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Serenes Forest's Teehee Thread


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35 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Like all the other times you've brought up the topic, all I have to say is that I can only hope they will interpret this as "let's get a new writer" rather than "EVERY GAME IS THREE HOUSES NOW".

I don’t need/want another TH, I just want at the very least a simple story told well and a likable cast of characters with some modicum of depth.

Edited by Sidereal Wraith
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1 minute ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

I don’t need/want another TH, I just want at the very least a simply story told well and a likable cast of characters with some modicum of depth.

I mean, that's Engage.

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Incidentally, I drew more stuff. After BSFE, there was only one place I could go.

I had a really fun moment where I looked at the half-done Norne, realized I had to draw a hand pulling an arrow at an angle and literally went "I have no idea how to do that" in my mind.

Fucking hands. I fucking hate them. I will cut off everyone's hands so natural selection will phase them out in future generations and nobody has to ever draw them again.

13 minutes ago, gnip said:

Hm. Next time, try two beards. Merlinus's 'stache over Douglas's beard might work, Merlinus is immortal, after all.

Clearly the mistake was that.

Oh, well.

12 minutes ago, Sidereal Wraith said:

I don’t need/want another TH, I just want at the very least a simply story told well and a likable cast of characters with some modicum of depth.

On that, I agree. Next time it really needs to take less than 20 chapters for the story to stop meandering for five minutes.

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Alright, here we go.

I remember years ago that ToTT was a game I definitely wanted to get. And then it took over ten years to finally get it, pft.

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I wonder what Virgin vs. Chad memes are like in the Trails universe...

Also I am in Ordis now, which I assume means I'm roughly halfway through the game... probably, depending on how long the final chapter is.

15 hours ago, Armagon said:

Oh yeah baby, time for some real treasure.

Does TotK include the amiibo content in the base game? Or maybe you used a Majora's Mask Link amiibo and I just can't tell from the image.

12 hours ago, Acacia Sgt said:

> Mfw Kloe uses Curia on herself and not Joshua when both are under Seal

Like, you don't even physically attack while as a guest!

Kloe is still more helpful than the majority of NPC guest characters, even if she doesn't bash enemies with a briefcase like another character does.

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10 minutes ago, Lightchao42 said:

Kloe is still more helpful than the majority of NPC guest characters, even if she doesn't bash enemies with a briefcase like another character does.

That's certainly true.

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Chad's quite the dopamine farm. I never bothered with him because "no promotion bad", but it's still pleasant to have a unit with modern FE tier growths in Binding Blade. Of course, without a promotion and Kaga caps, he will probably peter out later, but as of right now...


...Holy shit, he's better than Rutger. My fucking Christ. And all it took was a handful of surrounded archers and half the brigand population of chapter 5.

Dude has irremediably missed his strength cap, though, that really sucks. Fortunately, I will get both energy rings this run, because I intend to go Bartre -> Sacae. Because I hate myself.


Also, Bors gaming.

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Since I haven't done so in a while, I've been reading the story of FE6 in this run. Just reached the part where Merlinus fails to see a trap the only time in the entire game that there is a trap.

Hilariously, this tends to not take as long as loading a chapter of Engage while skipping everything. Look, I know I'm like a broken record at this point, but those loading times have left me scarred. Forgive me.

I wonder if it would be a hot take to say Binding Blade has a better story than Engage. I can say this, Gringe really did do a much better job than Treehouse would have.

1 hour ago, gnip said:

The Habsburgs would be proud of this chin of a man.

Bors's chin stores great power. You could fit all of Wolt's head in Bors's chin.

Speaking of Wolt, Bors has been stealing his growths. While Bors is kicking ass, taking names and doubling mages to death, Wolt's up to level 7 and base Dorothy is comparable in every stat except defenses, which don't matter anyway.


If this image doesn't perfectly sum up the Wolt experience, I don't know what would.


And this one sums up the FE6 experience!

I love this game.

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Ah, fuck! Marcus missed a mage and it led to Alen's death.

Fortunately, he was in the "I don't believe I've used you but I don't know" category, rather than "I know I never used you", and thinking about it I have some faint memories of using him, so I can still do the "use everyone I've never used" thing. Minus Shanna. But who cares about Shanna.

...Shame about Gant's lance though. F

In other news


Still hasn't hit that 50% magic growth more than once. But the 30% skill and 20% speed? No problem.

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17 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


Still hasn't hit that 50% magic growth more than once. But the 30% skill and 20% speed? No problem.

I don't think that "Clarine without a horse" is a winning strategy, Ellen.

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And then ambush reinforcements killed Roy.

I'm not even upset, somehow.


I lost this and I'm not upset. Just because I know that it's not going to take another full day of my life to get back to where I was. I seriously underestimated how nice it is when these games are fast, even when the slow game is good.

Oh, well. Second time's the charm.




...CATH NO--

8 minutes ago, gnip said:

I don't think that "Clarine without a horse" is a winning strategy, Ellen.

She lost that level alongside Roy's life. On the reset she got defense instead. Still no magic.

She's lost that too, because I tried to prevent Cath from opening the wrong door and instead she ran the opposite way of Chad and opened half the map. And got Alen killed again, funnily enough.

Third time's the charm! Let's see what sort of, wacky gains Elen will get this time.

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As it turns out, she got the same level she's been getting all run: HP, skill and res. I am actually shocked that her skill growth is 30, she has scarcely missed it.

...then she got her speed back on the next level, and still no magic in sight. Nice.

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7 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Also, Elen got speed. Am I proud of her. She has also missed her third best growth four times in a row, but like, eh. Speed.

I remember dropping my FE6 Ironman because my Elen had two magic at level 20 (not two magic levels, just... literally two magic), while also having, like, +4 speed and +defense...

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Ah, right, forgot to mention. I chose Konohana, mostly since I want to do crop-based farming, at least for the beginning.

But well, I long stopped. Now, it's finally time to explore the Eryth Sea.

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I got the whole fit. Now to put the Fierce Deity Sword on display to prevent it from breaking. I can get a new one from Bargainer Statues tho, recovering legendary weapons like these is actually pretty simple. It's not like BotW where you just gotta pray the Amiibo drops it.

Oh and also



22 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

-I like having this in mind when thinking of Fierce Deity Link. For a nerd like myself, the historical-spiritual context behind the name enriches FDL.

I think it fits too. There is that popular theory that Link is dead the whole time in Majora's Mask, given how the game represents the stages of grief (i don't actually think Link is dead, doesn't make sense either in a post-TP world) but if it hypothetically were, Link has reached enlightenment by the end. Him donning the Fierce Deity's mask to strike down Majora, who inflicted suffering on all of Termina.

In a way, it makes sense why Fierce Deity curbstomps Majora so badly.

11 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

I did like the look in Red's eyes. Calm, seemingly benevolent, but it's condescending and built upon a "My way or the highway" attitude and all you have to do is scratch the surface to reveal this. Dude is still a prick, happy to see Junior, Jin, and Kossy punch his plans (at least for the moment) for Shion in the Testacles.

There is a reason why Red Testament is very hated (in a good way). This is it.

10 hours ago, Saint Rubenio said:

Like all the other times you've brought up the topic, all I have to say is that I can only hope they will interpret this as "let's get a new writer" rather than "EVERY GAME IS THREE HOUSES NOW"

I don't think the video is even about sales, people saying "Engage fell off" because games need multi-year discussions apparently. Games can't just run it's course.

9 hours ago, Lightchao42 said:

Does TotK include the amiibo content in the base game? Or maybe you used a Majora's Mask Link amiibo and I just can't tell from the image.

All of the Amiibo content can be gotten through sidequests (on the Surface/Sky) or through simple exploration (Depths). 


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After living on my own for two weeks, idk if I've actually gotten used to this. I never realized just how fast the dishes pile up on the sink or just how much effort it actually takes to clean the house. Like I've done this stuff before obviously, but never in the capacity of living on my own.

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Finally caved and made Short Spears identical to Light Spears in terms of stats. Well, 7+1H instead of 8+1H to at least slightly justify Light Spears still existing.
Tried something similar with the Log Splitter. Lowering it from 11 might to 4 might in exchange for +10 hit. That... did not work out. The earlygame has way too many enemies that rely on Log Splitters to be threatening because they practically have no strength stat. Definitely needs to be reversed.
If only I could just modify the shop stocks directly instead of messing around with global variables like that. Not to mention I would rather not get rid of trash weapons entirely. They at least still serve a purpose in saving money. One needs to be able to afford furniture somehow.

Gonna try something goofy with Enid to make her class change more reliable. I lowered her magic base to 0 and increased her magic growth to 100%. So now she should reach 5 magic at exactly level 6, which I suppose is also normally the earliest opportunity for her to get that all-important 2nd point of magic anyway. So it doesn't sound too dumb on paper.
What really concerns me are the long-term consequences of a 100% magic growth. I lowered the magic base of the Flame Fencer class to 0 as well. Hopefully the game follows the old "stat caps are bases + 15" rule, so this doesn't end with her getting like 20+ magic or something. 15 magic at level 16+ would not be too crazy, I think.
But let's see how stupid this gets. I think it's worth a shot at least.

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