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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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People are saying the woman singing the song in the trailer is Joanne Hogg. She's the one who sang Small Two of Pieces, Xenogears' ending song and Kokoro, Xenosaga Episode 1's ending song.

It definitely didn't sound like Jen Bird from what I heard. But I could be wrong.

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I'd say, a thought came to me. Related to my SRW fan idea.

In light of having included Might Gaine... well, I've yet to see what the actual SRW games did with it, but I think there's potential with Sally's "has a different job in just about every episode" gag. Since in the anime itself she almost never left Tokyo... or Japan as a whole for that matter. The show itself made use of this for a gag were in one episode Maito had traveled to the US and found a girl who looked almost exactly like Sally and he was like "She traveled this far to get a job!?". And well, that gag is what inspired me to think this.

Like, I'm picturing it now. The Macross is making its way back to Earth. Some of the heroes, Maito among them, decide to go to Minmei's family's restaurant for a bite to eat. They sit down, and just when they expect Minmei to come over to take their orders... nope, it's actually Sally! Cue shocked Maito. XD

Of course, there would have to be an explanation as to what was she doing in Macross City at South Ataria Island to begin with but... eh, couldn't be hard coming up with something.

... okay, now I am picturing her being just about everywhere now for the cross-over shenanigans... lol

The roster list I have already has lots of potential as it is, hehehe...

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4 hours ago, Armagon said:







Also why is Arvis a waifu now


4 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:
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More Trinity Processor lore? I have been waiting... waiting for this day!

Our six characters are Matthew (maybe N's great-grandson?), A (Alvis's "daughter"? Seventh founder?), Nikol, Glimmer, Rex, and Shulk. I was expecting the two mystery founders to be playable, but it appears we won't see them. The last founder is called Na'el (maybe Matthew's sister), who appears to not be playable.

Glimmer is probably Pyra's daughter and she inherited Pneuma's hairstyle, all is right in the world, while Nikol may or may not be related to Shulk.

Behold the true chad king


Oddly Z appears to be on Shulk and Rex's side? Hmm...


3 hours ago, Armagon said:

The mandatory sidequesting required to progress the story



If they are the same quality as xbc3 main i won't complain

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Glimmer is also flat out Rex and Pyra's daughter.



I actually thought she's straight up Pyra?


2 hours ago, Armagon said:




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7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

The ignore def gimmick doesn't exactly work when they are running around with 7+ Atk with units around ~20 hp. Makes them hella strong

I probably did get too carried away with them. I did want them to be strong, but they probably could've used one or two less strength.

7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


@Saint Rubenio first sound stopped then game crashed after this message

It just...suddenly happened?


I haven't the faintest idea and that obviously never happened to me.

I... pray that doesn't happen to the judges too.

7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Also, i don't think to lock side stuff to certain characters and then have them just move around, like the shop -> Arena -> Shop thingy. I know Kaga likes that, but it's imo more a chore. Instead of locking it to a certain character + Backtrack, try to make it a bit more..dynamic?

At first that sidequest was free for anyone, but then I decided to instead use it to give the guy a little bit more characterization at the expense of gameplay. You could say I became everything I swore to destroy.

I will say, you can trade the sword around, at least.

4 hours ago, Armagon said:



4 hours ago, Armagon said:

It's so fucking over man, I HAVE FINALS NEXT WEEK COME ON

Xenoblade and coming out at the worst possible time. Name a more iconic duo.

There's always the week after, mate. Hold fast.

4 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:


All Sommie memes are good.

6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:
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Why is that frog Rex?


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Also seems like we will not get a physical version this time

A shame

24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You could say I became everything I swore to destroy.


Ruben becoming a story fan confirmed?

24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

There's always the week after, mate. Hold fast.

Be like me

sacrifice sleep


24 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Why is that frog Rex?


Lmao xD

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So looking at it I assume Twilight Princess HD would be around 5 GBs which isn't like a lot but could be an annoying little barrier for when it's 3AM and I have to reinstall CK3 for the 40th time because my space is so limited I have to go on and off with games constantly.

...Or I could just pick up and play that Xenoblade copy I caught last year, who knows.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Having played Civ 5 (Emperor and below is easy enough, Immortal and Deity aren't so beatable to me, especially for war), I get your issues. The restrictive Global Happiness mechanic forces the player to be very selective in which cities they can keep (the enemy capitals and maybe a couple others with some nice Wonders). Civ 6 makes keeping basically any city you take pretty easy, Civ5 forces you to take it slow on the conquest until at least the later game. Raze any second-rate cities you might take. Financing an early army is also difficult indeed.

Though my biggest problem with Civ 5 warfare is the fact that cities have the city-strike ability and you can garrison an archer or siege unit in a city. That makes it too easy for enemy cities to kill your besiegers and cities. It's good when you're under assault, but no fun when you're assaulting. Cities are just plain too durable until nukes roll around.

Yep, and it makes an expansionist roleplay run pretty difficult since it's takes till like the renaissance to have an empire that can support a war.

I'd play Civ 6, but computer space is a doozy right now.


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2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


Ruben becoming a story fan confirmed?

2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Be like me

sacrifice sleep

No, I like sleeping.

Then again, I am not the one facing this conundrum. I'm not even awaiting any games right now lol, like zero games on my horizon.

Maybe it's finally time I played Symphony of War, and ascertained once and for all just how horny the devs were while making it. Y'know, after Engage.

2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Lmao xD

Oh wait, wait, I just got it.


That's also one of his kids, right? Cause the resemblamce is there and thanks to you lot, the only thing I know about Rex Xenoblade is he fucks the entire cast of his game.

...who's the mother in this case?


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17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

No, I like sleeping.


i do too

but sleep doesn't like me. 

17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That's also one of his kids, right?


BWaahahahahahahahahaha lmao

17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

...who's the mother in this case?


Kiran obvs

Edited by Shrimpy -Limited Edition-
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6 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:
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@Saint Rubenio you said something

Looks okay with his hair and facial shape, but there is little going on. 4/10 it is. He must try harder for a passing grade beard.

Also I knew it. I was on to something. I can read Xeno Miyazaki like an open book.

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I knew this mod existed, but I didn't know it went quite so hard on the changes. That actually, dare I say, looks like it might be salvageable. If still inferior to Engage because what is map design. Still, might be worth giving a whirl at some point, now that I'm dabbling on the Nintendo PC's Switch functionality.

36 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Seriously tho, it being a prologue is a such a hype killer

Hey, could be worse. Could be Fell Xenoblade.

Evil Vandham: The main character.

Evil Rex: Celibate.

Evil Shulk: Unfeeling.

Evil Noah: Puts animals in a big boat.

Evil Pyra and Mythra: Unsexualized.

Evil Nia: Australian.

Evil Triton: Shavenggghaaahahh

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Then again, worse maps, worse mechanics, worse animations and visuals, worse cast, worse class system and balance... Nah, why bother when I can spend the time on an additional Engage run?

What I truly need is a "Hanneman in Engage" mod. Make it happen, people.

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5 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Then again, worse maps, worse mechanics, worse animations and visuals, worse cast, worse class system and balance... Nah, why bother when I can spend the time on an additional Engage run?


yeah how i feel lol

Like i saw the mod, went "nice", and then engage'd

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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

yeah how i feel lol

Like i saw the mod, went "nice", and then engage'd

I like how you just casually struck through the hottest take of the century.

I will only say, in my very humble and wrong subjective opinion, actual variety > various flavors of anime high school kid. Though I will readily admit, the kicker is that to reach the much-acclaimed depth of these characters, I have to play Three Houses and go through the "read 20 supports between each map" ritual that contributes to the tedium. That's... well, a problem.

Actually, kinda the main reason I'd have to play the mod. But again, there are just so many downsides...

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9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I like how you just casually struck through the hottest take of the century.


I just got enough 3H discussions to last me a lifetime, both pro and anti 3H XD

And it's not like Engage cast is bad, i adore those misfits, and their interactions are legit fun and some are surprisingly deep

9 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

But again, there are just so many downsides...

Keep Calm and Engage 😄 

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23 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

I just got enough 3H discussions to last me a lifetime, both pro and anti 3H XD

Haha, understandable.

23 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

And it's not like Engage cast is bad, i adore those misfits, and their interactions are legit fun and some are surprisingly deep

Yeah, they make up in adorability what they perhaps lack in other areas. Not that I find them all that lacking, either.

Not trying to diss the 3H cast either, myself. You know talking negatively about Houses comes naturally to me,  but the cast is not one of the game's problems. They go for different vibes, and that's okay. Heck, I still do have some favorites in that game, despite eveything.

23 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Keep Calm and Engage 😄 

Thank you for helping to dissipate my momentary weakness. I do not know what came over me just then. Someone post Claude x Hilda fanart so I can recharge my cynical battery. Bonus points if you can find one with Sommie in it.

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59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

ou know talking negatively about Houses comes naturally to me

it's like me and Cold Steel

Or Armagon and Persona

Or or XD

59 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Someone post Claude x Hilda fanart so I can recharge my cynical battery. Bonus points if you can find one with Sommie in it.

that's super specific xD

14 minutes ago, Lightcosmo said:

Lets pray that the XC3 DLC can stand next to Torna in quality!


And please be more than just the prologue. Please

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19 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

that's super specific xD

Indeed. Now do you have material? Claude and Hilda are optional, I will take Sommie fanart.

19 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


And please be more than just the prologue. Please

Plot twist: it is the prologue to Xenoblade 4. The DLC is the demo for the game. Monolith has done it again.

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