrong idea. I don't think Kaga fixed ambush reinforcements. They work here because this is secretly a super well designed map, and what few there are in other maps are tiny enough that they don't matter much. But then there's chapter 22, which I definitely still think is a horrible, HORRIBLE usage of them, and I seriously doubt I will change my mind about this map. I mean, who knows, I didn't think it would happen for chapters 9 and 19 either and yet here we are. I'll get back to you when I get to chapter 22 again.

Either way, even if chapter 22 doesn't redeem itself, that's still a single bad map in the game, according to me. You might recall that's the veredict I gave to Berwick. Berwick.

Yeah, I think this is the best FE ever made. If you discount Berwick due to different mechanics.

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15 minutes ago, Benice said:

Am back from camping!

...Zoinks, that's a lot of pages. What'd I miss?

I hope your got to wrestle a bear with nothing but your hands Benice, it’s the only way to camp.

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Shifu looks like he's about to kidnap more students.

Edit: @Benice welcome back!

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7 minutes ago, WraithReborn said:

I hope your got to wrestle a bear with nothing but your hands Benice, it’s the only way to camp.

Nah, nothing too intense- It was supposed to be a backpacking trip, but there was too much snow and we just had to do front-country camping instead.

It did make me appreciate Canada a bit more, though! It's kinda easy for me to forget that it can be pretty nice here.

7 minutes ago, Awoken Dayni said:

Edit: @Benice welcome back!

Thank you!

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19 minutes ago, Benice said:

Nah, nothing too intense- It was supposed to be a backpacking trip, but there was too much snow and we just had to do front-country camping instead.

There’s no such thing as too much snow while camping.

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4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Seriously, that's a printer. You can't tell me that's not a printer. Why is there a printer lying in the middle of nowhere? In Antarctica?

I think that's either a heater or a portable container of some kind.

4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I'm also wondering why that woman is undressed in freezing weather, but I'd really rather not get into that. We all know where that slippery slope leads.

Seriously though she must be SUPER cold, someone hand her a jacket please, it's breaking my heart seeing her like that

It's ok, her hair is literally on fire, it keeps her warm.

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Nopon Archsage's done some remodeling the clock in the center kinda looks like a Screw Attack.

Also that new Hero is definitely robotic in nature. Intriguing.


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I decided to watch more Xenosaga Episode 2, wasn't sure what else I wanted to do with my time. I see MOMO was intended to be a mimeosome and is Nia's predecessor. Also, Red, White, Black, but where is Pale (green)? The one that represents Death is oddly absent so far. A tad odd I'd say that the "Variants" came after the mass production model, the Machinery Children came to mind and made me think it would be the other way around. Start experimental and use them to figure out a solid standardized version. On White, I can see they really tried to make him: hatable, pitiful, and flamboyant, all in short succession of each other. I dunno though, it might be too jarring for me. Like I want to like the exuberance of personality, but then I sure do hate him, and then I'm like "dude is just plain mentally fried from past trauma and is a walking omelet-for-brains" which means I unemotionally want to put him out of his misery.


1 hour ago, Armagon said:


Nopon Archsage's done some remodeling the clock in the center kinda looks like a Screw Attack.

Also that new Hero is definitely robotic in nature. Intriguing.

The presumed chains descending from the heads look like lace, and make me imagine them as twintails. That would suggest to me this is a female android of some kind.

Alas, that is very sad for me. Because, the thin physique, the heels, the possibility that the hands have claws on them (I interpret it that she must be wearing a scarf or split cape that goes past the hands)...


...I know it can't be you. My favorite Monolith automata.🙁

...I know it can't be you. My favorite Monolith automata.🙁


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Monolith Soft crossovers beyond Xenosaga would be interesting, heh.


Just did one Skyrim dungeon today. I only have like two more before I'm back to Riften.

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6 hours ago, Armagon said:

I think that's either a heater or a portable container of some kind.

Remember to tell me what it is when you see it in the game. Still got nmy money on printer, myself...


It's ok, her hair is literally on fire, it keeps her warm.

Her hair isn't that long tho, what's keeping her lower body hot as opposed to an icicle?

...you know what, on second thought, maybe I don't wanna know.

4 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Maybe that's how item crafting will work. You 3D print them.

If this turns out to be true I will call myself a genius.

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6 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Alas, that is very sad for me. Because, the thin physique, the heels, the possibility that the hands have claws on them (I interpret it that she must be wearing a scarf or split cape that goes past the hands)...

Watch it be Not Guillo. A.k.a the Xenoblade version.

14 minutes ago, Shrimpy said:

Scarlet Blaze - Crimson Flower Slytherin Remix

Golden Wildfire - Fates Conquest 2: Moronic Boogaloo

Azure Gleam - Verdant Wind Kaga remix

Is this good or...?


Speaking of Three Hopes, we are now as far away from Xenoblade 3 as we were from Three Hopes when that demo came out.

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4 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Is this good or...?


SB was decent, GW is Fates tier of bad, AG is pretty good...except the whole Edelgard getting Kaga'd thing.

Like i am not even a big fan of her (well, i like her as antagonist but not as protag) but what happens to her there is YIKES.

Doesn't ruin the whole route for me, but does bring it down a bit.

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