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11 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Sommie lying on the boutique desk like "make me a pretty dress human"

There really should've been at least some unlockable clothing options for Somm. The ones we got are great, but imagine, say... A fake Vandad beard for Somm. Perfection.


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1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

it's like me and Cold Steel

Hmmm... XD

1 hour ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


And please be more than just the prologue. Please

Well, they've shown that they actually want the DLC to be worth it's money, so i'm not TOO worried as of now.

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7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Also why is Arvis a waifu now



My theory is Alvis split, A being his (her now?) humanity while the body is merely just the computer processing.




7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:


If they are the same quality as xbc3 main i won't complain

Torna's side quests were pretty good too, I just make it a meme.

What's interesting is that it mentions "complete Ch.3". Torna DID NOT HAVE CHAPTERS so this could potentially be mester than that.

7 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:
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6 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Also seems like we will not get a physical version this time

A shame

I think it's because they actually want you to play it after completing main game.

You can start it without doing that but you could also start Future Connected without beating main game so.

6 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

So looking at it I assume Twilight Princess HD would be around 5 GBs which isn't like a lot but could be an annoying little barrier for when it's 3AM and I have to reinstall CK3 for the 40th time because my space is so limited I have to go on and off with games constantly.

Have you considered getting a portable SSD. The one I have cost $100 (it's 1TB) which, is a lot, but is also a good investment just in general.

6 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Or I could just pick up and play that Xenoblade copy I caught last year, who knows.

You could do that yes.

5 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Seriously tho, it being a prologue is a such a hype killer

I think I would've been on the same boat if it was just about the Founders but it does actually seem to be more than that.


Cause like the City already exists, in the form of the Liberators' Base, it simply moved to Swordmarch at a later point. So it's not really about "this is how the City was founded" which was always my reasoning for opposing a prequel story.



4 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Evil Triton: Shavenggghaaahahh

I like how the mere thought of a shaven beard terrifies you.

So here's someone editing out Ganondorf's beard


What is the Ruben Rating on Ganonbeard btw?


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3 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Thank you for helping to dissipate my momentary weakness. I do not know what came over me just then. Someone post Claude x Hilda fanart so I can recharge my cynical battery. Bonus points if you can find one with Sommie in it.

Wait, why would that do that again?

But well, since you asked...

No Sommie, though.

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1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I like how the mere thought of a shaven beard terrifies you.

So here's someone editing out Ganondorf's beard

Kinda proving his point that beards make everything better, doesn't it?

7 hours ago, GuardianSing said:

Yep, and it makes an expansionist roleplay run pretty difficult since it's takes till like the renaissance to have an empire that can support a war.

I'd play Civ 6, but computer space is a doozy right now.

Yeah, Civ5 is by far the worst game in the series to warmonger in. I think in basically every other civ, going for a timing to eat your closest neighbor early is good investment, but in Civ5 it's maybe a Comp bow rush on difficulties below Emperor and maybe a Xbow rush above that, but it's generally best outcome if you can get your 4-city-tradition running and science your way to victory, either by going to space or by steamrolling with artillery, bombers, and infantry while your ideology provides the happiness you need.

Personally, I do like the building-up in Civ5, including working with the global happiness limitation. I can't dispute that it's more restictive, but I personally always, on principle, preferred fewer big cities over dozens of small cities.


It's just very satisfying to get to a point like this.

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3 minutes ago, ping said:

Kinda proving his point that beards make everything better, doesn't it?

Beards are like jeans. They are good on everything that isn't me.

I'm so tired of my beard. Stop growing back at lightspeed damn it


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2 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Saint Beardnio

You know the real ignored demography in FE? Bald people. I mean, look at Engage. Engage is the most varied cast in the series, but who is bald? Even the certified Old Men, Lindon and Vandad, have manes of hair that most men could only dream of having at their ages. Even among NPCs, there's Teronda and... Teronda. And who the fuck cares about Teronda? Even among throwaways, he's the most forgettable man in the game.

Nelucce is pretty entertaining while he exists, Abyme's inexplicable reuse way in the late midgame is pretty hilarious, Mitan is stupid hot, the obligatory brigand twins aren't anything to write home about but you'll at least remember the game has the obligatory bandit twins, and Rodine so ridiculously nondescript you might remember him for it if you're a weirdo like me. They all have something. What does Teronda have? He's a generic evil bandit with zero endearing qualities, and he's ugly as sin. That's the only bald man in the game.

Justice for bald people, I say. Lindon should've been bald.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

I like how the mere thought of a shaven beard terrifies you.

It should terrify you, as well.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

So here's someone editing out Ganondorf's beard


Okay but that's like... See, the edit is very seamless, but at the same time they didn't just remove his beard, they also removed his chin lol. I refuse to believe this guy has anything but a chiseled, square jaw.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:

What is the Ruben Rating on Ganonbeard btw?

With those deep age lines and the big nose, a good walrus stache would've suited him well, might even have taken a few years off of him. But that would depart from the iconic Ganondorf look - and besides, if the edit is anything to go by, he desperately needs the beard. Plus, the spiky beard does work well with the untamed mane and the gigantic eyebrows. Gives him the look of a wild lion. I'd say uhhhh 8.3/10. Good. Remarkable even.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Wait, why would that do that again?

Well, I always did want to like Three Houses. It may look like I love hating on it, but I'd much prefer to join the loving crowd. So when I saw a mod that might just bring it closer to a FE I could enjoy, it piqued my interest. But I don't think it'd be wise to try that after Engage, I'd only be noticing the weaknesses more.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

But well, since you asked...

No Sommie, though.

Terrible. Thank you.

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1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Hallelujah! A feedback tread has actually been used!

3 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

You know the real ignored demography in FE? Bald people. I mean, look at Engage. Engage is the most varied cast in the series, but who is bald? Even the certified Old Men, Lindon and Vandad, have manes of hair that most men could only dream of having at their ages. Even among NPCs, there's Teronda and... Teronda. And who the fuck cares about Teronda? Even among throwaways, he's the most forgettable man in the game.

Balding is genetic, Ruben

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8 minutes ago, Newtype06 said:

Balding is genetic, Ruben

I mean, and? A metric fuckton of men go bald, whatever the reason be. You don't see that many with hair like Lindon's at those ages. It's not super rare, but not that common.

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3 hours ago, Armagon said:

Have you considered getting a portable SSD. The one I have cost $100 (it's 1TB) which, is a lot, but is also a good investment just in general.

That might be perfect actually. I wonder if steam games are safe to install on a portable system like that.

2 hours ago, Armagon said:

The year is 2090. People are still finding out shit about Breath of the Wild.

With the amount of open world sandbox content that's going to be in ToTK people are going to be finding out crazy shit to do in that game for all eternity.

2 hours ago, ping said:

Yeah, Civ5 is by far the worst game in the series to warmonger in. I think in basically every other civ, going for a timing to eat your closest neighbor early is good investment, but in Civ5 it's maybe a Comp bow rush on difficulties below Emperor and maybe a Xbow rush above that, but it's generally best outcome if you can get your 4-city-tradition running and science your way to victory, either by going to space or by steamrolling with artillery, bombers, and infantry while your ideology provides the happiness you need.

Personally, I do like the building-up in Civ5, including working with the global happiness limitation. I can't dispute that it's more restictive, but I personally always, on principle, preferred fewer big cities over dozens of small cities.


It's just very satisfying to get to a point like this.

I usual prefer the calm city building runs to but with the ethnic units I wanted to see them action, especially with the war based Civs.

Man, I hope Civ 7 is like a combination of Civ 5 and Civ 6. A game with 5's aesthetics and 6's gameplay would be perfect.

6 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Thank you for helping to dissipate my momentary weakness. I do not know what came over me just then. Someone post Claude x Hilda fanart so I can recharge my cynical battery. Bonus points if you can find one with Sommie in it.

I don't know who Sommie or Hilda is but I have this.


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On 4/14/2023 at 7:36 PM, Saint Rubenio said:

Yeah, Bowser's strange in this game. Feels oddly underpowered, for a massive guy with a bazooka.

But he does work great with Luigi. Getting rid of all those pesky obstacles that stop the half of Luigi's arrows that don't go through walls.

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Continuing the trend, @Saint Rubenio what is the Ruben Rating of the other Ganonbeards



...and that's it actually. Ocarina of Time Ganondorf is the only Dorf without a beard, so that's an instant 0/10 for you.

Edit: wait no, there's Hyrule Warriors Ganondorf


Edited by Armagon
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16 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

With the amount of open world sandbox content that's going to be in ToTK people are going to be finding out crazy shit to do in that game for all eternity.

They are also gonna be making dicks off of trees and rocks. I guarantee you, there will be a TotK dick post within the first 30 minutes of launch.

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@Lightchao42 and we still have the Toho Godzilla film this year as well.

7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:

WW!Dorf really let himself go.

Being trapped in the Sacred Realm for untold millennia would do that. It was his pandemic lockdown.

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Hoooo... Man, Seadall's joining map. The goddamned miasma. Never was so grateful for smash weapons as I am right now, jeez.

I made it by the skin of my teeth. Ran out of crystals two rooms before the end. When I saw the absolute onslaught of enemies coming my way, not to mention I miscalculated and let them get cozy in miasma tiles, I readied myself for the inevitable reset.

Then I remembered I have a warp staff, so Vandad just delivered Seadall to the exit. Thank God for the fake escape objective. I was not going to make it out of there otherwise. Fuck the talisman, who even needs those.

In any case, Zelkov gets fists. I considered the truly beautiful idea of donating 90k to Diamant so he'll give me the S fists, but then I realized, 50k for max rank means 50k from rank 4, not in total. 90k for good fists is kind of asinine when I can forge him +4 flashing fist arts right here and now for like, 5000 and make him hilarious.

On the subject of Zelkov

Watch this become my most viewed video

51 minutes ago, GuardianSing said:

I don't know who Sommie or Hilda is but I have this.


I don't hate that. That's neat enough. As long as she's heading to a trash can

51 minutes ago, BrightBow said:

But he does work great with Luigi. Getting rid of all those pesky obstacles that stop the half of Luigi's arrows that don't go through walls.

That's true, though I found the obstacle breaking worked against myself more often than not.

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4 hours ago, Armagon said:

What's interesting is that it mentions "complete Ch.3". Torna DID NOT HAVE CHAPTERS so this could potentially be mester than that.

Inb4 meatier than Torna


While the stuff they showed is interesting, i was just hoping the DLC would fix the mess that is the XBC3 ending

then again, maybe with more depth added to Z-chan the ending will be fixed


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