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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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5 minutes ago, ping said:

Good luck! Is this going to be a 'zard zolo or do you plan on adding anything?

I plan on using a full team, as there are exactly 6 unique Fire encounters available (Charzard, Ninetails, Flareon, Magmar, Rapidash, and Moltres), and many of them do add something, even if it is small. Vulpix is the lowest level pokemon to get Flamethrower (at 35), Flareaon has the absurd base 130 attack to take advantage of that handy Body Slam TM I got on the SS Anne (it and the rare candy are another reason to do a few of the optional battles on that ship), Magmar is the only Fire type to learn a Special move that isn't Fire type (in the excellent Psychic TM), and Moltres has the advantage of starting at level 50, and is a Legendary Bird. Poor Rapidash doesn't get much of value, so I will probably end up giving it Fire Blast for some kind of niche...


16 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I hadn't even thought of that. Good to keep in mind for the future. Though in this case, I did already kill the relevant wyrm.

Out of curiosity, does it work on Maddening bosses? I never have the crystal uses to try.

Sorry, I haven't gotten around to maddening yet, so I don't know.

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Very good video.

7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Can I at least get like, a poster?


There, that's all you get (this is the only thing the professor showed prior too).

4 hours ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:
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His blood runs deep. 



Zeke/Morag shippers in absolute shambles.


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7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

I wish I had another line to respond with, but I'm all out of things Shulk says.

Uh, "It's Shulking time"?

Shulking is absolutely a slang term for jerking off in that universe.

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Also a good video, learned some new things here.

The tl;dr is that Nintendo is so overprotective of it's copyrights because it allows them to protect what they actually care about more: their trademarks. Nintendo owns some of the highest profitable franchises in the world and yet it's only like a top 300 company (Microsoft is leagues above them). Losing the trademarks to what they have would be a huge blow to them for the time being, and the Moon Channel made a point about how Nintendo seeing Universal's King Kong rights get fucked up after the famous lawsuit made them very wary and how Nintendo itself came at risk at losing the trademark to their own name (see: every 90s mom calling literally any console a "Nintendo") because despite billion dollar corporation, losing the trademarks to their IPs would fuck them in the ass. But the video also makes a mention at how as time goes on, Nintendo's leadership becomes more legal-savvy and allows them to be "less restrictive" (see: Super Nintendo Land and the Mario Bros movie).


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>The Shrines at the Spring of Wisdom and Spring of Courage are Blessing Shrines

>The Shrine at the Spring of Power is a combat trial

Yeah i suppose that makes sense.

2 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:
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The legacy of The Picture and it's consequences for the human race.

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I got a laugh from a Pokémon anime version of it I saw some day, haha. Also a bit surprising that Misty wasn't one of the three. Whoever did it sure was daring.

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2 hours ago, Armagon said:

Very good video.

1 hour ago, Armagon said:



I may watch them later, perhaps.

...Just wanted to say it's kind of ironic that you recommended these videos now, considering what I am doing at this very moment...

2 hours ago, Armagon said:


There, that's all you get (this is the only thing the professor showed prior too).

That looks... dreadfully generic, but I'll take your word for it that it becomes all twisty 30 minutes in and becomes a completely different genre. At least I can only imagine that's where it would go, with a poster like this and your comments on it.

1 hour ago, GuardianSing said:

Shulking is absolutely a slang term for jerking off in that universe.

Shulking: Jerking off

Rexing: Infidelity

Noahing: Uh, tying your hair on a ponytail?

Vangarring: Where is my Playable Vangarre mod, Xenoweebs?

37 minutes ago, Shrimpy -Limited Edition- said:

this looks like a death game poster

Armagon: "Dystopia AKA death games are the lowest form of fiction."

Also Armagon

Incidentally, every time he talks shit about dystopia by equating it to death games or The Purge that I am tempted to go "read 1984" but I'm worried y'all will think I'm the kind of guy who goes "this is literally 1984" at political news instead of just someone who read 1984 years ago lololololol

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9 hours ago, Eltosian Kadath said:

I plan on using a full team, as there are exactly 6 unique Fire encounters available (Charzard, Ninetails, Flareon, Magmar, Rapidash, and Moltres), and many of them do add something, even if it is small. Vulpix is the lowest level pokemon to get Flamethrower (at 35), Flareaon has the absurd base 130 attack to take advantage of that handy Body Slam TM I got on the SS Anne (it and the rare candy are another reason to do a few of the optional battles on that ship), Magmar is the only Fire type to learn a Special move that isn't Fire type (in the excellent Psychic TM), and Moltres has the advantage of starting at level 50, and is a Legendary Bird. Poor Rapidash doesn't get much of value, so I will probably end up giving it Fire Blast for some kind of niche...

Ah, that makes sense. Poor horsie. Also, this is the point where we're sad that only Magmortar learns Thunderbolt.

My status before fighting Lt. Surge:


[Mega Punch | Sing | Pound | Defense Curl] - waiting for Body Slam at Lv.34 to evolve.


[Peck | Growl | Leer | Fury Attack] - all the birds have really sad movepools...


[Body Slam | Quick Attack | Dig | BubbleBeam] - actually the moveset I plan to stick with. Dig is (hopefully) going to be great vs. Agatha.


[Pound | Growl | Sing] + [Thunderbolt] after beating Surge. Evolved immediately after she learned Sing, since Clefairy doesn't really anything non-cheesy of value per lv-up, unless you want to delay the evolution until Lv.48 for Light Screen. Probably going to run Mega Kick, Psychic, Blizzard/Icebeam, Thunderbolt.

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Marni won't move.

Marni for fuck's sake, the way is wide open.

Stop standing still. The second wyrm is coming, I need her here so I can murder her. Or at least, pull her away from the stupid wyrm!

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1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Just wanted to say it's kind of ironic that you recommended these videos now, considering what I am doing at this very moment...


Ultimately the point of those videos is not that Nintendo's in the moral right or whatever but things are the way they are because copyright law is the way it is. We can blame Disney for that.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

That looks... dreadfully generic, but I'll take your word for it that it becomes all twisty 30 minutes in and becomes a completely different genre. At least I can only imagine that's where it would go, with a poster like this and your comments on it.

All I'll say is there's a reason this is the film my cinematography professor chose to end the semester on.

1 hour ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Incidentally, every time he talks shit about dystopia by equating it to death games or The Purge that I am tempted to go "read 1984" but I'm worried y'all will think I'm the kind of guy who goes "this is literally 1984" at political news instead of just someone who read 1984 years ago lololololol

I do know what 1984 is tbf.

I think part of a big reason for my distaste in dystopian fiction is (and maybe this has to do with what I was exposed to) but....it seems these are stories where nothing resolved itself. As in, practically every one of these stories that i've seem ends with like "and so the protagonist was an utter fool to think he could change the way things are". So like what's the point? Like even the fucked up world of Berserk has a message about hope. Dystopian fiction can't even do that.

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Alright yeah, i will defend the memory hunt in Breath of the Wild, i think it makes sense contextually for this game. But the fact that one of the memories is in Hyrule Castle and the final memory, which is in Fort Hateno, doesn't unlock until you've seen all the others is kinda cringe. You have to enter the "final" dungeon and come out of it so there's really no optimized way of getting all the memories. You will backtrack.

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