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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

It's crazy to think it took us that long to figure out when it's a semi-known fact that the Statue of Liberty was originally bronze.

The Egyptians did it too.


Tiny flakes of pigments suggest that the Great Sphinx of Giza wasn't so raw limestone-y. Millennia of Saharan sun and sands expectably wore away at the paint. Although, given Pharaonic Egypt's colorful tomb walls and sarcophagi, it's less unbelievable than Greco-Roman sculptures I would say.

And I think it's better seeing the Greco-Roman stuff in color, besides being truly authentic, it cuts down on the "austerity" of the monuments. It decreases emphasis on the form and the pure white, naturally perfect marble, which seems to be a load of Renaissance-Neoclassical mistaken bull. While the marble is pretty in itself, the bleached sculptures can feel very remote, stiff, and demanding that you hold your breath as you mindfully look at them so to speak. Showing them covered in bold paint colors breaks the air of marble-sanctity, and makes the statues feel more alive, more ordinary and approachable.


1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:

Happy 32th birthday, SRW!

I'll give cheers to that.🍻 A 32 gun & head/chest blaster salute is in order!

Next new game when?😃 I get COVID broke the yearly release schedule quite possibly for forever. And 30's international release and any financial success or failure related thereto is something Banpresto wants to think seriously about moving forward. But I hunger for more.😋

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10 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I'll give cheers to that.🍻 A 32 gun/head-or-chest blaster salute is in order!

Next new game when?😃 I get COVID has broken the yearly release schedule quite possibly for forever. And 30's international release and any financial success or failure related thereto is something Banpresto wants to take seriously. But I hunger for more.😋

Hopefully this year we'll get another mainline game for sure. So we can expect news by May-June, with a release in September-October? That's how 30 did it, more or less, and how SRW does it in general as of late, if I recall.

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Zelkov now has Eirika in his possession.

If he was already capable of one-rounding anything that didn't have armor before, imagine now, with a plain 20% extra damage on every one of his four hits.

Oh, and I got him speedtaker. Ahahahahahahaha... Man, he's starting to overshadow Vandad as the pet project of the run. Lindon's about to burst in with a steel chair in two chapters though, I have plans for him But not to worry, Vandad is still on the team. Doing good with Corrin. The fire tiles struck me as the most useful dragon vein.

Here, have a few free food weapon pictures.


She has better options, but I mean, it just suits her.


This one is just so stupid.


Seriously, what world did these even come from? Sommieland?

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7 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Seriously, what world did these even come from? Sommieland?



I think it was stated somewhere that Nil/Rafal in one of his supports reveals he actually makes smaller sized versions of those things. So... him making them jumbo-sized for Nel's dragon form? Beats me.


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The amount of Zelkov supports that make me go "this is the best support in the game." Man's so proud of his headache medicine. And no wonder, given its likely origins taking the Jean support into consideration. Wait, serious character insight subtly delivered over multiple unrelated, humorous conversations? Engage never ceases to amaze.

If he had a support with Lindon I think the world might've just collapsed. Such a shame...

7 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:


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I think it was stated somewhere that Nil/Rafal in one of his supports reveals he actually makes smaller sized versions of those things. So... him making them jumbo-sized for Nel's dragon form? Beats me.




Rafal makes these?

Wait, the evil asshole who revives an entire genocided people seemingly for kicks (I am assuming a reason is given in the DLC for him to do that? I know the major events, but not the finer details) makes funny weapon-shaped snacks?

...Man, everything I read about him just makes him sound like he'd be right down my alley. He sounds very funny.


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6 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
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Rafal makes these?

Wait, the evil asshole who revives an entire genocided people seemingly for kicks (I am assuming a reason is given in the DLC for him to do that? I know the major events, but not the finer details) makes funny weapon-shaped snacks?

...Man, everything I read about him just makes him sound like he'd be right down my alley. He sounds very funny.


I know some details... would you like to know already?


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3 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:
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I know some details... would you like to know already?




Yeah, sure. I know most of it, might as well go all the way. Engage is a gameplay game anyway, I don't care much for the words, and the DLC even more so, the things I've heard about it.


2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:



If any of y'all wants a new image host, I migrated to imgbox.com what, five years ago now? And it's served me well.

...Holy shit I really did LP TearRing Saga half a decade ago. Actually insane.

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13 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:
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Yeah, sure. I know most of it, might as well go all the way. Engage is a gameplay game anyway, I don't care much for the words, and the DLC even more so, the things I've heard about it.



Well, it's quite likely that everything was a ploy to get Nel to do the "summon a Divine Dragon from another world to unseal the Edelgard Bracelet" thing that ropes Alear into the Alt Elyos.

In his supports with Ivy, he says he brought her Alt self back since the Alt Ivy was a devout Sombron follower unlike the main Ivy. So the whole "bring back the Alt Sombron" thing could've partly due of the above (and part who Alt Ivy was I guess), since we know the Corrupted can be "reprogrammed".

I think it's also implied he only recently revived Alt Fogado for the attack during Xenologue 1, since Alt Timerra states he had disappeared a long time ago.

So... unless I'm missing something, then yes, whatever happened that killed almost everybody in the Alt Elyos, Rafal was quick to bring them back to engineer the circumstances that would force Nel to summon a Divine Dragon to their world. All to unseal the Bracelet.


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Yeah, he one-rounds wyvern knights now.


9 minutes ago, Acacia Sgt said:
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Well, it's quite likely that everything was a ploy to get Nel to do the "summon a Divine Dragon from another world to unseal the Edelgard Bracelet" thing that ropes Alear into the Alt Elyos.

In his supports with Ivy, he says he brought her Alt self back since the Alt Ivy was a devout Sombron follower unlike the main Ivy. So the whole "bring back the Alt Sombron" thing could've partly due of the above (and part who Alt Ivy was I guess), since we know the Corrupted can be "reprogrammed".

I think it's also implied he only recently revived Alt Fogado for the attack during Xenologue 1, since Alt Timerra states he had disappeared a long time ago.

So... unless I'm missing something, then yes, whatever happened that killed almost everybody in the Alt Elyos, Rafal was quick to bring them back to engineer the circumstances that would force Nel to summon a Divine Dragon to their world. All to unseal the Bracelet.




I see...

I'm actually more alarmed by the fact that apparently there's no explanation for the fact that literally everyone in the continent except five people die. What do you mean, "whatever happened"? Really? Am I seriously supposed to believe "war" just got literally everyone to kill each other? Did Nel get really really hungry one day and Rafal decided to undo it and make her believe it was all a dream?


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8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


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I see...

I'm actually more alarmed by the fact that apparently there's no explanation for the fact that literally everyone in the continent except five people die. What do you mean, "whatever happened"? Really? Am I seriously supposed to believe "war" just got literally everyone to kill each other? Did Nel get really really hungry one day and Rafal decided to undo it and make her believe it was all a dream?



And then not just that it killed everybody save six people, but that five of them never noticed when it happened and four continued to be in the dark despite their jobs of spying on the countries (as Nel discovered it at some point, probably during the Xenologues else she might've re-killed them much earlier). Apparently, whatever happened, they never noticed. Save Rafal, who also managed to revive enough of them for his plan. Again, without the rest noticing.


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I unironically think that Assassin's Creed 2's story would've been more interesting if it portrayed a romantic relationship between Leonardo Da Vinci and Ezio.

Those two have more chemistry than literally every woman Ezio talks to in his series, and yes that includes his love interest in Revelations.

2 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

The Egyptians did it too.


Tiny flakes of pigments suggest that the Great Sphinx of Giza wasn't so raw limestone-y. Millennia of Saharan sun and sands expectably wore away at the paint. Although, given Pharaonic Egypt's colorful tomb walls and sarcophagi, it's less unbelievable than Greco-Roman sculptures I would say.

And I think it's better seeing the Greco-Roman stuff in color, besides being truly authentic, it cuts down on the "austerity" of the monuments. It decreases emphasis on the form and the pure white, naturally perfect marble, which seems to be a load of Renaissance-Neoclassical mistaken bull. While the marble is pretty in itself, the bleached sculptures can feel very remote, stiff, and demanding that you hold your breath as you mindfully look at them so to speak. Showing them covered in bold paint colors breaks the air of marble-sanctity, and makes the statues feel more alive, more ordinary and approachable.

There's also evidence to suggest that Cichen Itza and other sites like it also were once painted with vibrant earthy blues and reds.

A Disappointing Day at the Grand Chichen Itza – Jaunting Jen

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1 hour ago, BrightBow said:

Shit, I didn't think of that.


The more things change, the more they stay the same.

1 hour ago, Acacia Sgt said:
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And then not just that it killed everybody save six people, but that five of them never noticed when it happened and four continued to be in the dark despite their jobs of spying on the countries (as Nel discovered it at some point, probably during the Xenologues else she might've re-killed them much earlier). Apparently, whatever happened, they never noticed. Save Rafal, who also managed to revive enough of them for his plan. Again, without the rest noticing.




Ahahahahahah! Oh, that's great. That's good. I like that. That's got to be the closest this game ever came to Conquest's level of hilarity. Like, I can buy the Winds not noticing after the fact, the corrupted are pretty convincing. But how did such a catastrophe occur without its only survivors realizing at any point? Or anybody else, for that matter?

Let's try to make sense of that for a moment, shall we. I can imagine two possibilities: First, one night, every single person on the continent collectively dropped dead, at the same time or over a short period of time. The Winds and Nel were all sleeping soundly, but Rafal is too edgy for sleep so he was taking an edgy walk in the dark. He witnessed the phenomenon, immediately deduced what had happened even though he could only have watched like, three people dying tops, and decided to use it to his advantage, so he spent the rest of the night flying all around Elyos and resuscitating everyone. The next morning, it was as if nothing had happened.

The second, Rafal carefully corrupted everybody in the world as they died. This theory does hold more water. Engage's terribad worldbuilding works in its favor here, ironically enough - I can buy that there were only like, 80 people in Elyos, and they all happened to miss each other's deaths or assumed they weren't killed hard enough. The only snag, this scenario would require Rafal to be omnipotent and have teleportation powers to make Hubert blush, as otherwise he could never have corrupted everyone in time without the Winds or someone else noticing a death/corruption process sooner or later.

...I think I'll settle for the third option: It was Sommie. Evil Sommie genocided the entirety of Elyos - obviously he was powerful enough to pull it off, he's Sommie - then used his Evil Sommie powers to restore them all as corrupted. Once he believed they had suffered enough witnessing the atrocity, he wiped the memories of six men and women of his choosing whom he had spared. The reason? Merely to keep them as toys to play with and torment forever, in true I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream fashion. Sommie is the biggest ray of sunshine in Engage, it makes sense his evil counterpart would just be AM, if you know anything about that one.

The good thing about this theory is that it makes me imagine AM's hate speech coming out of Sommie's dumb happy face. Positively lovely mental image.


11 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Fun factor of every other game went down the drain ever since i played Engage

The struggle.

You know, there's a mod that makes your favorite character in the game the main character. Just sayin', y'know. Perhaps when I get around to playing that I'll actually gain some appreciation for her, because God knows I intend on bending over backwards not to deploy her in this run. Again.

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16 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Fun factor of every other game went down the drain ever since i played Engage

That's quite... the achievement.

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Lyn's paralogue! What was that?!

Well, at least now I know not to come too close. Sheesh... My Amber with Resolve is quite the tank, he probably could've held off the surprise, but it would've taken ten thousand hours to get through and I don't have that kind of time. Here's hoping it's area based and not time based, or I may have to warp Zelkov over...

13 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

Yh that one i will play when i move on to the nintendo pc for Engage

Ie after next run

It will probably be my next run as well.

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21 hours ago, Armagon said:

How did Tao Atelier end up there?

The leaks about Gust making Engage were wrong, they're making Ys instead.

3 hours ago, Armagon said:

The way things are going tho, it was probably necessary to have main game the way it was. Everything we've seen so far of Future Redeemed relies a ton on main game context. Torna wasn't like this.

So the main game was just setup for the DLC all along? First Falcom brought Xenoblade into Trails, and now Monolith is bringing Trails into Xenoblade.

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20 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Lyn's paralogue! What was that?!

Well, at least now I know not to come too close. Sheesh... My Amber with Resolve is quite the tank, he probably could've held off the surprise, but it would've taken ten thousand hours to get through and I don't have that kind of time. Here's hoping it's area based and not time based, or I may have to warp Zelkov over...



Turn Based.

However, if you kill the yurt guards, they enemies from each respective yurt won't spawn.


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