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3 minutes ago, lightcosmo said:

Well, if you need help, I know a fair amount of that kinda thing!

Thank you! It's gonna be an uphill battle, so I may just have to call you in for help.

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Okay, I did all the Markarth stuff for now. The Cidhna Mine quest... it's certainly a debate over who to side with. Since neither the Silver-Bloods nor the Fornsworn are stellar people. In the end, I chose to kill Madanach, since at least Thonar Silver-Blood isn't planning the slaughtering of non-Reachmen in The Reach. Lesser of two evils I guess... which isn't saying much, since instead of killing Forsworn he puts them on slave labor in the silver mines. Oh well.

Although, for anyone feeling like it, they can just kill both. Thonar is essential until the end of the quest, so fair game.

Well, now I'm off doing hold stuff. Reached Karthwasten, and started Peryte's quest as one of the last things before calling it a day. Will continue next time...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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I know it's for the technical/sensible reasons out of it, but...

Khajiit has wares if you have coin : r/a:t5_3890i

The fact Khajits can have the form of simple housecats, being one of their seventeen birth forms, would make it all hilarious if you could actually play as one of those.

Hey, if it can work for Stray...

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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

THEY ACTUALLY PUT BRIGAND BOSS IN THE GAME LMAOOOOOOOOO (he's not in the trailer but he's confirmed)

A banner with two alts, a FEH OC (who shares her name with a gentle soul from SD/NMotE, thus baiting me), both new SoV units are obviously shoved to the side and the GHB is a meme.


(Least BB was the GHB, if he was on the banner I'd have broken a wall with the headbang, seriously the banner has Est and Atlas and they make BB the GHB instead)

2 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Khajiit has wares if you have coin : r/a:t5_3890i

The fact Khajits can have the form of simple housecats, being one of their seventeen birth forms, would make it all hilarious if you could actually play as one of those.

Hey, if it can work for Stray...

Todd Howard you goddamm coward.

Have Bethesda said anywhere about which part of Tamriel is the setting for VI yet?Imagine if it is in the Khajiit setting and you can get a housecat as a companion (because they wouldn't dare let you play one WRAUGH).

Edited by Awoken Dayni
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3 hours ago, Awoken Dayni said:

FEH OC (who shares her name with a gentle soul from SD/NMotE, thus baiting me)

Ymir Shadow Dragon being erased by the waifu OC


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3 hours ago, BrightBow said:

10 left. Just a little more...


I wonder how many turns of the glass is 10 days...

22 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ymir Shadow Dragon being erased by the waifu OC


He's in heaven with Lorenz now.

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27 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I mean, I support lame memes over the tenth version of some waifu in a bikini.

Which are never used for GHB anyways. My point was that Greith made a ton more sense in context than BB did.

Oh well, FEH gets Beyblades now.

53 minutes ago, Armagon said:

Ymir Shadow Dragon being erased by the waifu OC


Yeah I shouldn't have expected any different.

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17 hours ago, Shrimpy said:

(It is interesting to read more about the catholic church tho!)

To clarify, the vast landholdings the Church acquired, which the Reformation and French Revolution would wipe away, weren't part of some nefarious scheme to take over Europe, nor a result of a single grand deal made at the royal bargaining table.

Monarchs, noblemen, and any wealthy commoner landholders took their spirituality seriously. Besides any big donations from kings and magnates, lesser noblemen would give away a village or a tract of land here or there to the Church. Individually, these charitable endowments, intended to save the donors' immortal souls from the fires of Hell, didn't amount to anything significant. The "problem" was that the Church kept the land for basically eternity, because religious institutions expect to be here until the end of the world and they're not interested in flipping property for a profit. When you get a village here, a farming hamlet there, and repeat this process for centuries, then the "the Church owns too much land" issue eventually emerges. 

In some cases, the land grants were given as part of a deal between a man, the Church, and his son. Inheritance in a land-based society is always difficult if you have multiple heirs, if you practice partible inheritance where all sons get a share, the problem is that over generations, without new land purchases, the individual landholdings are going to get smaller and smaller and eventually become economically unsustainable. Primogeniture fixes this by giving everything to one son -but what if Father loves his second son who isn't getting anything? -The Church offers a solution. Make your second and third sons into monks, it gives the child decent living quarters and their daily bread, and they in turn pray for your family's salvation. To make the Church more receptive of taking in nobleman's son, a little land gift sweetened things.

It's partly because of aristocrats shoving their spares into the Church that the quality of monks entered a decline. Rich kids can sometimes be brats who want to eat like they did growing up, and they didn't necessarily want to be tonsured in the first place. Putting people into professions they don't want is bound to create problems. There were still sincere holy men who lived lives of poverty, but the chunky monks besmirched the ascetic profession. And, crafty people found ways of obeying the letter of monastic rules, while betraying the spirit of them.

As I had also read once, the spiritual monopoly of the Roman Catholic Church is to be thanked for the art of the Renaissance. Michelangelo could paint and sculpt nudes with wild abandon despite some criticism, because there wasn't a serious rival to Catholicism. Paganism was long dead, Orthodox Christianity wasn't a threat, Islam might've approached the walls of Vienna but it never became real threatening. Once the Reformation began and Protestantism stole a chunk of Europe, claiming the moral high ground, then Catholicism started covering up the exposed groins and turned more austere. However, Catholicism ultimately chose to embrace tasteful artistic exuberance -with fig leafs- as a prideful part of the religion's identity, in intentional contrast to the sparsely decorated churches of Protestantism.

Renaissance thinking... well the Medieval church had allowed some Greco-Roman literature to be studied, those few books Western Europe could find (most of the surviving texts from antiquity were stuck in the Byzantine Empire, or the Muslim world via the lands it conquered from the Eastern Roman Empire and the Sassanid Empire). A small measure of Aristotle was read, and St. Thomas Aquinas, the peak Medieval theologian, reconciled Aristotle to Christian thought. Though the intellectualism wasn't as developed as would it be with the Renaissance, and the classical pre-Christian world was still distrusted to an extent.

Nonetheless, sorta relevant to Three Houses, the Catholic Church is to be thanked for the invention of universities. The ever-growing ecclesiastic organization needed trained clerical bureaucrats to manage it, and universities were the answer. Universities technically belonged to the Church, but soon became autonomous, the Pope did oversee them and issue the occasional bull, but that about was the extent of things. Secular monarchs took as much interest in the universities and used their graduates to staff their government bureaucracies. This was helped by the fact that not everyone who attended the universities (students tended to be middle class, aristocratic students came a little later and weren't as serious about their studies) wanted a job in the Church, most were there not to serve God, but out of self-interest and self-improvement/gain. You had some critical thinking -within contemporary political and religious boundaries- but the original intent behind universities was churning out officials, not letting free thought take humanity wherever it may (some purely coincidental relevance to 3H?).

What universities didn't teach was war. Military academies are an invention of the 1700s, carrying weapons was banned at Medieval U. Fodlan got it wrong here. Nobody at the time thought you needed formal schooling on warfare. Simplified, the whole point to making people nobles and giving them heaping amounts of land with peasants to work it was so that those aristocrats could spend all their time training to be knights (self-equipped via their wealth) instead of engaging in menial labor. Mercenaries were self-taught and also an important as aspect to High and Late Medieval armies, albeit paid in cash (which kings never had enough of) instead of fancy titles, territory, and privileges. While there was genius on the battlefields of the Middle Ages, if you're looking for masterminds of tactics and strategy who've spend years studying war books, you won't find them. Not to say that Middle Age warfare was a mess of roaming hordes, logistical management of resources could still be important, but war was not a science, the standard for big brains on the battlefield were relatively low.

TL;DR- Just me blabbing about everything I know that comes to mind. Some of which I've said before.😆


10 hours ago, Armagon said:

Well here's an early birthday gift I got from a buddy of mine



Definitely a post-Xenoblade 3 game tho.

Ah, the oddball portable Prime game, though not the pinball Prime game. Controls probably won't be your cup of tea, but do try to get a pinch of fun out of it. This is the last Metroid game Nintendo itself developed BTW, everything since then has been outsourced.

Single-player is only alright from what I'm aware. People loved the online multiplayer though, which you obviously can't experience now. Because who doesn't like an alien with a sniper rifle that makes them invisible while standing still?

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5 hours ago, Awoken Dayni said:

Todd Howard you goddamm coward.

Have Bethesda said anywhere about which part of Tamriel is the setting for VI yet?Imagine if it is in the Khajiit setting and you can get a housecat as a companion (because they wouldn't dare let you play one WRAUGH).

I don't think so yet. People think it might be somewhere in the Aldmeri Dominion, maybe Valenwood. There's also theorizing it could be since the titles go ever forward alphabetically. Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion, Skyrim. So they think we'll have a title, and thus most likely location, with a letter beyond S. Hence people thinking Valenwood. Though others say Summerset still applies since it goes after Skyrim alphabetically.

And yeah, we're bound to stick with only the humanoid Khajit being playable. I'm pretty sure the "seventeen birth forms" was made up in part as to explain why the Khajit always kept looking different each passing game. Having the housecat form Khajit as a companion would be interesting though. I've played enough Another Eden to know how to make a cat companion mechanically viable, hahaha.

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Peek-a-Boos are just Kaga Witches but on steroids.

1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Controls probably won't be your cup of tea, but do try to get a pinch of fun out of it

I am wondering how portable Prime is gonna look and feel haha. Particularly on DS, Federation Force is probably smoother.

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1 hour ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Single-player is only alright from what I'm aware. People loved the online multiplayer though, which you obviously can't experience now. Because who doesn't like an alien with a sniper rifle that makes them invisible while standing still?

Well, there are bots.

Differences between characters are primarily in their "morph ball" mode, so to speak. Otherwise characters have a preferred weapon that gets buffed in their hands. Like how everyone can use the Sniper weapon, but only Trace will become invisible when using it and standing still.

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2 hours ago, Awoken Dayni said:

Which are never used for GHB anyways. My point was that Greith made a ton more sense in context than BB did.

Probably, but it's Heroes. They don't go for what makes sense, they go for whatever makes more money. A dumb meme is definitely going to make more money than a more sensible, yet more boring option, just like horny alts make more money than new characters.

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....nah. Nah nah, that's some bullshit. World 3-2, second map, the one with the Boos. Literally took out all but one, a Peek-A-Boo (not to be confused with actual Boos). The bastard stalled me out, he kept teleporting out of Mario's range and caused me a game over.

Not even Kaga was this much of an asshole.

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I think part of the problem with this game is that any enemy that isn't melee-oriented will outrange you and because of how hit-rates work, you're gonna get hit most of the time.

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16 minutes ago, Armagon said:

....nah. Nah nah, that's some bullshit. World 3-2, second map, the one with the Boos. Literally took out all but one, a Peek-A-Boo (not to be confused with actual Boos). The bastard stalled me out, he kept teleporting out of Mario's range and caused me a game over.

Not even Kaga was this much of an asshole.

To be honest, I don't remember this.

8 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I think part of the problem with this game is that any enemy that isn't melee-oriented will outrange you and because of how hit-rates work, you're gonna get hit most of the time.

Eh I dunno, I never felt like this was so much of a problem. You get plenty of mobility options and your own characters have pretty good range.

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3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eh I dunno, I never felt like this was so much of a problem. You get plenty of mobility options and your own characters have pretty good range.

I don't know how you're supposed to counter this

Like you can't hide from Peek-a-Boos, they will get you one way or another. Combined with Supporters who can chuck bombs halfway across the map.......yeah.

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Zoinks, just tested positive for the 'Rona.


Man, and I was hoping to work this week... Oh well. Nothing to be done about it now.

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