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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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18 minutes ago, Armagon said:

At least the fight is cool.

It is, but the only nice bit of writing to come out of that was the concerns Lin expressed before the battle began. Doesn't help the Zu ruins two nice spots in Sylvalum. 

Like, instead of it being something the heroes just bump into during an easy mission, maybe it would've been better to make it more narratively dramatic? We can keep the busywork Sylvalum mission that starts it, but then instead of the heroes just seeing it, NLA sends a red alert about seeing something ginormous moving in Cauldros they believe is a Ganglion weapon. Elma realizes they can't let it reach NLA, and takes the daring and extremely risky action of choosing to go and confront it. NLA agrees with Elma that would be a good course of action, but is reluctant to issue an outright order to fight it b/c damn it's big and they realize heavy casualties are almost certain, so they choose to order BLADEs to do whatever they can to stop it, but don't outright say "attack it". It's still a reactive military action, but heading off to confront the Zu Pharg is Cauldros taking the fight to Ganglion in a sense, which is a progression from how things normally go against the Ganglion.


11 minutes ago, Armagon said:

See, they go over all that......

.....in the now defunct mobile game Pied Piper.

Pre-smartphone cellular gaming. Video game preservation of iOS/Android stuff and the increasing digitized console gaming world is already enough of a challenge, this weird early 00s niche gaming medium sounds like it'll be extra difficult to save from annihilation.

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6 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Pre-smartphone cellular gaming. Video game preservation of iOS/Android stuff and the increasing digitized console gaming world is already enough of a challenge, this weird early 00s niche gaming medium sounds like it'll be extra difficult to save from annihilation.

While I don't know how to access the game (you probably can't) there is this:

Just found this out, someone has a whole playthrough of the game on their channel. Japanese obviously but a translated script is on the Wiki.

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Huh, just read up about Valkyrie Elysium including a port of Lenneth... for PS4 and PS5, not PC. ... well, at least I have it on mobile, but still... I do hope that changes...

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So for funsies and for preparations for when Nintendo finds a way to lock roms forever from the internet I think I'm going to get the fan translations for all the Japanese exclusive Fire Emblem games and display them neatly on my desktop so that I don't have to get them later when the time comes to play them.

And hell, maybe I'll get the Telius games while I'm at it, because to hell with those online prices.

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5 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Yeah, I might have been out there for a bit.

Eyy, you're back!


Some technical difficulties arose. And more than that. Namely, the imposter was finally taken out of commission (And I'll finally explain what I was trying to do in June):

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Log of 18th August 2022, Thursday, concerning capture of ?????:


?????: It's been a while since I got to the disguise again. Hmm, I suppose I should get truly awoken now huh? Start off with this:

Then we'll get onto roms maybe, see if I can't get with closing the thread-




Dayni: Iuhap, you damas! Get the hell off the internet and stop committing identity fraud! Specifically with mine!

Iuhap: Oh, it's you. The fool of a prisoner who just doesn't know when to quit.

Dayni: Says the guy who took my mind being bent by a cursed video to pretend to be me only you love Anankos you stupid idiot. What was it for again?

*Sound of mechanism cocking

Iuhap: I don't think you could ever understand my machinations, but the point was I use you to break a congregation of idiots.

Dayni: Says the bigger fool who couldn't actually do anything with it and before long made my mistakes, including putting off getting on with the job!

Iuhap: Not that it matters, but you're still too weak to defeat me. I broke the Bonk, I can still break you.

*Sounds of the laptop having the staff pulled out of it.

Iuhap: And with this staff I'll have the advantage-


Wait, what's that coming at me-



Dayni: Hooray for arm cannons! Though now I have to find it in this dark room, dammit all.

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So yeah, nobody got the joke that Iuhap was Dayni flipped 180 degrees, because dayni <> iuhap. RIP me not making my imposter clearer. Also RIP me because I let it happen, so I'm punished because I still don't have the power of the Bonk and it took days to find the hand so I could write this up

IRL I had an issue with my laptop, due to encryption and partition IDs to the point I had to reinstall the OS and transfer any data. I'll see if this complicates TRS at some point.

And you brought lore with you! Good to see the Okarinface again. It got a good chuckle outta me.

Too bad about the laptop tho. Did you lose much data?


All that stupid aside, I didn't get much gaming done in the last few weeks (Barring the last few days where I managed to get the last pins in Neo TWEWY, but not make any progress on the superboss's higher difficulties and in Livealive, which I got round to for the first time in weeks to finally finish. I may need to ask people things but it's late and I just wanted to indicate I hadn't exploded) because barring one week, most of the last while I've had to head home and am there for the rest of this week now too. Winter cannot come fast enough and I can't believe I said that.

Sheesh, sure sounds like you've been busy. Hope things calm down sooner than later.


Missed a ton Teehee, what's happening with you?

I got the itch for creation again and I've been making a little Sacred Stones hack. Familiar faces may appear. I also have plans. 

Not much else, haven't played a videogame since I started with that. I did play FE1 in Spanish before, though. I was shocked by how much I enjoyed it. This was the result of the run. You can see where the game landed in my sig's ranking.

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11 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

"He's Nia, she's Nia, I'm Nia

Are there any more Nias I should know about?!"

I think Nialy all of them are present, actually.

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1 minute ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Finishing up Kaga Saga 2 here!

Vestaria could be called Kaga Saga 2 (As Tearring was the first Kaga Saga), thus is VS2 Kaga Saga 2 2?

At this time, still don't have it myself.

Oh, what's with the name change? What's an acceptable abbreviation?

Just now, Acacia Sgt said:

Oh. Welcome back I guess.

I know I shouldn't be treating it as sarcastic but I can't help but see this with the I guess there, teehee.

How are you?

Just now, twilitfalchion said:

welcome back

been bopping between XC3 and Yakuza 0 myself


What are your impressions of them?

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:


I swore I saw you call it a masterpiece before I disconnected.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

I got a new gaming laptop too and also i've started my Bachelor's.

Good on you, I hope the course is working for you so far.

2 minutes ago, Armagon said:

How you've been?

  I had hoped I'd be further along with certain applications, but those haven't moved yet. This naturally is an annoyance.

Just now, Interdimensional Observer said:

Nice to see you back Dayni.😀

And I'm not exactly doing a lot right now, played a bunch of Civ5 and finally won a cultural victory. I've been messing around with Surviving Mars a lot. I made some progress in Ys Seven, and I've been savoring Kirby and the Forgotten Land too slowly. I have all the free time in the world, and yet I'm a master of squandering it.😅

I was also reading earlier today a short article on America and coal. While modern conservatives might as well smear the unprocessed stuff on their nether regions as lubricant because they love it so much, not the case in the early 1800s USA. On the contrary, Americans were suspicious of coal, and it wasn't affordable either as the metal ovens needed were too expensive, basically the only people who used the stuff on a regular basis were blacksmiths and other metallurgical jobs. Americans writing in the mid-1800s decried coal and the iron stove as things their glorious forefathers would never have fought and died for. Wood in the fireplace was the true 100% American household energy source! 🌳🇺🇸. The classic American author Nathaniel Hawthorne claimed "While a man was true to the fireside, so long would he be true to country and law". He likewise eloquently asserted that good social intercourse between family, friends, and people in general could not continue long after they've abandoned the wood fireplace. Other people complained about stove-cooked food being disgustingly baked, not wholesomely broiled, and that stoves were worse than tobacco, quack medicine, and slavery (yeaaaah I can imagine more than a few people disagreed with the last one).

Mining and railroad companies responded to the cultural backlash against coal via heaping mounds of marketing. The companies showcased stoves, and wealthy people lavishly praised coal as well -of course they often had financial investments in those railroad and coal companies. With the receding of America's great forests, increases in coal production, and the designing of better stoves, coal by the 1860s had become unstoppable. As early as the 1830s, when supply wasn't an issue, coal could cost a quarter of that of wood for keeping warm in the winter, and by 1885, Americans were burning more coal than wood in their homes.

Lesson of the two rambling paragraphs above? American culture wars over their energy sources surprisingly aren't new. Solar and wind shall surely overcome their present-day objections sooner or later.

  The culture war feels like a misnomer more and more with each passing example. It's people just bitching about what they don't get (or are misrepresented on by discussion they have access to on it, which is more relevant now I suppose).

A status quo refelx perhaps?

5 hours ago, Armagon said:

didn't realize I uploaded her to God's Dropbox

That's certainly one way to euphemise death.

5 hours ago, Benice said:

Welcome back!


I think I saw something about an instrument from the little bit I read back in the thread. Is it new for you to play?

3 hours ago, Edelguardiansing said:

So for funsies and for preparations for when Nintendo finds a way to lock roms forever from the internet I think I'm going to get the fan translations for all the Japanese exclusive Fire Emblem games and display them neatly on my desktop so that I don't have to get them later when the time comes to play them.

And hell, maybe I'll get the Telius games while I'm at it, because to hell with those online prices.

I'd have to say do that with Tellius, because those prices are definitely something offputting.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Eyy, you're back!

I am!

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

And you brought lore with you! Good to see the Okarinface again. It got a good chuckle outta me.

Too bad about the laptop tho. Did you lose much data?

I needed something to use in the moment.


I should have added that hitting the laptop was unintentional, shouldn't I? 😛

Like I said, file data loss was minimal. Applications on the other hand, hoo boy those were devastated. The OS is pretty lightweight so at least install isn't much of an issue, but it doesn't have many applications attached by default so that's something you have to do afterwards.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Sheesh, sure sounds like you've been busy. Hope things calm down sooner than later.

Busy is probably incorrect, but I've had a fair bit on my mind and plate I'm not planning on getting into.

You didn't want to ask me about Livealive?


Especially Sin of Odio?

I was taken aback there myself, especially when I thought we'd just get the main theme playing only for it to descend into Gigalomania. And that moment when everyone was on the field and ult spam was allowed unpunished, mmm.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I got the itch for creation again and I've been making a little Sacred Stones hack. Familiar faces may appear. I also have plans. 

I wonder what you mean by that combination. I wonder..... well, not exactly loudly considering this is text.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Not much else, haven't played a videogame since I started with that. I did play FE1 in Spanish before, though. I was shocked by how much I enjoyed it. This was the result of the run. You can see where the game landed in my sig's ranking.

SDatBoL is in the middle, hmm.

I've expressed my differences in opinion elsewhere.

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9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Yeah that's the one I spoiler tagged.

I was wondering why there were three spoiler bubbles, but you only mentioned two omissions.


The spoiler villain I was talking about was actually Joran, but I guess S might be Shania?

9 hours ago, Armagon said:

Just found this out, someone has a whole playthrough of the game on their channel. Japanese obviously but a translated script is on the Wiki.

Now we just need a translated version of Xenosaga I & II, which is apparently closer to Takahashi's vision for the series than the actual Xenosaga I and II.

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21 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Just Emperor of the Shrimps in greek because i felt like it xD

21 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Shrimpy is always fine!

Shrimpy Komnenos then, gotcha.

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5 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I know I shouldn't be treating it as sarcastic but I can't help but see this with the I guess there, teehee.

How are you?

Ah, well, heh, it's just that since I didn't really noticed you had stopped posting until you announced you were back, it was like... well.

I'm fine, I guess.

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6 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

think I saw something about an instrument from the little bit I read back in the thread. Is it new for you to play?

It is a new instrument, but it's very much new for me! I'm... Not entirely sure what all of the differences are, to be honest- I know it has a lot more keys and that the tuning will be better than the one I'm renting from the school, but I'm not sure about the full scope of what else will change.



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11 hours ago, Armagon said:

Japanese obviously but a translated script is on the Wiki.

Decided to read the entirety of it. Took me like two or three hours.😆

It's not the same as experiencing it in a game, but I wanted the backstory.

It does reinforce that Xenosaga is decidedly the most psychological of Xeno experiences. While Fei was a mountain of psyche, Xenosaga spreads it out more evenly throughout its world, with a higher total emphasis on the mind. Xenoblade in all its incarnations can't compare, since their handling of the psyche is more on the readily digestible level one can expect to see JRPGs frequently tap into. Xenosaga also seems like it leans harder into literary and cinematic sci-fi, I've hardly read/watched of any of such things, but the writing -which has none of that fantasy that contaminates Xenoblade- feels a little grittier (darker? well it doesn't feel dark, though it ain't lighthearted either) and immersed in the reeds of sci-fi. The one sci-fi novel I did read -Childhood's End b/c it's a source of Xenogears' inspiration- ends with humanity going extinct, as the last generation of homo sapiens gives itself over to union with the Overmind and the Earth itself disappears when this event happens. Something akin to that I could never ever see happening in Xenoblade, Xenogears is a maybe, Xenosaga definitely (U-DO seems very Overmind-ish).

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Ah, well, heh, it's just that since I didn't really noticed you had stopped posting until you announced you were back, it was like... well.

Oh woe to be so easily forgotten! That my impact was so minimal as to have disappeared from any one's mind! The pain of being seen as so easily tossed aside in the memory like a loose bit of lint from the pocket for one's mind!


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

I'm fine, I guess.

Are the temperatures milder now where you are?

3 minutes ago, Αυτοκράτορας των Γαρίδων said:

Modern game designers need to watch this

That bit about the wall of death and how it functions was interesting to learn and new to me.

Also, Sakurai doing videos on game design, that's cool.

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6 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I am!

Well, welcome back!

6 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I needed something to use in the moment.

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I should have added that hitting the laptop was unintentional, shouldn't I? 😛

Like I said, file data loss was minimal. Applications on the other hand, hoo boy those were devastated. The OS is pretty lightweight so at least install isn't much of an issue, but it doesn't have many applications attached by default so that's something you have to do afterwards.

Luckily, minimal data loss means you just lose time from reinstalling everything. A hassle, to be sure, but could've been worse, at least.

6 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

Busy is probably incorrect, but I've had a fair bit on my mind and plate I'm not planning on getting into.

Of course. Didn't mean to pry.

6 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

You didn't want to ask me about Livealive?

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Especially Sin of Odio?

I was taken aback there myself, especially when I thought we'd just get the main theme playing only for it to descend into Gigalomania. And that moment when everyone was on the field and ult spam was allowed unpunished, mmm.



Heh, well... From your wording I wasn't sure if you'd gotten around to continuing yet.

Yes, Sin of Odio left me quite wide-eyed. Odio's fabulous new form, everyone getting a turn against it, Oersted having a little redemption moment after everyone else was taken down, Gigalovania... Awesome stuff all around.


6 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

I wonder what you mean by that combination. I wonder..... well, not exactly loudly considering this is text.

I'll give you a sneak peek of a few characters.


You may recognize a couple of faces there.

6 hours ago, Punished Dayni said:

SDatBoL is in the middle, hmm.

I've expressed my differences in opinion elsewhere.

Haha, well, I myself admitted at the time that I could hardly believe how much I enjoyed it. It's super archaic and flawed, but... damn, I had fun from start to finish. I have no argument to put it any lower, every game under SDatBoL on my list failed to accomplish that much.

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Between my final paper, visits from relatives and back pain, I didn't have time to do almost anything. At least I managed to get together with an old friend to watch DBS: Super Hero (even with context, Gohan Blanco feels tacked on; Piccolo is fine tho) and build this little beauty. I've just fallen into a hole where there's no way out anymore, have I?

Iwo0n0ok o

Did I miss something important this week?

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5 minutes ago, Punished06 said:

Did I miss something important this week?

I think you were still around for the Riff video, so... Not much. I've been making a Sacred Stones hack. That's about it. I have no plans to add lolis, so I'm afraid it won't appeal to you.

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